| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin 301 Strawberry Hill Avenue, Stamford, CT www.cas-stamford.org (203) 358-2200 |
| April 15, 2011
| Parshat Achrei Mot Shabbat HaGadol
| 12 Nisan 5771
| | | Friday night Candle lighting | 7:15pm | Mincha | 6:00/7:00pm | Sr Teen Oneg @ Rabbi Walk's 201 5th St | 9:30pm | Saturday Hashkama | 8:00am | Main Sanctuary | 9:00am | Coffee & Commentary | 8:45am | Teen Minyan | 9:30am | Latest Shema | 9:40am | Latest Amidah | 10:45am | BabySitting/ Tot Shabbat (Library) | 10:30am | Mini-minyan (Youth)/ Jr. Cong (Chapel) | 10:30am | Shabbat HaGadol Drasha | 5:45pm | Mincha | 7:00pm | Seudat Shlishit | 7:20pm | Snr Teen Oneg | 7:20pm | Daf Yomi | 7:20pm | Maariv | 8:11pm | Shabbat Ends | 8:16pm | | Quick Links to Sign up for CAS Events | | |
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NEW VIDEOS As you're getting ready for Passover...check out these new Video Links
"More Than Kosher" Rabbi Cohen live at Fairway Mkt
What's Up Band - Going to a Seder
"YouthAdvocacy for Israel" Presentation Shabbat at 11:15 a.m. Congratulations to the three winners of the trip to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Conference (AIPAC) in Washington DC May 22-24th ZIV KRAUS, son of Tamar and Daniel Kraus DAVID LILIENFELD, son of Ana and Albert Lilienfeld & SARA SCHWARTZ daughter of Sheryl and Mark Schwartz Sponsored by Stephanie and Bob Sherman in memory of Stephanie's mother, Rosalie Sherman |
Thanks to Rad, Carlos, Joanna, Claudette & all their helpers for getting CAS ready for Passover!
| | Shabbat Topics & Participants
| | | Torah Readers | Jay Jubas | Usher | Mitchell Bell | Musaf | Michael Feldstein | Rabbi Avi Narrow-Tilonsky | "Not a Model Seder-But the Seder as a Model" | | |
| | | Thanks to this week's sponsors...
| Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | by Joanne Karow in honor of her brother's yahrzeit, James Evan Steichel and the Linda Beson Nursing Educational Fund | Sanctuary Kiddush by | Joseph Mittel in honor of his 60th Bar Mitzvah | Chapel Kiddush by | the Allerhand family in honor of their Stamford friends as they move to Israel this summer | | | | |
Flossy and Sam Fischel on the birth of a grandson, born to Ellen and Ari Fischel and to Guta Fischel, the proud great-grandmother | | |
Daf Yomi | Sunday | 7:45 am | Mon-Fri | 7:00 am | Shacharit | Sunday | 7:15/8:30 am | Monday Thurs-Fri | 6:30/7:30 am 6:20/7:30 am | Mincha/Maariv | Sun-Thurs | 7:25 pm | Thurs-Fri Candles next Friday | 6:20/7:30 pm 7:23 pm | Please note: Click here for complete Passover Schedule Cantor Wollheim will return to Stamford on April 17 |
LIVE AT CAS Yeshiva University Maccabeats Shabbat, May 21, 1-3pm Special Luncheon Concert Sponsorships available! | |
Last minute PASSOVER Questions? Also - see the new video | Rabbi Cohen has created a new Passover Site Post your Pesach questions for the Rabbi -- Share Seder Secrets What are today's four questions? -- CAS Pesach schedule and more... Click here to check it out! | Postponed - so you can still be a part of it CAS/Stamford Observatory Tour Sunday, May 8 7:45pm It's Free - But Space Is Limited Click here to sign up! | | | |
