| | Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin | Tazria-Metzora April 25, 2015 6 Iyyar 5775 | send your submission to bulletin@cas-stamford.org | Schedule | Friday | Mincha | 6:00 PM 7:00 PM | Candles | 7:25 PM | Saturday | Shacharit | 8:00 AM 9:00 AM | Coffee & Commentary | 8:45 AM | Latest Shema | 9:27 AM | Jr Teen Chat | 9:30 AM | Mishnah Hot Cocoa | 10:15 AM | Tot Shabbat | 10:30 AM | Mini Minyan | 10:30 AM | Jr Cong/BMC | 10:30 AM | Shiur | 10:30 AM | Latest Shacharit | 10:35 AM | Code Of Jewish Law | 6:20 PM | Daf Yomi | 6:25 PM | Mincha | 7:10 PM | Maariv | 8:21 PM | Shabbat Ends | 8:26 PM | Shabbat Shalom In tribute to Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein This week the world lost a Torah giant, Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein. He was my father's Rebbe and mine as well. He shaped my father's outlook on the synthesis of Torah, the world and our role in it. I will dedicate my remarks on Shabbat in his memory. The insights below from my father capture in a small way Rabbi Aharon's spiritual greatness. - Love of Torah: When Tisha B'Av occurs on Sunday, Havdalah is recited at the conclusion of Tisha B'Av. One time (or more than one time), Tisha B'Av was over and the family and guests were waiting for Havdalah to break their fast, but Rav Aharon was nowhere to be found. When he was found learning Torah in his study, he was asked "aren't you hungry" to which he replied: there are two basic human needs that are prohibited on Tisha B'Av, eating and learning Torah. Now that Tisha B'Av is over, which of those needs should be satisfied first?
- Humility: 1) When Rav Aharon traveled to New York on behalf of the yeshiva, he never took a cab, but instead took public transportation. He didn't want to waste the yeshiva's money. 2) One time a student lost a screw from his glasses in the beis medrash. The student got on the floor and started to look for the screw. The next thing he knew, Rav Aharon was right there on the floor next to him helping him look for the screw.
- Importance of Family: 1) Towards the end of the video tribute in honor of Rav Aharon's 80th birthday, his family discusses how much time he dedicated towards them and how he was able to balance his hasmadah, his duties at yeshiva and family time perfectly. 2) Rav Aharon would never sit in the passenger seat of a car if it meant that the spouse of the driver would have to sit in the back. 3) At the levaya, the children discussed in various ways how he spent time with each of them.
May the Torah of Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein serve as a beacon of inspiration for the entire Jewish people and may his memory always be for a blessing. Click here for the Video tribute to him in honor of his 80th Birthday Celebration at Yeshivat Har Etzion. Wishing you and your families a Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Daniel Cohen Welcome - our new Director of Synagogue Operations, Matt Feinberg. Stop by the office or call to say hello!
- to the BCDS 8th grade students and the Yachad advisers and participants for their annual Yachad Shabbaton at Congregation Agudath Sholom. Special welcome to Ron Hirschhorn, Program Director of Junior Yachad, the National Jewish Council for Disabilities. Thank you to all who opened up their homes to host Yachad and especially Sharon Wohlberg for arranging the home hospitality.
- Tzahal Shalom soldiers
Service Notes - Mincha services will be held this Friday night at 6 PM and 7 PM. We are hosting the Yachad Shabbaton with BCDS and Shabbat mincha will be held at 7:10PM as we join Yachad for Seudat Shlishit.
OU Kosher Alerts - MacFarms Caramelized Sea Salt Macadamia Nuts. The Orthodox Union certifies a variety of MacFarms Macadamia Nuts, but does not certify the Caramelized Sea Salt variety. This product bears an unauthorized OU symbol and contains dairy ingredients.
Fairway and Kosher Update from Rabbi Cohen - We thank everyone for their constructive feedback to the Fairway inquiry. I shared the data with the VP at Fairway who is reviewing the information with senior management. I will stay in touch with any new developments. Also, thank you for increased support of our kosher establishments. Please keep up the momentum. Your dedication is invaluable for the continued growth of kosher offerings in our area.
