| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin | | September 12, 2009 23 Elul 5769 Nitzavim-Vayelech | | Shabbat Schedule | FRIDAY NIGHT Candlelighting: 6:54 p.m. Mincha: 7:00 p.m. SATURDAY MORNING Hashkama Minyan 8:00 a.m. Coffee & Commentary with Avi Narrow Tilonsky 8:45 a.m. in the Simcha Room Main Sanctuary 9:00 a.m. Shacharit: Arik Wollheim Musaf: Arik Wollheim Usher: Mitchell Bell Torah Readers: Jeff Cahn, Ben Soifer Rabbi Daniel Cohen: "Holding Tight with Open Arms: A New Year Reflection" Latest time to recite Shema: 9:40 a.m. Latest time for Amidah: 10:43 a.m. Teen Minyan in the Social Hall 9:30 a.m. Tzvi Bernstein "Reviewing the Laws of Blowing the Shofar" 10:30 a.m. Mini Minyan (K-1st grade) in the Youth Room 10:30 a.m. Jr. Congregation (2nd-5th grade) in the Chapel 10:30 a.m. Baby Sitting (age 0-1) in the Cantor's office 10:30 a.m. Chapel Kiddush: (dairy) is sponsored by Rhoda & Avi Freedberg in honor of the CAS softball team winning the Kiddush Cup; Judy & Jeff Cahn in honor of the 40th anniversary of Jeff's Bar Mitzvah; the Alexander Family in honor of Michael's milestone birthday. Sanctuary Kiddush: (meat) is sponsored by Rhoda & Avi Freedberg and Barbara & Larry Miller in honor of the CAS softball team winning the Kiddush Cup. Daf Yomi: 5:50p.m. Mincha: 6:40 p.m. Seudat Shlishit : Avi Narrow Tilonsky "Do We Have to Forgive Everyone?" Maariv: 7:50 p.m. Shabbat ends: 7:54 p.m.
| | Weekday Schedule | | Daf Yomi Sunday 7:45 a.m. Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. Shacharit Sunday 8:30 a.m. Monday-Friday 6:30/7:30 a.m. Mincha Sunday-Thursday 6:50 p.m. Friday 6:47 p.m.
Candlelighting next Friday 6:42 p.m. | Shabbat Announcements | | MAZAL TOV TO ..the CAS Softball team on their victory over Young Israel in this years Kiddush Cup. ...Daniel and Louise Soifer for coming in first (ages 14 & under) in the Pilot Penn Family Classic. SHABBAT SHOLOM HOSPITAL PACKAGES ARE SPONSORED BY: the Linda Beson Nursing Education Fund. AROUND THE SHABBAT TABLE: The Shabbat meal is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen our families, community and connection to G-d. The Around the Shabbat Table Campaign encourages each family to include three elements at their meal: 1) Share the Torah Insight 2) Sing a Jewish Song 3) Refrain from Gossip-Celelebrate Positive Speech
Suggested Torah topic for your Shabbat table: Rosh Hashanah commemorates the 6th day of creation, the day on which the human being was created. The blowing of the shofar replays G-d's breathing the breath of life into Adam, and symbolizes our power to "blow life into" our own lives. What do you usually think about when the shofar is blown? How would you "blow new life" into your own life? INTERESTED IN CHECKING YOUR MEZUZOT AND TEFILLIN? PLEASE BRING TO THE SHUL NEXT SUNDAY MORNING. THE COST IS $5 PER MEZUZAH & $75 PER PAIR OF TEFILLIN. CHECKS PAYABLE TO SCRIBE RABBI AVIDAN ELKIN WHO WILL BE HERE FOR THE MITZVAH FAIR. | CAS Announcements | | PRE-SELICHOT PANEL with Community Rabbinic Reflections-Saturday evening, September 12th 9:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served & Selichot Service follows at 10:00 p.m.
CAS MITZVAH FAIR AND BBQ-Sunday, September 13th 4:00-7:00 p.m. Booths include Tefillin and Mezuah checking, Shofar blowing, holiday arts & crafts, Sukkah building and much, much more!!
WHO WAS "HULDA?"- Saturday, September 26th 7:00 p.m. What was she about? Was she a Queen of ancient Israel or Judea, or a free spirit roaming the hills of Jerusalem? For an answer come join us. SUKKOT FALL FESTIVAL-Tuesday, October 6th - Celebrate Sukkot Stamford-style as CAS invites you and your families to a wonderful evening of fun with the What's up Band, lots of awesome food, and a chance to celebrate Sukkot with our shul! GUEST SPEAKER-RAPHAELLA SEGAL- Shabbat afternoon, Octorber 31st Raphaella is the Assistant Mayor for Kedumim in Israel. More info to follow. | Community Announcements | | HELP ISRAELI SOLDIERS-Rabbi Walk's son, Yehuda is serving in the Golani Brigade in the IDF. His unit has asked for funds for camel packs. Please make checks payable to CAS and memo "IDF." SWEET ON YOU IS NOW OPEN FOR DINNER- NEW, Thursday dinner delivery to Stamford and Greenwich 5:00-6:30 plus, special pizza delivery promotion - 2 18" cheese pizzas for $32! Call Sweet on You at 203-321-0066 to place your order. CALLING ALL SHOFARS! We are in need of shofars for a special workshop with Jonathan Cahr at our Mitzvah Fair. If you can lend a shofar for the day, please drop off at the shul office with your name by Thursday, Sep. 10th.
