Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin |
Shavuos I | Shavuos II | May 29-30, 2020 | 6 Sivan 5780 |
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Thursday | Candle Lighting | 7:59 PM | Friday | Candle Lighting | 8:00 PM | Shabbat | Shabbat/Yom Tov Ends | 9:01 PM | |
Shavuot Schedule and Davening and Halacha Guide Erev Shavuos - Thursday
- Eruv Tavshilin should be prepared.
- Candle lighting should take place at 7:59 pm.
First Day of Shavuos Thursday Night - Ma'ariv for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Shavuos. Ma'ariv should not begin before tzeis hakochavim which is at 8:59 pm.
- Kiddush for Yom Tov with Shehechiyanu.
- Shavuos night learning - Please avail yourselves of the following learning opportunities:,
- Learn a chapter or more of the book of Shmuel (Samuel) over Shavuot. Siyum: Sign Up Here
Daytime (Friday) Shavuot First Day - The earliest time for talis is misheyakir, which is at 4:24 am. One who stayed up for the entire night, should try to time davening so that one reaches the Amidah at sunrise, which is at 5:25 am.
- Berachos for one who stayed up the entire night:
- If one slept for a half hour at night, even if it was in the course of learning, one may recite all of the berachos.
- The beracha of netillas yadayim may be recited when washing one's hands (with a cup) after using the restroom, provided that it is after alos hashachar (dawn) 3:39 am.
- The beracha on tallis (gadol) may be recited. If someone doesn't wear a tallis and wants to fulfill the beracha on tzitzis, one can either hear the beracha from someone who wears a tallis or one can switch to a different pair of tzitzis (either before or after davening) and recite the beracha.
- Elokai Neshama and Hama'avir Sheina are usually recited by someone who slept that night on behalf of those who didn't. If nobody is available to recite those berachos, they are omitted. In such a situation, one should have in mind to fulfill the beracha of Elokai Neshama when reciting the beracha of Mechaye HaMeisim in the Amidah. If a member of the household who didn't stay up wakes up before the learner who stayed up the whole night goes to sleep, that person can recite these two berachos for the learner.
- If one slept on Thursday afternoon (and certainly if one slept Thursday night), one may recite Birchos HaTorah. If not, one can listen to the berachos from someone who did sleep. If nobody is available to recite the berachos, one should have in mind to fulfill these berachos when reciting Ahavah Rabbah. If one fulfills these berachos with Ahavah Rabbah, one must learn a portion of Torah immediately after davening without interruption (reading the Torah portion would count).
- Birchos Kerias Sh'ma begin with המאיר לאר.
- Shacharis Amidah for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Shavuos followed by complete Hallel with its berachos.
- The Torah reading for the first day is בחדש השלישי (Shemos 19:1-20:23), the maftir is וביו הבורי (Bamidbar 28:26-31) and the haftarah is from Yechezkel 1:1-28, 3:12. Check out this Haftorah Helper
- There is no requirement to recite Akdamos when davening at home but one is permitted to do so.
- Mussaf Amidah for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Shavuos.
- Anim Zemiros should not be recited without a minyan. Shir shel yom for Friday.
- Mincha Amidah for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Shavuos. Mincha should be recited before shekiyah (sunset) which is at 8:18 pm. If one is accepting Shabbos early, one should recite Mincha before before plag hamincha which is at 6:45 pm.
- If one prepared an eiruv tavshilin before Yom Tov, one may cook on Yom Tov for Shabbos. One should try to ensure that all of the food that is cooked is potentially edible by sundown (8:18 pm). For this reason, some communities have the practice of accepting Shabbos early whenever an eiruv tavshilin is used. This is the recommended practice. One cannot accept Shabbos before plag hamincha (6:45 pm). Friday night candle lighting should take place after plag hamincha and no later than 8:18 pm. Once the candles are lit, all of the stringencies of Shabbos are in effect.
- The beracha for candle lighting is להדליק נר של שבת ויו וב.
Shavuot Second Day Friday Night - An abridged קבלת שבת is recited that begins with ממור שיר ליו השבת. We also omit במה מדליקי.
- We recite both ושמרו and וידבר before the Amidah.