New R3CA video - This month's "The Torah of Brokenness" is by Rabbi Daniel Yolkut of Pittsburgh, PA. This video asks a basic question about parshat emor and the invalidation of kohanim who have certain blemishes. Rabbi Yolkut asks how we can translate these limitations in an era of inclusion, and he delivers a meaningful distinction between two types of worship. He closes with an inspiring story which leaves the viewer deeply moved. This is a piece of Torah which can be shared with many people who face challenges both spiritually and socially. click here to see it
Yasher Koach - to Rabbi Shakked and Chemda Parhi for organizing a meaningful and inspiring Yom Hazikaron and Yom Haatzmaut program
Note of Gratitude - Daisy Schaeffer and her family would like to extend their appreciation and gratitude to everyone for their acts of kindness and support. It meant more than you realized and helped to heal the hole in our hearts.
Candles Next Friday | 7:32 PM | Daf Yomi | Sunday 7:45 am, Monday-Friday 7:00 am | Shacharit | Sunday: 7:15 AM/8:30 AM, Monday-Friday: 6:30 AM/7:30 AM | Mincha | Sunday-Thursday: 7:30 PM | - to Meryl and David Gordon and Robin Fischel on being honored at the upcoming Evening with Jewish Family Service Dinner
| - to the Haron family on the passing of their wife, sister, mother, and grandmother Nancy Haron
- to the family and students of Harav Aharon Lichtenstein
| Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | Helene Zimmerman and Leo Garfinkel in memory of Marion Bookson and the Linda Beson Nursing Education Fund | Chapel Kiddush | Kori & Bill Meyers in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Bill's mother, Joan | Sanctuary Kiddush | Lenore & Michael Cooper in memory of Michael's mother, Rose Cooper and Heidi & Evan Bernstein & family | Shabbat Topics & Participants | Shacharit/Musaf | Cantor Rafael Bokow | Sermon | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Dead or Alive | Shiur | Rabbi David Walk: Rav Aharon Lichtenstein: In His Own Words | Daf Yomi | Mark Wagshul | Code of Jewish Law | Cantor Rafael Bokow | Torah Readers | David Cohen | Seudat Shlishit | Rabbi Yehuda Jeiger | Click on one of these upcoming events! Adult Education Met Trip Sunday, April 26 - 11:00 AM Paintings at the Met: A Jewish Perspective with Eitan Kastner Jewish History through Western Art Though Jews made up only a small minority of the European population in the year 1000, they played a surprisingly robust role in the development of European civilization in general and art in particular over the subsequent millennium. The galleries of the Metropolitan Museum of Art can serve as a textbook to recreate this history through paint and stone, wood and canvas. On this tour we will gain a better understanding of Jewish history in the west and the evolving perception of Jews by their European counterparts. about our guide, Eitan Kastner Eitan Kastner teaches history and art history at the Frisch School and is a licensed New York City Tour Guide, who leads Jewish themed tours at New York attractions and museums. Adult Education 50th Anniversary of the Soviet Jewry Movement Tuesday, April 28 - 8:00 PM Gal is the Opinion Editor of the Forward. Gal will speak about about the Soviet Jewry movement. Fifty years since the start of the movement, what can we learn about what it did for American Jewish identity and the Soviet Jews who were able to start new lives as a result? BMC Night Out at Soosh Sunday, May 3 - 5:00 PM NEW DATE! As a special treat we will be taking the regular attendees of BMC to Soosh for dinner We will cover half of the cost of your child's meal Meet at Soosh at 5pm! Wolfsohn Lecture Wednesday, May 13 - 8:00 PM Annual Dr. Al and Royce Wolfsohn Lecture Featuring Steve Bayme of the American Jewish Committee American Jewry and Israel: Dissonance or Cohesion Desserts and coffee will be served after the presentation Free and open to the entire community | Monday | Rabbi Walk: Dvar Yom BYomo - Timely Topics (held at BCDS) - 12:15 PM | | Rabbi Walk: Mishna Brura: Laws of Prayer - 