| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin 301 Strawberry Hill Avenue, Stamford, CT (203) 358-2200 www.cas-stamford.org Mikvah 203-964-1928 / Eruv 203-324-3955 |
| December 22, 2012
| Vayigash
| 9 Tevet 5773 | | | Friday Candles | 4:11pm | Mincha | 4:16pm | Saturday Chapel | 8:00am | Coffee & Commentary | 8:45am | Main Sanctuary | 9:00am | Future Tots (Bridal Room - Parent Led) | 10:30am | Tot Shabbat (Library) | 10:30am | Mini-minyan (Youth Room) | 10:30am | Jr. Congregation (Chapel) | 10:30am | B'nai Mitzvah Club (Grades 5-6, near elevator) | 10:30am | Code of Jewish Law | 3:20pm | Mincha | 4:05pm | Daf Yomi- during Seudah Shlishit | | Shabbat Ends | 5:11 pm | | | The office will be closed Tuesday
Rabbi Walk will have office hours: | |
| | | We are dedicating our two social action projects on Dec. 25 to the memories of loved ones who died in Newtown and we will recite prayers on their behalf on Shabbat morning. May G-d give the families strength and comfort. Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Daniel Cohen | | Sunday is the Fast of the 10th of Tevet. The fast begins at 6:05 am and ends at 5:07 pm. Morning Services are 7:15 am and 8:30 am. Mincha Sunday afternoon is 4:10 pm with an early mincha at 12:15 pm.
We wish the following people a Refuah Sheleima. Please have them in your prayers. If you would like to add a name for this month, email Rabbi Cohen rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org. Ester Rachel bat Razel Baila Rachel Adina bat Batya Sarah Rivkah bat Mindelle Devorah Bat Sara Yehuda Shalom ben Hadassah Lousya bat Janna Malka Bracha bat Elke Sara bat Eta Zeisel Refael Ephraim ben Sima Ziv ben Vered Zev Mordechai ben Chaya Gittel Chaya Devora bat Chana Dovid Levi ben Gittel Shmuel ben Mildred Ephraim ben Channah Yoel Yehudah Hersch ben Miriam Zlata Yosef Fischel ben Miriam Zlata Simcha ben Chana Hershel ben Chaya Dov Beer Ben Bayla Yenta | |
| Men: Relearn your Bar Mitzvah haftorah or learn for the first time! Contact Rabbi Cohen to save a date. Click here for your own tutorial. Women: Train for the January 26 tefillah group! We will be happy to provide tapes, tutoring and support for all who want to try taking a more active role. Contact Sandy or Ronnie. | |
Fairway supermarket carries figs and dates from Israel, under the Delilah brand. These products are being boycotted in Europe, and there is a strong effort to ban their sale in the USA. Please express your solidarity by buying these and other Israeli products. To view the boycott propaganda, click here. |
| the family of Noah Pozner, victim of the Newtown slayings, may be sent to Congregation Adath Israel P.O. Box 623, Newtown, CT 06470 May they be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. |
Cafe Stam informed the JCC that it will be closing effective Thursday. The JCC is committed to seeking a kosher vendor to take its place as soon as it can. - There is no late maariv this week.
- The first joint minyan of the year on Shabbat morning will be next week at 8:45 AM
- Check out "Orthodox Jewish All Stars" featuring Senator Lieberman, best-selling author Faye Kellerman, Tamir Goodman, and others. Produced by Allison Josephs of www.jewinthecity.com
Chesed Opportunities This Week
Sandy Clean Up with IsraAID In the true spirit of a Light Unto the Nations, IsraAID volunteers are helping with restoration in Breezy Point. The Israel Forum for International Humanitarian Aid (IsraAID) is an Israeli-based humanitarian organization that responds Agudath Sholom will join IsraAID on December 25th to assist in post Sandy clean up. It is a wonderful opportunity for chesed and connection to Am Yisrael. If you are interested in volunteering with CAS, please contact Rabbi Cohen (rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org). |
Pacific House Homeless Shelter Dinner December 25 This year we are serving kosher food as some of the homeless may be Jewish. Anyone can be suddenly down and out lately, even us. In addition to food, our goal is to improve their low spirits and we are looking for entertainment ideas, karaoke player, etc. Also, a small gift provides a nice lift so we are asking for gloves, hats, toiletries or funds to purchase them. Their response to such a small token is heartwarming. Please help with your contributions, kosher food, or time for this mitzvah. Anyone wishing to help out should provide either some food or gifts.
