Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin |
Achrei Mot | Omer: 14 | May 4, 2019 | 29 Nisan 5779 |
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Friday | Mincha | 7:00 PM | Candle Lighting | 7:34 PM | Shabbat | Shacharit | 7:00 AM/8:00 AM/9:00 AM | Torah Before Tefillah | 7:40 AM | Coffee And Commentary | 8:45 AM | Latest Shema | 9:20 AM | Teen Minyan | 9:30 AM | Shiur | 10:30 AM | Latest Shacharit | 10:30 AM | Tot Shabbat/Mini Minyan/Jr. Cong/BMC | 10:30 AM | Daf Yomi | 5:45 PM | Code of Jewish Law | 5:45 PM | Shiur | 6:30 PM | Mincha | 7:30 PM | Maariv | 8:31 PM | Shabbat Ends | 8:36 PM |
Transcending Tragedy: Rabbi Yisrael Goldstein and the Kaliver Rebbe Join us this Shabbat morning in synagogue, inspired by the strength of Rabbi Yisrael Goldstein of Poway and his message. We will pause the service at 11:23am marking it with a moment of silence, a prayer, a song and affirm our sacred responsibility to recognize anti-semitism and hatred when we see it and to combat this dark ideology by bringing more light into the world. In the words of Rabbi Goldstein, "I do not know God's plan. All I can do is try to find meaning in what has happened. And to use this borrowed time to make my life matter more. I used to sing a song to my children, a song that my father sang to me when I was a child. "Hashem is here," I would sing, using a Hebrew name for God, pointing with my right index finger to the sky. "Hashem is there," I would sing, pointing to my right and left. "Hashem is truly everywhere." That finger I would use to point out God's omnipresence was taken from me. I pray that my missing finger serves as a constant reminder to me. A reminder that every single human being is created in the image of God; a reminder that I am part of a people that has survived the worst destruction and will always endure; a reminder that my ancestors gave their lives so that I can live in freedom in America; and a reminder, most of all, to never, ever, not ever be afraid to be Jewish." This past Sunday also marked the passing of Rav Menachem Mendel Taub, the Kaliver Rebbe. When I was in Israel during my gap year, I had the privilege of spending a Friday night with him. The Kaliver Rebbe was the only rebbe of a major Chasidus not to have a beard. This is because when he was in Auschwitz, Mengele personally experimented on him causing him to lose the ability to grow a beard or have children. The Kaliver Rebbe was a leader in pushing for more Holocaust commemorations in the Chasidic/Charedi world. He lamented the fact that people only really remember the Holocaust on Yom HaShoah, but block it from their mind the rest of the year. He said, "If you were there - if you saw how they took a baby from his mother and threw him into a fire - you would never forget." Hours before his liberation, the Nazis were trying to kill as many Jews as they could. The Rebbe screamed "Sh'ma Yisrael" and said, "Ribbono Shel Olam. This might be the last time I recite Sh'ma Yisrael. If you let me live, I will make it my mission that the living continue to say Sh'ma Yisrael." The Rebbe survived and made it his life's mission to encourage people to recite Sh'ma at every event that he held. As we reflect on the events of the past week and the upcoming days of Yom Hazikaron and Yom Haatzmaut, let us never lose our resolve to fight against the forces of hate and bring light even i the darkest of times. Am YIsrael Chai! Wishing you and your families a Shabbat Shalom and Happy Rosh Chodesh, Rabbi Daniel Cohen
Introducing Rabbi Cohen's New What's App Group "Living the Torah Moment" Bridge the Freedom of Pesach to the Torah of Shavuot with a Dose of Daily Torah Inspiration. To sign up, send Rabbi Cohen a What's App at 2032528252 or via this link |
- to Rabbi Gideon Weitzman, our Scholar in Residence this Shabbat in partnership with Israel 360 and the Religoius Zionists Of America. Rabbi Weitzman is the head of the English Section of the Puah Institute for Fertility and Medicine in Accordance with Halacha and the Director of PUAH America. He is also the Rabbi of the Merkaz Modiin Community.
- to Rabbi David Aaron this Sunday, May 5th. He will be speaking to pre-Teens, Teens and Parents at 6 PM at the Shul and on the topic of "The Kabbalah of Love: secrets to real-ationship" at 7:30 PM at the home of Rabbi Daniel and Diane Cohen.
