| Congregation Agudath Sholom
Shabbat Bulletin | January 15, 201110 Sh'vat 5771 Beshalach Shabbat Shira
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| Friday night Candle lighting 4:31 p.m. Mincha 4:36 p.m. Saturday morning Hashkama 8:00 a.m. Main Sanctuary 8:45 a.m. Coffee & Commentary Rabbi David Walk 8:45 a.m. Torah Readers: Michael Berg, Ethan Green Usher: Lorraine Kweskin Musaf: David Finkelstein Latest time to say Shema 9:40 a.m. Latest time to daven Amidah 10:28 a.m. Babysitting-Tot Shabbat 10:30 a.m. Mini Minyan-Jr Cong 10:30 a.m. Mincha 4:15 p.m. Daf Yomi/Seudat Shlishit Maariv 5:26 p.m. Shabbat ends 5:31 p.m. Weekday Schedule Sunday 7:45 a.m. Mon-Fri 7:00 a.m. Shacharit Sunday 7:15/8:30 a.m. Mon-MLK Day 6:30/8:30 a.m. Tues-Fri 6:30/7:30 a.m. Mincha Sun-Thurs 4:45 p.m. Candlelighting next Fri 4:39 p.m. Thanks to this week's sponsors Breakfast Kiddush by: the shul Sanctuary Dessert Kiddush by: Elaine and David Finkelstein in honor of Simone becoming a Bat Mitzvah Seudat Shlishit by: the shul Shabbat Shalom Hospital Pkg by: the Warmflash Family in honor of Irwin Niedober and all the people who generously gave blood for Natan Warmflash and the Linda Beson Nursing Educational Fund Mazal Tov to Elaine and David Finkelstein on Simone becoming a Bat Mitzvah Margo and Danny Warum on the birth and naming of their new son, Gavriel Yaakov Thanks to all our great hosts from this weekend: Sharon and Jeff Lewis, Elissa and Phil Klapper, Darona and Tzvi Bernstein, Judy and Howie Goldstein, Beth and David Cohen, and Rhonda and Jeff Maron Condolences to Bernie Shapiro on the passing of his mother, Rose Shapiro of blessed memory Joyce ,Jeffrey, Richard, David, Barbara and Bernard and the entire Shapiro family on the passing of Mort Shapiro of blessed memory |
| FEATURING SUPERSTAR TEACHERS SHOSHANA CHANALES OF SAR HIGH SCHOOL PENNY JOEL OF WESTCHESTER HEBREW HIGH SCHOOL MIRIAM KRUPKA OF RAMAZ HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY NIGHT: 4:35 p.m. Carlebach Style Davening 5:45 p.m. Dinner with Guest Speakers Shoshana Chanales-"The Song of the Sea: Rediscovering Spirituality in our Lives" Penny Joel- "It's Your Choice" SHABBAT: 8:00 a.m. Hashkama Service 8:45 a.m. Main Sanctuary Service 10:00 a.m. Joint Breakfast Kiddush 10:30 a.m. Breakout learning sessions on Shabbat of Song with Guest Speakers Shoshana Chanales-"Splitting Seas and Talking Donkeys: Miracles and Nature in Jewish Thought" Penny Joel-"Freedom to and Freedom from: A Desert Story" Miriam Krupka-"The Enemies of Parshat Beshalach: Comparing the Egyptians and the Amalekites" Rabbi David Walk-"The Power of Poetry" Rabbi Avi Narrow-Tilonsky-"Crossing the Sea & Feeling Free" For Jr. Teens 6th-8th grade 11:15 a.m. Musaf, followed by a dessert reception in honor of Simone Finkelstein's Bat Mitzvah 4:15 p.m.Mincha followed by delicious Seudat Shlishit and D'var Torah Shoshana Chanalas-"The Promise of a New Nation: How the Generation that Witnessed G-d's Incredible Miracles was able to Sin" |
CAS ANNOUNCEMENTS THE MENSCH SEMINAR WITH HANOCH TELLER-DATE HAS CHANGED Wed, March 2nd with sessions at WFHA & BCDS & CAS Learn the strategies for being a Mensch at WFHA in the morning & BCDS in the afternoon. At 7:30 p.m. all parents are invited to a seminar at CAS. Click here to sign up for the Seminar
TU B'SHEVAT SEDER - Jan 20th, 7:30pm. Join us for celebration of the holiday. cOST $5.00 Click here to sign up for the Tu B'Shevat Seder .
The weather outside is frightful, but the women's tfilah is delightful! It's time again, women's tfilah is meeting at CAS 9:45-11:30 a.m. Jan, 29th Please join to daven with us, or take on a leadership role and layn torah (three aliyot remain: 1, 3 and 7) or give a d'var torah. There are many honors available, from opening and closing the ark to getting an aliyah. Please respond to Sandy Weiner at whimsicalart@aol.com or Ronnie Sichel at ronsichel@aol.com asap to let us know if you are willing to participate in any way.
