| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin | May 8, 2010 24 Iyar 5770 Behar Bechukosai |
| SERVICE SCHEDULES | | Friday night in the Main Sanctuary Candle lighting 7:38 p.m. Mincha 7:00 p.m. Saturday morning Hashkama 8:00 a.m. Main Sanctuary 9:00 a.m. Coffee & commentary with Rabbi David Walk 8:45 a.m Musaf: Eliott Neumann Torah Readers: Aaron Berk, Jay Jubas, Peter Lewis Usher: Mitchell Bell Teen Minyan 9:30 a.m. Teen Minyan Kiddush: Sharon & Jeff Lewis in honor of Peter Lewis's birthday Rabbi Daniel Cohen: "Human Beings or Human Becomings: Nero, Churva and Personal Resiliency" Latest time to say Shema 9:17 a.m. Latest time to daven Amidah 10:28 a.m. Babysitting-Tot Shabbat 10:30 a.m. Mini Minyan & Jr Cong 10:30 a.m. Daf Yomi 6:35 p.m. Davening & Pirkei Club 6:50 p.m. Mincha/Seudat Shlishit 7:23 p.m. Rabbi Chezy Deren & Zach Maller: Reflections on their recent March of the Living Trip Maariv 8:33 p.m.Shabbat ends 8:38 p.m. WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Daf Yomi Sunday 7:45 a.m. Mon-Friday 7:00 a.m. Shacharit Sunday 8:30 a.m. Mon-Thurs 6:30/7:20 a.m. Fri-Rosh Chodesh 6:20/7:30 a.m. Wed is Yom Yerushalayim-we will be recite hallel at the morning minyanim Mincha Sun-Thurs 7:45 p.m. Friday 7:45 p.m. Candlelighting next Friday 7:45 p.m. THANKS TO THIS WEEK'S SPONSORS Sanctuary Kiddush: Meg & Yoav Haron in honor of our community, Judd Love in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Rhonda's mother, Rochelle Boltino, and parents Abraham and Rose Love Chapel Kiddush: Debbie & Michael Berg in memory of Debbie's mother's yahrzeit and Irwin & Marily Niedober in memory of her husband & his father's yahrzei Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages: The Green Family in loving memory of Sandy Green on his 8th yahrzeit and the Linda Beson Nursing Educational Fun MAZAL TOV Congratulations to Shayna Levin & Daniel Raymer, who are graduating from Kulanu Jewish High School Ella & Daniel Bilenko, (who recently moved to Stamford,) on the birth of a baby boy THE FULL SHAVUOT SCHEDULE WILL BE SENT VIA EBLAST BY TUESDAY. |
| | RABBI'S MESSAGE Make the Days of Omer Count Shabbat Day 39 An essential component of bonding is its endurance; its ability to withstand challenges and setbacks. Without endurance there is no chance to develop true bonding. Am I totally committed to the one with whom I bond? How much will I endure and how ready am I to fight to maintain this bond? Is the person I bond with aware of my devotion?
Exercise for the day: Demonstrate the endurance level of your bonding by confronting a challenge that obstructs the bond. Go to www.meaninfullife.com We welcome this weekend Yachad Shabbaton and the 8th graders of BCDS . Yachad is the National Jewish Council for Disabilities. DON'T MISS THIS EXCITING EVENT Eric Cantor This Sunday, May 9th 7:00 p.m. Republican minority whip, in conjunction with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, will be speaking here on "The Importance of Pro-Israel Advocacy in the U.S. Congress" Join the cas yom yerushalayim Program wed, may 12th 7-7:45 pm A city united or divided? Families & children 4th grade &up are invited to express their solidarity with yerushalayim as we celebrate the re-unification of Jerusalem in 1967. IF YOU HAVE A GRADUATE IN YOUR FAMILY (from pre-K to graduate school) and would like to sponsor a special graduation Kiddush in their honor the second day of Shavuot, please confirm your pledge and commitment of $50 to jbell@agudathsholom.org or call the shul office no later than Fri, May 14th | |
