Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin |
Sh'lach Shabbat Mevarchin | June 20, 2020 | 28 Sivan 5780 |
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Friday | Candle Lighting | 8:12 PM | Shabbat | Shabbat Ends | 9:12 PM |
The Top Ten CAS Virtual Shabbat Offerings We look forward to welcoming you to shul this Shabbat but will continue to expand our virtual offerings to insure everyone remains connected and inspired. To keep it simple we will feature a Top Ten CAS Offerings for Shabbat at the top of the weekly bulletin. - Virtual Torah Reading with Nat Samberg TODAY at 3:30 PM ( - password: 496585)
- Virtual Jr Congregation with Yaakov and Yolly TODAY at 4:30 PM ( - password:3TAnh7)
- Ruach and Renewal with Rabbi Cohen and Jonathan Cahr TODAY at 5:00 PM on Facebook Live
- Rabbi Cohen's Dvar Torah - Shlach: The Impact of One Word - click here
- Rabbi Cohen's Insights on Ethics of Our Fathers - click here
- Toby Schaffer's Inaugural Announcements - click here
- Studies for the Soul Mishna Study TODAY with Rabbi Cohen at 6:00 PM ( - password 1234613)
- Sing Along Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday TODAY with Rabbi Cohen at 6:30 PM ( -password: 1234613)
- New "Live" Shabbat Morning Groups for Tot Shabbat and Mini Minyan at the Cik Home - Sign Up
- Havdalah with Rabbi Cohen with Saturday night at 9:40 PM ( - password 1234613)
Shabbat Minyan Times: (Please note, you MUST be signed up in advance to attend) Mincha and Kaballat Shabbat: 7:00 PMShabbat Morning: 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM Shabbat Mincha: 7:00 PM Maariv on Saturday Night: 9:07 PM (Please note new time. Minyan will be in the Sanctuary. Doors will be open on Strawberry Hill side at 9:00 PM) |
Click below to read the Annual Meeting remarks from Rabbi Cohen, Simeon Wohlberg, and new President, Toby Schaffer |
Shabbat Davening Guidelines. Sign up is mandatory. - All attendees are required to wear masks covering the nose and mouth AT ALL TIMES and arrive by the start of minyan
- Please bring your own Siddur, Chumash and Tallis
- Someone will be at the Strawberry Hill entrance to open the door and check you in until minyan begins. The doors will be locked and unattended after minyanim start times.
- The Sanctuary and Strawberry Hill vestibule are the only open rooms.The remainder of the building is an active construction site and is closed off.
- For morning minyanim (including Shabbat), we will sit on the parking lot side for the 7 am minyan and the Strawberry Hill side for the 9 am. Men can sit in any available Men's seat on the first floor or applicable balcony. Women can sit in any available women's seat on the first floor, including the alcoves.
- Davening will begin with Nishmat on Shabbat morning
- Singing will be minimal
- Shacharit, Musaf and Mincha include a full repetition of the Shemoneh Esreh
- The Torah reader will remove and return the Torah, receive all of the aliyot and do Hagbah and Gelilah
- There will be no Maftir as per the psak of Rabbi Herschel Schachter since the Torah Reader is already getting the last aliyah and chanting the Haftorah. Half Kaddish is recited after the completion of the Haftorah.