- to Nechama Price, who is leading our Women's Scholars Series. The first session is this coming Wednesday, May 8 at 8 PM
Notice Sunday AIPAC event is being rescheduled for a later date and will not take place this Sunday morning |
Michael Feldstein Link Stamford's own Marc Weiner is featured in this article in The Jewish Link |
Shabbat Topics & Participants |
Friday Night Dvar Torah | Rabbi Daniel Cohen | Torah Before Tefillah | Rabbi Oran Zweiter | Coffee and Commentary | Rabbi Daniel Cohen | Code of Jewish Law | Ari Lieberman | 10:30 shiur | Rabbi Gideon Weitzman: TBD | Shacharit | Levi Dulitz | Haftorah | Joe Mittel | Musaf | Rabbi Avi Block | Sermon | Rabbi Gideon Weitzman The Miracle that is the State of Israel | Torah Reader | Nat Samberg | Daf Yomi | David Bessaleli | Pre-Mincha Shiur | Rabbi Gideon Weitzman Who is Mommy? Defining Motherhood in the Case of Surrogacy | Seudat Shlishit | Rabbi Gideon Weitzman Fertility Treatment and Miracles: The Fascinating Case of Circumcision and IVF |
Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | Howard & Stephanie Fogel in memory of Sam Fogel | Library Kiddush | Chapel Kiddush | Co-sponsored by Richard & Jodi Boxer in memory of Dr. Eric Boxer, Dr. Murray Engel in memory of his father Abraham Engel's yahrzeit, and Howard Weiss in memory of his father, Herbert Weiss | Teen Kiddush | Rachel and Ephraim Cohen & Family | Sanctuary Kiddush/Bima Flowers | Haron Family in memory of Nancy Haron on her Yahrzeit | Seudat Shlishit | Meryl & Larry Meiteles in commemoration of Aliza Meiteles' yahrzeit |
Shacharit | Shacharit: Sunday 7:00 AM/8:30 AM, Monday 6:20 AM/7:30 AM, Tuesday-Friday 6:30 AM/7:30 AM Following Sunday's 8:30am shacharit, The Fischel Family will provide breakfast in honor of Flossy | Mincha | Mincha: Sunday-Thursday 7:45 PM, Friday 7:00 PM | Candles Friday | 7:42 PM | Sunday | Rosh Chodesh Iyyar/Omer: 15 | Monday | Rosh Chodesh Iyyar/Omer: 16 | Tuesday | Omer: 17 | Wednesday | Yom HaZikaron/Omer: 18 | Thursday | Yom HaAtzma'ut/Omer: 19 | Friday | Omer: 20 |
- the family of Lori Gilbert Kaye who was murdered last Shabbat at the Chabad of Poway and speedy recovery to Rabbi Yisrael Goldstein, Noya Dahan (8) and her uncle Alon Peretz who were injured
- to Jeff Cunningham and Abby Katz on the recent bris of their baby boy Yonah Aryeh.
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here |
Transmitting Torah: For Women By Women Shabbat, May 11 - 5:30 PM Get excited for the Spring installment of CAS's Transmitting Torah: For Women by Women, a program of the OU Women's Initiative Challenge Grant. Part I: Join your friends for some shabbat afternoon learning with CAS's Yoetzet Halacha Dena Block on "Sefirat HaOmer: A time for Dating G-d--Lessons for our Own Relationships." Shiur will take place on May 11th at 5:30 pm at the home of Toby Schaffer--262 Strawberry Hill Ave.Part II: Exciting Shavuot Program for Women--Details TBA. To get involved, contact Dena at |
Two Faiths: One Heart: Partnering With St. Bridget Church. Sunday, May 19 - 12:30 PM Please join us in the CAS social hall as we kick-off a new joint initiative with St. Bridget of Ireland Church. our Thanksgiving partnership for the homeless was a wonderful success. We will begin running a drive for specific items to benefit Jewish Family Services, the Undies Project, and the Salvation Army. Great opportunity to socialize and meet our neighbors from across the street while learning about the month-long diaper/underwear drive. Light refreshments will be served. For more info, contact Jonathan Lerner: |
CAS Senior Luncheon Thursday, May 30 - 11:30 AM The Bi-Cultural Hebrew Academy choir will join us for entertainment and lunch! |
CAS Israel Advocacy Committee And Israel Bonds Joins In An Evening With Gil Tamary Tuesday, June 4 - 7:30 PM WASHINGTON BUREAU CHIEF, ISRAEL'S CHANNEL 13 NEWS"Beresheet", the Israeli spacecraft to the moon. Hear Gil Tamary's first-hand experience covering an incredible story that captures Israeli spirit, innovation, courage, chutzpah and resilience. |
- MOMMY AND ME GROUP Monday, April 29, from 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM. The Mom Group is a great and easy way to form meaningful connections with other moms in your neighborhood. Join us for a weekly playdate with your little one and an opportunity to share your experiences, ask questions you need help with, gather resources, or just connect with other women.
