| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin 301 Strawberry Hill Avenue, Stamford, CT (203) 358-2200 www.cas-stamford.org Mikvah 203-964-1928 / Eruv 203-324-3955 |
| August 31, 2013 | Nitzavim-Vayelech
| 25 Elul 5773 | | | Friday Candles | 7:14pm | Mincha | 7:00pm | Chapel | 8:00am | Coffee & Commentary | 8:45am | Shiur | 10:30am | Sanctuary
| 9:00am | Future Tots/Tot Shabbat/ Mini Minyan/Jr. Cong/ B'nai Mizvah Club/Jr. Teen Chat
| 10:30am | Code of Jewish Law
| 6:15pm | Daf Yomi | 6:15pm
| Mincha
| 7:05pm | Maariv | 8:07pm | Shabbat Ends | 8:12pm | Monday-Labor Day Wednesday-Erev Rosh Hashana Thursday, Friday-Rosh Hashana |
Rabbis' Office Hours This Week | Rabbi Daniel Cohen Tuesday: 10-12 am & 1-3 pm Wednesday: 9 am-noon
Monday: 7:45 pm | |
Special Rosh Hashanah Service Due to last year's warm reception of the Rosh Hashanah Sunrise Service, it will be held at 6am both days of Rosh Hashanah. So that we can gauge attendance, kindly email eneumann11@optonline.net if you plan to attend. |
The High Holiday Men's Choir will meet in the Sanctuary this Sunday at 10:30 am. For more info, please contact Izzy Lustig. |
I f you have a child who is studying in Israel for the year, Rabbi Cohen would love to keep in touch. Please send your child's phone number and email to rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org. |
CAS MEMBERS: HELP US STAY UP TO DATE WITH YOU AND YOU CAN WIN A GREAT PRIZE: $100 Gift Certificate to KOSH SIGN UP AT www.cas-stamford.org We want to make sure that we have all our congregants' emails and information correctly listed on our data base: - Sure, you get CAS emails. But for many member families, we don't have an email address on file in their family record.
- You may have changed your email, or want us to send email to a different address
It's simple to update your email - will take less than 1 minute |
Free High Holiday Services Thursday, September 5, 4:00 pm: Free Rosh Hashana Service with Shofar Blowing at the Atria (77 3rd Street) with Rabbi David Walk Saturday, September 14, 4-5 pm: Free Yom Kippur Service at CAS with Rabbi Daniel Cohen Register online |
USHERS NEEDED We need your support to ensure we offer both a welcoming experience and maintain the decorum, dignity and safety of our services on the High Holidays. We are grateful to Elisheva Kilner for organizing the ushers but she is in serious need of your participation. An usher's responsibilities includes greeting people as they enter into the sanctuary, answering any questions, assisting those in need of special help, and standing by the door to minimize interruptions at critical times of the davening so that people can focus on the Tefillah. One hour of your time will help ensure that all this happens. |
The Men's Mikvah will be open Erev Rosh Hashana (Wednesday, September 4) from 6 am - 5 pm. Please bring your own towel. The fee for usage is $10.00.