Contact shul (Cindy) or Mitchell Bell : wizdrbel@yahoo.com |
Shabbat Topics & Participants
| Torah Readers | Sam Goldstein, Gil Orbach | Usher
| Roselyn Mangot
| Rabbi David Walk | You'll Never Walk Alone | Seudah Shlishit
| Rabbi David Walk: Connected Relationships
| Code of Jewish Law | Rabbi Yehuda Jeiger | |
Thanks to this Week's Sponsors...
| Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | The Linda Beson Nursing Educational Fund | Sanctuary Kiddush | The shul | Chapel Kiddush | Mikhael Guy & Tatiana Kunik, in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Mikhael's father, Yosef Guy, and in honor of the forthcoming Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Rochelle | Teen Minyan
| The Jelen family, in honor of Emily & Matt's birthdays | |
Daf Yomi | Sunday 7:45 am Monday-Friday 7:00 am | Shacharit | Sunday & Tuesday 7:15/8:30 am Monday, Wednesday-Friday 6:30/7:30 am | Weekday Mincha | Sunday 12:15/4:10 pm
| | Monday-Thursday 4:20 pm | Next Friday Candles Next Shabbat | 4:15 pm Single Minyan: 8:45 am | Sunday is the Fast of Tevet. Fast begins 6:05 am, ends 5:07 pm | | |
Join Congregation Agudath Sholom's Israel Tour with Rabbi Daniel and Diane Cohen November 3 - 13, 2013 Optional - Eilat/Petra Extension Available Whether you are a first timer or a veteran, this trip will span the breadth of Israel both ancient and modern: visiting new discoveries, learning, and social action opportunities to deepen and enrich your experience with Torah and the land and people of Israel. Click here for more information and registration. Join us for an informational session with Israel Tour to learn more about this exciting mission to Israel Sunday, January 13th at 10:30 AM at CAS or Thursday, January 24th at 8 PM at CAS The mission is open to the entire community.
Orientation for New and Seasoned Members Wednesday, January 23, 2013 7:30-9:00pm |
On January 12, we are going to have a Young Couples Shabbat Lunch at various homes around the community. Our goal is to find some couples who are willing to host and who will provide the main dish, challah, and drinks and then pair them with two other couples or families with similar backgrounds who will come to their house for lunch and bring side dishes and dessert. (We won't subject you to a house full of kids, for example, if you don't have any.) Please let me know if you would like to participate as either a host or a guest. We are hoping to get as many people involved as possible. If you have any questions, or to participate, please contact me at laurabl@gmail.com. Thank you, Laura Tobin |
Rabbi Daniel Cohen's Classes ONLY FRIDAY TORAH CLASS MEETS THIS WEEK Tuesday Morning Classes Power of the Prophets 8:15 - 9:00 am | Modern Jewish Thinkers 9:00 - 9:45 am Parsha Perspectives & Paradigms 12:00 - 12:45 pm Friday Morning Classes Torah Portion 8:15 -8:45 am | Daf Yomi Shiur 9:00-9:45 am | |
Rabbi David Walk's Classes ONLY SUNDAY and MONDAY BISHUL CLASSES MEET THIS WEEK Sunday Bible from the Beginning | 9:15 am | Monday Weekly Parsha at BCDS | 12:10 pm | Monday Hilchot Bishul B'Shabbat The Laws of Cooking on Shabbat With Harav Mordechai Willig, Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva University, on tape with source material; Heyman Chapel | 7:15 pm | Tuesday Mystical Minhagim | 7:30 pm | Thursday Talmud, Megillah | 7:30 pm | |
CAS Women's Scholar Program: Wednesdays January 2 & 9, 2013 at CAS 7:30 pm with: TAMMY JACOBOWITZ, PhD. TOPIC: Body and Soul in Judaism Free of Charge - Open to both men and women |
CAS Youth Department | THIS WEEK: - WE WILL NOT HAVE early drop off this week for Tot Shabbaters & Mini Minyaners
- Thank you so much to Doris Weiss for volunteering to create a beautiful new Youth bulletin board featuring "Lead the way to a better day - you can be a Chesed Hero" - with a gorgeous winter theme... stop by and check it out!