7:30 PM | Tuesday | Rabbi Cohen: Power of the Prophets - 8:15 AM | | Rabbi Cohen: Depth of Genesis - 9:00 AM | | Rabbi Cohen: Parsha Perspectives and Paradigms - 12:00 PM | Thursday | Rabbi Walk: Talmud Bavli - Masechet Megilla - 7:30 PM | Friday | Rabbi Cohen: The Pre-Shabbos Torah Taste - 8:15 AM | - READY FOR THE CAS ANNUAL HARVEST NOW GARDEN? Join us this Sunday behind the shul from 9-10 AM to till the soil and plant some of the cold weather vegetables. Thank you to Jim Benjamin for spearheading the effort! Last year, we delivered over 200 pound of vegetables to the local food bank! For more information, contact Meredith Cohen at meredithcohen123@gmail.com
- PLEASE JOIN THE YOUNG COUPLES COMMITTEE FOR A SHABBAT ONEG IN THE SHABBAS PARK on May 2 at 4 pm. Please bring along your families, friends, and a parve dessert, snack or beverage that can be shared for the oneg. If the forecast calls for rain, the oneg will be postponed until Shabbat on May 16 at 4 pm. If you have any questions, please contact Laura Tobin at laurabl@gmail.com. In addition, if you know of new families who would like to meet others in our CAS community, please invite them to come to the oneg.
- NEW AND PROSPECTIVE MEMBER BRUNCH Sunday morning, May 17. Rabbi Daniel and Diane Cohen will host a new and prospective member brunch at their home. If you are a new member and would like to attend or are considering joining our CAS family, please contact our Membership Chair Jessie Brand (jessieoser@gmail.com) for more information.
- SAVE THE DATE FOR THE CANTOR'S "NON-CANTORIAL" CONCERT SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 7PM The cantor's "non-cantorial" concert. A night for Israel concert . Featuring Israel Classics With Ira Berk and Sid Nachman,The Stamford Synagogue Choir and "The Cantor's Bim-Bom-Boms." More details to follow, save the date!!! You do not want to miss this event.
- JOIN IN A FESTIVE SEUDAH SHLISHIT TO HONOR RABBI SHAKKED AND CHEMDA PARHI, SHABBOS JUNE 13TH AT 7:30 PM. We would like to invite the entire community to participate in a festive Seudah Shlishit in honor of Rabbi Shakked and Chemda Parhi, who have devoted the past four years to educating our children, preparing them for Bar/Bat Mitzvah, leading youth groups, developing special community programming and enriching our community. As a token of our esteem and appreciation, several people have expressed an interest in participating in a parting gift as we wish them Hatzlacha on their return to Israel. If you are interested in participating in the gift, please contact Hecky Attar at 203-253-7075 or HeckyAttar@yahoo.com and you will be included on the group card
- IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING We need you to help secure our Synagogue. As you come to the building, please be aware of your surroundings. If you see something out of the ordinary, please let someone know about it. This will keep everyone safe.
- WELCOME TO OUR SYNAGOGUE PROGRAM Every Shabbat we station ushers at the doors in the sanctuary to welcome people, assist them and enhance the service. We are expanding the usher roles to include a greeter in the lobby from 9-10:30 am. Please join the usher team. We need you and your smile. Info: Mitchell Bell.
- CAS FREE MEZUZAH CAMPAIGN IN FAIRFIELD COUNTY, CT Bringing Blessings to Jewish Homes. Do you know a neighbor or a friend who lacks a mezuzah? CAS offers a free mezuzah and home visit to post this sacred scroll at the entrance to all Jewish homes in the area. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen: rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org
- COMMUNITY CHESED HELPERS An important role of the Chesed committee is outreach to the Shul's elderly and homebound, who are often isolated and lack a lifeline to our synagogue. Volunteer to reach out and identify needs, visit, or give a ride. Even small gestures mean a great deal Interested? Vivian Weiss at 203-323-0909 or vivianweiss@gmail.com. If you are aware of elderly or homebound members in need of outreach, please notify Rabbi Cohen.
