Friday night Candlelighting 4:27 p.m. Mincha 4:32 p.m. Jr. Teen Oneg at Rebecca & Jake Goldstein's 8:00 p.m. Saturday morning Hashkama 8:00 a.m. Coffee & Commentary with Rabbi David Walk in the Bennett Simcha Room 8:45 a.m. Main Sanctuary 9:00 a.m. Shacharit: Cantor Wollheim Musaf: Cantor Wollheim Usher: Elisheva Kilner Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Building a Conscious Community Latest time to recite Shema 9:04 a.m. Latest time for Amidah 9:55 a.m. Teen Minyan 9:15 a.m. Teen Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by Diane & Elliot Sloyer in honor of Coby's summer birthday. Shiur 10:30 a.m. Tot Shabbat in the Lotstein Library (1-3 years old) 10:30 a.m. Mini Minyan in the youth room (4-6 years old) 10:30 a.m. Jr. Congregation in the Heyman Chapel (2nd-6th grd) 10:30 a.m. Babysitting in Cantor Wollheim's office (ages 0-1) 10:30 a.m. Chapel Kiddush is sponsored by Dina & Paul Berger in commemoration of her mother, Florence Sternbach's yahrtzeit. Sanctuary Kiddush is sponsored by the shul. Mincha 4:15 p.m. Seudat Shlishit is sponsored by Rhonda Gornitsky and Michael Borts in honor of Noah becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Dvar Torah - Rabbi David Walk And Avraham Approached G-d: Laws of Beginning and Ending Prayers Daf Yomi is during Seudat Shlishit. Maariv 5:22 p.m. Shabbat ends 5:27 p.m.
| Weekday Schedule Daf Yomi Sunday 7:45 a.m. Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. Shacharit Sunday 8:30 a.m. Monday -Friday 6:30/7:30 a.m. Mincha Sunday-Thursday 4:25 p.m. Friday 4:25 p.m. Candlelighting next Friday 4:20 p.m. | Shabbat Announcements | | Condolences to: ... All those who've loved and remembered our special friend Teddy Levine, in loving memory. ... Lewis Cohen and Judith Rothman on the passing of their beloved mother, Ethel Cohen, of blessed memory. Mazal tov to: ... Rhonda Gornitsky and Michael Borts on Noah becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Around the Shabbat Table Campaign Elevating the People and the World Around You! The Shabbat meal is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen our families, community and connection to G-d. The Around the Shabbat Table Campaign encourages each family to include three elements at their meal: 1. Share a Torah Insight 2. Sing a Jewish Song 3. Refrain from Gossip-Celebrate Positive Speech Suggested Torah topic for your Shabbat table: Unlike almost every other human endeavor, the laws regulating the practice of welcoming guests are not standardized in Judaism. No guidelines or limitations are presented. Why?
Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages are sponsored by: The Linda Beson Nursing Education Fund. If you have a box of siddurim, that we use in houses of shiva, please return it to CAS. Esti's Kosher Catering is now under the supervision of the Vaad of Fairfield County. Visit or call Esti Stengel at 914-602-2951.
RIDDLES ARE BACK! This weeks' riddle: There are three people in the Book of Bereishit whose names were changed. Who were they? Last weeks' riddle: Hashem told Avraham "lech l'cho" - go for yourself (for your benefit). Where in the Torah do we find that a similar seemingly extra word "l'cho" is expounded to mean "not for yourself," but rather "if you so desire"? Last week's riddle: What do the following have in common? Adam, Shem, Yisrael/Yaakov, Yosef, Yehuda, Asher, Aharon and Eli?
Answer: Shelach Lecha regarding the spies Submitted by Mr. S Please note: The deadline for submissions for the Shabbat Bulletin is 12:00 noon on Wednesday. Items received after 12:00 noon on Wednesday will not be included. GUEST SPEAKER DAN MARANS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE ZOMET INSTITUTE Thursday, November 12th at 7:30 p.m. Rabbi Marans will speak on "Seltzer, Non-Dairy Creamer and Sound Systems: A Behind the Scenes Look at Halacha and Technology." Get the inside scoop on the Shabbat elevator controversy. The Zomet Institute is a non-profit, public research institute dedicated to seamlessly merging Halachic Judaism with Modern Life.
