CAS ANNOUNCEMENTS ¨ CAS ANNUAL DINNER-Sun, May 2nd 5:00 p.m. Honoring Howard Rothman- Guest of Honor, Toby Schaeffer-Distinguished Service Award, Maruja & Allon Ivri-Young Leadership Award ¨ STRIDES FOR S'DEROT-Sun, May 2nd 10:00 a.m. At Stamford High School track, 55 Strawberry Hill Ave. A walk-a-thon sponsored by the Jewish community of Stamford to benefit the children of S'derot, Israel. Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. ¨ YACHAD SHABBATON-Fri/Sat May 7th & 8th Each year CAS hosts Yachad members in a meaningful service designed to include all in our family. Yachad is the National Jewish Council for Disabilities. Hosted by CAS & Bi-Cultural Day School. Open to all. This is an opportunity to share a huge mitzvah to house children and advisors who unfortunately have various disabilities. Contact Sharon at or 327-9924. Your help is needed. · GUEST SPEAKER-REPUBLICAN ERIC CANTOR-Sun, May 9th7:00 p.m. Republican minority whip will speak at CAS in conjunction with the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee. The topic "The Importance of Pro-Israel Advocacy in the U.S. Congress." ¨ SAVE THE DATE-THE ANNUAL BEN MANGER MEMORIAL LECTURE-Thur, May 27th 8:00 p.m. With Rabbi Joseph Ehrenkranz. His Topic will be "Chareidim: The Jewish Quakers." Free event. · DINNER-IN-MOTION-Fri, June 11th 7:00 p.m. To help plan this great event, contact the event chairs, Ted Listokin & Elissa Stein · TEEN TORAH CLASS Rabbi Yehuda Jeiger's new Monday class, evenings 6:00-7:00 p.m. Discuss relevant & current topics in Judaism Upcoming Youth Programs May 8th-Jr. Teen Movie night 18th-20th-Shavuot Extravaganza To RSVP contact Join us Shabbat, May 8th at seudat shlishit as Rabbi Chezy Deren shares reflections from the recent March of the Living Trip. Donate a Siddur or Sefer to our shul in memory or in honor of a loved one, or for a special occasion. Contact Claudette at the shul office Join us with Scholar in Residence Rabbi Dr. Shnayer Leiman Shavuot, May 18th-20th Outstanding scholar, teacher & author
Shavuot All Night Learn-a-Thon Rabbi Leiman will address the topics of: "Lifeboat Ethics" "Are Our Texts of the Torah Accurate: The Aleppo Codex Controversy" Mincha/Maariv day one Rabbi will also be speaking on: "When a Rabbi is Accused of Heresy: The Emden-Eibeschuetz Controversy: The Rebbetzin's Epitaph" Mincha/Maariv day two "When a Rabbi is Accused of Heresy: The Emden-Eibeschuetz Controversy: Rav Kook's Tale Sermon in the shul second day "Rabbi Abraham Isaac ha-Kohen Kook on Ahavat Yisrael" SALUTE TO ISRAEL PARADE 2010 SUNDAY, MAY 23RD 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Begins on 5th Ave & 57th Street Join tens of thousands of participants celebrating Israel's 62nd year. Parade spectators will watch a sea of blue & white, kachol v'lavan, as community leaders, American & Israeli dignitaries, celebrities, floats & marching bands come together with spirit, joy & enthusiasm. |