- NEW TO STAMFORD AND INTERESTED IN MEMBERSHIP? Contact Jessie Brand (Jessieoser@gmail.com) or Rabbi Daniel Cohen.
- WE WANT YOU FOR BINGO! Players needed. Join in on the fun we have every week at 6:00 PM -
| - SIX THIRTEEN loves the longer days and is excited by the promise of a delightful summer. Longer Fridays mean our friends are looking for a fast tasty lunch and we are gearing up to do just that. Six Thirteen is happy to announce that we will be open on Fridays from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm. Come in for a sandwich, a cold draft beer, or just to say hello. We will also have our entire Shabbat takeout menu available for carryout orders. See Our Website For Full Shabbat Takeout Menu www.613restaurant.com -Takeout Only, Not Available For Dine-In
- CHABAD STAMFORD WOMEN'S LAG B'OMER EVENT MAY 6 Feature the tastes of kosher chefs, bloggers, and foodies. Honoring Ellen Weber, Shira Nerenberg, and Doris Warmflash. Wednesday, May 6, 6:15PM at the Crowne Plaza. Info: 203-3CHABAD or www.chabadstamford.org.
- THE JEWISH HIGH SCHOOL OF CONNECTICUT'S 4TH ANNUAL SPRING GALA, honoring Fred Springer and recognizing the first Keter Shem Tov recipient Alan Feldman, on Thursday, May 7 at 6:30 pm at Temple Beth El, Stamford, CT. For tickets and journal opportunities, please visit: www.jhsct.org or call 203-357-0850.
- WOMEN'S INITIATIVE FOR JEWISH STUDIES - MAY 12, 7:45PM Dr. Dana Fishkin - Mikvah Stalkers and Shul Talkers: Critiques of Jewish Communities from Medieval Italy. Yong Israel of New Rochelle, 1149 North Avenue.
- UCONN-STAMFORD CENTER FOR JUDAIC & MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES SPRING 2015 LUNCH & LEARN SERIES (Thursdays, 12:00 noon - 1:30 PM): Apr 30 - The Saul Kwartin Memorial Lecture: The Coming of Age of America's Jews (1946-1966): Reflections from the Cinema, Dr. Eric Goldman - Adjunct Professor of Film Studies, Yeshiva University; May 14 - The Maria and Ishier Jacobson Annual Lecture: Arguing with God: The Jobian Voice in Judaic Literary Tradition, Dr. Nehama Aschkenasy - Professor of Comparative Literary & Cultural Studies, University of Connecticut
- SOOSH ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS FOR MOTHER'S DAY! Pay homage to your family matriarch with a special meal at Soosh. Gifts for all mom's! Fixed price menus! Get all the details by calling Soosh at 203-656-7505. Soosh shabbat promotion extended! Order Soosh for your shabbat meals! 10% off take-out orders of $50 or more placed online and picked up on any Friday in April or May. Order online at www.SooshCT.com and use promo code "SHABBAT" at checkout. Shabbat Shalom from Soosh!
- NCSY SPRING REGIONAL Join teens from across New England on May 15-17, Great Barrington, MA. Info & Registration at www.newengland.ncsy.org/SpringRegional. For teens in grades 9-12. Open to a limited number of 8th graders - use the separate link for 8th graders when you register
- WHO WILL CARE FOR ME? CHALLENGES OF CARING FOR AN AGING LOVED ONE, Wednesday, June 3, 2015, 7:00-8:30 pm atthe Stamford JCC, 1035 Newfield Ave., Stamford. JFS will present Dr. Janis Abrahms Spring, Ph.D., ABPP, nationally renowned expert on issues of trust, intimacy, forgiveness and author of the award-winning book, Life with Pop: Lessons on Caring for an Aging Parent. She will offer advice on aging greacfully. Light refreshments will be served. Talk will be followed by book sale and signing. Co-sponsored by JFS Home Companion and Stamford JCC. The event is open to the community at no cost. For more information, please contact Eve Moskowitz, JFS Clinical Director at 203-921-4161 or emoskowitz@ctjfs.org.