LIVING TORAH LIBRARY There are many ways that YOU can get involved in this exciting new program... Þ Ask us to set you up with a study partner (or bring your own partner) Þ Learn topic of your choice for men, women and children every Monday night from 7:30-9:00 pm Þ Donate a sefer from our "wish list" Þ Sponsor a night of learning *There will be a Minyan for Maariv after learning at 9 pm as well asdrinks and refreshments throughout the evening! *Please contact Rabbi Yehuda Jeiger ( for more information and to get involved in this exciting new opportunity! Upcoming Youth Programs November 6th- Jr. Teen Oneg @ the Goldstein's, 8:00 pm November 7th- Teen Minyan at 9:15 am November 13-15th- NCSY 9th grade Shack Shabbaton November 14th- The B'nai Mitzvah Luncheon November 21st- Teen Minyan at 9:30 am November 21st- 1st-5th Grade Girls Divrei & Dessert @ Yona's House! November 21st- 1st-5th Grade Supermarket Sweep. November 22nd- Sr. Teen Latte n' Learn @ Starbucks in Ridgeway Center 7:00 PM December 4th & 5th- ALAN VEINGRAD Former Dallas Cowboy and Green Bay Packer lineman & Super bowl XXVII World Champion is coming to Stamford CT! December 6th- Sr. Teen Latte N Learn @ Starbucks in Ridgeway center 10 am December 6th - Family Chanukah Event "Spinagogue - It's the Year of the Dreidel" December 5th- Teen Minyan December 12th- Teen Minyan December 12th- 3rd-5th Grade Boy's Trop Club December 12th- Jr. Teens to New Roc City December 22nd-27th - NCSY Yarchei Kallah Please join for an Evening of Women's Learning featuring Shani Taragin, Rosh Beit Midrash at Midreshet Lindenbaum, Jerusalem.
Sunday Evening, Nov 15th Wine & cheese reception at 6:15 p.m. Lecture at 7:00 p.m. At the home of Ana Lilienfeld 27 Deepwoods Lane, Old Greenwich RSVP by Nov 5th to | UPCOMING CAS EVENTS ¨ DRISHA COMES TO STAMFORD Wendy Amsellem will be teaching an exciting course in Tanach in a five part Wednesday evening series, entitled: THINGS FALL APART. Suggested donation for the series is $50. Visit for more information. You may join the series even if you missed the first session. ¨ SENIOR LUNCH-Wednesday, November 11th, 12:00 noon A wonderful opportunity for local seniors to come together for a delicious meal and interesting lecture. With guest presenter Ana Lilienfeld. "Smart Choices at the Grocery: Are Store Brands Really Good?" RSVP to the shul office. $5/person. ¨ GUEST SPEAKER DAN MARANS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE ZOMET INSTITUTE, Thursday, November 12, 7:30 p.m. Rabbi Marans will speak on "Seltzer, Non-Dairy Creamer and Sound Systems: A Behind the Scenes Look at Halacha and Technology." ¨ Brig. Gen. Effie Eitam will join us for Shabbat, November 13 & 14, through the JNF. ¨ WOMEN'S TFILAH, Shabbat, November 14, 9:45 a.m. We need layners for parshat Chayei Sarah. Please contact Sandy Weiner to sign up for an aliyah or other honor. Her email is ¨ Save the Date-Women's Torah Study with Shani Taragin - Sunday, November 15 At the home of Ana and Albert Lilienfeld. Class to start at 7:00 p.m. Details to follow. Shani Taragin, a renowned Tanach teacher, will give a special class related to Mikvah. Ms. Taragin is a graduate of Nishmat's Keren Ariel Program for certification as a halachic advisor in the area of family purity law and serves on the first women's hotline to deal with issues of Jewish law. Visit for more information. ¨ 3 RABBIS, 3 PERSEPECTIVES, 1 TORAH-Wednesday, November 18th at 12:00 noon at Temple Sholom, Tuesday, December 15th at CASJoin Rabbi Cohen, Rabbi Mitch Hurvitz & Rabbi Andrew Sklar as they explore the common & diverse perspectives on the three pillars of Judaism-Torah, Prayer & Chesed. ¨ RABBI YEHUDA SARNA, SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE, THANKSGIVING WEEKEND, November 27-28. Rabbi Sarna is the University Chaplain at New York University and will speak on the theme, "Jews Engaging with the Rest of the World." Friday night he will meet with parents of high school students, followed by a meeting with teenagers. Shabbat morning Rabbi Sarna will deliver a brief sermon and then meet with college students. Rabbi Sarna's final presentation will be during seudat shlishit. More information to follow. ¨ AGUDAT SHIR CHOIR CHANUKAH CONCERT, Thursday, December 17, 7:30 p.m. at CAS. ¨ HELP WANTED-Join us to create Community while raising funds for our shul...put the Fun back into FUNd Raising. We are developing a committee to get EBay going again...need people to price objects, take pictures for posting, track items from donation to shipping, pack items to be shipped. We will be having a Tag Sale, we are looking for sorters, schleppers, pricers, publicity writers, etc....must be willing to laugh, and make Lorraine