| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin 301 Strawberry Hill Avenue, Stamford, CT (203) 358-2200 www.cas-stamford.org Mikvah 203-964-1928 / Eruv 203-324-3955 |
| June 8, 2013 | Korach
| 30 Sivan 5773 | | | Friday Candles | 8:05pm | Mincha | 7:00/8:10pm | Chapel | 8:00am | Coffee & Commentary | 8:45am | Shiur | 10:30am | Sanctuary | 9:00am | Women's Tefilla (Social Hall)
| 9:00am | Future Tots/Tot Shabbat Mini Minyan/Jr. Cong/BMC | 10:30am | Jr. Teen Chat
| 10:30am
| Code of Jewish Law
| 7:10pm | Daf Yomi | 7:10pm
| Mincha
| 8:00pm | Maariv | 9:01pm | Shabbat Ends | 9:06pm | Shabbat/Sunday Rosh Chodesh
| Tammuz | | | | Rabbi Cohen's podcasts are now indexed. Just click a "series link" under a podcast - and you will retrieve all the podcast for that series. Now available: | |
| Rabbi Daniel Cohen Monday: 3:30-5:00 pm Thursday: 8:30-9:30 am Starbucks 1079 High Ridge Road Friday: 8:45-10:00 am Rabbi David Walk Sunday: 10:00-11:00 am Monday: 8:15-9:00 pm Thursday: 6:45-7:30 pm | |
Join the CAS Trip to Israel with Rabbi and Diane Cohen Perfect for first-timers and veterans,this trip will span the breadth of Israel both ancient and modern: visiting new discoveries, learning, and participating in social action opportunities to deepen and enrich your experience with Torah and the land and people of Israel Click here to view the CAS Israel Tour Connection website Click here to let Rabbi Cohen know of your interest This trip is open to the entire community. |
Sisterhood Women's Night Out Honoring Judith Altmann This Wednesday, June 12, from 7-9 pm
Cocktails, Savory Nosh and Delectable Dairy Dessert |
| | | What do we remember? What is worth keeping as an heirloom for future generations? Moshe is told to place Aaron's staff, which blossomed miraculously, in the Tabernacle as an eternal reminder of his role as High Priest. What are your heirlooms? Last summer, we hosted an evening dedicated to CAS stories with Rabbi Ehrenkranz, Herm Alswanger,Lorraine Kweskin and many cameos. It was a wonderful evening. The video is now posted online. Enjoy and share! We wish our heartfelt thanks to Evan Stulberger for his expertise and time in recording and producing the video. Best wishes to you and your family for a Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Cohen |
The Women's Tefilla Group invites all girls and women to join in celebrating the Bat Mitzvah of Sydney Steinberg this Shabbat, June 8 Parshat Korach Tefilla begins at 9 am in the Social Hall |
Congregation Agudath Sholom Annual Meeting 301 Strawberry Hill Avenue Stamford, CT Wednesday, June 26, 2013 7:00 - 8:15 pm Please join us for our annual meeting and election of new officers. The CAS Nominating Committee has nominated the following slates: OFFICERS President: Darona Bernstein - 1 year term First Vice President: Stuart Waldstreicher - 1 year term Second Vice President: Dina Berger - 2 year term Third Vice President: Gary Weitz - 2 year term Treasurer: Jake Meyer - 1 year term Assistant Treasurer: Elliot Neumann - 2 year term Secretary: Howard Wolfe - 2 year term DIRECTORS One Year Term | Morris Glucksman | |
Three Year Term | Hecky Attar | Renee Manger | | Fred Baer | Jeff Maron | | Joe Gelb | Irwin Niedober |
Additional nominations, with the consent of the nominee, may be made by written petition signed by thirty (30) members of the Congregation in good standing and filed with the Nominating Committee at least ten (10) days before the Annual Meeting, and written notice of the nominations so made by petition shall be given to each member of the Congregation at least five (5) days before the Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting is open to all members in good standing of Congregation Agudath Sholom. CONTINUING DIRECTORS Two Years Remaining | Mitchell Bell | Burton Rubin |
| Wendy Bennett | Dean Schuckman |
| Rachel Dayan | Rebecca Sigman |
| Eli Freedberg | Laura Tobin |
One Year Remaining | Ron Avidan | Joseph Zalis |
| Ethan Green | Jeffrey Cahn |
| Steven Frenkel | Daniel Sichel |
| Barbara Miller |
Men's Club Representative | Richard Seligson | |
| Mazal Tov to: | - Janice and Reid Steinberg on Sydney's Bat Mitzvah
- Johanna & Selim Akyuz on the bris of their grandson, Arthur Isaac (Yitzchak), born to Belinda & Ephraim Akyuz of Utah
- Doris & Ron Warmflash on the upcoming wedding of David to Kimmie, daughter of Sherry & Bennet Kfare
Mazal Tov also to grandmothers Camille Warmflash, Esther Slen, and the extended Warmflash, Slen and Kfare families - Mazal Tov to the entire Lieberman family on the establishment of the United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, New Canaan and Darien Jewish Education & Engagement Project Rabbi Abraham & Yospa Lieberman Award for Excellence In Jewish Education and the Rabbi Abraham & Yospa Lieberman Teachers' Education Fund
| |
Shabbat Topics & Participants | Shacharit | Levi Dulitz
| Usher | Rosalyn Sherman
| Torah Readers | Rabbi Cohen,Jay Jubas, Judd Love, Shakked Parhi, Simcha Rubin
| Women's Tefilla Group | Sydney Steinberg, Amanda Rose Chaikelson, Hannah Davidson, Ziona Doft, Sophie Jacobson, Talia Shapiro, Janice Steinberg | Musaf | | Sermon Jealousy | | Bat Mitzvah Speech | | Coffee & Commentary | Rabbi David Walk | Shiur Taking Challah or Giving Challah?