- AN EVENING WITH JFS- SUNDAY, MAY 3RD , 5:30 PM. Celebrating 40 years of service to the community! An Evening with JFS and 7th Annual Auction will honor 36th Annual Mitzvah Award recipients, Meryl & David Gordon and Rita Appel & Jon Fraade and the Young Leadership Award recipient, Robin Fischel. Cocktails, food and festivities at Temple Beth El, 350 Roxbury Road, Stamford. To attend or for additional information, visit www.ctjfs.org and click on An Evening with JFS or phone 203-921-4161.
- JFS DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP, TUESDAYS, 7:00 - 8:00 PM IN WESTPORT For adults who would like to discuss all aspects of separation and divorce, JFS will be providing a support group in the JFS Westport office, 431 Post Road E. Suite 11. The fee will be $10 per session or $50 for six sessions. You must register to attend by contacting Kylie Rothman at krothman@ctjfs.org or call at 203-921-4161.
- JFS DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP, MONDAYS, 7:00 - 8:00 PM IN STAMFORD For adults who would like to discuss all aspects of separation and divorce, JFS will be providing a support group in the JFS Stamford office, 733 Summer St., 6thFloor The fee will be $10 per session or $50 for six sessions. You must register to attend by contacting Rebekah Kanefsky at 203-921-4161 or email rkanefsky@ctjfs.org.
- LET'S TALK- THURSDAYS, 11 A.M. Don't miss this opportunity to meet new people or deepen your friendship with those you already know, as we engage in meaningful conversation about a wide variety of topics that are important in our lives. Topics may range from how to live a fulfilling life, creating healthy relationships, savoring our cherished memories, to embracing changing life circumstances. All will be encouraged to express their feelings and experiences related to the themes that emerge in a safe and supportive environment. Led by Kylie Rothman from Jewish Family Service, free of charge, at the Stamford JCC, 1035 Newfield Avenue. For more information, contact Connie Cirillo Freeman, Director of Senior Adult Services at Stamford JCC at 203.487.0983 or email at cfreeman@stamfordjcc.org
- JFS CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP-SUNDAYS AT 5:00 PM Do you find yourself "sandwiched" between the needs of your children and your parents? JFS is offering an open forum to provide support and help in dealing with the difficulties and stresses of caring for two generations. A small fee of $10/session or $50 for six sessions will be charged. Group will be held at the JFS Westport office, 431 Post Road E., Westport. The facilitator will be Rona Wall, LCSW. For more information or to register, please contact Rebekah Kanefsky at 203-921-4161 or email rkanefsky@ctjfs.org.
