| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin 301 Strawberry Hill Avenue, Stamford, CT (203) 358-2200 www.cas-stamford.org |
| September 9, 2011 | Ki Teitzei | 11 Elul 5771 | | | Friday night Candle lighting | 6:57pm | Mincha | 7:00pm | Saturday Hashkama | 8:00am | Coffee & Commentary | 8:45am | Main Sanctuary | 9:00am | Latest Shema | 9:40am | Latest Amidah | 10:44am | Shiur | 10:30am | BabySitting/ Tot Shabbat (Library) | 10:30am | Jr. Congregation (Chapel) | 10:30am | Mini-minyan (Youth Room) | 10:30am | Future Tots (Bridal room) | 10:30am | Daf Yomi | 6:00pm | Mincha | 7:00pm | Seudat Shlishit | 7:10pm | Maariv | 7:52pm | Shabbat Ends | 7:57pm | | | | | There's a lot going on around Stamford: HAVE YOU SIGNED UP YET??? CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO SIGN UP for these CAS & Community events September 11 YF BBQ & Dance Party- click here to sign up September 17 Shabbat Dinner w/Rabbi Leibtag click here to sign up September 18 Bais Binyomin Dinner Click here to sign up September 25 Friendship Circle Walk-friendshipwalkct.com
Mazal Tov to the CAS team on winning the Kiddush Cup Check out the photos on our Facebook page!
Make sure to hear Rabbi Cohen on News Talk - AM1490 WGCH on Monday September 12, 2011 from 6-7 pm Topic - Refelctions 9/11 & Up Coming High Holiday Remember 9/11 with us on Sunday at 9am and at Temple Beth El 7pm | | | Shabbat Topics & Participants | Torah Reader | Charlie Thau | Shacharit/Musaf | Charlie Thau | Usher | Roz Sherman | Rabbi Daniel Cohen | The Nexus of 9/11 | | | Seduat Shlishit - Rabbi Dr. Jeff Cahn | | | Thanks to this week's sponsors...
| Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | The Linda Beson Nursing Education Fund | Chapel Kiddush by | The Beson family in memory of the Yahrtzeits of Linda Beson and Howard Beson and the 80th birthday of Barbara Gelb | Teen Minyan Kiddush by | the Baer Family, sponsoring in honor of Sarah Bass' Bat Mitzvah Anniversary | Sanctuary Kiddush by | Drs. Steven and Danielle Thau in honor of their son Charlie becoming a Bar Mitzvah and to Charlie's sisters Francesca, Micaela and Abigail and the entire Moller/Thau family | Seudat Shlishit by | Dr. Jeff and Judy Cahn in honor of a siyum mishnayot commemorating shloshim for his father, Marvin Cahn, of blessed memory | |
- Steven and Danielle Thau on Charlie's Bar Mitzvah
- Adam Cooper on receiving his Doctorate in Linguistics from Cornell University
- CAS for winning the Kiddush Cup
Daf Yomi | Sunday | 7:45 am | | Mon-Friday | 7:00 am | Shacharit | Sunday | 7:15 / 8:30 am | | Monday - Friday | 6:30/7:30 am | Mincha | Sun-Thursday | 6:55 pm | | Candles next Friday | 6:45 pm | |
Annual Endless Summer Kumsitz Saturday night, September 10, 9 pm featuring Bob Abrams, Jonathan Cahr, Michael Feldstein, Sid Nachman, and Sandy Shapiro home of the Rosovskys, 24 West Lane, NOTE NEW LOCATION Free! lots of food andng a blanket and a chair | The CAS Youth Department & Young Families Group invite you to Welcome Back BBQ Extravaganza!!! THE GREATEST DANCE PARTY EVER A Delicious Outdoor Family BBQ Dinner with ZUMBA by ZAPPY ZEBRA Sunday Sept 11, 4:30 - 6:30 pm And... Holiday Crafts With Your Favorite Shabbat Group Leaders... For more information: Click here to learn more and sign up! | Commemorate the 10th anniversary of 9/11 This Sunday September 11 - City of Stamford 7 pm at Temple Beth El-an evening of music & prayer
- CAS 9 am - a brief prayer and reflective service following the 8:30 am minyan.