- Ma'ariv Amidah is for Yom Tov with proper insertions for Shavuos and Shabbos.
- Vayechulu is recited after the Amidah followed by Aleinu.
- Kiddush for Yom Tov with proper Shabbos insertions. Kiddush begins with יו הששי. Shehechiyanu is recited.
Shabbat Day - Birchos Kerias Sh'ma begin with הל יודו followed by ק-ל אדו.
- Shacharis Amidah for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Shavuos and Shabbos, followed by complete Hallel with its berachos.
- Megillas Rus is traditionally recited with the tzibur at this point - The custom to read Megillas Rus was clearly instituted only for a tzibur. Nonetheless, one may read Megillas Rus without a tzibur. One should be conscious of the fact that such a reading would not constitute a fulfillment of the original minhag.
- The Torah reading for the second day is שר תשר (Devarim 14:22-16:17), the maftir is וביו הבורי (Bamidbar 28:26-31) and the haftarah is from Chabakuk 2:20-3:19. One may recite Yetziv Pisgam (though it is not required). Check out this Haftorah Helper
- Yizkor can be recited without a minyan. One should make sure to pledge money to tzedakah before reciting Yizkor.
- Av HaRachamim should be recited (even if one does not recite Yizkor).
- Mussaf for Yom Tov with proper insertions for Shavuos and Shabbos.
- Anim Zemiros should not be recited without a minyan. Shir shel yom for Shabbos.
- Mincha for Yom Tov with proper insertions for Shavuos and Shabbos.
- Shekiyah (sunset) is at 8:19 pm. Mincha should be completed before shekiyah and Shalosh Seudos should begin before shekiyah.
- Shabbos ends at 8:59 PM
Motzei Shabbos Saturday Night - Weekday Amidah should be recited including Atah Chonantanu.
- ויהי נו is recited.
- Kiddush Levanah should be recited (weather permitting).
- Havdalah is the standard Havdalah for Motzaei Shabbos
To download the Guide with ArtScroll pagination, click here. Enjoy this packet from the Toronto Torah Mitzion Kollel for Shavuot Learning Resources
Rabbi Cohen's Dvar Torah: "Sustaining Sinai: Making Memories" Click here |
CAS President's Shavuot and Shabbat Greeting Click here |
10 Updated Tips for Shavuot and Shabbat - Reach out to someone older or under quarantine. Let them know that they are not alone and that you are thinking of them.
- Print out a Torah idea today to share at the Shabbat and Shavuot Table. Here are four excellent resources:,,,
- Shavuot Davening Resources from Koren: machzor, Shavuot Booklet
- Torah Reading for the first day of Shavuot are the 10 commandments. Listen to the Torah Reading today, Thursday at 3:30 PM. ( - password: 496585 or call 646-558-8656, 8636117937)
- Virtual Yizkor Service - Thursday afternoon, May 28th at 5 PM Reflections from Rabbi Daniel Cohen and Yizkor led by Sandy Shapiro. Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665 - Zoom password: 1234613 Click here to download the Yizkor book.
- The Song of Israel and Bikkurim..Check out this website for an exciting way to connect with Israel.
- Many study Chapter 1 of Pirkei Avot this Shabbat. You can study the text click here
- Social Distancing Friendly Reminder: Please maintain social distancing during the holiday. We strongly recommend that each person educate themselves as to the risks involved in their various activities and ways to mitigate them. And then consider how those ways would play out in their specific circumstances. Here is a helpful article that describes some activities and how they rate on a safety scale (another risk resource tool is here).
- Dress for Yom Tov and Shabbat. We won't be in shul, but we can still accord Shabbat and Yom Tov the dignity and kavod it so richly deserves by dressing as if we were going to shul.