PARENTING THROUGH THE PRISM OF THE TORAH-Mon. Feb 2nd 7:30 p.m. Join the New Young Couples Chavura at CAS The Chavura will launch this new series at the home of Karen and Jon Malkin. For info contact jbell@agudathsholom.org SHABBAT ACROSS AMERICA:SHARE THE BEAUTY OF SHABBAT-Friday night, Mar 4th is right around the corner! We need it now more than ever. We are looking for host families to join the dinner and invite people to experience Shabbat. Find out more about hosting by contacting our host co-ordinator, Eve Nachman at shoshana18@live.com or Rabbi Cohen at rabbicohen@agudathsholom.org ·CHEVRA KADISHA ANNUAL DINNER-Tues, Mar 8th 6:00 p.m. At CAS. In memory of Louis Felder. Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt to be guest speaker. $36 or $180 to sponsor. Call Phyllis Shapiro 203 327-6711. BE SURE TO SAVE THIS DATE: SHABBAT, MAY 21ST THE MACCABEATS ARE COMING TO CAS! Yeshiva University's acapella group has lit up the globe with their new song "Candlelight." With almost 4 million YouTube hits this singing sensation is not to be missed! They're coming to CAS so mark your calendars and get to the beat- Shabbat May 21st- we'll see you there! In case you missed Rabbi Cohen's message of the "Eight Flames" sign up for his upcoming Tu B'Shvat "FOUR DAYS TO PLANT A TREE FOR LIFE" by CLICKING HERE "AT THE FOOT OF SINAI-LEAD! LISTEN! SEE! FEEL!" Planning for the Annual Dinner Dance is getting underway, and we need YOU to make it a success. Anyone wishing to be on this year's CAS Dinner Committee or to be involved in any way, honoring Robert Zitter, Howard Weiss, Jodi Hadge & Rabbi David Walk please send an email to either Elissa Klapper at elissak@optonline.net or Aviva Maller at avivamaller@aol.com. Or call Joanna at the office at 358-2200. Click here to learn more & sign up for the Annual Dinner | YOUTH ADVOCACY FOR ISRAEL-A SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY Sponsored by Stephanie and Bob Sherman in memory of Stephanie's mother, Rosalie Aberman. Be one of the three teens to be selected for a free trip to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Conference, May 22nd to May 24th. The trip will include registration, travel and hotel to be joining the Agudath Sholom AIPAC delegation. To be one of the three selected here's what to do... Submit in a 500 word essay- "WHY DOES AIPAC NEED YOU?" If you could lobby to the members of Congress on Capitol Hill, what would you say? What case would you present about the issues affecting the United States and Israel? Essays will be evaluated by local and national panel of AIPAC. Submit to Rabbi Cohen by Fri, Feb 18th at rabbicohen@agudathsholom.org Open to 10th-12th graders from CAS. For more information contact Rabbi Cohen. To learn more about AIPAC, CLICK HERE "AT THE FOOT OF SINAI-LEAD! LISTEN! SEE! FEEL!"Planning for the Annual Dinner Dance is getting underway, and we need YOU to make it a success. Anyone wishing to be on this year's CAS Dinner Committee or to be involved in any way, honoring Robert Zitter, Howard Weiss, Jodi Hadge & Rabbi David Walk please send an email to either Elissa Klapper at elissak@optonline.net or Aviva Maller at avivamaller@aol.com. Or call Joanna at the office at 358-2200
The Minnie Manger-Marcia Lieberman Mikvah at Congregation Agudath Sholom In anticipation of our beautiful new mikvah Lori Palatnik, noted author, Jewish Educator and Executive Director of the Jewish Women's Renaissance Center, will lead a candid, open and lively discussion for all Jewish women: "What is a woman like you doing in a mikvah like this?" Join us as we dip into the concepts, myths misperceptions and meanings surrounding mikvah rituals and their particular relevance to the modern Jewish woman. Saturday, February 5, 2011 4:00 - 6:00 pm Elegant tea with sweet and savory treats, and a fun time with friends $18.00 per woman paid in advance- invite a friend for FREE! Rsvp by February 1st by Clicking here for Mikvah Event or contact Joanna Bell 203-358-2200 Questions about the event? Contact the mikvah committee at Stamfordmikvah@gmail.com This event is not a fund-raiser but a consciousness-raiser in anticipation of the opening of our beautiful new mikvah. Whether you use the mikvah or not, this event is designed to bring women together in a judgment free environment to share perspectives and experiences and to offer insights and information. We look forward to your participation. |
A TREE FOR EVERY CHILD | Join the CAS Youth Department as we help to rebuild and renew the Carmel Forest in celebration of Tu B'Shvat Following the recent Carmel Fire, the road to recovery for Israel has just begun. Staying true to our commitment as a community to care for the needs of the land and people of Israel, we will help rebuild and renew the Carmel Forest. Think about yourself, your children, your grandchildren, your parents. Everyone is someone's child and we are asking every family in our shul to plant one tree per family member. The more trees the better. There were five million trees destroyed in the Carmel forest fire. Our goal is to help Israel rise from this devastation and show the land and the people that we are here to rebuild side by side with them. Please check our shul website, our weekly bulletin, and your email for the Agudath Sholom JNF custom webpage address where you can donate directly to the Jewish National Fund link on our website by Clicking here The idea of Tu B'Shvat celebrates renewal in nature but it can also be seen as a personal renewal. The Tanach says, 'Ki ha'adam etz ha'sadeh hu,' which means 'Man is likened to a tree." The roots of a tree run deep below the ground and are its strength and stability. Let us show Israel in her time of great need that we will help to replant her trees. That we- in her time of great need will literally put down roots in her soil. Our message to Israel and her people at this very critical time must be that we will share our strength as a Jewish people to help regain stability in Eretz Yisrael, our land and our home.
COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS | · COURSES AT THE JCC-Every day of the week the JCC is having an assortment of educational events. Teachings, speakers historians, authors etc. Contact Ilana De Laney at ilana@ujf.org for all the I information and course fees. · PRE-SUPER BOWL SHIUR-Sun. Feb 6th 4:30 p.m. "The Kotzker Rebbe: The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth" by Michael Feldstein. At YI of Stamford. Free & open to the public. · CHEVRA KADISHA ANNUAL DINNER-Tues, Mar 8th 6:00 p.m. At CAS. In memory of Louis Felder. Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt to be guest speaker. $36 or $180 to sponsor. CallPhyllis Shapiro 203 327-6711. · SPECIAL LECTURES & PROGRAMS-The Carl and Dorothy Bennett Center for Judaic Studies at Fairfield University has talks and lectures in Feb and Mar. To RSVP call 203 254-4000 ext 2266 · TRANSITIONING FROM HIGH SCHOOL-Thurs, Jan 20th 7:30 p.m. Geared for parents of special needs students. Jan 27th a presentation geared for special needs teens. Free at the JCC. Contact cdfriedlan@aol.com or call 203 921-4161 |
YOUTH NEWS | YOUTH AND TEEN NEWS A TREE FOR EVERY CHILD- Join the CAS Youth Department as we help to rebuild and renew the Carmel Forest Following the recent Carmel Fire visit CAS website to plant a tree in honor of Tu B'shevat-your support is crucial! SAVE THE DATE...YOUTH SCHOLAR in RESIDENCE SHABBAT February 12th with Guest Artist Y LOVE! MARK YOUR CALENDARS AND SAVE THE DATE: February 12th because the second CAS YOUTH SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE is coming to Stamford CT! Come hear the incredible story of Y LOVE's journey to a life of Torah & Mitzvot! CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP SAVE THE DATE- May 21st - The Maccabeats will take Agudath Sholom by storm! January: YAKAR SHABBAT-Sat, Jan 15th An exciting Shabbat morning of interactive education with guest teachers from Ramaz, SAR & WHHS.· TEEN MINYAN Jan. 22. 9:30 a.m. In the Social Hall For 6-12th graders. Sr. Teen Oneg Friday night and Jr. Teen Oneg Saturday· JR. TEENS MLK DAY NYC TRIP (Registration Closed) Monday, January 17, from 9 AM to 4:45 PM. Visit the Empire State Building and have fun in Times Square!· TEEN SNOWTUBING TRIP Sunday Jan. 23. $25 for registration before Jan. 14, and $30 after. Depart CAS at 7:30 AM for Powder Ridge in Middlefield, CT, and arrive back at 2PM. Parents - please help us keep the cost down by volunteering to drive! February NCSY WINTER REGIONAL - ALMOST SOLD OUT!! Four days of Ruach, Friends, and Fun! Thurs-Sun Feb. 3-6 at the Newport Spa Resort in Rhode Island, with special guest Charlie Hararay! Quick - Sign up now to get the earlybird price of just $199! Please contact Josh Munk at JYoshiMunk@gmail.com for more info.· FEB. 11-12: CAS YOUTH SHABBATON!! Featuring special guest Y-Love, a Jewish rapper with amazing music and an even more amazing story of how he came into a life of Torah!· TEEN MINYAN Feb. 19 at 9:30 AM In the Social Hall For 6-12th graders, with a Jr. Teen Oneg Saturday Afternoon Due to inclement weather, the CAS Junior Teens Ice Skating event at Stamford Twin Rinks has been postponed to Sunday, February 20. Please stay tuned for further information. Looking forward to seeing all of you on the 20th! Please respond by email if you will be joining us. Cost is $8. |
| | Joanna Bell Congregation Agudath Sholom 301 Strawberry Hill Ave, Stamford, CT 06902 Phone:203-358-2200 Fax: 203 358-2323 website: www.cas-stamford.org
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