| Rabbi David Walk | Code of Jewish Law | Ari Lieberman | Seudat Shlishit Pirkei Avot Perek 4
| Rabbi David Walk
| |
Thanks to this Week's Sponsors...
| Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | the Linda Beson Nursing Educational Fund | Chapel Kiddush | Howard Wolfe in honor of Rachel's welcome return and Danielle's upcoming graduation from BCDS | Sanctuary Kiddush | Janice and Reid Steinberg in honor of Sydney's Bat Mitzvah | Seudat Shlishit
| the shul | Shabbat Bulletin
| Rachel Jubas and Liba Steinmetz in honor of Maria and Glenn Reicin for hosting the mikvah donor dinner with Rabbi Soloveichik
| |
Daf Yomi | Sunday 7:45 am, Monday-Friday 7:00 am | Shacharit | Sunday 7:00/8:30 am, Monday-Friday 6:30/7:30 am | Weekday Mincha | Sunday-Thursday 8:15 pm
| Candles Next Friday | 8:09 pm | |
Rabbi Cohen's Classes This Week Tuesday: Power of the Prophets | 8:15 am | Tuesday: Parsha Perspectives | noon | Friday: Taste of Torah | 8:15 am | |
Rabbi Walk's Classes This Week Sunday: Bible from the Beginning | 9:15 am | Monday: Weekly Parsha at BCDS | 12:10 pm | Thursday Talmud, Megilla | (1 hr before mincha) 7:15 pm | |
| Breakfast Planning Meeting, this Sunday, June 9, 9:30 am $1 includes bagels, lox & cream cheese We'd like to plan some upcoming events and ideas are welcome!
Sisterhood Women's Night Out Honoring Judith Altmann Wednesday, June 12, from 7-9 pm
Cocktails, Savory Nosh and Delectable Dairy Dessert | |
Young Couples | The Young Couples Committee is planning a free event to see Shakespeare's As You Like It performed by Shakespeare on the Sound on Thursday, June 20 at 7:30 p.m. at Pinkney Park in Rowayton. All you need is a blanket, low lawn chairs and a picnic to join us on Thursday, June 20. The shows go on even if it rains, and only cancels if there is a substantial storm at the time of the performance. Please contact Laura Tobin at laurabl@gmail.com for questions and to RSVP. For additional information on the show, including directions and parking, please go to www.shakespeareonthesound.org | |
Youth | This weekend.... Mazal Tov to Sydney Steinberg on her Bat Mitzvah
At Jr. Cong. come and hear Daniel Janush read from the Torah and Isabel Sigman deliver a D'var Torah!! If you would like to read from the Torah or deliver a D'var Torah please speak to Josh or Rabbi Jeiger. A Jam-Packed June: June 9- Jr. Cong. year end BBQ BASH at the Sperber's home Sign up here June 22- Year end AWARDS AFTERNOON program - 4:15-6:00 featuring: o Afternoon Groups with your favorite leaders o Adult Lecture: Our very own Kate Cik, Psy.D. Child Psychologist-"Emotion Regulation: Helping kids to develop control over their feelings and improve frustration tolerance - no more meltdowns" o Light dinner for all o Youth Awards Sign up here If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday or special accomplishment by sponsoring a special "kiddush" in their honor, please email me at rabbijeiger@hotmail.com Shabbat Shalom! Rabbi Jeiger | |
We wish the following people a Refuah Sheleima. Please have them in your prayers: If you would like to add a name for this month, click here Pinchas ben Leeba, Zahava bat Chaya Sara, Boruch ben Polina, Natalie Chana Chaya bat Aviva, Rivka bat Rose, Chaim Yisroel ben Gittel Malka, Yocheved Chana bat Leah Osne, Zechariya Eliyahu ben Ayelet Naomi, Meyer Leib ben Shayna Reisel, Shemuel Simcah ben Channah, Zev Mordechai ben Chaya Gittel, Refael Ephraim ben Sima,Michal Fraida Chava bat Yita Shandel: At her parents request, please recite psalm 47 for Marlene Gatz, a BCDS mother battling cancer. The text is here. |
HAND IN HAND-(Yad B'Yad) a division of the JCC's O-la-mi camp, offers a unique summer program for rising 3rd-6th graders with communication-spectrum disorders, including: high-functioning autism, Asperger's syndrome, ADD/ADHD, and individuals with sensory motor integration challenges. The mission of this (two sessions) three-week program is to improve each child's ability to develop and maintain positive relationships with peers, and to build a solid foundation for making and keeping friends within a relaxed, fun, and creative environment.Scholarship assistance available. Click here for more info or contact Dinushka De Silva at 203.487.0946 or ddesilva@stamfordjcc.org with any questions. THE TERRITORIES-HISTORY, ISSUES, POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS-June 9, 9:30 am, JCC. Mentioned regularly in the news, "the