- Think about someone you miss seeing in shul. Make a mental note to call him/her after Havdalah. New this week: Virtual Havdalah with Rabbi Cohen and his family. 9:20 PM Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665 - Zoom password: 1234613
CAS Building Construction Update Construction is moving along quickly with demolition in the lobby and Simcha Room. Click here to see pictures of the progress! |
Thank You to Jay Jubas for reading Megillat Ruth, Nat Samberg for Torah reading and Sandy Shapiro for leading Yizkor virtually for our community |
Send a Virtual Shabbat Shalom! Join our Virtual Shabbat Shalom greetings on Friday to our shul. We may not see each other at Kiddush but we can still wish everyone a Shabbat Shalom! Send a 5-7 second video greeting from your family by 9 PM Thursday of each week to Jake Sigman at We will send out CAS Virtual Shabbat Shalom to the shul on Friday afternoon! |
Making Mitzvah Moments - Stamford Jewish Community What's App Group A small act of kindness can change the world of one person. Join our Making Mitzvah Moments (MMM) group to assist people in our community. Whether for a shut in, the elderly, someone who is sick or others, there are small ways we can help and uplift each other. Here is the link and a feature on WNBC click here |
A Kiddush Hashem Opportunity Our MMM is a vital way to spread more light during a challenging time and one focus is what we can do in the city of Stamford. ARI which provides housing for people with special needs is organizing a virtual walkathon this year. It is a great organization and one of our member families, the Lotsteins, were instrumental in founding and supporting ARI over the years. Our participation at any level is a meaningful way to create a kiddush Hashem, give hope and strength to our community and added benefit of course is the exercise. :) Details are in the link and thank you in advance for your Mitzvah support! |
A Divine Drive By Mitzvah Once a year, we can recite a special blessing for the first blossoms on a fruit tree. The ideal time is during the month of Nisan but you may recite the blessing in Iyar if you have not had the opportunity this season. Thank you to Michael and Debbie Berg for providing this Mitzvah Moment via their cherry tree. Drive by 26 Crane Rd North, roll down your window and make the blessing acknowledging God's renewal of the world. In the merit of our moments, may we experience hidden and open miracles of healing every day. You can find the bracha and background here. |
Virtual Open Office Hours with Rabbi Cohen |
- Friday, June 5, 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
- Contact Rabbi Cohen to schedule a 15 minute Zoom check in during these times by emailing him at
Videos and Articles worth watching and reading |
- From Neriya with love to the Jewish community in America click here Neriya is the home of Shoshana and Aaron Rosenzweig. Shoshana is the daughter of Liba and Steve Steinmetz.
- Special Shavuot and COVID Chizuk Video from the Rabbinical Council of America - click here
Keilim Mikvah Update While the Keilim Mikvah is closed, the Beth Din of America has established a mechanism to allow for the use of new utensils. This form was created by the Beth Din of America ( to allow individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic to sell kelim to a non-Jew and borrow them back to use for themselves. Since kelim owned by a non-Jew do not require immersion in a mikvah, this process allows for the use of the keilim without immersing them. You should complete this form only after the kelim are in your possession. |
Kaddish Update As mentioned, Aish HaTorah will keep your loved one in mind for the recitation of Kaddish by signing up here but you may also submit the name to a standing minyan in the IDF. Sign up here |
Community Prayers for Healing led by Rabbi Cohen Sunday though Thursday 5:50 - 6:00 PM. Rabbi Cohen will lead in psalms 20 and 121, a brief meditation, Mi Shebreach. If you have names you would like mentioned, please email them to Link to Psalm 20 / Link to Psalm 121 Conference call number: (605) 475-6777 Password 51122006. Please feel free to share this with anyone you think would want to be included. May we all share good news in the very near future. |
Do not underestimate the power of prayer. Join the OU everyday at 1 PM for a call to recite Psalms and hear words of inspiration. The phone number is (773) 249-0370. Whether on the call or not, recite Psalms 20, 121 and 130. Also, check out this innovative way to connect through Tehilim. |