CAS ANNOUNCEMENTS · YACHAD SHABBATON-Fri/Sat May 7th & 8th Each year CAS hosts Yachad members in a meaningful service designed to include all in our family. Yachad is the National Jewish Council for Disabilities. Hosted by CAS & Bi-Cultural Day School. Open to all. · GUEST SPEAKER-REPUBLICAN ERIC CANTOR-Sun, May 9th7:00 p.m. Republican minority whip will speak at CAS in conjunction with the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee. The topic "The Importance of Pro-Israel Advocacy in the U.S. Congress." Dessert reception · YOM YERUSHALAYIM-Wed, May 12th 7:00 p.m. A City United or Divided? Express your solidarity with Yerushalayim as we celebrate the re-unification of Jerusalem in 1967. · SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE RABBI DR. SHNAYER LEIMAN-Shavuot, May 18th -20th Rabbi Leiman is a professor in the dept. of Judaic Studies at Bklyn College & a professor at Yeshiva University. ¨ SAVE THE DATE-THE ANNUAL BEN MANGER MEMORIAL LECTURE-Thur, May 27th 8:00 p.m. With Rabbi Joseph Ehrenkranz. His Topic will be "Chareidim: The Jewish Quakers." Free event. · DINNER-IN-MOTION-Fri, June 11th 7:00 p.m. To help plan this great event, contact the event chairs, Ted Listokin listot@optonline.net & Elissa Stein ehstein@optonline.net. Costs $25 Adults, $15 children · YOUNG FAMILIES LUNCH-Wed, June 19th 12:00 p.m. Delicious food, entertainment for the kids, & a relaxing way to celebrate Father's Day! $18 adults/$10 children 2+/$60 family. · TEEN TORAH CLASS Rabbi Yehuda Jeiger's new Monday class, evenings 6:00-7:00 Discuss relevant & current topics in Judaism Upcoming Youth Programs May 8th-Teen Minyan 8th-Jr. Teen Movie night CANCELLED, WILL RESCHEDULE 18th-20th-Shavuot Extravaganza To RSVP contact sararowo@gmail.com Donate a Siddur or Sefer to our shul in memory or in honor of a loved one, or for a special occasion. Contact Claudette at the shul office. SALUTE TO ISRAEL PARADE 2010 SUNDAY, MAY 23RD 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Begins on 5th Ave & 57th Street Join tens of thousands of participants celebrating Israel's 62nd year. Parade spectators will watch a sea of blue & white, kachol v'lavan, as community leaders, American & Israeli dignitaries, celebrities, floats & marching bands come together with spirit, joy & enthusiasm. With gratitude to G-d, We invite you to share in the Bat Mitzvah of our daughter, Elisheva Saturday, June 5th, 2010 23rd of Sivan 5770 at CAS Shabbat Parshat Shelach. Services at 9:00 a.m. Followed by Dvar Torah & Kiddush Rabbi Daniel & Diane Cohen |
COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS ¨ DATING & MARRIAGE IN THE ORTHODOX COMMUNITY-Mon, May 10th 8:30 p.m. At YI of Stamford. Come view a 30 minute film exploring dating & relationship-building issues. Question & answer session with Aliza Abrams. Free & open to the community. ¨ FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE-Sun, May 16th 7:00 p.m. at the Stamford Plaza Hotel. A night of sharing & inspiration, guaranteed to touch your heart. Share an evening with 300 HS students who have dedicated their free time to visit children with special needs. Visit www.friendshipct.com for more information. ¨ TOUR OF ELDRIDGE ST SYNAGOGUE IN NYC-Sun, May 16th . Private bus leaves Lord & Taylor 8:30 a.m. JHS Historian, Irwin Miller will share a compelling story of the founding of old Jewish NY. Call Patty at 454-1166 for info. ¨ AN EVENING WITH JFS AND 2ND ANNUAL SILENT AUCTION-Sun, May 23rd at Temple Beth El, Stamford. Honoring Mitzvah Award recipients Faye Manger, the B.L. Manger Foundation & the Hebrew Ladies Educational League. Young Leadership Award recipient: Robin Treidel. For more info call Iris Morrison at 921-4161. ¨ PLAY FORE THE KIDS-Mon, May 24th at the Rockrimmon Country Club. Tennis begins at 9 am, Shotgun golf start at 1 pm. For info Wendy Bennett at 487-0961 Benefits Jumpstart at JCC. ¨ MELTON GRADUATION DAY-Tues, May 25th 7:00 p.m. at the JCC. Join in celebrating this special graduation of some of our members. Dairy dessert reception. RSVP to ilana@ujf.org ¨ BI-CULTURAL 54TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER-Mon, May 