| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin | May 18-22, 2010 5-9 Sivan 5770 Shavuot & Shabbat Naso |
| SERVICE SCHEDULES | FOR COMPLETE SHAVUOT SCHEDULE SEE ATTACHMENT Friday night Candle lighting 7:52 p.m. Mincha 7:00 p.m. Saturday morning Hashkama 8:00 a.m. Main Sanctuary 9:00 a.m. Coffee & commentary with Rabbi David Walk 8:45 a.m Shacharit: Cantor Arik Wollheim Musaf: Noah Frydman Torah Readers: Harvey Berman, Jonathan Frydman, Noah Frydman, Perry Frydman, Ethan Green, Hyman Schaffer, Mark Usher: Roz Sherman Latest time to say Shema 9:10 a.m. Teen Minyan 9:30 a.m. Latest time to daven Amidah 10:24 a.m. Jay Jubas: "When Did the Children of Israel Really Accept the Torah?" 10:30 a.m. Babysitting-Tot Shabbat 10:30 a.m. Mini Minyan & Jr Cong 10:30 a.m. Davening Club-4th, 5th & 6th graders 7:05 p.m. Mincha/Seudat Shlishit/Daf Yomi 7:37 p.m. Maariv 8:47 p.m.Shabbat ends 8:52 p.m. WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Daf Yomi Sunday 7:45 a.m. Mon-Friday 7:00 a.m. Shacharit Sunday 8:30 a.m. Mon-Friday 6:30/7:30 am Mincha Sun-Thurs 8:00 p.m. Candlelighting next Friday 7:58 p.m. THANKS TO THIS WEEK'S SPONSORS Sanctuary Kiddush by: Nadia & Eli Udler in honor of Eli becoming a Bar Mitzvah and Cheryl Frydman & Perry Frydman in honor of Noah becoming a Bar Mitzvah Chapel Kiddush by: Yonat & Rabbi Yehuda Tucker in honor of their Wedding anniversary & in honor of Jeff & Sharon Lewis for being honored by the Waterbury Yeshiva Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages by: Gerald & Isrella Knopf in honor of Jeffrey becoming an Eagle Scout and The Linda Beson Nursing Educational Fund MAZAL TOV TO Nadia & Dmitri Udler in honor of Eli becoming a Bar Mitzvah Cheryl Frydman & Perry Frydman, Gloria Green, Ethan & Shira Green in honor of Noah becoming a Bar Mitzvah The May Graduates from Melton School including: Flossy Fischel, Jeanette Fishkow & Anne & Bernard Peskin Faye Manger in being honored at the JFS Dinner CONDOLENCES TO Zimra Gordon on the passing of her father, Bernard L. Gordon,of blessed memory | |
| RABBI'S MESSAGE Shavuot is identified as "the time of the giving of our Torah." The holiday is not a commemoration but an opportunity in the here and now to reconnect with the Torah as a way of life. According to Rabbi Isaac Luria, the night of Shavout determines ones spiritual direction for the year. In this spirit, we have planned a dynamic and compelling Shavuot learning program for all ages. We welcome our outstanding Scholar in Residence Rabbi Dr. Shnayer Leiman. Join us tonight at 11:30 PM for all our night learning program. Whether you stay for short time or make it through the sunrise service, the evening will be a boost for your spirit. Rabbi Leiman will also be speaking on Wednesday and Thursday evenings as well as Thursday morning. Please remember also that we read the book of Ruth on Thursday and recite Yizkor. Diane and I wish you and your families a wonderful holiday and Chag Sameach UPCOMING EVENTS NEW DAVENING CLUB FOR BOYS With Sandy Shapiro-30 minutes before Shabbat mincha A new "club" for boys in 4th, 5th & 6th grades NEW PIRKEI CLUB FOR GIRLS (not meeting this week) WILL RESUME MAY 29TH With Rabbi Daniel Cohen-30 minutes before Shabbat mincha A new "club" for girls in 4th, 5th & 6th grades CAS Annual Meeting Will be held on June 15, 2010 6:30-8:15 pm Meet & greet fellow members! Special refreshments! Report from the President & Rabbi Cohen. Learn about volunteer opportunities. Agenda: 6:30-7:15 pm Meet & greet 7:15-8:15 pm Reports & election of new board members 8:15 pm Adjournment PLEASE JOIN US! Our nominating committee has developed the following slate for a 3-year term starting July 1, 2010 Barbara Ashkenas Robert Sherman Gary Weitz Dina Berger Dr. Arthur Smith Saul Cohen Elliot Neumann Elissa Stein All voting details, including proxies & information to nominate alternative directors is available on-line. WWW.CAS-STAMFORD.ORG | | |