Tzedakah and Financial Support This is a very trying time for people in our community. If you or you know someone who is in need of financial support for daily needs, please reach out to me. Our communication will of course be confidential and God willing, we can renew your spirit and offer vital support for you and your family. If you are able to contribute to the CAS charity fund, your assistance is needed now more than ever. Please reach out to Rabbi Cohen or Rabbi Zweiter for more information. |
Show Your Support for Stamford Hospital's Respiratory Therapists They are an unknown and typically unthanked group who are the ones who go into the patient rooms and have to change the ventilator settings, always putting themselves in danger. To show your thanks a go fund me has been started in order to raise money to help purchase groceries for this group of 30 therapists. |
Supporting Local Establishments Please make every effort to support our local kosher and service establishments. They are hurting. Whether for food, dry cleaning, salons, or other stores, buying gift certificates now, for instance, can be a helpful way to help keep cash flowing and give them strength.May we share good news in the days ahead and thank you! |
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- to Lynne Frenkel on the passing of her father, Hon. Arnold Price
- to Dena Block on the passing of her grandmother Judith Batt Katz
- to Mark and Audrey Wagshul on being the recipients of this year's Ziporah and George Freedberg Community Service and Heneni Awards at our annual meeting on June 16th
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here |
Food for Thought Section with Rabbi Cohen As we grow as a community, we always need reminders of the sensitivities of the multi faceted nature of our congregation and personal struggles people may experience. Below are some helpful reminders about infertility. May the families who are yearning to have children of their own be blessed with simcha and joy in the year ahead! |
- THE SPIRIT INITIATIVE: STIMULATING PROGRAM INITIATIVE FOR RETIREES THAT INSPIRES THOUGHT Tuesday, June 2 - 11 am EDTSANDI LEV, NASM, CPT and CES (Certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist)LET'S GET MOVING WITH EXERCISE! (#4) Click here to register. THURSDAY, JUNE 4 -- 11 am RABBI BEREL WEIN: American Jewry turns the corner-the 1950's Click here to register
- PAY IT FORWARD! As our community grows it takes even more effort to insure the warmth of our shul. You may not realize but we have a Hospitality Team who are informed of new families who moved into community. Team members are expected to invite new families to any of the following: shabbat meal, BBQ, brunch, even coffee, a get-together in the park, or a community-wide function. It means so much to new families. To join our Hospitality Team, contact membership committee chair, Jon Makovsky at
- HEALING VISITS UPDATE: Every week, we include a note about our healing visits group. As a reminder, the group consists of volunteers who give of their time to call, email or visit people in our community who are in the hospital or in recuperation. If you like to join this Mitzvah mission, please contact Rabbi Cohen at
- CAS FREE MEZUZAH CAMPAIGN IN FAIRFIELD COUNTY, CT Bringing Blessings to Jewish Homes. Do you know a neighbor or a friend who lacks a mezuzah? CAS offers a free mezuzah and home visit to post this sacred scroll at the entrance to all Jewish homes in the area. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen:
- JOIN THE CHEVRA KADISHA We need new volunteers for the Chevra - those willing to perform a tahara. Info: Please contact Rochel Attar at
- IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING We need you to help secure our Synagogue. As you come to the building, please be aware of your surroundings. If you see something out of the ordinary, please let someone know about it. This will keep everyone safe.
- WELCOME TO OUR SYNAGOGUE PROGRAM Every Shabbat we station ushers at the doors in the sanctuary to welcome people, assist them and enhance the service. We are expanding the usher roles to include a greeter in the lobby from 9-10:30 am. Please join the usher team. We need you and your smile. Info: Mitchell Bell.
- COMMUNITY CHESED HELPERS An important role of the Chesed committee is outreach to the Shul's elderly and homebound, who are often isolated and lack a lifeline to our synagogue. Volunteer to reach out and identify needs, visit, or give a ride. Even small gestures mean a great deal Interested? Vivian Weiss at 203-323-0909 or If you are aware of elderly or homebound members in need of outreach, please notify Rabbi Cohen.