- We bless the month of Tamuz which will be on Monday and Tuesday this coming week. The first appearance of the new moon will be on Sunday, June 21st 12:26 AM and 14 Chalakim. (ArtScroll Siddur p. 452)
Status of Boxwood Gate: Closed |
Shabbat Security Update Our volunteer CSS (Community Security Service) will begin this Shabbat. Thank you to David Ariyeh and Adam Breiner for spearheading this effort.More information will be available shortly to participate. |
Rabbi Cohen's Office Hours on the Lawn With the office closed, Rabbi Cohen will host his office hours on his lawn socially distant but spiritually connected in a private area to allow for confidentiality. If you would like to schedule a time to meet either in person or virtually, please contact Rabbi Cohen at |
Choose Your Own Adventure: Yoetzet Style Choose the topic that's of interest to you, choose a night and spend some time in July learning with CAS Yoetzet Halacha Dena Block and other women in our community. Dena will be offering small group, virtual classes on various topics during the month of July. Once a group of women signs up for a topic, Dena will be in touch with each group to coordinate a date that works best. click here to see the topics and sign up! |
Information on Shabbat Morning Groups Dear Young Families, We are excited to announce that we will be having groups this summer! The Cik Family has graciously let us use their backyard as the location for our Mini Minyan and Tot Shabbat groups.The deadline to sign up is Wednesday with the first groups starting this Shabbat, June 20! The Cik's address will be provided after signing up. The first shift of groups will run from 10:30-11:00 and the second shift from 11:10-11:40. There will be a signup sheet to sign up for a time slot. Only the first ten kids who have signed up will be allowed at a time. Hand sanitizer will be provided. Please make sure to have your kids go to the bathroom before they come and are fed and well hydrated. However, if necessary, the Cik's bathroom will be available. If there is over a 50% chance of rain we will have to cancel groups. Please bring your own blankets to sit on. Our goal is to have groups three out of four shabbatot a month. We ask that you please sign up for groups by Wednesday of each week. In order to keep everyone safe, we will need you to abide by the following protocols: - There must be social distancing at all times.
- Only one parent per family can attend
- All parents will HAVE to wear masks as well as any child 4 and over
- During groups you will have to make sure your children are by your side at all times and keeping a social distance from others.
- Please bring your own blanket to sit on
- We please ask that when your group is over, you promptly leave with your children.
If you can agree to follow all these guidelines we are so excited for you to join us and recreate a fun and meaningful Shabbat experience for your kids! However, safety is of upmost importance and if rules are not being upheld and safety becomes a concern because of certain behaviors, one's ability to participate in groups will have to be reconsidered and re-evaluated. To access the sign up link: click here
Thank you to Shira Nerenberg, Alisa Weisser and Morah Elisheva for organizing a wonderful Tea, Torah and Trivia for our Seniors! | |
Mitzvah Moment Opportunity Rav Kook writes: Do not complain of the darkness, increase the light. As many of you know, Marco Vuono, owner of Marco Jewelers on 6th Street in Stamford, was shot and killed in a robbery in late March. His store has been shut until June 8th. On Sunday, I met his son, David, who is shaken and trying to keep not only the store open, but his father's memory alive. Let's help him and the family not only financially but also in spirit. For the next 72 hours, lets create a flash mob of kindness in memory of Marco. The store is open by appt only via email at Thank you in advance and together we can all increase the light. May Marco's memory be for a blessing. |
Keilim Mikvah Update While the Keilim Mikvah is closed, the Beth Din of America has established a mechanism to allow for the use of new utensils. This form was created by the Beth Din of America ( to allow individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic to sell kelim to a non-Jew and borrow them back to use for themselves. Since kelim owned by a non-Jew do not require immersion in a mikvah, this process allows for the use of the keilim without immersing them. You should complete this form only after the kelim are in your possession. |