| | | I am still standing after all of these years....The words may remind you of Elton John but are actually rooted in the beginning of the week's Torah portion Nitzavim. The juxtaposition of last week's parsha concluding with the curses and this week's of reassurance of Moshe to the Jewish people that they are still standing before G-d offers a timely and timeless message. Rav Tzadok Hakohen explains that naturally the Jews would feel disheartened by the possible curses and therefore Moshe reminds people of the forthcoming blessings and innate sanctity of every member of the nation. This is the last Shabbat of the year. Looking back we have experienced joy and sorrow, hope and despair. As we approach Rosh Hashana, this week's Torah portion possesses a spirit of reassurance that G-d willing, we will merit a year of blessings for all. I also encourage you to view this video, A Silent Message for All of Us, that was forwarded to me this week. It captures a very meaningful message about tuning off technology to create the sacred space afforded to us every week by Shabbat to connect with G-d, our family and community. Wishing you and your families a Ketivah VeChatimah Tovah and a happy and healthy new year,
This Saturday night, Sylvia's will be open pre-Selichot, 8:30-9:30 pm. We carry unique Rosh Hashana cards! Our beautiful selection of honey dishes make wonderful hostess gifts! |
SPECIAL SELICHOT PROGRAM & SERVICES Tonight, August 31 Program with Rabbi Cohen, Rabbi Walk & Cantor Bokow Open to the community! Services led by Cantor Bokow: 9:30 pm/educational program: 10:30 pm Late Selichot services in chapel at 12:45 am Special pizza & selichot for 9-12 graders at 9:00 pm |
Get inspired! CAS invites you to a pre-Rosh Hashana
sunrise service and shofar blowing
this Sunday, Sept. 1 @ 5:50 am
Join us at Horseshoe Beach at the Cove
followed by a light breakfast |
SENIOR TEENS! 9th-12th grade This Saturday night, August 31, Join your new Teen Directors, Josh & Miriam Sperber, for pizza-making and special selichot Pizza: 9-10:30 in social hall | Selichot: 10:30-11:15 in chapel |
JUNIOR TEENS! 7th-8th grade This Shabbat Afternoon, 5-6:30 pm Meet your new Teen Directors, Miriam & Josh Sperber! Homemade treats and more: 500 Newfield Avenue #2D |
Click here for a chance to win a $100 KOSH gift certificate.
| Saturday, August 31
| -Sunday, September 1 | Selichot Services | 9:30pm/12:45 am
| Program | 10:30 pm | Sunday, September 1
| Sunrise Service at the Cove
| 5:50 am
| Wednesday, September 4
| Candles 7:03 pm
| Services 7:08 pm | Thursday, September 5
| Services
| Library 6:00 am |
| Main Sanctuary 8:00 am |
| Heyman Chapel 8:30 am | Mincha 7:05 pm | Candles not before 8:02 pm | Friday, September 6 |
| Services | Library 6:00 am
| Main Sanctuary 8:00 am
| | Heyman Chapel 8:30 am | Mincha 7:05 pm | Candles 7:00 pm | Saturday, September 7 | SHABBAT SHUVA
| Hashkama 8:00 am | Sanctuary 9:00 am | Shabbat Shuva Drasha | 6:00 pm | Mincha 6:55 pm | Havdalah 8:00 pm | Sunday, September 8 | FAST OF GEDALIAH |
| Fast begins-5:04 am | Selichot 6:30 am
| Shacharit 7:00/8:30 am | Mincha 6:50 pm | Fast Ends 7:50 pm | |
GRAVESIDE MEMORIAL SERVICES Sunday, September 8 Old Cemetery 9:15 am New Cemetery 9:45 am Independent Lodge 10:45 am |
CAS ANNUAL HIGH HOLY DAY FOOD DRIVE IS ON! Chairs: Jessie and David Brand Youth Chairs: Tamar Cohen, Rachelle Guy, Gabriella Lieberman and Jennifer Steinmetz What better way to do an important mitzvah than in connection with the High Holidays? CAS's Chesed Committee is organizing a food drive from August 29 through September 22 to benefit Jewish Family Service. This important agency's shelves are bare and in dire need of replenishment Please include items for JFS's food pantry in your High Holiday shopping! - Please return the requested food, in bags, to the Shul lobby coat closet.
- Delivery of donated items to JFS will take place on Sunday, September 22.