- YOUNG COUPLES/FAMILIES ONEG IN THE SHABBOS PARK May 4 @ 4:30 PM. Please bring a pareve snack, drink or dessert to share at Barrett Park!
- UPCOMING EVENT Young Families Shabbos luncheon on May 18th at CAS
- UPCOMING EVENT Young Couples Backyard Soiree!Join CAS Young Couples for a night out at the home of the Ciks on Sunday, July 14th, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM! Drinks, appetizers, socializing and more! Connect with other young CAS members, both new and longstanding. No cost but RSVP required. Address provided upon RSVP.
- HEALING VISITS MITZVAH UPDATE The healing visits team is a CAS group who visit people in the hospital, facilities or at home. It is a meaningful way to lift people's spirits and make a difference. You can offer as much time as you have for each person. Every week we send out a healing visit update. To join the team, contact Rabbi Cohen at
- CAS FREE MEZUZAH CAMPAIGN IN FAIRFIELD COUNTY, CT Bringing Blessings to Jewish Homes. Do you know a neighbor or a friend who lacks a mezuzah? CAS offers a free mezuzah and home visit to post this sacred scroll at the entrance to all Jewish homes in the area. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen:
- JOIN THE CHEVRA KADISHA We need new volunteers for the Chevra - those willing to perform a tahara. Info: Please contact Rochel Attar at
- IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING We need you to help secure our Synagogue. As you come to the building, please be aware of your surroundings. If you see something out of the ordinary, please let someone know about it. This will keep everyone safe.
- WELCOME TO OUR SYNAGOGUE PROGRAM Every Shabbat we station ushers at the doors in the sanctuary to welcome people, assist them and enhance the service. We are expanding the usher roles to include a greeter in the lobby from 9-10:30 am. Please join the usher team. We need you and your smile. Info: Mitchell Bell.
- COMMUNITY CHESED HELPERS An important role of the Chesed committee is outreach to the Shul's elderly and homebound, who are often isolated and lack a lifeline to our synagogue. Volunteer to reach out and identify needs, visit, or give a ride. Even small gestures mean a great deal Interested? Vivian Weiss at 203-323-0909 or If you are aware of elderly or homebound members in need of outreach, please notify Rabbi Cohen.