- JFS LIFE TRANSITIONS-WEDNESDAYS AT 11:30 AM Support group for the unemployed at the Stamford JFS office, 733 Summer Street, 6th Floor. The focus of the group is to provide a forum to discuss and explore the concerns and issues related to job loss and to find alternative solutions for career satisfaction. The group is a collaborative effort between JFS Counseling and Employment & Training Departments. To register or for more information, please contact Rosemarie Delia at 203-921-4161 or email at rdelia@ctjfs.org
- JFS BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT -- TUESDAYS AT 10:30 AM Are you searching for a safe haven to explore your thoughts and feelings about grief? JFS provides an environment of emotional, physical, and spiritual support. For information, contact Rosemarie Delia at (203) 921-4161 or rdelia@ctjfs.org
- PLEASE JOIN BI-CULTURAL DAY SCHOOL ON SUNDAY, MAY 17TH, 5:30 PM AT THE HILTON STAMFORD HOTEL FOR THEIR ANNUAL CELEBRATION Dinner. Guest of honor are Maria and Glenn Reicin. The Jane Shoztic Award for outstanding teaching will be presented to Mrs. Morah Yospa Lieberman. Bob Abrams will be receiving the Alumni Award, and Sarah Rich will be receiving the Young Leadership Award. In addition, Stamford Police Department Assistant Chief Jim Matheny will be honored with a special Community Service Award. To RSVP and/or place an ad, please visit bcdscelebration.org or contact Robyn Winarsky, 917-297-7142, dinner@bcds.org
- THE 4TH ANNUAL MIKE MILE SUNDAY, MAY 17 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. This event was created by The Rothman Family to raise money for research for Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP), which their son, Michael, has. In addition to helping a good cause, you will have a great time. You will get in your morning workout, and there will be lots of fun activities for adults and kids alike. Gayle and Howard have been tremendous supporters of Agudath Sholom and the community. It would be great for us to come out and show them our support. We hope to see you there! Kori and Lynne www.eventbrite.com/e/the-4th-annual-mike-mile-registration-16001390590
- SAVE THE DATE: Join the BCDS Delegation at the Celebrate Israel Day Parade in New York City on Sunday, May 31st. For more info, visit celebrateisraelny.org or www.bcds.org/
- SAVE THE DATE Sunday, June 7, 2015 - 4:00 - 6:30pm. Jewish Historical Society of Fairfield County 30th Anniversary Celebration. Honoring Vivian and Irwin Miller with the JHS Lifetime Achievement Award andNorma z'l and Milton Mann with the 2015 JHS Heritage Award Temple Beth El - 350 Roxbury Road - Stamford, CT 06902.
- CAS MENS CLUB WHITE WATER RAFTING TRIP WILL TAKE PLACE ON SUNDAY, JULY 12TH FROM APPROXIMATELY 6:30 AM - 8 PM. The price will be approximately $100 and will include the wonderful rafting experience and round trip coach bus transportation. Lunch is NOT included. If you are interested, please email E_Sigman@yahoo.com by May 5th. Cancellation policy: Full refund if notified 2 1/2 weeks in advance.
- INTRODUCING THE BACK TO SCHOOL SHOP, a UJF program that provides economically disadvantaged elementary school children in Stamford with new clothes (pants, shirt, sneakers, socks, underwear, winter coat, hat, gloves) backpack and school supplies. Children get to pick out their own new items in a "shopping" environment created in a local school prior to the start of the new school year, while their parents visit the Japha Family Resource Center to receive basic health screenings and information about vital community services. The inaugural event is Sunday, August 9, 2015. To volunteer, please contact Lorraine Kweskin at lkweskin@gmail.com. For more information or to make a donation please visit www.ujf.org/backtoschoolshop
- DO A MITZVAH! CONSIDER SUPPORTING THE JFS KOSHER FOOD PANTRY BY PURCHASING MITZVAH BASKETS AND/OR MITZVAH CENTERPIECES INSTEAD OF FLOWERS FOR YOUR NEXT SIMCHA AT CAS. DISTRIBUTIONS FROM THE JFS KOSHER FOOD PANTRY HAVE INCREASED BY MORE THAN 1000 since the recession. With this tremendous upsurge in use, JFS is constantly challenged to keep the food pantry full. Your generosity enables JFS to help those in our community in their greatest moments of need.
- LINKING GENERATIONS OF THE SHOAH-Our 2nd Generation Group began in July 2012. We are a group of approximately fifty members ranging in age from 40 and up and we come from all over CT and Westchester County. Our monthly meetings take place in Westport, CT (usually at the UJA offices) every second Tuesday of the month. Spouses of 2G members as well as 3rd Generation often attend our general meetings. Please come and join us. For further contact information call: Ann Cohn at 203-762-0058 (home) or 203-984-6667 (cell).