Suggested Kosher Grocery List: *cereal *peanut butter *jelly/jam *canned vegetables *canned fruit *canned soups (not broth) *canned tuna *canned salmon *canned beans *pasta & sauce *rice *applesauce *dry milk *pancake mix and syrup *juice *jello/pudding *coffee and tea *Shabbat candles * hotel/sample size toiletries For questions, please contact Event Chairs Jessie and David Brand at jessieoser@gmail.com or call Agudath Sholom at (203) 358-2200 Thank you for your support and Shana Tova! |
| Nesiah Tovah to: | - Sarah Marlowe, who will making aliyah this week
| |
Shabbat Topics & Participants | Coffee & Commentary | Rabbi David Walk | Shiur | The Laws of Blowing the Shofar as Taught by Rabbi Simon Boxer and distorted by Tzvi Bernstein, Pt. 2 | Shacharit/Musaf | Chazzan Rafael Bokow | Usher | Joe Zalis
| Torah Reader | Jeff Cahn, Ben-Zion Soifer
| Sermon | The First and Last Torah Scrolls Rabbi Daniel Cohen | Code of Jewish Law | Ari Lieberman | Seudah Shlishit | Rabbi Jeff Cahn
| |
Thanks to this Week's Sponsors...
| Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | Phyllis & Martin Shapiro in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary of Miriam & Joe Gelb-L'Chaim! The Jaiven Family, wishing a speedy recovery to Leon Jaiven; the Linda Beson Nursing Educational Fund | Chapel Kiddush | Albert Bensimon in memory of his parents | Sanctuary Kiddush | Miriam & Joe Gelb in honor of their 50th anniversary | Seudah Shlishit
| the shul
| |
Selichot | Sunday 12:45 am/10 pm, Monday 6:30 am/10 pm, Tuesday 6:00 am/10 pm, Wednesday 5:45 am | Daf Yomi | Sunday 7:45 am, Monday 7:30 am, Tuesday-Wednesday 7:00 am | Shacharit | Sunday 7:15/8:30 am, Monday 7:00/8:30 am, Tuesday-Wednesday 6:30/7:30 am | Weekday Mincha | Sunday-Tuesday 7:15 pm
| |
OPEN HOUSE SHABBAT AT CAS-This Shabbat! Invite your friends to spend a Shabbat at Agudath Sholom. Services Saturday morning 9 am, our stellar youth program starts at 10:30 am. Join us for kiddush at 11:30 and learn more about how CAS is right for you. If you are interested in joining a family for Shabbat lunch or seek more info about CAS, please be in touch with our membership chair Ethan Green: ethanlgreen@yahoo.com or Rabbi Cohen: rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org PRE-YOM KIPPUR TESHUVA LECTURE-Wednesday Evening, September 11, 8 pm. Rabbi Shalom Hammer: Awakenings in Israel and the Implications for Return Worldwide STEPHEN J. SAVITSKY WEEKEND AND DINNER-Shabbat, October 4-5 -
Friday night dinner and presentation: Will We Fail or Seize the Moment? The Future of American Orthodoxy. Dinner - 7:15 pm. $25 adult and $15 for children 12 and under -
Shabbat Sermon: The Torah's Secret Mitzvah for Success -
Seudah Shlishit: Being an Observant Jew: Burden or Privilege? | |
Reserve Your Lulav/Etrog Set Now! Click here! Deadline: Thursday,September 12 | Pick up: September 15/16 |
On Saturday, September 21, the Sisterhood wants everyone in our congregation enjoying their Shabbat afternoon having Sukkot lunch with other members of our shul, at homes across the community. Come be a part of Sukkot as it's supposed to be...within the beauty and spirituality of the sukkah, enjoying friends, old and new.
This event is FREE.
Host families will provide food for the meal.
Guests will be asked to bring wine, challah, and pareve dessert (more details when you sign up!)
More information: Margie Abrams, |
For all ages! Sukkot Family Sushi Demo & BBQ Sunday, September 22, 4-6:30 pm - Interactive Sushi demo with world-renowned Chef Geoff Lazlo
- Everyone makes their own vegetarian sushi roll!
- Delicious BBQ dinner in our beautiful shul sukkah!
