| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin 301 Strawberry Hill Avenue, Stamford, CT (203) 358-2200 www.cas-stamford.org |
| December 16, 2011 | Vayeshev | 21 Kislev 5772 | | | Friday Song of Songs | 4:00pm | Candles | 4:09pm | Mincha | 4:14pm | Saturday Hashkama | 8:00am | Coffee & Commentary | 8:45am | Main Sanctuary | 9:00am | | | Future Tots - Parent Led (Bridal Room) | 10:30am | Tot Shabbat (Library) | 10:30am | Mini-minyan (Youth Room) | 10:30am | Jr. Congregation (Chapel) | 10:30am | Jr. Teen Chat (Simcha Hall) | 10:30am | Mincha | 4:00pm | Daf Yomi | 4:25pm | Shabbat Ends | 5:09pm | | | | | This Sunday, December 18, 4-7pm SENATOR JOSEPH LIEBERMAN PRESENTS: The Gift of Rest: Rediscovering the Beauty of the Sabbath Hosted By the Men's Club Open to the Community 4 -5 pm Reception & Book Signing 5 pm Senator Lieberman's Presentation 6 pm Italian Style Dinner $15 adults, $10 children (4-12) Max per family $45.00 Sisterhood Gift Shop Open Sunday during this event for all your Chanukah needs!
HAPPY CHANUKAH! CELEBRATE THE HOLIDAY WITH US! - THURSDAY December 22, 2 pm -Musical Chanukah Senior Tea
- SUNDAY December 25, 5:15 pm-CAS Youth Family Chanukah Party
SIGN UP FOR ALL THE EVENTS @ www.cas-stamford.org Have you seen them?
Amazing selection of Chanukah menorahs at
Sylvia's, the Sisterhood Gift Shop
Join Rabbi Daniel Cohen and Rabbi David Walk for weekday classes Click Here for full Schedule! Click here to hear Rabbi Cohen's podcasts Chanukah begins evening of Tuesday December 20th ! Rabbi David Walk Class on Tuesdays 7:30 p.m.- Messiah & the Middle Ages
We would like to offer best wishes to Lawrence Ostroff III who is embarking to serve in Afghanistan ALL THE BEST AND A SAFE RETURN! | | | Shabbat Topics & Participants | Torah Readers | Dr. Jeffrey Cahn, Dr. Ted Listokin, Rabbi Shakked Parchi, Judd Love, Gil Daniels | Musaf | Gil Daniels | Rabbi Daniel Cohen | Jo Jo, Tebow and Joseph | Coffee & Commentary | Rabbi Eli Bercuson | Usher | Ana Lilienfeld | Seudat Shlishit / Dvar Torah | Andrew Bein | |
Thanks to this week's sponsors...
| Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | in honor of Irwin Niedober for his helpfulness and his love of animals from Eddie & Shelley Senker and the Linda Beson Nursing Educational Fund | Chapel Kiddush by | Arthur Smith and Shirley Zajdel in honor of the birth of Joshua Smith to Perry Smith and Siona Listokin | Sanctuary Kiddush by | Nahum and Tracy Daniels in honor of their son Gil's Bar Mitzvah | Seudat Shlishit by | Andrew and Janet Bein commemorating the first Yahrzeit of his mother Joan Bein Liebowitz | |
- Joe & Miriam Gelb on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Jillian Rutstein, daughter of Marcia & Jeff Rutstein
- Donnie & Michelle Sherer on the birth of a grandson Sidney Burke born to Jennifer & Brendan Burke
- Nahum & Tracy Daniels on their son Gil Bar Mitzvah
- Jeffrey & Rhonda Maron on their sons Jonathan & Max becoming B'nai Mitzvah
- Burton Benjamin on the passing of wife, Susan Benjamin
- Marilyn Hellinger, Robert Schur and Ken Schur on the passing of their mother, Frances Schur
- Norman & Sam Lotstein, Susan Lapine on the passing of their mother, Lillian Lotstein
Daf Yomi | Sunday | 7:45 am | Mon-Friday | 7:00 am | Shacharit | Sunday | 7:15/8:30 am | Mon-Wed | 6:30/7:30 am | Mincha | Sun-Thursday | 4:15pm | Candles Friday | 4:09 pm | |
