Friday night Candle lighting 4:47 p.m. Mincha 4:52 p.m. Saturday morning Hashkama 8:00 a.m. Sanctuary9:00 a.m. Coffee & Commentary Rabbi David Walk 8:45 a.m. Torah Readers: Simcha Rubin, Naftali Rosenberg, Hyman Schaffer Usher: Gary Weitz Musaf: David Gordon Rabbi Daniel Cohen : "Is Business Just Business?" The Process of Beth Din Latest time to say Shema 9:37 a.m. Latest time to daven Amidah 10:27 a.m. Shiur-Rabbi David Walk 10:30 a.m. Babysitting-Tot Shabbat 10:30 a.m. Mini Minyan-Jr Cong 10:30 a.m. Mincha 4:40 p.m. Daf Yomi/Seudat Shlishit Rabbi Daniel Cohen: "Case Studies in Beth Din" Maariv 5:45 p.m. Shabbat ends 5:48 p.m. WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Daf Yomi Sunday 7:45 a.m. Mon-Fri 7:00 a.m. Shacharit Sunday 7:15/8:30 a.m. Mon-Thurs 6:30/7:30 a.m. Friday-Rosh Hodesh 6:20/7:30 a.m. Mincha Sun-Thurs 5:00 p.m. Candlelighting next Fri 4:56p.m. THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS Sanctuary Kiddush by: Helene and Harvey Kaminski in memory of Helene's father, Rubin Partel Chapel Kiddush by: Shery and Barry Hertzberg in honor of Robin's and Adina's special birthdays Seudat Shlishit by: the shul Shabbat Shalom Hospital Pkg by: the Linda Beson Nursing Educational Fund MAZAL TOV TO Marilyn and Larry Gochberg and Marjorie and Steven Kellner on Rachel's Bat Mitzvah Sandy and Moshe Speter on the birth of a new grandson, born to Tova Speter and Pete Sperber Due to weather conditions Cantor Arik Wollheim's revised arrival date is Monday morning 1/31. He will depart Saturday night 2/5 Thank you to the Women Leading Shabbat services: Rachel Jubas-Rishon Ziona Doft-Sheni Shara Israel-Revii Marti Sichel-Chamishi Shara Israel-Shishi Ronnie Sichel-Shevii/Maftir Pam Ehrenkranz-Haftorah Jodi Hadge-Shacharit, Musaf Marge Abrams-D'var Torah CAS JOINS THE FOLLOWING COMMUNITIES IN RECOGNITION OF BETH DIN OF AMERICA SHABBAT Rabbi Daniel Cohen and Rabbi David Walk Rabbi Modechai Cohen Jewish Home & Care Center, Milwaukee, WI Rabbi Yona Gross Congregation Beth Hamedrosh, Wynnewood, PA Rabbi Kenneth Hain Beth Sholom, Lawrence, NY Rabbi Elly Krimsky Young Israel, Stamford, CT Rabbi Reuven Mann Young Israel of Phoenix, AR Rabbi Chaim Marcus Congregation Israel, Springfield, NJ Rabbi Adam Starr Young Israel of Toco Hills, Atlanta, GA Rabbi Jay Weinstein Young Israel of East Brunswick, NJ Rabbi Josh Yuter Stanton Street Shul, Lower East Side, NY |