¨ JCC & THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY SPEAKER-Sunday, May 23rd 1:00 p.m. The Albanian U.N. Ambassador, Ferit Hoxha will be speaking on "The Little Known History of Jews of Albania-Past & Present. All is invited
¨ A BONE MARROW REGISTRY DRIVE-Sunday, May 23rd from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. At Temple Emanuel at 1 East 65th in NYC. If you plan to go to the Israel Day Parade why not join together as an Am Echad and save a life. A friend of our community is in need. Go to www.mattfenstercircle.org to find out more information.
¨ AN EVENING WITH JFS AND 2ND ANNUAL SILENT AUCTION-Sun, May 23rd at Temple Beth El, Stamford. Honoring Mitzvah Award recipients Faye Manger, the B.L. Manger Foundation & the Hebrew Ladies Educational League. Young Leadership Award recipient: Robin Treidel. For more info call Iris Morrison at 921-4161.
¨ PLAY FORE THE KIDS-Mon, May 24th at the Rockrimmon Country Club. Tennis begins at 9 am, Shotgun golf start at 1 pm. For info Wendy Bennett at 487-0961 Benefits Jumpstart at JCC.
¨ MELTON GRADUATION DAY-Tues, May 25th 7:00 p.m. at the JCC. Join in celebrating this special graduation of some of our members. Dairy dessert reception. RSVP to ilana@ujf.org
¨ BI-CULTURAL 54TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER-Mon, May 31st 5:00 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency Greenwich. All invited to honor CAS congregants, Jodi & Richard Boxer. Alumni awardee Malerie Yolen-Cohen, teachers Beth Praver & John Sakson & administrators Joyce Chavkin & Enid Lieberman, for their devoted service to BCDS. For more info call 329-2186
¨ WOMEN'S SHIUR BY REBBETZIN HOLLY PAVLOV-Wed, June 16th 7:00 p.m. at the Milstein residence, 200 5th Ave, Stamford. Topic will be "Believing in Others, Ourselves & Hashem." Light dinner at 7:00-shiur at 8:00 p.m. RSVP at robinmilstein@aol.com
¨ MALT 2010 IS ON! . Trip info: Departs Saturday Night 11/27/10 & returns Sunday Morning 12/5/10. For more info contact Tzvi Bernstein at hfb@zandb.com or Rabbi Cohen at rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org .
¨ CREATE MINYANS FOR TRAVEL-a new website is available to allow people to connect and create minyans for vacations or business travel. Go to www.travelminyan.com.
¨ FILM ON DATING & MARRIAGE-If you missed seeing this documentary film produced by Yeshiva University it is online at www.yutorah.org/yuconnects/index.cfm
¨ MATCH 4 MATT-Help SAR Father of four get a bone
marrow match! There are several bone marrow drives in
the next few weeks. Rally behind friends of the shul and go
to www.csair.org/match4matt.html and get information
on how you can help.