Senator JOSEPH LIEBERMAN on The Gift of Rest: Rediscovering the Beauty of the Sabbath Book Signing, Reception, Dinner on December 18 - 4pm Click here to learn more and sign up | Join us for a Musical Chanukah Senior Tea - December 22, 2pm hosted by Rabbi Cohen Click here to sign up | Join us for Family Chanukah Spectacular December 25, 5:15pm Family Fun, Magic, Prizes & More! Click here to sign up | Join as we create an inspiring Shabbat with song and study, following the model of the Yakar synagogue in Jerusalem Yakar Shabbat January 6-7 Featuring Sarah & Rabbi Noah Cheses the Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus couple at Yale University Professor Paul Franks Professor of Philosophy and Judaic Studies at Yale University Professor Hindy Najman Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Yale University details to come! | Parents of children up to age 6...join us for.. Shema Under The Stars January 14, 6pm Snacks, art project & Kumsitz with Bobby Doowah! Click here to sign up | | |
Our Adult Education Classes are underway! See the complete schedule, by topic or day! @ click - learn.cas-stamford.org Rabbi Walk's Tuesday topic this week: Messiah & the Middle Ages Rabbi Daniel Cohen Classes on Tuesdays - Power of Prophets 8:15-9:00 am - Light breakfast served.
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DIDN'T GET THE SPECIAL YD EMAIL? YOU CAN READ THE FULL YOUTH BLAST YOU CAN SIGN UP FOR EVENTS YOU CAN SEE THE YOUTH CALENDAR Check it out! @ click - youth.cas-stamford.org LATE BREAKING NEWS! SUNDAY MORNING GROUP SIGNUP IS OPEN! CLICK HERE NOW! THIS SHABBAT -Avi Gordon read from the Torah and Emily Seligson deliver a D'var Torah. TEEN MINYAN - New and Improved! Teen Round Table Schmooze with Breakfast - 9:30 AM Teen Minyan - 9:45 AM (Barchu) Dec. 24, Jan 7, Jan 28 We are looking for sponsors for these Kiddushim! CHECK OUT OUR NEW TEEN MINYAN SIGN UP PAGE @youth.cas-stamford.org/teenminyan Coming Soon.... - Dec 25 - SR. & JR. TEENS - Xtreme Arcade Trip - New Rock City Click here to sign up!
- Dec 25 - Chanukah Family Celebration Click here to sign up NOW!
- Dec 27-Jan 1 NCSY International Yarchei Kallah Shabbaton
- January 14, 2012 - SHEMA UNDER THE STARS with Bobby Doowah Click here to sign up
- January 20-21, 2012 - Junior Congregation Mini Shabbaton...more info coming soon
- Feb 11, 2012 - New Jersey Nets vs San Antonio Spurs Basketball Game
- May 19-20 - Tamir Goodman.. Youth Scholar in Residence/ Fundraiser Shabbat- Save the date!!!
Upcoming Teen Minyan Dates: Dec 24, Jan 7, Jan 14, Feb 11 Please sign up to lain or sponsor kiddushim online at Click here to sign up to participate or sponsor teen minyan! SUNDAY MORNING CLUBS Sunday morning clubs.. Thanks for all who responded to our survey. We will begin Sunday morning, Jan. 8th, 2012 and run a 6 week semester. Click here to sign up! Shabbat Shalom! Rabbi Jeiger For all our Youth Department info please visit.. | | |
CAS DECORUM The policy for our kids is easy - "In shul or in groups." Please help us maintain decorum. Make sure you child is either sitting in synagogue or participating in our Youth Groups. Make sure that your child enjoys Kiddush in the Simcha Room or Social Hall. SAVE THE DATE FOR THE CAS ANNUAL DINNER March 18 Calling all Pre-Teen, Teens and even a few adults. Join the Rabbi's Clean Dream Team to enhance the decorum and dignity of our shul on Shabbat morning - For more info or to sign up, email Rabbi Cohen at rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org. KEEP IN TOUCH Rabbi Cohen would like to keep in touch with all our students who are studying in Israel and away at college for the year. Please send your child's name, cell phone number and email address to rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org THE SISTERHOOD is looking for someone to donate a working laptop. Please contact Dierdre in the office | |
Sisterhood Book Club We are excited to announce 2 new books for reading with our Book Club in 2012 The first is : THE MAN IN THE WHITE SHARKSKIN SUIT by Lucette Lagnado The second will be: SUBMISSION by Amy Waldman (Reading in April) For more information contact Diane Cohen at dndcohen@sbcglobal.net We will meet at Dinah Miller's home-154 Pepper Ridge #5 January 29 at 11:00 am Free for Sisterhood Members $10 for Non Members $18 for Annual membership We hope you can join in the fun!