Kaddish Update As mentioned, Aish HaTorah will keep your loved one in mind for the recitation of Kaddish by signing up here but you may also submit the name to a standing minyan in the IDF. Sign up here |
Community Prayers for Healing led by Rabbi Cohen Sunday though Thursday 5:50 - 6:00 PM. Rabbi Cohen will lead in psalms 20 and 121, a brief meditation, Mi Shebreach. If you have names you would like mentioned, please email them to Link to Psalm 20 / Link to Psalm 121 Conference call number: (605) 475-6777 Password 51122006. Please feel free to share this with anyone you think would want to be included. May we all share good news in the very near future. |
Do not underestimate the power of prayer. Join the OU everyday at 1 PM for a call to recite Psalms and hear words of inspiration. The phone number is (773) 249-0370. Whether on the call or not, recite Psalms 20, 121 and 130. Also, check out this innovative way to connect through Tehilim. |
Tzedakah and Financial Support This is a very trying time for people in our community. If you or you know someone who is in need of financial support for daily needs, please reach out to me. Our communication will of course be confidential and God willing, we can renew your spirit and offer vital support for you and your family. If you are able to contribute to the CAS charity fund, your assistance is needed now more than ever. Please reach out to Rabbi Cohen or Rabbi Zweiter for more information. |
Supporting Local Establishments Please make every effort to support our local kosher and service establishments. They are hurting. Whether for food, dry cleaning, salons, or other stores, buying gift certificates now, for instance, can be a helpful way to help keep cash flowing and give them strength.May we share good news in the days ahead and thank you! |
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- to Jeffrey Maron on the passing of his father, The Honorable Edward Maron
- to Jill and Arthur Green on the arrival of a grandson, born to Dina Green and Greg Cilenker
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here |
Food for Thought Section with Rabbi Cohen As we grow as a community, we always need reminders of the sensitivities of the multi faceted nature of our congregation and personal struggles people may experience. Below are some helpful reminders about infertility. May the families who are yearning to have children of their own be blessed with simcha and joy in the year ahead! |
- PAY IT FORWARD! As our community grows it takes even more effort to insure the warmth of our shul. You may not realize but we have a Hospitality Team who are informed of new families who moved into community. Team members are expected to invite new families to any of the following: shabbat meal, BBQ, brunch, even coffee, a get-together in the park, or a community-wide function. It means so much to new families. To join our Hospitality Team, contact membership committee chair, Jon Makovsky at
- HEALING VISITS UPDATE: Every week, we include a note about our healing visits group. As a reminder, the group consists of volunteers who give of their time to call, email or visit people in our community who are in the hospital or in recuperation. If you like to join this Mitzvah mission, please contact Rabbi Cohen at
- CAS FREE MEZUZAH CAMPAIGN IN FAIRFIELD COUNTY, CT Bringing Blessings to Jewish Homes. Do you know a neighbor or a friend who lacks a mezuzah? CAS offers a free mezuzah and home visit to post this sacred scroll at the entrance to all Jewish homes in the area. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen:
- JOIN THE CHEVRA KADISHA We need new volunteers for the Chevra - those willing to perform a tahara. Info: Please contact Rochel Attar at
- IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING We need you to help secure our Synagogue. As you come to the building, please be aware of your surroundings. If you see something out of the ordinary, please let someone know about it. This will keep everyone safe.
- WELCOME TO OUR SYNAGOGUE PROGRAM Every Shabbat we station ushers at the doors in the sanctuary to welcome people, assist them and enhance the service. We are expanding the usher roles to include a greeter in the lobby from 9-10:30 am. Please join the usher team. We need you and your smile. Info: Mitchell Bell.
- COMMUNITY CHESED HELPERS An important role of the Chesed committee is outreach to the Shul's elderly and homebound, who are often isolated and lack a lifeline to our synagogue. Volunteer to reach out and identify needs, visit, or give a ride. Even small gestures mean a great deal Interested? Vivian Weiss at 203-323-0909 or If you are aware of elderly or homebound members in need of outreach, please notify Rabbi Cohen.