| We Wish A Speedy Recovery To | - Abraham ben Miriam Rachel
- Ami ben Sara
- Avraham Shmuel ben Sheyna
- Avraham ben Sosna
- Bela Devora bat Rachel
- Chaim Avram ben Leah
- Chaim Yechiel ben Malka
- Chana Liba bat Yaakova
- Chana bat Shulamit
- Chaya Priva bat Leah
- Chaya Sarah Tzipporah bat Esther
- Chia Sorila Bat bat Fagey Devorah
- David ben Chaya
- David ben Zila
| - Dinah bat Esther
- Eitan ben Sarah
- Eliahu Aharon ben Yocheved Irta Etel
- Esther Rachel Bat Chava bat Chava
- Esther Shoshanna bat Yetta Chaya
- Hadassah Esther bat Bat Chava Leah
- Hennia bat Musah
- Leah bat Bayla
- Maya bat Shoshy
- Moshe Baruch ben Chaya Sara
- Moshe ben Ben Marcelle
- Nira bat Rachel
- Rafaella bat Miriam
- Rayna bat Necha
| - Refael Ephraim ben Sima
- Ruth Leah bat Zahava
- Sarah Rivka bat Channah Rachel
- Sarah bat Etta Ziesel
- Shmuel Yeruchim ben Beyla
- Shoshanna Raizel bat Sarah Chanah Leah
- Smadar Rut bat Chana
- Ya'acov Ari ben Nitzah
- Yitzchack Mordachai ben Chaya.
- Yochanan ben Alisa
- Yosef Fishel ben Miriam Zlata
- Zahava bat Chaya Sara
- Ze'ev Mordechai ben Chaya Gittel
| | SYLVIA'S CAS SISTERHOOD GIFT SHOP Sunday 9-11 am Tuesday 12 noon - 2 pm Wednesday 2-4 pm Thursday 12 noon - 2 pm | Thank You/ Hakarat Hatov/ Welcome Corner - Welcome to YACHAD - we are so excited to have you in our community for Shabbat - we invite the community to join us for a special Seudah Shlishit.
- Thank you to all of the hosts and especially Sharon Wohlberg for organizing all of the housing.
- Thank you to the Jelen Family and the Finkelstein family for hosting Yachad onegs on Shabbat afternoon.
- Thank you to SOOSH for creating a special menu and dinner for our BMC members this coming Sunday evening!
Full Teen Minyan Schedule: May 2, 25 and 30 June 13 This Weekend: -Mishna and Hot Cocoa this Shabbat with Rabbi Jeiger - Chapter 4 of Mishna Brachot. If you would like to sponsor a week of Mishna in honor of someone or something special please let us know. -Tot Shabbat will be led by Morahs Irene & Simone in the Youth Classroom at 10:30 am. -Mini Minyan will be led by Morahs Debbie & Rivka this week in the library at 10:30 am. -Jr. Cong. will be led by Josh, Nicole and Carly this week in the Chapel at 10:30 am. -Bnai Mitzvah Club will be led by R Jeiger this week and will meet briefly and then join the Yachad Shabbaton. -Jr. Teen Chat will be led by Daniella this week in the Social Hall at 9:30 am. Coming Soon: Sunday Evening May 3 (new date!) 5 -630 pm - SOOSH NIGHT OUT for BMC (grades 5-6)- sign up online. Join us for a special night out for the special children in the BMC! Shabbat, May 9- Rabbi Cohen will visit our children in groups! Shabbat, May 16- Onegs for Jr Cong (Grades 1-4) and BMC (Grades 5-6) please let us know if you would like to host Shavout May 23-24 All night learning for Teens, Afternoon learning in the Shabbat Park and so much more.. Friday, June 5th - Tot Kabbalat Shabbat (Tot Shabbat and Mini Minyan - Ages 1-first grade) Shabbat June 20th - Youth Awards Shabbat Seudah Shlishit If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday or special accomplishment by sponsoring a special "kiddush" or a Mishna and Hot Cocoa in their honor, please email me atrabbijeiger@hotmail.com If you would like to help support the Youth Department, please visit http://youth.cas-stamford.org/giving for all of our sponsorship opportunities. Shabbat Shalom! Rabbi Jeiger | | | | | | |