See the Full Description of all our classes - just Click here! | Sunday 9:00 a.m. Hebrew School 9:15 a.m. Bible from the Beginning | Thursday 8:30 p.m. Talmud Bavli - Makot | Monday 10:15 p.m. Dvar Yom B'Yomo at BCDS 8:00 p.m. Inyana D'Yoma | Friday 8:15 a.m. Pre Shabbos Taste of Torah | Tuesday 8:15 a.m. Power of the Prophets 12:00 p.m. Hagaddah Highlights 4:00 p.m. Homework Happy Hour 6:30 p.m. Passover Pearls 7:30 p.m. Hagaddah Highlights 7:30 p.m. Ethics of the Omer | Shabbat 8:45 a.m. Coffee and Commentary 10:00 a.m. Basics with Bob- Customs & traditions 10:30 a.m. Lomdus and Learning NEW CLASS! Join Rabbi Cohen for a stimulating discussion RELIGIOUS ZIONISM TODAY: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Wed, May 11th and 18th 6:45-8:00 pm $20 for the series includes a delicious dinner! RSVP online. | |
PESACH IS FAST APPROACHING....WHEN IT COMES.... WE HOPE YOU WILL BE AT CAS!!! Pesach is a very special family holiday, and on Seder night Jewish People all over the world observe a unique command of communication, of education, and transmission to our children. In Shemot 13:8, we find, "And you shall tell your child on that day as follows: 'Because of this, HaShem did for me, when he took me out of Egypt.'" At CAS we understand that we are partners with your families in helping to create meaningful Torah opportunities for our children and helping to foster a sense of excitement and love for Jewish ritual and tradition. So once again the CAS Youth Team has put together an awesome lineup of Pesach programming. Children of all ages are invited to join us as we celebrate our Journey from Slavery to Freedom, the spring, and the opportunity to join together once again. Chag Kasher V'Sameach, Yona Goldman CAS Youth Director HOT OFF THE PRESS! To download and print the 2011 CAS YOUTH SEDER COMPANION.. Click here to download the new CAS Youth Haggadah Brought to you by the CAS Youth Department in the hopes that we can help enhance your family's Pesach Seder Experience. EXTRA EXTRA- COME GET YOUR PLAGUE BAG! Every child who participates in a Shabbat group on Shabbat Hagadol April 16th will receive a very special gift through the generosity of an anonymous donor. The award winning Plague Bag could be yours to bring to your Seder table paired with a special Pesach booklet full of fun facts and awesome questions to keep you thinking all Seder night long! Want a sneak peek at this awesome bag of Jewish educational fun? Check out http://plaguesbag.com CAS YOUTH DEPARTMENT ANNOUNCES PESACH THEME DAYS!!!! As if you didn't have a million reasons to come to Shul on Pesach and join one of our amazing youth groups, here are five more! - Makot Madness! April 19th Experience the ten plagues like you have never experienced them before, right in the comfort of your own CAS youth group!
- Crazy Karpas Contest! April 20th Who knew vegetables could be so fun?
- Mah Nishtanah Maniacs! April 23rd If saying the Mah Nishtanah is your specialty have we got a tongue twisting contest for you!
- Pyramid Building 101! April 25th If construction is your thing, and you always wanted to see the great pyramids of Egypt- consider coming to youth groups- No hard hat required!
- Hunt for the great Afikomen! April 26th If you like mystery, matzah, and the opportunity to discover greatness hiding in the corners of CAS this is definitely the program for you!