Territories" are a trigger point for most discussions about Israel. However, many Americans do not have a strong grasp of the history, and are only aware of what the media tells about what is happening on the ground. As a community deeply engaged in the discussion of Israel, it is imperative that we know the history, and are aware of the facts on the ground. Only then, should we discuss what can be done for the future. The Jewish Education and Engagement Project of the United Jewish Federation (UJF) and the JCC in partnership with Chavurat Aytz Chayim, Congregation Agudath Sholom, Hadassah, Selah, Temple Beth El, Temple Sinai and Young Israel will offer this program, conducted by Rabbi Stanley Davids and UJF's new CEO, Jim Cohen and will include ample time for discussion and questions.The program, which begins at 9:30 am, will include a light continental breakfast. To register for the program go to www.ujf.org/territories.aspx. The program is $15 in advance/$20 at the door ($7.50/$10 for J.E.E.P. Pass holders). For more information, contact Elise Passy at elise@ujf.org or 203-321-1373 ext. 114 AN EVENING OF TRIBUTE TO THE REBBE-Tuesday, June 11, 8 pm at the Chabad Center, 770 High Ridge Road. Commemorating the Rebbe's 19th Yahrtzeit - Gimmel Tammuz 5773. You are invited to a one-of-a-kind musical tribute to the Lubavitcher Rebbe of blessed memory. A journey of original stories to uplift and inspire with Rabbi Ruvi New, Chabad of East Boca Raton. For Men & Women. Refreshments will be served. NO CHARGE - RSVP Appreciated Click here for more information COLLEGE STUDENT SHABBATON WITH MICHAL SMART-June 14-16, presented by Young Israel of Stamford. Join other Stamford young adults for a special Weekend learning and hiking opportunity with Michal Smart (Founder of Teva and professional wilderness guide) Fee: $35 per person for the 3 days (including Shabbat dinner Friday night.) Rsvp to docschrag@aol.com. SPACE IS LIMITED! Friday, June 14 5-7 pm (At the home of Jonah Schrag & Valerie Warmflash (252 Pepper Ridge Road, Stamford) Text Study with Michal and Personal Reflection. 7:00 pm: Davening and Shabbat Dinner (under Rabbi Krimsky's supervision.) Shabbat Day, June 15 9:00 am: Services at Young Israel of Stamford, 69 Oaklawn Ave. 5:30-7 pm Text Study with Michal: G-d's Image, Rav Elazar and the Ugly Man: What are the Torah principles that guide our interactions with other people? If I'm right, are you wrong? How do we deal with people we find offensive? Do we have to forgive someone who hurt us? Sunday, June 16 9:00 am-2:00 pm: Exploring Creation: Hike in Devil's Den Preserve, Weston with Michal. What does Judaism have to say about environmental issues? We will hike and explore the forest, have fun, and also explore what Judaism teaches us about our relationship with the natural world; our power and our responsibilities. Please bring a water bottle and lunch. JCC KIDS TRIATHLON-Sunday, June 16 (Father's Day), 7 am at the JCC Stamford. Click here for Triathlon website. THE MIKE MILE-Sunday Morning, June 23, 2013 at High Ridge Park in Stamford, Family 1 mile walk/run to support research for CIDP, a rare autoimmune disorder that has afflicted Michael Rothman. For more information, please visit the website at www.michaelcidp.com for information on CIDP. To sign up directly for The Mike Mile you can go to http://themikemile.eventbrite.com LIFE TRANSITIONS-Wednesdays at 11:30 am beginning June 19. Ongoing support group for the unemployed at the Stamford JFS office, 733 Summer Street, 6th Floor. The focus of the group is to provide a forum to discuss and explore the concerns and issues related to job loss and to find alternative solutions for career satisfaction. The group is a collaborative effort between JFS Counseling and Employment & Training Departments. To register or for more information, please contact Rebekah Kanefsky at 203-921-4161 or email at rkanefsky@ctjfs.org JEWISH CLUBS AT STAMFORD HIGH SCHOOL AND WESTHILL HIGH SCHOOL-Stamford High School's club meets on Tuesdays at 2:15 PM in Room 925 and Westhill's club meets on Thursdays at 2:15 PM in Room 601. Clubs meet weekly! For more information contact rebecca@myjsc.org | SYLVIA'S CAS Sisterhood Gift Shop Summer Hours Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00-3:00 pm Wednesday June 12, 6:30-7 pm, preceding the Sisterhood event uesday, Wednesday, Thursday 12-2 pm |
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