THIS THURSDAY NIGHT! ¨ SAVE THE DATE-THE ANNUAL BEN MANGER MEMORIAL LECTURE-Thur, May 27th 8:00 p.m. With Rabbi Joseph Ehrenkranz. His Topic will be "Charedim: The Jewish Quakers-Understanding & Appreciation of the Term, Charedi & Why We Should all Strive to Tremble Before G-d" Free event. CAS ANNOUNCEMENTS · DINNER-IN-MOTION-rescheduled for 10/22/10 · YOUNG FAMILIES LUNCH-Sat, June 19th 12:00 p.m. Delicious food, entertainment for the kids, & a relaxing way to celebrate Father's Day! $18 adults/$10 children 2+/$60 family. · IMPORTANT NOTICE-LATE FRI NIGHT MINYAN OPTION-IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN JOINING A FRIDAY NIGHT MINYAN FOLLOWING CANDLE LIGHTING DURING THE SPRING/SUMMER, CONTACT ARTHUR SMITH AT artansmith@aol.com Israeli and Simcha dancing With Yonat Tucker 5th & 6th Grade Girls Fridays from 1:30-2:15 Learn the popular dances in preparation for your Bar-Bat Mitzvah Donate a Siddur or Sefer to our shul in memory or in honor of a loved one, or for a special occasion. Contact Claudette at the shul office. WELCOME TO TORAH TOURS OF YEHSIVA UNIVERSITY THIS WEEK ADINA BRIZEL RACHEL NEMZER BARUCH COHEN NACHI FRIEDMAN ORLI HAKEN DINA GOLFEIZ SALUTE TO ISRAEL PARADE 2010 SUNDAY, MAY 23RD 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Begins on 5th Ave & 57th Street Join tens of thousands of participants celebrating Israel's 62nd year. Parade spectators will watch a sea of blue & white, kachol v'lavan, as community leaders, American & Israeli dignitaries, celebrities, floats & marching bands come together with spirit, joy & enthusiasm. With gratitude to G-d, We invite you to share in the Bat Mitzvah of our daughter, Elisheva Saturday, June 5th, 2010 23rd of Sivan 5770 at CAS Shabbat Parshat Shelach. Services at 9:00 a.m. Followed by Dvar Torah & Kiddush Rabbi Daniel & Diane Cohen |
COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS ¨ JCC & THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY SPEAKER-Sunday, May 23rd 1:00 p.m. The Albanian U.N. Ambassador, Ferit Hoxha will be speaking on "The Little Known History of Jews of Albania-Past & Present. All is invited ¨ A BONE MARROW REGISTRY DRIVE-Sunday, May 23rd from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. At Temple Emanuel at 1 East 65th in NYC. If you plan to go to the Israel Day Parade why not join together as an Am Echad and save a life. A friend of our community is in need. Go to www.mattfenstercircle.org to find out more information. ¨ AN EVENING WITH JFS AND 2ND ANNUAL SILENT AUCTION-Sun, May 23rd at Temple Beth El, Stamford. Honoring Mitzvah Award recipients Faye Manger, the B.L. Manger Foundation & the Hebrew Ladies Educational League. Young Leadership Award recipient: Robin Treidel. For more info call Iris Morrison at 921-4161. ¨ PLAY FORE THE KIDS-Mon, May 24th at the Rockrimmon Country Club. Tennis begins at 9 am, Shotgun golf start at 1 pm. For info Wendy Bennett at 487-0961 Benefits Jumpstart at JCC. ¨ MELTON GRADUATION DAY-Tues, May 25th 7:00 p.m. at the JCC. Join in celebrating this special graduation of some of our members. Dairy dessert reception. RSVP to ilana@ujf.org ¨ BI-CULTURAL 54TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER-Mon, May 31st 5:00 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency Greenwich. All invited to honor CAS congregants, Jodi & Richard Boxer. Alumni awardee Malerie Yolen-Cohen, teachers Beth Praver & John Sakson & administrators Joyce Chavkin & Enid Lieberman, for their devoted service to BCDS. For more info call 329-2186 ¨ WOMEN'S SHIUR BY REBBETZIN HOLLY PAVLOV-Wed, June 16th 7:00 p.m. at the Milstein residence, 200 5th Ave, Stamford. Topic will be "Believing in Others, Ourselves & Hashem." Light dinner at 7:00-shiur at 8:00 p.m. RSVP at robinmilstein@aol.com ¨ MALT 2010 IS ON! . Trip info: Departs Saturday Night 11/27/10 & returns Sunday Morning 12/5/10. For more info contact Tzvi Bernstein at hfb@zandb.com or Rabbi Cohen at rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org . ¨ CREATE MINYANS FOR TRAVEL-a new website is available to allow people to connect and create minyans for vacations or business travel. Go to www.travelminyan.com. ¨ FILM ON DATING & MARRIAGE-If you missed seeing this documentary film produced by Yeshiva University it is online at www.yutorah.org/yuconnects/index.cfm ¨ MATCH 4 MATT-Help SAR Father of four get a bone marrow match! There are several bone marrow drives in the next few weeks. Rally behind friends of the shul and go to www.csair.org/match4matt.html and get information on how you can help. |
