· TEHILLIM GROUP-NOTE NEW DATE AND LOCATION Wed, Oct 20th 7:00-7:30 p.m. AT CAS followed by the Women learning group with Gila Kletenik. Tehillim are said for many different reasons, but together, we will be reciting Tehillim
specifically for the healing of the sick. If you cannot join us but would like to haveTehillim
said on behalf of someone who is ill, kindly email their names to Phyllis Shapiro at or to Rabbi Cohen at · DINNER IN MOTION-Fri, Oct 22nd 5:40 p.m candle lighting, 7:00 p.m. Round-robin dinner. $25 adults (13+) $15 kids. Thoughtful, inspirational programming for adults and children. RSVP by Sunday night 10/17. · NEW MEMBER WELCOME SHABBAT-Oct 23rd Join us as we welcome our new members
at the end of davening (approximately 11:30 a.m.) · CANTOR'S ANNUAL CONCERT-Tues, Nov. 16th 7:30 p.m. Cantor Wollheim hosts Zalmen Mlotek & friends who will perform 100 Years of Yiddush Theater Music from Shtetl to Klezmer Revival. Cost $20 seniors & students, $25 general admission. RSVP on-line
TEEN NEWS TEEN MINYAN Saturday, Oct. 23, 9:30 a.m. In the Social Hall For 6-12th graders JUNIOR TEENS PAINTBALLINGTRIP! Election Day, Nov. 2, 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. At Yankee Paintball in Oxford, CT For 6-8 GradersRSVP By Sunday, Oct. 24 Cost is $40.00 Join us for a day of paintball fun! By popular demand.You asked for it, and now you've got it! Parent volunteers needed to drive. Please contact Josh Munk ASAP if you can drive! NCSY SHACK! SHABBATON Friday-Sunday, Oct. 29-31 for Grades 9 and 10 Friday-Sunday, Nov. 12-14 Grades 11 & 12 Join 50+ teens and amazing advisors in a 5-story cabin in upstateNew York as we create our own incredible Shabbat experience. Sign up now at Exciting sports, delicious meals, toasted marshmallows, and much more! YOUTH NEWS OCTOBER 24th 9:45 A.M -Blessing of the Babies Blessing receive a special Bracha for your baby from Rabbi Cohen followed by: Amazing Biblical Adventure (legos) 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. For kids ages 4-12. Crafts for younger children will be available. NOVEMBER 13th B'nai Mitzvah Luncheon 10:00 am at CAS B'nai Mitzvah are invited to join the Teen Minyan followed by kiddush. After Shul we will be walking together to Rabbi Cohen's home for lunch and an oneg Shabbat. NOVEMBER 20th -Supermarket Sweep Join us for our FOURTH annual SUPERMARKET SWEEP!!! All 1st-5th Saturday evening November 20th 6:30-7:45 pm at the Ridgeway Stop N Shop. We will meet inside Stop N Shop by the floral section. *PARENTS*Pick up is 7:45 pm sharp; please make sure that you have made appropriate arrangements for rides home for your children. · Help wanted! Person needed for several hours each month to help prepare sandwiches for
the shelter. Please contact Pauline Ladds at 203 327-7511 Thanks to all the participants in this summer's photo contest! A winner has been selected!
Stay tuned for the announcement next week!
Annual Calendar Update: We are aware of many discrepancies in our annual calendar. We apologize to all those that were affected by these mistakes. We are reprinting a number of corrected copies which will be available soon for pick up at the shul office. Thank you. We will advise once completed. MALT Join this year's Men's Adult Learning Trip A Memorable Religious Pilgrimage to Israel Saturday Night, November 27th Sunday, December 5th Spend a week learning Torah in Jerusalem, connecting with friends and experiencing the holiness of Israel.Study at Yehivat Birkat Reuvan in the Old City, Special Private Tours, Outstanding Lectures, Fine Dining, and Shabbat Experience in Efrat with Rabbi Sholomo Riskin For more information, contact Tzvi Bernstein ( or Rabbi Daniel Cohen (