Join one of the online classes from CAS or in our communityShabbat, May 30 | 9:30 PM | CAS Shabbats Daf Yomi: - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | Sunday, May 31 | 7:10 AM | Mishna Brura: - Dial in: Password: MB | 7:45 AM | CAS Daf Yomi: - Dial in: 646-558-8656, code: 708904333# - Zoom password: 015824 | 8:00 AM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Meaning in the Morning - CAS Shacharit Experience - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 9:15 AM | Rabbi Oran Zweiter: Bible from the Beginning - Dial in: 646-558-8656, code: 8636117937# - Zoom password: 496585 | 10:00 AM | Shavuot Learning Siyum: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665 - Zoom password: 1234613 | 5:50 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Community Prayers for Healing - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 6:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Studies for the Soul - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 PM | Rabbi Oran Zweiter: Places and Times in Modern Sephardic History - 1935, New York - Dial in: 646-558-8656, 8636117937# - Zoom password: 496585 | Monday, June 1 | 6:25 AM | Mishna Brura: - Dial in: Password: MB | 7:00 AM | CAS Daf Yomi: - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 7:45 AM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Meaning in the Morning - CAS Shacharit Experience - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 AM | Rabbi Yisrael Deren: Tanya of the Day (8-815am), Parsha with Rashi (815-845am), Misneh Torah-Rambam (845-945am) - | 10:15 AM | Bob Abrams: The Tanach Club - The Architecture of the Daily Morning Prayers - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 10:30 AM | Levi Mendelow: Talmud for Beginners - Dial in: Zoom password: 807703 | 5:50 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Community Prayers for Healing - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 6:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Studies for the Soul - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 PM | Rabbi Yisrael Deren: Daf Yomi (Again) - | Tuesday, June 2 | 6:25 AM | Mishna Brura: - Dial in: Password: MB | 7:00 AM | CAS Daf Yomi: - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 7:45 AM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Meaning in the Morning - CAS Shacharit Experience - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 AM | Rabbi Yisrael Deren: Tanya of the Day (8-815am), Parsha with Rashi (815-845am), Misneh Torah-Rambam (845-945am) - | 8:15 AM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: The Depth of Genesis - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 9:10 AM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: The Power of the Prophets - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 12:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Parsha Perspectives - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 5:50 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Community Prayers for Healing - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 6:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Studies for the Soul - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 PM | Rabbi Yisrael Deren: Daf Yomi (Again) - | Wednesday, June 3 | 6:25 AM | Mishna Brura: - Dial in: Password: MB | 7:00 AM | CAS Daf Yomi: - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 7:30 AM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Meaning in the Morning - CAS Shacharit Experience - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 AM | Rabbi Yisrael Deren: Tanya of the Day (8-815am), Parsha with Rashi (815-845am), Misneh Torah-Rambam (845-945am) - | 9:30 AM | Rabbi Oran Zweiter: 12 Minor Prophets - Book of Joel - Dial in: 646-558-8656, 8636117937# - Zoom password: 496585 | 12:00 PM | Bob Abrams: Crash Course in Hebrew - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 5:50 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Community Prayers for Healing - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 6:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Studies for the Soul - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 6:45 PM | Levi Mendelow: Judaism and its vision for the whole world - Dial in: Zoom password: 807703 | 8:00 PM | (Non)10: 30 Shiur Hyman Schaffer - Dial in: 646-558-8656, 8636117937# - Zoom password: 496585 | 8:00 PM | Rabbi Yisrael Deren: Daf Yomi (Again) - | Thursday, June 4 | 6:25 AM | Mishna Brura: - Dial in: Password: MB | 7:00 AM | CAS Daf Yomi: - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 7:30 AM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Meaning in the Morning - CAS Shacharit Experience - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 AM | Rabbi Yisrael Deren: Tanya of the Day (8-815am), Parsha with Rashi (815-845am), Misneh Torah-Rambam (845-945am) - | 9:15 AM | Rabbi Oran Zweiter: Rabbi Soloveitchiks work, Halakhic Man - Dial in: 646-558-8656, 8636117937# - Zoom password: 496585 | 5:50 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Community