Join one of the online classes from CAS or in our communityShabbat, June 20 | 9:40 PM | Virtual Havdalah with Rabbi Cohen and his family: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | Sunday, June 21 | 7:10 AM | Mishna Brura: - Dial in: Password: MB | 7:45 AM | CAS Daf Yomi: - Dial in: 646-558-8656, code: 708904333# - Zoom password: 015824 | 9:15 AM | Rabbi Oran Zweiter: Bible from the Beginning - Dial in: 646-558-8656, code: 8636117937# - Zoom password: 496585 | 5:50 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Community Prayers for Healing - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 6:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Studies for the Soul - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:20 PM | CAS Mincha/Maariv: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | Monday, June 22 | 6:25 AM | Mishna Brura: - Dial in: Password: MB | 7:15 AM | CAS Daf Yomi: - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 7:30 AM | CAS Shacharit: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 AM | Rabbi Yisrael Deren: Tanya of the Day (8-815am), Parsha with Rashi (815-845am), Misneh Torah-Rambam (845-945am) - | 10:15 AM | Bob Abrams: The Tanach Club - The Architecture of the Daily Morning Prayers - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 10:30 AM | Levi Mendelow: Talmud for Beginners - Dial in: Zoom password: 807703 | 5:50 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Community Prayers for Healing - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 6:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Studies for the Soul - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 PM | Rabbi Yisrael Deren: Daf Yomi (Again) - | 8:20 PM | CAS Mincha/Maariv: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | Tuesday, June 23 | 6:25 AM | Mishna Brura: - Dial in: Password: MB | 7:15 AM | CAS Daf Yomi: - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 7:30 AM | CAS Shacharit: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 AM | Rabbi Yisrael Deren: Tanya of the Day (8-815am), Parsha with Rashi (815-845am), Misneh Torah-Rambam (845-945am) - | 12:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Parsha Perspectives - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 5:50 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Community Prayers for Healing - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 6:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Studies for the Soul - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 PM | Rabbi Yisrael Deren: Daf Yomi (Again) - | 8:20 PM | CAS Mincha/Maariv: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | Wednesday, June 24 | 6:25 AM | Mishna Brura: - Dial in: Password: MB | 7:15 AM | CAS Daf Yomi: - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 7:30 AM | CAS Shacharit: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 AM | Rabbi Yisrael Deren: Tanya of the Day (8-815am), Parsha with Rashi (815-845am), Misneh Torah-Rambam (845-945am) - | 9:30 AM | Rabbi Oran Zweiter: 12 Minor Prophets - Book of Joel - Dial in: 646-558-8656, 8636117937# - Zoom password: 496585 | 5:50 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Community Prayers for Healing - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 6:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Studies for the Soul - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 6:45 PM | Levi Mendelow: Judaism and its vision for the whole world - Dial in: Zoom password: 807703 | 8:00 PM | Rabbi Yisrael Deren: Daf Yomi (Again) - | 8:20 PM | CAS Mincha/Maariv: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:45 PM | (Non)10: 30 Shiur Mark Wagshul - Dial in: 646-558-8656, 8636117937# - Zoom password: 496585 | Thursday, June 25 | 6:25 AM | Mishna Brura: - Dial in: Password: MB | 7:15 AM | CAS Daf Yomi: - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 7:30 AM | CAS Shacharit: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 AM | Rabbi Yisrael Deren: Tanya of the Day (8-815am), Parsha with Rashi (815-845am), Misneh Torah-Rambam (845-945am) - | 9:15 AM | Rabbi Oran Zweiter: Rabbi Soloveitchiks work, Halakhic Man - Dial in: 646-558-8656, 8636117937# - Zoom password: 496585 | 12:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Eternal Ethics - | 5:50 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Community Prayers for Healing - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 6:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Studies for the Soul - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 PM | Rabbi Yisrael Deren: Daf Yomi (Again) - | 8:20 PM | CAS Mincha/Maariv: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 