- JR. CONGREGATION-Welcome Roni and Daniella, the BCDS Israeli girls, who will lead!
We will only have 1 group next Shabbat (Dec 29) for children in Tot Shabbat and Mini Minyan, together in the library. All other groups will have a week off. -
TEEN MINYAN SATURDAY-9:30, back of Social Hall -
TEEN MINYAN KIDDUSH sponsored by the Jelen Family We begin a new season of groups with some new and exciting groups and of course many of our groups that you have all grown to know and love! Make sure you take advantage of the new programs and everything they have to offer. Please sign up for groups here. This will enable you to get weekly emails from your leaders so you will know what to expect on Shabbat! Coming Soon, A Jam-Packed January: TEEN MINYAN Jan. 5 & 19 @ 9:30 am for grades 7-12 4- Freshman Night at CAS- Dinner & Oneg: Party like you're in 9th Grade... because you are! A special Shabbos dinner party JUST FOR FRESHIES! Early bird special price (before Dec 28): CAS Members $10, nonmembers $15 featuring fun and food! 5- Tot Shabbat Oneg: First ever Tot Shabbat oneg! Parents, drop your kids off at Morah Miriam Sperber's Home for an hour of games, fun and nosh: all in the Shabbat spirit. 5- Jr. Teen Oneg: Let us know if you would like to host our Jr. Teen Oneg (Grades 6-8). 5 - Brooklyn Nets Game: Tickets are selling fast - please order yours before they run out! Our first visit to the Barclays Center promises to be a ton of fun! Join us for this fabulous night out. 12- PJ Library @ Tot Shabbat: We welcome Danielle Alexander of PJ Library to share a special Shabbat morning Story Time with our Tots! 20- Pottery Event for BMC: Join our B'nai Mitzvah Club members at a special Sunday pottery event in Stamford. More details to follow. 21- MLK Jr. Teen NYC Trip: Join our annual JR. Teen MLK Trip - look forward to an action-packed day in New York ! 26 -"Fruits in Groups" for Tu B'shvat: Special treats in Shabbat groups in honor of Tu B'shvat! 31- Feb 3 NCSY Winter Regional Shabbaton: Sign up online for this one-of-kind NCSY Shabbaton experience. FOLLOW @CAS_TEENS ON TWITTER!! Shabbat Shalom, Yehuda Jeiger | |
WORKSHOP: CONSIDERING BUYING AN APARTMENT IN ISRAEL? TOP 10 THINGS TO KNOW- Monday, January 14th, 7:45 pm. Plus: A Peek at "Bustan Baka," a magnificent new Jerusalem project. Presented by Gedaliah Borvick (www.myisraelhome.com). Info: gborvick@gmail.com "FROM GALUT TO HITGALUT" WITH DR. HINDY NAJMAN-Wednesdays, January 16th, 23rd & 30th, 8 - 9 pm at the JCC. Dr. Najman, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Yale University, explores the question of how the Jews responded to the destruction of the First Temple. Generously sponsored by Mike and Betsy Stone. Co-sponsored by CAS, the JCC, TBE, TS and YI. NEXT WOMEN'S TEFILLAH GROUP-Shabbat, January 26th, 9:45 A.M. in the Social Hall. To volunteer to daven, read Torah, Haftorah, have an honor or give a Dvar Torah - contact Sandy: whimsicalart@aol.com or Ronnie: ronsichel@aol.com. We will be happy to provide tapes, tutoring and support for all who want to try taking a more active role. NEXT SISTERHOOD EVENT-February 12th, 7:30, Estate Planning.-January 26th
SPONSOR THE KIDDUSH-Would you like to sponsor a Shabbat Kiddush? Call the office and ask for Cindy, 203-358-2200! LET US KNOW! We strive at CAS to support our members in time of need. If you know of someone who is ill, please reach out to Rabbi Cohen via email at rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org or phone, alerting our clergy and Chesed committee to offer comfort and assistance. Together, we can insure CAS's role as a community of caring. Thank you very much! CAS DECORUM The policy for our kids is easy - "In shul or in groups." Please help us maintain decorum. Make sure you child is either sitting in synagogue or participating in our Youth Groups. Make sure that your child enjoys Kiddush in the Simcha Room or Social Hall. | |
A SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY Be one of six teens to be selected for a free trip to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Conference, March 3-5, 2013 in Washington DC. The trip will include registration, travel and hotel, and the winners will join the Agudath Sholom AIPAC delegation. To be one of the six selected: Submit in a 500 word essay-"WHY DOES AIPAC NEED YOU?" If you could lobby to the members of Congress on Capitol Hill, what would you say? What case would you present about the issues affecting the United States and Israel? Essays will be evaluated by local and national panel of AIPAC supporters. Submit to Rabbi Cohen by Friday, January 15, 2013 rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org Open to 10th-12th graders from CAS. Sponsored by Stephanie and Bob Sherman in memory of Stephanie's mother, Rosalie Aberma. If you would like to enable more teens to attend AIPAC Policy Conference through a contribution to our AIPAC Teen Fund, please contact Rabbi Cohen. |
We are excited to announce our honorees for the Annual CAS Dinner Dance Sunday evening, May 5th, 2013! Guests of Honor: Elissa and Dr. Philip Klapper Aviva Maller Community Service Award: Ronni Bass Young Leadership Award: Shira and Ethan Green Annual Dinner Chairpeople: Claudia and Howard Rimerman Diane and Elliot Sloyer We wish them and their families a hearty Mazal Tov! Please mark the date and plan to join us as we celebrate our shul and the accomplishments of our honorees. |
JEWISH ARTS ALIVE-Saturday, January 19th, 8pm at the JCC. Three vignettes written by Tamar Gershberg & performed by local actors, including Jonathan Cahr, David Kweskin & Janice Steinberg. Info: 203-595-6438 or dorisfreundlich@hotmail.com
JEWISH BIBLICAL THEMES BY THE OLD MASTERS WITH HELANE REINGOLD- January 2nd & 9th 10-11:00am at the JCC. The Old Masters helped shaped our vision of Jewish themes and Jewish texts. Review these paintings with the texts that inspired them. Co-sponsored by the JHS. $45/free for J.E.E.P. pass holders. ADL AWARD RECEPTION-Moved to Thursday, January 17th. The Anti-Defamation League will hold its annual Daniel R. Ginsberg Humanitarian Award Reception in Stamford. Rabbi David Israel will be honored at this event. For more information, please contact Janet Magid, Associate Development Director at (203) 288-6500 x313 or jmagid@adl.orgHAVDALAH & HOOPS-Saturday, January 19, 2013, 6:30 p.m. 3-on-3 basketball tournament: fathers and sons (grades 6 - 12), $18 each, including tshirt & trophies for winners. Information or registration by 1/3: Mo Concepcion at (203) 487-0971or mconcepcion@stamfordjcc.org JFS HURRICANE SANDY RELIEF FUND-JFS is ready to assist those in our community in need. Every dollar donated toward the JFS Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund will be matched up to $5000. For more info contact JFS 203-921-4161 JEWISH CLUBS AT STAMFORD HIGH SCHOOL AND WESTHILL HIGH SCHOOL- Stamford High School's club meets on Tuesdays at 2:15 PM in Room 925 and Westhill's club meets on Thursdays at 2:15 PM in Room 601. Clubs meet weekly! For more information contact Rebecca@myjsc.org | |
SYLVIA'S Gift Shop Hours This Week: Sun 10:00 am-1:00 pm Wed & Thurs 12:00 -3:00 pm | | | | | | | | |