Prayers for Healing - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 6:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Studies for the Soul - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 PM | Rabbi Yisrael Deren: Daf Yomi (Again) - | 9:15 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Men's Learning - Finding Strength - Slonimer Insights on the Parsha - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | Friday, June 5 | 6:25 AM | Mishna Brura: - Dial in: Password: MB | 7:00 AM | CAS Daf Yomi: - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 7:30 AM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Meaning in the Morning - CAS Shacharit Experience - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 AM | Rabbi Yisrael Deren: Tanya of the Day (8-815am), Parsha with Rashi (815-845am), Misneh Torah-Rambam (845-945am) - | 8:15 AM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: The Pre-Shabbos Torah Taste - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 9:30 AM | Levi Mendelow: Studies in Tanya - Dial in: Zoom password: 807703 | 10:00 AM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: "3 for 3" Three Mishnayot in 30 Minutes Pirkei Avot - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 10:45 AM | Levi Mendelow: The Weekly Parsha - Dial in: Zoom password: 807703 | 12:00 PM | Jonathan Fass: Taste of Torah - | 3:30 PM | Virtual Reading of Weekly Torah Portion: - Dial in: 646-558-8656, 8636117937# - Zoom password: 496585 | 4:30 PM | Virtual Junior Congregation: - Dial in: | 5:00 PM | Virtual Bnai Mitzvah Club: - Dial in: Zoom Password:7dhWK2 | 5:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen and Jonathan Cahr: Ruach and Renewal - | 5:30 PM | CAS Shabbats Daf Yomi on Fridays: - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 5:50 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Community Prayers for Healing - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 7:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Sing Along Kabbalat Shabbat - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 |
We Wish A Speedy Recovery To |
- Baruch Meir ben Hilda
- Davida bat Rachel
- Dov ben Pnina
- Ha Rav Yosef Natah ben Mordechai Yitzchak Ha Cohen
- Malka bat Sarah
- Noach ben Tikva
| - Refael Ephraim ben Sima
- Ronit bat Nadia
- Shaindel Faiga bat Malcah
- Shimon Efriam ben DK
- Shlomo ben Tamara Miriam
| - Tal bat Ronit
- Yitchak Yaakov Meir ben Miriam
- Zev Melech ben Bedina
- Zev Mordechai ben Chaya Gittel
- Zev ben Shoshana
- ONGOING COMMUNITY SUPPORT FROM SCHOKE JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE Schoke Jewish Family Service is offering weekly Zoom sessions to help community members manage the stress of the Coronavirus outbreak. Each session will be facilitated by members of the Schoke JFS Kuriansky Family Counseling Program. These webinars are open to anyone in the community. Registration is limited to twelve participants per session. To register, please click on the session you wish to attend at Tuesdays, Beginning March 31 at 12 Noon - Facilitated by Lois Meyer, LMSW and Valerie Gutman, Thursdays, Beginning April 2 at 4 PM - Facilitated by Dr. Lee Combrinck-Graham and Toby Lazarus, Ph.D. and Fridays, Beginning April 3 at 10 AM - Facilitated by Eve Moskowitz, LCSW and Amanda Hirsch-Geffner,LCSW
- THE SCHOKE JFS FREEDBERG FAMILY KOSHER FOOD PANTRY IS OPEN AND ACCEPTING DONATIONS of perishable and non- perishable foods. Please contact Rebekah Kanefsky at or 203-921-4161 to arrange for a donation. If you would like to volunteer at the food pantry or to help deliver food to our clients, please contact Jill Knopoff at 203-921-4161 or for volunteer opportunities.
- CSA Interested in an affordable way to eat delicious, locally grown fruits and vegetables this summer? Join over a hundred families by investing in a share of the Stone Ledge Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). Pick up your organic produce, dried coffee, mushrooms, dried beans, and more each week from June 3 - November 11 at the Stamford JCC. Questions, please contact Jessie Katz at
CAS Israel Advocacy Update |
Take a Minute to Support Israel Supporting Israel isn't hard -- there are many things that you can do that take literally one minute. The Israel Committee now has a website built on this idea. Go to for simple things that you can do, from calling your Congressional representatives to social media posts, that take only a minute or two. Check back frequently for updates and ideas for things you can do! |
LIPS product of the week Check out our new Love Israel Products Blog (LIPS) for the latest ways to support Israel! Thank you to Lola Halperin and Aaron Goldenberg for organizing. |
- KOSHER ALERTS The OU reminds you to always check the label before purchasing any item that needs kosher certification! And for the latest corrective actions, stay up with the latest OU KOSHER CONSUMER ALERTS & ADVISORIES...just click here
- KOSHER ADVISORY Breaking news from the OU - newly certified items! to check out the list click here