9:15 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Men's Learning - Finding Strength - Slonimer Insights on the Parsha - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | Friday, June 26 | 6:25 AM | Mishna Brura: - Dial in: Password: MB | 7:15 AM | CAS Daf Yomi: - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 7:30 AM | CAS Shacharit: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 AM | Rabbi Yisrael Deren: Tanya of the Day (8-815am), Parsha with Rashi (815-845am), Misneh Torah-Rambam (845-945am) - | 8:15 AM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: The Pre-Shabbos Torah Taste - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 9:30 AM | Levi Mendelow: Studies in Tanya - Dial in: Zoom password: 807703 | 10:00 AM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: "3 for 3" Three Mishnayot in 30 Minutes Pirkei Avot - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 10:45 AM | Levi Mendelow: The Weekly Parsha - Dial in: Zoom password: 807703 | 12:00 PM | Jonathan Fass: Taste of Torah - | 3:30 PM | Virtual Reading of Weekly Torah Portion: - Dial in: 646-558-8656, 8636117937# - Zoom password: 496585 | 5:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen and Jonathan Cahr: Ruach and Renewal - | 5:30 PM | CAS Shabbats Daf Yomi on Fridays: - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 5:50 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Community Prayers for Healing - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 6:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Studies for the Soul - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 6:30 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Mincha and Sing Along Kabbalat Shabbat - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 |
We Wish A Speedy Recovery To |
- Baruch Meir ben Hilda
- Chana Leah bat Rachel Zeldah
- Davida bat Rachel
- Ha Rav Yosef Natah ben Mordechai Yitzchak Ha Cohen
- Malka bat Sarah
| - Noach ben Tikva
- Refael Ephraim ben Sima
- Shaindel Faiga bat Malcah
- Shimon Efriam ben DK
- Shlomo ben Tamara Miriam
| - Tzipora Ruth bat Nechama
- Yitchak Yaakov Meir ben Miriam
- Zev Mordechai ben Chaya Gittel
- Zev ben Shoshana
- JOIN UNITED JEWISH FEDERATION'S NEXTGEN for "An Evening That Will Astound You" with Mentalist Alex Vox. Sunday, June 28th at 8pm, $18 includes 2 drinks & the Zoom show. $50 sponsors get an enhanced gift bag. "I was a magician, but this is beyond anything I have ever done!" Actor Steve Martin. Sign up at For more information contact Sharon Franklin at
- ONGOING COMMUNITY SUPPORT FROM SCHOKE JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE Schoke Jewish Family Service is offering weekly Zoom sessions to help community members manage the stress of the Coronavirus outbreak. Each session will be facilitated by members of the Schoke JFS Kuriansky Family Counseling Program. These webinars are open to anyone in the community. Registration is limited to twelve participants per session. To register, please click on the session you wish to attend at Tuesdays, Beginning March 31 at 12 Noon - Facilitated by Lois Meyer, LMSW and Valerie Gutman, Thursdays, Beginning April 2 at 4 PM - Facilitated by Dr. Lee Combrinck-Graham and Toby Lazarus, Ph.D. and Fridays, Beginning April 3 at 10 AM - Facilitated by Eve Moskowitz, LCSW and Amanda Hirsch-Geffner,LCSW
- THE SCHOKE JFS FREEDBERG FAMILY KOSHER FOOD PANTRY IS OPEN AND ACCEPTING DONATIONS of perishable and non- perishable foods. Please contact Rebekah Kanefsky at or 203-921-4161 to arrange for a donation. If you would like to volunteer at the food pantry or to help deliver food to our clients, please contact Jill Knopoff at 203-921-4161 or for volunteer opportunities.
CAS Israel Advocacy Update |
Take a Minute to Support Israel Supporting Israel isn't hard -- there are many things that you can do that take literally one minute. The Israel Committee now has a website built on this idea. Go to for simple things that you can do, from calling your Congressional representatives to social media posts, that take only a minute or two. Check back frequently for updates and ideas for things you can do! |
LIPS product of the week Check out our new Love Israel Products Blog (LIPS) for the latest ways to support Israel! Thank you to Lola Halperin and Aaron Goldenberg for organizing. |
- KOSHER ALERTS The OU reminds you to always check the label before purchasing any item that needs kosher certification! And for the latest corrective actions, stay up with the latest OU KOSHER CONSUMER ALERTS & ADVISORIES...just click here
- KOSHER ADVISORY Breaking news from the OU - newly certified items! to check out the list click here