SHAVUOT SCHEDULE | | Tuesday, May 18th Candelighting 7:49 pm Mincha and Maariv 7:54 pm Tikkun Leil Shavout 6th -8th Grades 11:30 pm- 1:30 am Learn with Danny Wolfe, Rabbi Cohen and Torah Tours! Great sessions, snacks, and pizza! Walking groups home at 1:30 am. *8th graders stay in shul & then are invited for remainder of the evening with the teens 9th-12th Grades 11:30 pm- 4:30 am Relaxing environment and Torah Tour Chevruta support through the night! 11:30 pm-2:00 amTeens and Torah at Young Israel with Rabbi Krimsky and Torah Tours 2:00 am-2:45 am Walk to CAS for Pizza & Ice Cream 2:45 am-3:30 am Surprise Activity 3:30 am - 4:00 am Rap with Rabbi Cohen 4:00 am- Kickin Kumsitz with Cholent Adults 11:30 pm- 4:30 am 11:30 pm Rabbi Dr. Shnayer Leiman: "Lifeboat Ethics: A Jewish Perspective" 12:30 am Rabbi Dr. Shnayer Leiman"Are Our Texts of the Torah Accurate: The Aleppo Codex Controversy" 1:30 am Break - Pizza and midnight snacks 2:00 am Rachel Nemzer "Kindness of the Book of Ruth" 2:45 am Rabbi Daniel Cohen "Science Discovers the Truth of the Torah" 3:30 am Avi Narrow Tilonsky "Reasons & Revelations" 4:10 am Rabbi David Walk "The Centrality of Torah to Judaism: Fact or Myth?" Following sunrise service, enjoy a world class and delicious breakfast by chef extraordinaire Mitch Mailman. Breakfast Kiddush is sponsored by Beth & David Cohen in memory of Beth's father's, Manuel Joseph Skversky's, yahrzeit. Wednesday, May 19th Sunrise Service 4:50 amSunrise5:34 am Shacharit (Main Sanctuary) 9:00 am Reading of Ten Commandments 10:00 am Mincha 7:40 pm Rabbi Dr. Shnayer Leiman: "When a Rabbi is Accused of Heresy: The Emden Eibeschuetz Controversy: the Rebbetzin's Epitaph"8:00 pm Maariv 8:40 pm Candles 8:50 pm Thursday, May 20th Shacharit 7:45 am/8:45 am Yizkor Downstairs 9:15 am Teen Minyan 10:00 am Rabbi Dr. Shnayer Leiman: "Rabbi Abraham Isaac Ha-Kohen Kook on Ahavat Yisrael"10:30 am Yizkor Upstairs 10:50 am Youth Groups 10:30 am Celebratory Graduation Kiddush following main service Teen Kiddush Sponsored by Hecky & Rochel Attar in honor of Meir's 2nd Bar Mitzvah anniversary Jr. Oneg-Park 3:30-5:00 p.m. Torah Bowl for 2nd-5th graders 6:30-7:30 pm with Rabbi Walk and Torah Tours Rabbi Dr. Shnayer Leiman 6:45 pm "When a Rabbi is Accused of Heresy: The Emden Eibeschuetz Controversy: Rav Kook's Tale" Mincha 7:45 pm Neilat Hachag and light meal 8:00 pm Yom Tov ends 8:51 pm In the Simcha Room Visit the Simcha room during the night for our new selection of Sefarim (English & Hebrew) for learning. Tables & refreshments will be available to enhance the Beit Midrash environment. |
CAS Adult Education Classes | Visit learn.cas-stamford.org for more information. | Bible from the Beginning - with Rabbi David Walk In this ongoing survey of the Torah, we discuss issues in the Bible, verse by verse. Sunday, 9:15 a.m. Dvar Yom B'Yomo- with Rabbi David Walk Take an in-depth look at a topical issue each week, either from the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming Jewish Holiday. At BCDS.Monday at 12:30 p.m. Inyana D'Yomo- with Rabbi David Walk Enjoy a small discussion in Hebrew on the weekly Torah portion. Hebrew fluency a must. Monday at 8:00 p.m. Power of the Prophets- with Rabbi Daniel Cohen Take a closer look at Jewish history you thought you knew. Explore the life and times of King David through an in-depth study of Samuel II. Tuesday at 8:15 a.m.