$12 per member child under age 10 $15 per member adult | $18 per non-member Price includes sushi demo and BBQ dinner Register here for sushi demo and BBQ |
CAS Free Mezuzah Campaign in Fairfield County, CT Bringing Blessings to Jewish Homes | Do you know a neighbor or a friend who lacks a mezuzah? Share this video link: www.congregationagudathsholom.org/mezuzah.html CAS is offering a free mezuzah and home visit to post this sacred scroll at the entrance to all Jewish homes in the area. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen: rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org |
Rabbi Walk: Sunday: Bible from the Beginning 9:15-10:00 am Tuesday: Machzor Makeover 7:30 pm Thursday: Masechet Megilla after mincha Rabbi Cohen: Tuesday: The Path of the Just 8:15 am New Class! Teshuva Themes in the Weekly Torah Portion noon | | |
Youth | Thank you to all of our awesome leaders (new and returning) for preparing for a wonderful new season at groups! Please join me in welcoming our new leaders - Naama Herstic, Ellie Zucker and Zach Kfare! Please join me in wishing our leaders who have switched roles good luck - Rabbi Parhi, Sara Malka Cohen, Josh and Miriam Sperber. This weekend... *Please sign your child up for groups again even if you already have in past years. We will be following new safety protocols and as such we need you to sign up your children here.
Meet Our Fabulous Leaders this week's featured leaders: Mini Minyan Hi! My name is Devorah Meyers and I am a Junior at SAR High School. I am a graduate of the Gan and Bi-Cultural and I am still involved with Chabad through volunteering with the Friendship Circle. I have been working in Mini Minyan for the past 2 years and I can't wait to spend another year with your kids. They are all sweet, precious, and adorable. I love playing games with them and having our Shabbos parties together.
- At Jr. Cong. come and welcome our new leader, Zach Kfare. If you would like to read from the Torah or deliver a D'var Torah please speak to Zach or Rabbi Jeiger.
- B'nai Mitzvah Club (grades 5-6) begin a new year with Rabbi Parhi and Ellie Zucker at 10:30 in the Cantor's Office!
- Jr. Teen Chat (grades 7-8) this Shabbat with our NEW TEEN LEADERS, JOSH AND MIRIAM SPERBER!
Jr Teens (Grades 7-8) - Meet and Greet at the home of Josh and Miriam Sperber 500 Newfield Avenue (Apt 2D) 5-6:30 pm - join us for a great time - games, snacks and most importantly get to know your new leaders! Sr. Teens (Grades 9-12) - Make Your Own Pizza/ Teen Selichot 9- 11:30 pm - get to know your new leaders, make your own pizzas with all the toppings, and after you eat, nourish your soul with a teen led Selichot. Coming Soon - An Action Packed September... 5 - 6 Rosh Hashana - Groups for all ages 10:30-1:30 including a light lunch. 13 - 14 Yom Kippur - Friday night groups for Mini Minyan and Jr. Cong. for 1 hour after Kol Nidrei. Yom Kippur day- groups for all ages 10:30-1:30 including a light lunch. 15 - Decorate our Shul Sukkah - 9:30-10:30 am join Morah Chemda Parhi and our new Israeli girls for decorating and a bagel and chocolate milk breakfast for all volunteers. (All ages are invited) Click here to see. 15 - TEEN FISHING TRIP (grades 9-12) 3:30-9:00 pm. Sign up online. 19 - 21 Sukkot/ Shabbat Chol Hamoed - Groups for all ages 10:30 until the conclusion of shul. 21 - Sukkah Hop - 4-5:30 pm - Learning, stories and snacks with your favorite leaders. If you want to be on the route please email R. Jeiger asap. For more info please click here. 22 - SUSHI DEMO & BBQ - 4-6:30 pm - Learn the fine art of making your own Sushi, make vegetarian rolls to eat and then enjoy a bountiful BBQ in our fabulous Sukkah! This is a shul wide event - all people welcome! Please sign up here. 26 -28 Simchat Torah/ Shabbat - enjoy special early youth Hakafot for the younger children, special Youth Hakafot during the adult Hakafot for the older children, candies, snacks, treats and so much more.... More info to follow.... If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday or special accomplishment by sponsoring a special "kiddush" in their honor, please email me at rabbijeiger@hotmail.com. Shabbat Shalom! Rabbi Yehuda Jeiger | |