BEREAVEMENT GROUP-beginning Monday, September 14th 1:00-2:30 p.m. at the Jewish Family Service office, 733 Summer St. 6th floor. These bereavement groups are a tremendous help to those who have lost loved ones. For information or to register contact Loren Smith, 921-4161 or LSmith@ctjfs.org ORTHODOX UNION TWO DAYS OF ADVOCACY in Washington D.C.-Monday, September 14th-15th You will meet leaders of the House of Representatives, lunch with the Senators in the Capitol, and be briefed by senior Administration officials at the White House.Registration fee: $175. For more information and to register: call 202 513-6484 or email ipadc@ou.org. AIPAC'S 2009 Fairfield County Annual Event-Wednesday, September 23rd 7:00 p.m. featuring Dr. Ephraim Sneh. In today's tumultuous international climate - Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons, Hamas operating from Gaza and interest in renewed negotiations with the Palestinian Authority over the backdrop of new leadership and new approaches - Israel needs our support now more than ever. Come be a part of securing the future of the U.S. - Israel relationship. RSVP to Elana Lichtenstein at (212) 750-4110 or elichtenstein@aipac.org. The event will take place at the home of Marla and Gregg Felton, in Greenwich, and is open to those who contribute a minimum of $500 to AIPAC's 2009 campaign IMPORTANT RALLY IN NYC FOR FREEDOM IN IRAN-Thursday, September 24th 12:00-1:30 p,m, at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 42nd Street & 2nd Ave. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is addressing the UN General Assembly. Join thousands of Americans who stand for human rights & an end to Iran's nuclear program at the "Stand for Freedom Iran Rally." For more information go to: www.standforfreedominiran.org. EXCITING LOW COST TRIP TO ISRAEL-"The Seven Faces of Israel"-October 25-November 3rd Reduced cost of $2,799 for 8 days & 7 nights...Seven faces: Culture & the Arts; Innovation & High Tech; Security; Partnership; Jerusalem; Building a modern city on one of the world's oldest; the People & their problems; Spiritual Israel. Go to www.ujf.org or contact the Federation office at 203 321-1373 x 105, Marty Greenberg. READING PARTNERS-Can you give one hour a week to help Stamford's children learn to read? If so, we invite you to be part of this wonderful program. Our goal is to encourage young children to love reading and become competent readers. For more information, contact Tricia Hoff (321-1373) or by email at readingpartners@ujf.org. SHALOM TV NOW AVAILABLE-the outstanding Jewish Television is now available in our community on Cablevision and it's FREE. Go to Channel 502, select "News & World" then select Shalom TV. Shalom TV "Video on Demand" programming includes: Jewish Films, Children's Programs, 92nd St Y Presentations, Panel Discussions, Leading Jewish Figures, Music & Entertainment, Cooking & Leading Jewish Figures. To receive a weekly schedule sign up at www.shalomtv.com. MENS' NETWORKING GROUP- Beginning October 1st Thursdays 12:00-1:00 p.m. Jewish Family Service is offering this group meeting for men facing a crisis of change, such as job los, health issues & family strain in conjunction with the Conservative Synagogue in Westport. Open to the entire community, meeting at 30 Hillspoint Rd, Westport. For information contact Loren Smith at 454-4492 or email lsmith@ctjfs.org CAMOS (Committee to Advance Modern Orthodoxy in Stamford) is currently looking for individuals who are willing to network with others working in their field, and are thinking of relocating to the Stamford area. You do not have to be employed in the Stamford area to help out. If you are willing to be part of this volunteer pool, please contact Michael Feldstein at 203-973-6279 or michaelgfeldstein@gmail.com | CAS Adult Education Classes | | Bible From the Beginning Sundays 9:15 a.m. Rabbi David Walk In this ongoing survey of the Torah, we discuss issues in the Bible, verse by verse.
Daily Daf Yomi Daily Various Teachers | GIFT SHOP | VISIT THE SISTERHOOD GIFT SHOP FOR ALL YOUR HOLIDAY NEEDS. TUESDAY- 2:00-4:00 P.M. SUNDAY-10:00-12:00 P.M.
| We would like to thank the artists that rarely get enough recognition for all the wonderful work they do here at the synagogue.