| Usher in a New Year of Learning & Growth CAS welcomes renowned teacher RABBI MENACHEM LEIBTAG for a pre-holiday Torah weekend September 16-17
Rabbi Leibtag is the founder of the Tanach Study Center and a teacher at Yeshivat Har Etzion Friday Evening Gourmet Shabbat Dinner catered by Genadeen Caterers followed by Biblical Conversations Between Man and God and their application to the Teshuva Process Shabbat Morning Class 10:30AM The Meaning of the Word 'Torah' in the Torah Women's Shiur at 4:30PM From the Ten Commandments to the Thirteen Attributes:
The Strategy of Jewish Prayer Pre-Mincha Shiur at 5:30PM Rosh Hashana According to Sefer Devarim
Seudat Shlishit Talk at 7:00PM Chumash: A Book to 'Read' or a Book to 'Study' For more information:Click here to learn more and sign up! | Selichot Night Program and Musical Service Saturday night, September 24 8:30 PM The Shawshank Redemption: Reverberations on Return Discussion with Rabbi Cohen and Rabbi Walk with interspersed with clips from the film 9:30 PM Musical Selichot led by Chazzan Wollheim and Jonathan Cahr 12:45 AM Late Selichot | |
Get ready for 5772 with Our Special Pre Holiday Class Series! Classes open to entire community and free of charge. Click here to see the full CAS class list Learn with Rabbi Daniel Cohen Dunking Dishes: Understanding Immersion of Vessels Sunday morning, September 18, 8:15-9:15 am Take on a new mitzvah for the holidays - learn the ins and outs of Tevillat Keilim. Find out why Judaism requires immersion of vessels in a mikvah before use. Join us for Dunkin Donuts coffee and learn about Dunking Dishes. The class includes a tour of our new Keilim Mikvah. Timeless Themes in the Book of Yona Tuesdays mornings September 6, 13 and 27, 8:15 am - 9 am Return to Self: Teshuva Themes in the weekly Torah Portion Tuesdays, September 6, 13 and 27, 12 noon Light Lunch included Learn with Rabbi David Walk Bible from the Beginning Sundays, 9:15 am. Prayer and Repentance: How the traditional prayers guide us through the Teshuva process Tuesdays evenings, September 6, 13, 20 and 27, 7:30 pm | |
Welcome back to the "official" start to an AWESOME new year at the Congregation Agudath Sholom Youth Department (from hereon referred to as CASYD)!!! While some of you were away during the summer, we have been hard at work putting together amazing programs for you. This shabbat we have a full slate of programs... please see our full listing below along with the names of this week's leaders. CASYD Mission Our Youth Department strives to provide innovative religious and recreational activities for babies through senior teens, which infuse core Torah values and a general menschlicheit into the daily lives of our youth. Future- Tots Located in the Bridal Room on the second floor, this new group is a parent led group. Parents of children who are not yet ready to sit in an organized group can join their children for some quality shabbat play time. Tot Shabbat Led by Morah Irene Okun, Morah Sonia Avny. Lauren Schechter and Karen Wexler Toddlers through 3 year olds are invited to participate in our weekly interactive and educational Shabbat morning groups beginning at 10:30 am. The children march with their own stuffed Torahs while singing and dancing to their favorite Shabbat songs. The program incorporates engaging activities, important Jewish lessons and a mini shabbat meal of challah rolls and grape juice as the morning "snack." Although parents may choose to stay in the group, we highly encourage you to drop off your children. If your child needs you to stay, please help the leaders keep the children's attention and focus on the group. Mini Minyan Led by Sara Malka Cohen and Devorah Meyers Pre-K children through first graders are beginning to grow roots in our shul and are learning to become active participants in our community. The curriculum aims to give children the comfort of being in a