Kweskin or 322-4273 | | | Please join for an Evening of Women's Learning featuring Shani Taragin, Rosh Beit Midrash at Midreshet Lindenbaum, Jerusalem. Sunday Evening, Nov 15th Wine & cheese reception at 6:15 p.m. Lecture at 7:00 p.m. At the home of Ana Lilienfeld 27 Deepwoods Lane, Old Greenwich RSVP by Nov 5th to Congregation Agudath Sholom is excited to introduce our new and improved..... LIVING TORAH LIBRARY There are many ways that YOU can get involved in this exciting new program... --Ask us to set you up with a study partner (or bring your own partner) --Learn topic of your choice for men, women and children every Monday night from 7:30-9:00 pm --Donate a sefer from our "wish list" --Sponsor a night of learning *There will be a Minyan for Maariv after learning at 9 pm as well asdrinks and refreshments throughout the evening! *Please contact Rabbi Yehuda Jeiger ( for more information and to get involved in this exciting new opportunity! | CAS Adult Education Classes | Visit for more information. | Bible from the Beginning - with Rabbi David Walk In this ongoing survey of the Torah, we discuss issues in the Bible, verse by verse. Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
Dvar Yom B'Yomo - with Rabbi David Walk Take an in-depth look at a topical issue each week, either from the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming Jewish Holiday. At BCDS. Monday at 12:30 p.m. Shabbat Halacha for Everyone - with Rabbi Dr. Jeff Cahn Explore fascinating aspects of Shabbat practice and its interface with the modern world. Each week we will delve into a different relevant and interesting aspect of Shabbat observance. No previous background required. Next class Monday 11/16 at 7:00 p.m. Judaism 101 - with Bob Abrams Have you ever wondered why we keep Kosher, what's in the boxes ofTefillin, or what the significance of the Tzitzit is? What does Elijah's cup really represent, and why are there three Matzot at the Seder? How about the meanings of the names in the Bible or what all of those fast days really represent? Come and find out. All levels welcome, knowledge of Hebrew not required. Monday at 7:30 p.m. Hebrew Reading Crash Course - with Ben Soifer Learn to read Hebrew in time for Chanukah in seven easy lessons. Monday at 7:30 p.m. Inyana D'Yomo - with Rabbi David Walk Enjoy a small discussion in Hebrew on the weekly Torah portion. Hebrew fluency a must. Monday at 8:00 p.m. The Meaning of Our Prayers - with Bob Abrams We're supposed to pray every day, but how many of us really know what it's all about? Understand the structure of our daily prayers, who wrote them, what they mean, and even their relation to the Temple service. Are you familiar with the references to angels in our morning service? (And do we really have to shuckle when we pray?) Learn about it all. Reading Hebrew is not required. Monday at 8:30 p.m. Power of the Prophets - with Rabbi Daniel Cohen Take a closer look at Jewish history you thought you knew. Explore the life and times of King David through an in-depth study of Samuel II. Tuesday at 8:15 a.m. The Soul of Prayer: Meeting G-d in the Siddur and Your Life - with Rabbi Daniel Cohen An in-depth exploration of many of our familiar prayers. Discover the tools for soulful service of G-d. For women only. Tuesday at 9:15 a.m. Parsha Perspectives & Paradigms - with Rabbi Daniel Cohen Glean relevant life messages from the weekly Torah portion in this upbeat class. Tuesday at 12:00 noon Judaism as a Community - with Rabbi David Walk Exploration of the history of the concept called "Kehilla." How did Jewish communities develop, grow and function? Understand the roles of communal organizations in the shaping of a Jewish society. Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Building a Conscious Community - with Rabbi Daniel Cohen Five week seminar based on the writings of Rabbi Kalomymous Kalman Shapira, the last Rebbe of the Warsaw Ghetto. Self-observation with an eye towards organizing and running a spiritual community. Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. Business Ethics Luncheon with Rabbi Daniel Cohen Explore the interface of Business ethics and Jewish law. Call the CAS office for exact location and dates. The 2nd Thursday of every month. Next on November 12 at 12:30 p.m. Talmud Bavli: Masechet Makot - with Rabbi David Walk This class focuses on the tractates which discusses the Jewish legal system. Thursday at 8:30 p.m. The Pre-Shabbos Torah Taste - with Rabbi Daniel Cohen These 30 minute sessions unlock a fresh perspective & fascinating idea from the Torah portion. Friday at 8:15 a.m. | Community Announcements | | COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS ¨ Stamford JCC's Jewish Arts & Film Festival of Fairfield County, October 24 - November 8, 2009. FINAL WEEKEND! Visit for information, or contact Nancy Schiffman at 203-487-0941 or ¨ Teen Book Club, first meeting of the year on Shabbat, November 7th at 4 p.m. at the Young Israel Youth House. We will discuss Sweethearts by Sara Zarr. Please note that the age group of book club is 12 up, and we are reading teen novels. ¨ JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF LOWER FAIRFIELD COUNTY, Sunday, November 8, 10:00 a.m. at the Chabad Center, 777 High Ridge Road, Stamford. Zvi Bielski, son of the famous Jewish partisan Zus Bielski, will speak on "Freedom Begins With an Act of Defiance: The Inside Story." Zvi Bielski will screen rarely-seen footage of his father and uncles and deliver a personal perspective of these Jewish partisans. ¨ FAMILY BEIT MIDRASH AT THE YOUNG ISRAEL OF STAMFORD, Sunday, November 8, 6:30 p.m. Leon Gleicher (Esther Rein's father) will share his extraordinary Holocaust story with a presentation of his memoir: "From Prisoner to Partisan, My Holocaust Story." Free and open to the public. ¨ HADASSAH AND SISTERHOOD OF Temple Beth El invite you to hear Maggie Anton, author of Rashi's Daughters. Tuesday, November 10 at 1:30 p.m. at Temple Beth El, Stamford. Contact Hadassah at 914-937-3151 for more information. ¨ ADL'S DANIEL GINSBERG HUMANITARIAN AWARD DINNER-November 15th at 5:30 p.m. at Temple Bethel. The dinner is honoring Penny and Michael Horowitz & Amy Zabin. ¨ ANNUAL FALL BRUNCH TO BENEFIT POSH-Sunday, November 15th at 11:00 a.m. at the Rockrimmon Country Club, 2949 Long Ridge Rd. The Board of Directors of the JCC are honoring Brenda & Bruce Smith and Edith Samers & Ed Smith whose commitment to POSH has enriched the lives of countless senior adults. $90 per person. Proceeds will go to enhance programs for seniors adults and the JCC. ¨ Yiddishe Nachas: Raising Resilient Kids in a Crazy World led by Certified Life Coach, Sandy Weiner. This six-week parenting group will cover topics relating to the everyday challenges of parenting from a Jewish ethical and spiritual perspective. Tuesdays, November 17, 24, December 1, 8 and 22, and January 12, 7:00-9:00 p.m. at CAS. Cost: Members: $200/couple, $125 individual, Non-members: $250/couple, $175/individual.Sign up by November 9 in order to reserve a spot. Email: or call CAS 203-358-2200. ¨ Evening of Conversation with Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, Monday, November 16th, at 8:00 p.m. at Kingsway Jewish Center, Kings Highway and Nostrand Avenue Brooklyn NY. Gary Weitz and Family invite CAS members to join them, as their guests,in an Evening of Conversation with Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, in memory of their Mother Harriet Weitz z'l. If you are interested in attending, reservations are required. Please contact Gary by email at Depending on the response Gary will arrange round trip transportation from CAS to Brooklyn. ¨ BI-CULTURAL DAY SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN & PRE-K OPEN HOUSE, Tuesday, November 17, 7:30 p.m. Come and discover the joys and benefits of a Jewish day school education. 2186 High Ridge Road, Stamford. For more info contact the school office at 203-329-2186, ¨ Tapestry, a Community Celebration of Jewish Learning,Saturday night, November 21st at the JCC. Join this mega event with over 250 people and choose from over 20 sessions on Talmud, Jewish ethics, philosophy, history, theology, parenting, danceand more. For more information, email Dr. Ilana De Laney at or call 321-1373, ext. 114. ¨ REUNION IN ISRAEL During the February tour to Israel that Mr. S will be leading, there will be a Gala Reunion Dinner in Jerusalem on February 11th at the Jerusalem Plaza Hotel for all friends who will be in Israel at that time. Please send names and addresses to Mr. S at or to Rabbi David Israel at so that invitations can be sent & places reserved. ¨ TEEN TZEDAKAH OPENING PROGRAM--Sunday, November 22nd at 4:00 p.m. at the JCC Learn about Teen Tzedakah during an evening with Aaron Bisman. Featured in Rolling Stone and MTV hear how he worked his way from a DJ to the CEO & president of JDub records. Sushi & dessert will be served. FREE. RSVP's required to or 203 487-0955. ¨ Esti's Kosher Catering is now under the supervision of the Vaad of Fairfield County. Visit or call Esti Stengel at 914-602-2951. | Zemer with Zamir | Did you buy your tickets for Zemer with Zamir? You don't want to be left out! On November 8 at 3:00 p.m. that's where you want to be. Help us to make our sanctuary handicapped friendly. The following individuals made a commitment to support the cantor's concert. All we need is to add your name to the list.