31st 5:00 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency Greenwich. All invited to honor CAS congregants, Jodi & Richard Boxer. Alumni awardee Malerie Yolen-Cohen, teachers Beth Praver & John Sakson & administrators Joyce Chavkin & Enid Lieberman, for their devoted service to BCDS. For more info call 203 329-2186 ¨ SHIUR BY REBBETZIN HOLLY PAVLOV-Wed, June 16th 7:00 p.m. at the Milstein residence, 200 5th Ave, Stamford. Topic will be "Believing in Others, Ourselves & Hashem." Light dinner at 7:00-shiur at 8:00 p.m. RSVP at robinmilstein@aol.com ¨ MALT 2010 IS ON! . Trip info: Departs Saturday Night 11/27/10 & returns Sunday Morning 12/5/10. For more info contact Tzvi Bernstein at hfb@zandb.com or Rabbi Cohen at rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org . |
SHAVUOT INFORMATION | | Experience Shavout at Congregation Agudath Sholom with Scholar In Residence Rabbi Dr. Shnayer Leiman Outstanding Scholar, Teacher and Author Tuesday evening, May 18th 11:30 PM - Lifeboat Ethics: A Jewish Perspective 12:30 AM - Are Our Texts of the Torah Accurate: The Aleppo Codex Controversy CAS All Night Learn-a-thon will feature a full evening/morning of educational programming, sunrise service and delicious breakfast. Wednesday, May 19th 7:30 PM -When a Rabbi is Accused of Heresy: The Emden-Eibeschuetz Controversy:The Rebbetzin's Epitaph Thursday, May 20th 10:30 AM-(Sermon on Second Day Shavout) Rabbi Abraham Isaac ha-Kohen Kook on Ahavat Yisrael 6:45 PM -When a Rabbi is Accused of Heresy: The Emden-Eibeschuetz Controversy: Rav Kook's Tale Dr. Shnayer Leiman is professor in the department of Judaic Studies at Brooklyn College - New York and visiting professor at Yeshiva University. A prolific author, he has taught at Harvard, Yale and Hebrew University. Dr. Leiman received Semicha from the Mirrer Yeshiva and his Ph.D from the University of Pennsylvania. For a complete Shavout schedule including service times, youth and adult programming, visit www.agudathsholom.org. |
CAS Adult Education Classes | Visit learn.cas-stamford.org for more information. | Bible from the Beginning - with Rabbi David Walk In this ongoing survey of the Torah, we discuss issues in the Bible, verse by verse. Sunday, 9:15 a.m. Dvar Yom B'Yomo- with Rabbi David Walk Take an in-depth look at a topical issue each week, either from the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming Jewish Holiday. At BCDS.Monday at 12:30 p.m. Inyana D'Yomo- with Rabbi David Walk Enjoy a small discussion in Hebrew on the weekly Torah portion. Hebrew fluency a must. Monday at 8:00 p.m. Power of the Prophets- with Rabbi Daniel Cohen Take a closer look at Jewish history you thought you knew. Explore the life and times of King David through an in-depth study of Samuel II. Tuesday at 8:15 a.m.
The Soul of Prayer: Meeting G-d in the Siddur and Your Life - with Rabbi Daniel Cohen An in-depth exploration of many of our familiar prayers. Discover the tools for soulful service of G-d. For women only. Tuesday at 9:15 a.m. Parsha Perspectives & Paradigms- with Rabbi Daniel Cohen Glean relevant life messages from the weekly Torah portion in this upbeat class. Tuesday at 12:00 noon Judaism as a Community- with Rabbi David Walk Exploration of the history of the concept called "Kehilla." How did Jewish communities develop, grow and function? Understand the roles of communal organizations in the shaping of a Jewish society. Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Talmud Bavli: Masechet Makot- with Rabbi David Walk This class focuses on the tractates which discusses the Jewish legal system. Thursday at 8:30 p.m. The Pre-Shabbos Torah Taste- with Rabbi Daniel Cohen These 30 minute sessions unlock a fresh perspective & fascinating ideas from the Torah portion. Friday at 8:15 a.m. |
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