group without parents, the confidence in using Hebrew and an opportunity to show off their developing Tefilah and Hebrew skills on a weekly basis. Torah stories and games are used to teach important Jewish values. Every Mini Minyan Shabbat starts at 10:30 am and is followed by a mini shabbat meal where the children learn brachot and how to conduct a beautiful shabbat meal. Junior Congregation Led by Mark Rocklin and Shira Wexler Boys and Girls in grades 2-6 are invited to attend our weekly Junior Congregation at 10:30 am. This lively group focuses on inspiring the children to become very comfortable leading davening. With a focus on extended child led tefilah, parshat hashavuah, parsha games, and divrei Torah, our goal is to engage and challenge our students on their level in a warm encouraging environment. Teen Minyan Led by Josh Munk All teens are invited to our Teen Minyan starting at 9:30 in the social hall. Teen Minyan is an incredible opportunity for our teens to get involved in a real minyan. Teens will have the opportunity to lead various parts of tefillah, read from the Torah, give divrei Torah and participate in every aspect of the minyan. Teens will be encouraged to take rolls of leadership in organizing different parts of the program. Each teen minyan will be followed by a delicious HOT CHULENT kiddush just for the teens. PLEASE email Rabbi Jeiger (rabbijeiger@hotmail.com) to sponsor a kiddush for any special occasion... dates are filling up fast. SPECIAL EVENT THIS SUNDAY!!!! ZUMBA DANCE PARTY WELCOME BACK BBQ AND MORE........ We have a few spots left for our welcome back event which you and your kids don't want to miss... please Click here to sign up to sign up today!! Coming Soon... Starting next Shabbat, Sept., 17th we are excited to offer a new group, TEEN CHAT.... teen chat will take place when there is no teen minyan. Teens will meet with Robbie Bernstein in the chapel classroom for a fun learning session.. more details to follow next week. | |
HIGH HOLIDAYS ARE COMING Please watch your mail for a High Holiday Ticket request and Yiskor Book confirmation. Drop them in the office to ensure your seating preferences and to include your entry in our 5772 Yiskor Book. SAVE THE DATE FOR THE ANNUAL DINNER save the date for the Congregation Agudath Sholom Annual Dinner Dance, Sunday, March 18th. eBAY We have our eBay "Business" up and running again to help raise money for the shul. Contact Maury Rosenbaum for more info. KASHRUTH ALERT Earth's Best - Vegetable Turkey, Sweet Potato Chicken The Hain Celestial Group, Inc.Mislabeling - Some Earth's Best Vegetable Turkey and Sweet Potato Chicken jars of baby food bear an unauthorized OU and are not kosher. The company is withdrawing this product from the marketplace. NEW YOUTH GROUP PROGRAM Teen Kickoff In The Park. High Schoolers - Join us Shabbos afternoon Sept 24 at 4PM, as we meet up to kick off the year in the Shabbos Park with some Snackin', Chilaxin', Gamin' and Hangin'! Jr. Teen Kickoff Melave Malke!! Middle Schoolers Time to kick off the year with some after-Shabbos music, junk food, and fun! Saturday night, Sept 24, 9:00-10:30 PM. Cost $5. CAS DECORUM Policy for our kids is easy - "In Shul or In Groups." Please help us maintain decorum by making sure you child is either sitting in synagogue or participating in one of our Youth Groups. During Kiddush, please make sure that your child is enjoying themselves in the Simcha Room or Social Hall - not taking food to the stairways, outside, hallway, Chapel, or Sanctuary. SPECIAL HIGH HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT We are happy to announce that new for this year there will be a third High Holiday service on Rosh Hashanah only. The service with be located in the library and structured as a "Netz Minyan" beginning at 6am with a targeted completion time of 10am. All are welcome. In an effort to gauge interest, please email Elliot Neumann, eneumann11@optonline.net to advise of planned attendance. JOIN SISTERHOOD FOR A FUN FASHION SHOPPING NIGHT! Come see the beautiful collection of Clothing, Cosmetics and Jewelry. Sunday, September 25, 7-9pm at Gayle Bell's house 72 East Lane, Stamford. Please RSVP: Elaine Finkelstein 203-921-7133 cell - Event Coordinator eroseassociates@aol.com JOIN 40 DAYS TO A BETTER YOU AND PREPARE FOR THE HOLIDAYS. The countdown begins on Aug. 30th. Sign up at www.40daystoabetteryou.com | |