| Margie & Bob Abrams Johanna & Selim Akyuz Adrienne & Michael Alexander Paul Allerhand Judith Altmann Helen Altschuler Ruth & Mel Aminoff Barbara & Ron Ashkenas Jocelyn & Ron Avidan Chryl & Charles Axelrod Sharyn & Fred Baer Janet & Andrew Bein Gayle & Mitchell Bell Susan & Burton Benjamin Judith & Alan Benjamin Carl Bennett Karen & Ira Berk Al Beson Janet & David Bessaleli Charlotte & Manny Birnbaum Harriet Brinen Phyllis & Gerry Brodsky Dvora Caspi Cynthia & Stephen Chaplin Abe Cogan Rachel & Ephraim Cohen Mimi & Saul Cohen Elise & Steven Cohen Rebecca Davidoff Ellen Delfiner Arthur Echental Irina Feldman Caren Ferster Guta Fischel Stephanie & Howard Fogel Barbara Gelb Miriam & Joe Gelb Alan & Michelle Genn Arline Gewanter Joe Gold Anna & Ron Gold Judy & Howard Goldstein Sam Goldstein Zelda Goldstein Meryl & David Goldstein Nancy Gordon Regina Greenwald Meg & Yoav Haron Betty Ruth & Milton Hollander Judy & Edward Jacobson Rhonda Jacobson Abraham Josephson Sandra & Michael Kamen Dena Kaplan Liat & Benjamin Karsch Cantor Debbie Katchko-Gray Tobie Katz Bob Katzeff Flora & Carl Kaufman Elissa & Philip Klapper Isrella & Gerald Knopf Susan & Max Kolbrenner Lois Kolodny Jay Kroopnick Lorraine & David Kweskin Bernice Lang Esther & Paul Liesman Ana & Albert Lilienfeld Corrine Lotstein Faye Manger Roselyn Mangot Deborah & Neil Metviner Janice & Jake Meyer Belle Miller Joe Mittel Leah Munk Edith Neidle Irwin Niedober Rina & Chanoch Nof Doreen & Howard Nusbaum Ruth Pernick Dr. Anne & Bernard Peskin Lois Radding Maria & Glenn Reicin Teri Reiner Linda & Larry Rezak Maury Rosenbaum Daisy & Ralph Schaeffer Fran Schaff Morton Scheraga Mildred Schifreen Rachel & Rich Seligson Shelley & Eddie Senker Helen & Sheldron Seplowitz Bernard Shapiro Deena Shapiro Phyllis Shapiro Rosalyn Sherman Jackie Silver Susan Silvers Shirley & William Sklar Diane & Elliot Sloyer Brenda & Bruce Smith Paula Snyder Linda Soha Debbie & Ben Soifer Beverly & David Stein Louise Stein Liba & Steven Steinmetz Ruth Stern Sandi & Stu Waldstreicher Barbara & Harry Webski Sandy Weiner Alan Weiss Howard Weiss Vivian Weiss Janet Welkovich Frances & Morris Wertheim Nurit & Mark Wexler Royce & Alfred Wolfsohn Betty & Sol Young Hillary & Bob Zitter Shira & Mitchell Zucker | |