Update on Rabbi Cohen's & Rabbi Zweiter's Open Office HoursOpen Office Hours are an opportunity to drop by to see our Rabbis without an appointment. They will be available in their office for guidance or a chat. Rabbis will not schedule meetings during these hours, which will be held around the same time each week. Call the office to confirm Rabbi Cohen or Rabbi Zweiter are not attending to an urgent matter outside the synagogue. Open Office Hour Times for this Week Rabbi Daniel Cohen - Monday, May 6, 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM at CAS
- Tuesday, May 7, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM at CAS
- Friday, May 10, 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM at Starbucks, 2139 Summer St, Stamford, CT 06904
Rabbi Oran Zweiter - Tuesday, May 7, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM at CAS
- Wednesday, May 8, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM at CAS
- Thursday, May 9, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM at CAS
Week of May 5 | Sunday | Rabbi Oran Zweiter: Bible from the Beginning - 9:15 AM | Monday | Bob Abrams: The Tanach Club - Pirkei Avot; Diving into our Morals - 10:15 AM | Tuesday | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: The Depth of Genesis - 8:15 AM | | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Depth of Yom Haatzmaut - Themes in Theology and Halacha in Religious Zionism - 9:00 AM | | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Parsha Perspectives and Paradigms - 12:00 PM | Wednesday | Rabbi Oran Zweiter: Weekly Haftorah - 9:30 AM | Thursday | Rabbi Oran Zweiter: Rabbi Soloveitchik's work, Halakhic Man - 9:15 AM | | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Tractate Taanit - 8:15 PM | Friday | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: The Pre-Shabbos Torah Taste - 8:15 AM |
Heritage Trip to Poland this Summer - Deadline Extended There are still spots available for the Poland trip this summer. |
Shabbat | Sanctuary | Chapel | Library | Teen |
May 11 | Sanctuary: open | Chapel: sponsored | Library: sponsored | Teen: | May 18 | Sanctuary: sponsored | Chapel: sponsored | Library: sponsored | Teen: open | May 25 | Sanctuary: open | Chapel: sponsored | Library: sponsored | Teen: | Jun 1 | Sanctuary: sponsored | Chapel: sponsored | Library: sponsored | Teen: | Jun 8 | Sanctuary: open | Chapel: open | Library: sponsored | Teen: |
- GENERATIONS is an intergenerational music class, run by Music Together, that brings children and seniors together to form a "music community." The class is intended to bridge the gap between generations through the shared experience of music. This Spring, a Generations class will be offered at the Atria-Stamford (Wednesdays May 1st through June 12th, 4-4:45). Parents are invited to register children at If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Shari Levine at sharikel@gmail.comSent from my iPad
- THINKING ABOUT A BRIDGE PROGRAM FOR YOUR PRESCHOOLER? Join Carmel Academy for our upcoming Transitional Kindergarten Welcome Wednesdays on April 17 or May 22. This is a wonderful opportunity for prospective parents to meet our teachers, see our educational philosophy in action, and learn more about Carmel Academy's Transitional Kindergarten program. Our TK program is designed to bridge the year between preschool and kindergarten, providing students with a strong foundation for success in elementary school and beyond. Registration is required. Please contact Ella Shteingart at 203-983-3503 or register at
- JEWISH NATIONAL FUND invites you to celebrate Israel and have a great time at the Third Annual Positively Israel Reception featuring comedian Joel Chasnoff, May 15th, Temple Israel Center, White Plains, NY, 7:30pm. General tickets: $36, sponsorship and VIP levels available, RSVP to or email
- TEMPLE BETH EL welcomes the Community to a screening of Who Will Write Our History IN memory of Dr. Hesh Romanowitz Tuesday, May 7, 2019 Who Will Write Our History tells the true story of a clandestine group of journalists, scholars and community leaders in the Warsaw Ghetto who defiedthe Nazis with the ultimate weapon-the truth-and risked everything so that their archive would survive the war, even if they did not. Now for the first time, their story is told in the documentary featuring the voices of three-time Academy Award nominee Joan Allen and Academy Award winner Adrien Brody. 7 p.m. Special introduction by Prof Samuel Kassow 7:30 p.m. Film Screening followed by Q and A Everyone is welcome.There is no charge.Samuel Kassow is the Charles H. Northampton Professor of History at Trinity College and author of the award winning book, Who Will Write Our History? The Secret Archive of the Warsaw Ghetto.
- JOIN US at 613 on Monday May 6th for Rabbi Menachem Leibtag's annual Dinner & Learn title "The Vision of a Nation Vs. A Nation With a Vision" . Dinner at 7, Shiur at 7:30. RSVP to Judith Jelen at
- THE JOEL AND LOIS COLEMAN LECTURE SERIES: "Sex, Drugs & Rock N' Roll - How the Baby Boomer Generation Will Disrupt Senior Living"Wednesday, May 15, 2019at Jewish Senior Services, Bennett Hall4200 Park Avenue, Bridgeport, CTDaniel Reingold has been President and CEO of RiverSpring Health since 1990 which is a leading non-profit senior care organization that includes the renowned Hebrew Home of Riverdale. Mr. Reingold and his team opened the Weinberg Center for Elder Abuse Prevention, the nation's first elder abuse shelter, in 2005. Mr. Reingold has testified multiple times before the U.S. Senate Special committee on Aging and attended the 2015 White House Conference on Aging. In 2018, Mr. Reingold received the highest recognition in the field of non-profit long term senior care with the LeadingAge Award of Honor. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Kim Gintoli at 203-365-6463 or
- CHEVRA KADISHA TRAINING SESSION Interested in learning about how a tahara is performed? Looking to possibly volunteer for the Chevra Kadisha? Rabbi Elchonon Zohn will be at Congregation Agudath Sholom for a training session on Sunday morning, May 19th, between 9AM-12 noon. Sponsored by the Stamford Chevra Kadisha. Suitable for new volunteers, and also as a refresher course for existing Chevra members. Light breakfast will be served. No RSVP required.