Check out Rabbi Cohen's Pesach Site for all things Pesach. Your truly has some crunchy questions for the children at your seder! Click here to check out Rabbi Cohen's Pesach Website AWESOME APRIL: - Sr. Teen Pre-Pesach PUMP UP Shabbaton!!! A shabbat here in Stamford of RUACH, FUN, FOOD, and yes, some awesome TORAH with your awesome ADVISORS also! Apr. 15-16 Cost: $50. CAS Members pay ONLY $30!!! By Stamford and New Haven NCSY. (open to grades 8-12)
- TEEN MINYAN Apr. 16 at 9:30 AM In the Social Hall For 6-12th graders, with a Sr. Teen Oneg Friday night, and a Jr. Teen Oneg Saturday afternoon
- SIX FLAGS PESACH TRIP!!! Thurs. Apr. 21, 7:45AM-5:15PM - MORE TIME AND RIDES THAN LAST YEAR!!! We'll be arriving for park opening to beat the lines! Cost: $65. SIGN UP SOON - ONLY 11 SPOTS LEFT!!! Click here to sign up for the 6 Flags trip
- TEEN MINYAN Apr. 30 at 9:30 AM In the Social Hall For 6-12th graders
AMAZING MAY!!!! - TEEN MINYAN May 14 at 9:30 AM In the Social Hall For 6-12th graders
- TEEN/PARENT PAINTBALL CHALLENGE Sunday May 15 at Yankee Paintball, 8AM-1PM. Details to follow.
- TEEN MINYAN May 21 at 9:30 AM In the Social Hall For 6-12th graders, with a Sr. Teen Oneg friday night, and a Jr. Teen Oneg Saturday afternoon
- NEW ENGLAND SPRING REGIONAL SHABBATON Registration is NOW OPEN for the best long weekend of your life! May 26-30 - five days in the Catskills with tons of ruach, fun, food, sports, dancing, and the BEST SHABBAT EXPERIENCE EVER! New England NCSY's flagship Shabbaton! Sign up now at www.myncsy.com and save $20! Scholarships available.
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Pre Passover Chametz Drive coordinated with Person-to-Person You have until Sunday, 4/17 to bring your items to the shul. Go to www.p2pdarien.org for more information. We thank Polly Geller for being instrumental in initiating this wonderful drive, and to our CAS youngsters, who made phone calls to ask for contributions. Thanks to everyone who participated in the Jewish Family Service Pesach Drive. SIGN UP NOW FOR THE PICTORIAL DIRECTORY! Dear Friends, We are excited to announce that we are creating a new pictorial directory of our Synagogue family. Please participate! All we ask is that you have your picture taken by the professional Photographer and meet with a Portrait Consultant at the shul. Here's how to sign up:- Sign up at one of our upcoming events in the shul OR
- Come into the office (we'll have a sign up sheet) OR
- On line. Click here to schedule your photo appointment You will need to either enter our contract # 60576 or CAS phone # 203-358-2200.
Please note: Your pictures will not be posted on-line in any format or on any website that is publicly accessible. The Scheduled Dates for Photography are: (all are 2:00 p.m.-9:20 p.m.)
Tues, May 3rd Wed, May 4th Tues, May 17th Wed, May 18th Tues, June 21st Wed, June 22nd Tues, June 28th Wed, June 29th STAMFORD OBSERVATORY VISIT-NEW DATE! Sun, May 8th at 7:45 p.m. Sanctify the New Moon of Nissan in anticipation of Passover and come to a spectacular viewing just one day before the first quarter moon. Saturn should be well placed too. See a PowerPoint presentation called "The Creator's Creation" FREE! Click here to sign up BURNING OF CHAMETZ-Mon, April 18th 10:30 Join in the traditional burning with Rabbi Walk in the CAS parking lot PRE-PASSOVER CHINESE DINNER-Fri, April 15th 7:00 p.m. Come enjoy the annual Chinese dinner. Save a night out before Passover. Cost $15 adults $8 children. RSVP by 4/11 FAMILY COMMUNITY SEDER-Tues, April 19th 8:15 p.m. Join us for a warm and inspiring community "family" seder the second night of Passover. Cost $36 adult/$25 children GUEST SPEAKER-RABBI AARON KINDERLEHRER-April 30th 11:00 a.m. The Rabbi will be speaking at CAS on Shabbat and