Sisterhood Gift Shop "SYLVIA'S" COME SEE OUR GORGEOUS NEWLY STOCKED ITEMS FOR CHANUKAH - GIFTS AND DECORATIONS Hours for next week-Stop by! Sunday, 12/18 Tuesday, 12/20 10 am - 1 pm then 3:30 - 5:30pm 12 - 4 pm Wednesday, 12/21 Thursday 12/22 1 - 3 pm 12 - 4 pm Sunday, 12/25 5 - 8 pm |
YOUNG ISRAEL/BJE FAMILY BEIT MIDRASH Sunday, December 18 6:00PM - 7:30 pm, featuring Professor Shalom Holtz (YU Bible Dept.) : The Origins of the Ketubbah and the Get - The Prehistory of Jewish Marriage and Divorce JFS LET'S TALK-Tuesdays from January 3 to March 27 - 1 - 2pm. Anthony Silver, a marriage and family therapist from Jewish Family Services, will facilitate a discussion group on any subject matter that may be of importance. Come and express issues and concerns in a safe and supportive environment. Co-sponsored with the Westport Center for Senior Activities, 21 Imperial Ave, Westport. Info 203-921-4161 X213 or asilver@ctjfs.org NEW! JFS DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP -Tuesdays 7:45 -8:45 pm through January 2012. Men and women seeking support while experiencing divorce will meet to discuss stresses with Melanie Rago in the Westport JFS office, 431 Post Road East, Suite 11. Fee is $5 per person per session. Info: Melanie Rago at 203-454-4992 or mrago24@gmail.com "FINDING YOUR FOCUS" -- PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS DIAGNOSED WITH ADD/ADHD. Wednesday Afternoons. Services include psychiatric evaluation, review of previous evaluations, family assessment, on-going support, and medication management. Treatment is provided by Lee Combrinck-Graham, M.D. and qualifies for insurance reimbursement. Info: Eve Moskowitz, 203-921-4161 or emoskowitz@ctjfs.org. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP -FRIDAYS -10:30 -11:30 AM. At the Stamford JFS office, 733 Summer Street, 6th Floor. Open to those coping with the loss of a loved one. Info: Eve Moskowitz BCDS FAMILY TRIP TO ISRAEL-FEBRUARY 11-24, 2012. E-mail Bob Abrams if you might be interested Babrams@bcds.org HAVDALAH & HOOPS STARTS JANUARY 21 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament by the JCC & the Stamford Board of Rabbis. Saturday, January 21 - 6:30 p.m. Fathers & sons (grades 6 - 12) will split into 2 divisions if needed. Fee: $18 per participant, includes food & t-shirt. Trophies to the winners. Rosters must have 4 players, 3 players play at a time. Info: Mo Concepcion - 203.487.0971 or mconcepcion@stamfordjcc.org. AIPAC SPEAKER, Altered States, Understanding the Strategic Threats to Israel in the New Middle East featuring Howard Kohr, AIPAC Executive Director, December 18th 6:15 PM at the Conservative Synagogue, 30 Hillspoint Road, Wesport, CT. To RSVP, contact carolt@tcs-westport.org and more information about this event. STAMFORD DOLLARS FOR SCHOLARS program is January 10 at the Palace Theater. All monies collected will go towards Stamford's Dollars for Scholars, and provide a tax-deductible charitable contribution. To donate and for more info: Sabrina Barocas at 203-536-1492 MACS BASKETBALL GAME Alumni Day game Yeshiva University, Sunday December 18 at the Max Stern Athletic Center. For further information visit yu.edu/alumni/basketball | |
Congregation Agudath Sholom 301 Strawberry Hill Ave, Stamford, CT 06902 Phone:203-358-2200 Fax: 203 358-2323 website: www.cas-stamford.org
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