- AMERICAN VETERANS OF ISRAEL LEGACY CORPORATION will hold its 53rd annual Mickey Marcus Memorial Service at the Jewish Chapel of the United States Military Academy at West Point on Sunday, May 5, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. More detailed program information will be available in early 2019.
- WHITEWATER RAFTING TRIP 2019 Join us on Sunday, June 23rd, 2019 to do some whitewater rafting down the Lehigh River in class II and III rapids. We will be leaving Stamford (carpooling) at approximately 6 AM and returning around 7 PM (approximately 5 hrs in the river. If you are interested in joining, please fill out the following form: by Wednesday, May 15th, 2019. Cost of the trip will be approximately $70. Lunch and transportation are not included. We go rain or shine. Children over the age of 10 are welcome to come. Any questions, please email Eric Sigman at
- DO A MITZVAH! CONSIDER SUPPORTING THE JFS KOSHER FOOD PANTRY by purchasing Mitzvah Baskets and/or Mitzvah Centerpieces instead of flowers for your next simcha at CAS. Distributions from the JFS Kosher Food Pantry have increased by more than 1000 since the recession. With this tremendous upsurge in use, JFS is constantly challenged to keep the food pantry full. Your generosity enables JFS to help those in our community in their greatest moments of need.
We Wish A Speedy Recovery To |
- Avraham Chaim Hakohen ben Fayga
- Avraham ben Sussa
- Batya bat Frida
- Bluma Tziporra bat Dinah Leah
- Chaim Leib ben Sara
- Chaim ben Rosa
- Daniel natan ben Sara Leah
- Davida Yonah bat Yisroela Elana
| - Dov ben Pnina
- Eliezer ben Chana
- Karen bat Peggy
- Mattityahu ben Chana Deborah
- Menachem Mendel ben Shoshana
- Miriam bat Helen
- Miriam bat Rachel
- Refael Ephraim ben Sima
| - Shimon Z"L ben Sarah
- Shimon ben Sarah
- Tamar bat Yocheved
- Tziviah bat Yitta
- Yerachmiel Shemaya ben Devorah Elka
- Zev Mordechai ben Chaya Gittel
- Zinovi ben Riva
CAS Israel Advocacy Update |
Take a Minute to Support Israel Supporting Israel isn't hard -- there are many things that you can do that take literally one minute. The Israel Committee now has a website built on this idea. Go to for simple things that you can do, from calling your Congressional representatives to social media posts, that take only a minute or two. Check back frequently for updates and ideas for things you can do! |
LIPS product of the week Check out our new Love Israel Products Blog (LIPS) for the latest ways to support Israel! Thank you to Lola Halperin and Aaron Goldenberg for organizing. |
- KOSHER ALERTS The OU reminds you to always check the label before purchasing any item that needs kosher certification! And for the latest corrective actions, stay up with the latest OU KOSHER CONSUMER ALERTS & ADVISORIES...just click here
- KOSHER ADVISORY Breaking news from the OU - newly certified items! to check out the list click here
Join the Siyum Celebration Initiative Torah is the Pause that Refreshes! A Project of Congregation Agudath Sholom Complete Tractate Brachot (Blessings) in Mishna or Talmud this year and celebrate on Shavuot, June 9-10, 2019 Each Shabbat in shul, we will highlight two mishnayot and two folios of the Talmud. Study at home, in shul, on your own, or with a friend. To learn more about the Talmud, download for free Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, The Essential Talmud The Calendar of Goals (below) will be updated monthly. For questions and more info, contact Rabbi Daniel Cohen at or Rabbi Oran Zweiter at |