at YI in the afternoon. He is the Chairman of Yachad and an OU National VP. RAMAZ UPPER SCHOOL CHORUS-Thurs, May 12th 7:00 p.m. A community Musical Performance.of "On the Road" Free! YOM HA'ZIKARON/YOM HAATZMAUT-Mon, May 9th 7:00 p.m. Celebrate Israel Memorial Day and Independence Day. A special program to mark these important days with a presentation and refreshments. DR. ERICA BROWN-MANGER LECTURE-MIKVAH DEDICATION May 14th 11:00 a.m. Dr. Brown is the scholar in residence at the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington YOM YERUSHALAYIM-Tues, May 31st 7:00 p.m. Come celebrate the City of Jerusalem, her history and our future. A community wide event AIPAC POLICY CONFERENCE-May 22-24th in Washington DC. Join Rabbi Cohen and member s of CAS for three of the most important days affecting Israel's future. Go to www.aipac.org to sign up. SAVE THE DATE-Wed, July 13th Trip to the American Jewish Museum in Philadelphia, PA. and the Historic Mikveh Israel Synagogue. Get a guided tour by the Museum and lunch. More info to follow. Contact Shelley Senker at shelleys38@aol.com | |
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN FOR 2011 FCCJBL BASEBALL-go to the FCCJBL website, www.fccjbl.org, to sign up. A "pickup" softball game at the JCC-Sun, Apr 24th 1:00 p.m. Contact Judd Love at juddlove@optonline.net or contact Seth Marlowe at 203 977-4641 x248 or seth@fccjbl.org for more information. MARCH OF THE LIVING-April 27th 6:30 p.m. at Beth El. Kulana is having an informational meeting on this program that brings Jewish teens from all over the world to march in observance of Yom HaZikaron and more across the globe. (the Kulanu MOTL trip) Go to www.kulanustamford.org for more information. IRANIUM-THE MOVIE-Thurs, May 5th at 7:00 p.m. at the JCC. A screening of the film that documents the development of Iran's nuclear program. For more info contact Ilana DeLaney at ilana@ujf.org ANNUAL YACHAD SHABBATON-May 6th-7th Jr Yachad is coming to Stamford. HOUSING 2IS NEEDED! Contact Sharon Wohlberg at sharwohlberg@gmail.com or call 203 327-9924 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS PANEL PROGRAM-Apr 30th & May 7th at YI. with Rabbi David Israel, Rabbi Elly Krimsky, and Rabbi Naftali Wolfe featuring Dr. Ray Bloch, Dr Stuart Silverstein and Dr Steven Thau AN EVENING WITH JFS-Sun, May 15th 5:30 p.m. at CAS. The Jewish Family Service will award its 32nd Mitzvah Award to Myrna Sessa and the 6th Young Leadership Award to Tara Shapiro. Visit www.ctjfs.org THE HOPE IN MOTION WALK-Sun, June 5th 10:30 a.m. sponsored by the Bennett Cancer Center at Stamford Hospital beginning at Columbus Park. Join Rosie's Roses in memory of Rosie Preston. Contact Jessica Morse at purimluver@gmail.com or register on-line at hopeinmotion.org EVENT TO HONOR ILANA DELANEY-Sun, June 5th 7:30 p.m. at the JCC with guest speaker, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin. Cost is $18 or $25 at door ADULT JEWISH LEARNING-Every day of the week the United Jewish Federation offers an assortment of classes at the JCC . Including Israel, History, Kabbalah, Torah and more. Contact Ilana DeLaney at ilana@ujf.org or www.ujf.org/education for more info. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE-APRIL PROGRAMS "Finding Your Focus" -Wednesday Program for ADD/ADHD kids and their families. "Stress and the Single Parent" Tuesdays. For more info go to www.ctjfs.org SHARE YOUR SEDER EXPERIENCE- If you would like to man our weekly Food for Thought table on Shabbat with your experience to share, Contact the shul office. 358-2200 | |
Joanna Bell Congregation Agudath Sholom 301 Strawberry Hill Ave, Stamford, CT 06902 Phone:203-358-2200 Fax: 203 358-2323 website: www.cas-stamford.org
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