We wish the following people a Refuah Sheleima. Please have them in your prayers: If you would like to add a name for this month, click here Moshe Adam ben Rachel , an IDF lone soldier in a coma, Maryashe bat Maryashe, Penina Esther bat Devorah, Avraham ben Chana, Mila bat Frida, Perel bat Chaya, Pinchas ben Leeba, Zahava bat Chaya Sara, Boruch ben Polina, Natalie Chana Chaya bat Aviva, Rivka bat Rose, Chaim Yisroel ben Gittel Malka, Yocheved Chana bat Leah Osne,Zechariya Eliyahu ben Ayelet Naomi, Meyer Leib ben Shayna Reisel, Shemuel Simcah ben Channah, Zev Mordechai ben Chaya Gittel, Refael Ephraim ben Sima, Michal Fraida Chava bat Yita Shandel: Please recite psalm 47 for Marlene Gatz, a BCDS mother battling cancer. The text is here. | STAMFORD JCC'S ANNUAL 5K RUN/WALK TO BENEFIT JUMPSTART-Labor Day, Monday, September 2. JumpStart is an early-intervention preschool program for children with special needs. MA'AYANOT YESHIVA HS YOM IYUN-Tzom Gedalia, Sunday, September 8, 9:30 am-12:30 pm at the school (1650 Palisade Avenue, Teaneck). The Yom Iyun will begin with a shiur by keynote speaker Rabbi Yaakov Blau on the topic Everyone for Themselves? The Role of the Shleach Tzibbur on Rosh Hashana, followed by additional shiurim by members of the Ma'ayanot faculty. Men and women are welcome. SPIN-A-THON FUND RAISER FOR CANCER RESEARCH-Sunday, September 15th at the JCC. Spin with Israeli Tom Peled who will stop in Stamford in his biking odyssey from Toronto to DC in memory of his dad who perished of cancer. Spin 1, 2 or 3 hours. 8:00 am to 11:00 am. All funds to Israel Cancer Research Fund. Fun for a serious purpose. For info: David Kweskin at david.kweskin@icrfonline.org, (203) 321-1006. THE RACE TO COLLEGE- Mondays, September 30., November 4. and December 2 at 5:30 pm. Pre-planning for college for 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th graders and their parents conducted by Claire Friedlander, Jewish Family Service College Consultant at Harry Bennett Branch of Ferguson Library, 115 Vine Road, Stamford. Free and open to the community. For more information, contact Claire Friedlander at clairef@ctjfs.org or call 203-921-4161. JFS WELLNESS SYMPOSIUM COMMEMORATING BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH -Monday, October 7th, 6:30-8:30 pm, at Whole Foods Market, 150 Ledge Road, Darien. In partnership with Whole Foods Market of Darien and the Stamford JCC, JFS will be presenting this seminar to address issues in general health and well-being through four, thirty-minute presentations by guest speakers, followed by questions from the attendees. Presented in loving memory of Netta Stern, former JFS Psychotherapist and Director of Clinical Services. Free to the community. For more information, contact Eve Moskowitz, JFS Director of Clinical Services at 203-921-4161 or email at emoskowitz@ctjfs.org LIFE TRANSITIONS-Wednesdays at 11:30 am. Ongoing support group for the unemployed at the Stamford JFS office, 733 Summer Street, 6th Floor. The focus of the group is to provide a forum to discuss and explore the concerns and issues related to job loss and to find alternative solutions for career satisfaction. The group is a collaborative effort between JFS Counseling and Employment & Training Departments. To register or for more information, please contact Rebekah Kanefsky at 203-921-4161 or email at rkanefsky@ctjfs.org | |
SYLVIA'S CAS Sisterhood Gift Shop We have Honey Dishes, Shofars, Etrog Boxes, and Havdalah Sets FOR BACK TO SCHOOL, WE HAVE BUCHARIAN KIPPOT Gift Shop Hours This Week This Saturday night, pre-Selichot hours: 8:30-9:30 pm Sunday: 9-11 am Tuesday: 12-2 pm (Closed until September 8) Mention that you saw this ad in your email and receive 15% off one item (expires 9/3/13) |
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