Aviva Maller-photographer-203 554-6758 Jodi Hadge-Art Director ---203 253-7973 CAS is looking to upgrade our office computer systems. Why is this important? ¨ Some of the machines are more than 7 years old. ¨ None of them can run the updated version of our synagogue database (called ChaverWare) Ideally, we would like to obtain 7 identical PC's, either by buying them new or by accepting donated PC's if they are available. The minimum requirements are dual 64 cpu's, 2ghz or better, 2gb RAM & 80gb hard drives. We already have 4 up-to-date flatscreen monitors, so new monitors are not a priority. We have been quoted roughly $625 per machine not inc luding setup and software costs. Please contact Joseph Rubbak in the shul office 203 358-2200 or jrubbak@agudathsholom.org | 5770-2009 TIMES FOR SERVICE Saturday Night September 12th Selichot Program and Services: Program 9:00 p.m. Service 10:00 p.m. and 12:45 a.m. Graveside Memorial Services Sunday, September 13 Old Cemetery 9:30 a.m. New Cemetery 10:00 a.m. Independent Lodge 10:45 a.m. HIGH HOLY DAYS SERVICES: Rosh Hashanah Candle Lighting 6:42 p.m. Friday evening, Sept. 18 6:50 p.m. Service ends 7:45 p.m. Saturday morning, Sept. 19 Main Sanctuary 8:00 a.m. Heyman Chapel 8:30 a.m. Services end 1:00 p.m. Saturday evening, Sept. 19 6:40 p.m. Candle Lighting 7:41 p.m. Sunday morning, Sept. 20 Main Sanctuary 8:00 a.m. Heyman Chapel 8:30 a.m. Services end 1:15 p.m. Tashlich-2nd Day of Rosh Hashanah 4:30 p.m. At the home of Monica & Eric Jankelovits Sunday evening Sept. 20 6:45 p.m. Yom Kippur Sunday, Sept. 27, Mincha 3:00 p.m. Candle Lighting 6:27 p.m. Kol Nidre 6:35 p.m. Fast Begins 6:45 p.m. Monday morning, Sept. 289:00 a.m. Yizkor 12:15 p.m.
Break 3:15 p.m. Mincha 4:15 p.m. Blessing of the Children 7:15 p.m. Fast ends 7:27 p.m. PERSONAL CONDUCT We can best create a reverent mood at our services by respecting the rights of others. Please limit your conversations with friends during services and cooperate with our volunteer ushers and hostesses.
SAFETY Fire regulations prohibit bringing baby carriages and strollers into the building. Please place such items in the tent in front of the Colonial Road entrance. ************************************************************************************ Shake your Lulav!!! Orders must be received by Wednesday, September 23. Pick-up at shul on Wednesday, September 30th, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, October 1st, during office hours Children's Set $40 Quality Lulav & Etrog $50 Deluxe Lulav & Etrog $60 Muvchar Lulav & Etrog $70 Make checks out to: Congregation Agudath Sholom Mail to: CAS, 301 Strawberry Hill Ave., Stamford, CT 06902 ************************************************************************************ Please join us Please join us as sponsors of our annual Simchat Torah Luncheon Sunday, October 11, 2009 Gold Sponsor - $100 Silver Sponsor - $50 To add your name as a sponsor, please call the shul office. 203 358-2200 Chair: Shelly Senker ************************************************************************************ A PRE-SELICHOT PANEL September 12th 9:00 p.m.
Join us before the Selichot service as a panel of local Rabbis share their thoughts and experiences on the Teshuva (Repentance) phenomenon. Gain insights and inspiration from these knowledgeable spiritual leaders as a vital preparation for the upcoming High Holidays. Panel of Speakers includes Rabbi Daniel Cohen Rabbi Yisrael Deren Rabbi Elly Krimsky Rabbi Yossi Pollak Avi Narrow-Tilonsky Rabbi David Walk Refreshments will be served
SELICHOT SCHEDULE Saturday night: 10:00 p.m./12:45 a.m. Sunday-Thursday evening: 10:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday morning: 6:00 a.m. Friday morning: 5:45 a.m.
| | | MITZVAH FAIR SCHEDULE OF DEMONSTRATIONS Session 1 A B C (kids) 4:20-4:40 p.m. Sofer Techelet Scribe Session 2 4:40-4:50 p.m. Succot & Shatnez Shofar Lulav/Etrot Session 3 Kosher Chevra Shofar 5:00-5:20 p.m. Kitchen Beginners Kadisha Scribe Session 4 5:20-5:40 p.m. Techelet Succot & Ask the Lulav/Etrog Rabbi Session 5 5:40-6:00 p.m. Shatnez Sofer Succos Scribe Session 6 6:00-6:20 p.m. Teruma & Chevra Techeles Maaser Kadisha Session 7 6:20-6:40 p.m. Ask the Rabbi Shofar
Session 8 6:40-7:00 p.m. The Kosher Kitchen (non beginners) Menu for mitzvah fair Hamburgers $2.50 Hot dogs $2.25 Sausage & peppers $5.00 Make it a combo: Extra $1.75 Soda $1.00 bag of chips $1.00
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