The Soul of Prayer: Meeting G-d in the Siddur and Your Life - with Rabbi Daniel Cohen An in-depth exploration of many of our familiar prayers. Discover the tools for soulful service of G-d. For women only. Tuesday at 9:15 a.m. Parsha Perspectives & Paradigms- with Rabbi Daniel Cohen Glean relevant life messages from the weekly Torah portion in this upbeat class. Tuesday at 12:00 noon
Judaism as a Community- with Rabbi David Walk Exploration of the history of the concept called "Kehilla." How did Jewish communities develop, grow and function? Understand the roles of communal organizations in the shaping of a Jewish society. Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.
Talmud Bavli: Masechet Makot- with Rabbi David Walk This class focuses on the tractates which discusses the Jewish legal system. Thursday at 8:30 p.m. The Pre-Shabbos Torah Taste- with Rabbi Daniel Cohen These 30 minute sessions unlock a fresh perspective & fascinating ideas from the Torah portion. Friday at 8:15 a.m. |
THANKS TO OUR GRADUATION SPONSORS CELEBRATE OUR 2010 GRADUATES | Cum Laude Judy & Howard Goldstein Regular Ruth & Mel Aminoff Barbara & Ron Ashkenas Mary & Jeff Benson Karen & Ira Berk Janet & David Bessaleli Tracy & Nahum Daniels Sharon & Mark Feller Claudine & Stuart Feurstein Lynne & Steven Frenkel Meryl & David Gordon Wendy & Jordan Handler Shara & David Israel Maruja & Allon Ivri Monica & Eric Jankelovits Judith & David Jelen Glen & Joanne Karow Dinah & Seth Marlowe Deborah & Neil Metviner Janice & Jake Meyer Chanoch & Rina Nof Tami & David Raymer Gayle & Howard Rothman Sharon & Burton Rubin Naomi Hersh & Bernard Shapiro Roz Sherman Beverly & David Stein Liba & Steve Steinmetz Sandi & Stuart Waldstreicher Shira & Mitchell Zucker OUR 2010 GRADUATES!! Pre-school Chabad Gan Yeladim Naomi Hanna, Taylor White Chabad West Side Manhattan Elisheva Epstein Sara Walker Nursery School Jonah Hoff Selma Maisels Nursery School of Temple Sholom Atara Ma'ayan Ivri Elementary School Solomon Schechter Gil Daniels Middle School Bi-Cultural Day School Leora Bell, Abigail Berk, Adina Cohen, Justin De Vos, Reuben Diamond, Zev Feller, Rachel Feurstein, Andrew Frenkel, Jared Frenkel, Ariel Goldberg, Jake Goldstein, Rebecca Goldstein, Sophie Handler, Yoni Israel, Amanda Jankelovits, Emily Jelen, Noah Marlowe, Sam Michelson, Zach Okun, Shane Rand, Jacob Rastegar, Zimrat Sloyer, Brad Waldstreicher, Zachary Wohlberg, Hannah Zucker Eastern MSJackie Bein Rippowam Spencer Manevich Solomon Schechter Sherri Goldstein, Sarah Strassburger WFHA Zach Smart High School Abraham Joshua Heschel Emil Nusbaum Fox Lane HSFelice Feit Manhattan HS for Girls Sara Malka Cohen Ramaz Jonathan Frydman SAR Franni Bernstein, Harry Rubin Solomon Schechter Lewis Bell, Evelyn Diamond, Aaron Goldstein, Daniel Gordon, Sara Lambert Joshua Strassburger Stamford HS Jeffrey Knopf, Esther-Leah Nof, Daniel Raymer Westchester Hebrew HS Philip Steinmetz, Dovi Zucker* Westhill HS Jordan Meyer, Danielle Schwartz College Boston University Lauren Wexler Brandeis University Rebecca Shapiro EPCI Laura Stein Hofstra University Jonathan Jacobson New York University Marisa Frydman School of Visual Arts Sharon Ilana Broza-Stone Smith College Rebecca Benson Touro College Ari Ashkenas UCONN Jennie Spiegel Speter University of Hartford Rebecca Rastegar University of Michigan Amanda Metviner University of Wisconsin Rachel Rothman Graduate School George Washington UniversityJeremy Waldstreicher New York University Rachel Cooper Quinnipiac University School of Law Benjamin Shapiro SUNY Downstate Medical Center Noam Aminoff Tufts University MD/MBA Program Jonathan Waldstreicher Melton Institute Flossy Fischel, Jeanette Fishkow, Anne Peskin, Bernie Peskin MAZEL TOV TO THE GRADUATES, PARENTS & GRANDPARENTS! | |
| | Joanna Bell Congregation Agudath Sholom 203-358-2200 | | | | | |