A DAUGHTER'S RECITATION OF MOURNER'S KADDISH, Thursday, September 15 7:45pm Raḥel Berkovits, author of JOFA's recently published A Daughter's Recitation of Mourner's Kaddish, will speak as part of a national book tour. Reciting mourner's kaddish for a deceased loved one stands at the heart of the Jewish bereavement process. Join us to explore the sources in Jewish law regarding a daughter's recitation of mourner's kaddish. At the Sichels, 19 Vincent Court, Stamford. STAMFORD JEWISH WOMEN'S UNITY EVENT - Celebrate the New Year with an elegant evening of food, fun friends, featuring Susie Fishbein, acclaimed author of the Kosher by Design cookbook series. Wednesday, September 21 - Stamford Plaza Hotel. 7:00 p.m. registration and hors d'oeuvres; 7:45 p.m.- cooking demonstration/tasting. Presented by: Center Women of the JCC, Chabad, Hadassah Federation. Register www.JewishWomensUnity.org. For more information, contact Nancy Schiffman at 203-487-0941 nschiffman@stamfordjcc.org. FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE WALK Don't forget to join us on Sunday, September 25 at Westhill High School, for a day of family fun and community solidarity as we march hand in hand in support of children with special needs! Join an existing team or start a new one with you family, friends or both. Registration and fundraising is easy and quick at www.friendshipwalkct.com! 35th Anniversary Dinner of Bais Binyomin. Sunday, September 18, 2011, 6:00 p.m. Stamford Plaza Hotel. Guest of Honor Tzvi Bernstein. Community Service Award - Rabbi Yehoshua Belsky. www.tinyurl.com/baisbin NEW! DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP -- Tuesdays 7:30 -8:30 pm, beginning on 9/20 until 11/22. Women seeking support while experiencing divorce will meet to discuss stresses with Melanie Rago in theWestport JFS office, 431 Post Road East, Suite 11. Fee is $20 per person per session. For more information, contact Melanie Rago at 203-454-4992 or email mrago24@gmail.com BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUPS - Wednesdays-4 to 5 pm. At the Atria in Stamford, 77 Third Street in Stamford A bi-monthly support group open to those coping with the loss of a loved one. For more information, contact Dr. Mitchell Flaum at 203-921-4161 or email mflaum@ctjfs.org. Fridays -10:30 -11:30 AM. At the Stamford JFS office, 733 Summer Street, 6th Floor. Open to those coping with the loss of a loved one. For more information and to register, contact Eve Moskowitz at 203-921-4161 ext. 122 or email emoskowitz@ctjfs.org. INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED JEWISH LEARNING AT THE JCC Finding New Meaning in the High Holy Days Join our local rabbis for an exploration of the powerful themes contained within the liturgy and customs of this time of year. 11:00 - 12:00 PM in the JCC Board Room September 9, 16, 23 A Whale of a Tale This class will explore the connection between the Book of Jonah, our lives and Yom Kippur. 12:15 - 1:15 PM in the JCC Board Room September 9, 16, 23. Fee: $50 or free with the purchase of a VIP Card. Info: Elise@ujf.org JEWISH HIGH SCHOOL OF CONNECTICUT OPEN HOUSE October 23, 1-3pm. Info 203-275-8448 or info@jhsct.org or jhsct.org | |
Congregation Agudath Sholom 301 Strawberry Hill Ave, Stamford, CT 06902 Phone:203-358-2200 Fax: 203 358-2323 website: www.cas-stamford.org
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