| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin |
| Bamidbar | 46th day of the Omer | June 8, 2024 | 2 Sivan 5784 |
| Friday | | Mincha | 7:00 PM/8:11 PM | Candle Lighting | 8:06 PM | Shabbat | | Shacharit | 7:00/8:00/9:00 AM | Latest Shema | 8:13 AM | Latest Shacharit | 9:47 AM | Shiur | 10:30 AM | Dav Yomi | 7:00 PM | Code Of Jewish Law | 7:10 PM | Mincha | 8:00 PM | Havdalah | 9:07 PM |
God is counting on you The small town was getting ready for a wedding feast and in anticipation everyone was asked to bring a bottle of wine to the banquet hall. There was a vat in the center and each person was expected to pour their wine into the large vessel. One fellow decided that rather than pour wine, he would pour a bottle of water. After all, he reasoned, who will notice that I brought water. The remainder of the container would be filled with wine and his water would be negligible. The next fellow was just as smart and he also poured in a bottle of water for, after all, nobody would notice his water. The day of the wedding arrived. After the ceremony was complete and the guests made their way into the hall, the wine container was rolled into the center of the feast. One by one, the guests placed their cups underneath the vat and all that came out was water. Needless to say, the bride and groom were mortified. Each person assumed someone else would contribute the wine and their lack of contribution, their water, would not be noticed. They made the selfish calculation that what they did personally would not matter in the grand scheme of things. They figured someone else would make the contribution that counted. They failed to realize that each person is needed for the celebration. Each person bears a gift worth counting. This parable embodies one of the prime messages of the opening of Bamidbar and its proximity to Shavuot. We always read this Parsha and the counting of the Jewish people prior to the holidays celebrating the receiving of the Torah. Why the juxtaposition? What is the connection? One answer emerges from the first Rashi in the book of Bamidbar. Rashi is troubled why God needs to count the people if He is omniscient. Rashi answers that God counts the people not for His knowledge but for our knowledge. He wants us to realize that we are each significant in His eyes. Tellingly, Rashi adds that God counts us "every hour." He is alluding to the mishna in Ethics of our Fathers, Chapter 4 Mishna 3 that states that there is no man who does not have his hour. Never discount the capacity of any human being, ourselves included, to make a difference and be counted. In the spirit of Shavuot, God is counting on us to embrace the Torah anew this holiday. God does not limit his end of life question, "Did you set aside time for Torah study?" to Rabbis, teachers or scholars. He asks everyone. It could be as little as one minute. What will be your commitment this Shavuot? What Torah will you choose to learn on a daily basis? God is counting on YOU. Wishing you and your families a Shabbat Shalom, Chag Sameach and God willing good news from Israel in the days ahead, Rabbi Daniel Cohen |
Shabbat Information - Learn about the Shabbat Torah Reading for Parshat Bamidbar with the insights of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"l - click here.
- Read Dovi Siderson's weekly parsha resource click here.
- The Haftarah is read from Hosea 2:1-22
- Haftarah summary by Chabad.org - click here.
- Haftarah summary by Haftarah Helper - click here
- Halachic Note #1 : We recite the Av HaRachamim prayer for the duration of Sefira since it was composed in response to the Crusades which took place during this time of year.
- Shabbat is the 46th day of the Omer. To learn more about the Sefira period, see the Orthodox Union's guide click here.
- Halachic Note #2: We do not recite Tachanun and associated prayers (e.g. Kel Malei) from Rosh Chodesh until after Isru Chag (i.e. two days after Shavuot).
- Vehi Noam is not recited on Motzei Shabbat due to Shavuot taking place this coming week.
- Would you like to read the Torah or Haftarah for your bar mitzvah parsha? Let us know by clicking click here
Shabbat Icebreakers (courtesy of Yaakov Moshe and Elisheva Shmidman) - What is something special about one of your grandparents or ancestors (l'mishpichotam l'beit avotam)?
- How many siblings do you have and what does each one do and where do they live (counting the tribes)?
- What is your household job (each of the Levite families had a special job in guarding a specific part of the Mishkan)?
Teens All teens are invited to join NCSY this Shabbos afternoon for Mincha, pasta-bar Seudah Shilishi, games, learning and singing, followed by a musical Havdalah! At the home of Adam Breiner. Please RSVP to Dovi Siderson before Shabbat!
Women's Learning Opportunity This Shabbat! You're invited to pre-Shavuos Women's Learning: "Five Women, Five Minutes" -- hosted by Malya Shmotkin. Happening at 132 Revonah Avenue, Shabbat June 8, at 5pm. For more info, call Malya at 203-273-5258.
Shabbat Topics & Participants |
Bob's Basics | Bob Abrams | Shiur | David Held: The Gemara's Views on Drafting Yeshiva Students | Code of Jewish Law | Rabbi Yossi Kamman | Seudat Shlishit | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Loving the Convert - Shabbat of VeAhavtem et Hager |
- to David Levine on the birth of a granddaughter, Adira Yarden
- to Theresa and Eli Herman on the birth of a baby girl
- to Sara Fay and Shmuel Goldis on the birth of a baby girl, Avigayil Shira
- to Lea Winter & Daniel Gordon and Meryl & David Gordon on the birth of a daughter and granddaughter, Reyna Julia (Rivka Bilhah)
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here- to the family of Claire Fishman
- to Bradley Lowenstein on the passing of his mother, Ingrid Tocher
- Chapel Kiddush Given by the Frenkel family in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Judge Arnold Price, Z"L, the Niedober family in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Murray Niedober, Z"L, and Mike & Debbie Berg in commemoration of the 17th yahrzeit of Debbie's mother, Marlene Lilienfeld, Z"L, and the 2nd yahrzeit of Mike's father, Dr. Howard Berg, Z"L.
- Sanctuary Kiddush : Co-sponsored by Scott & Beth Berger in honor of Dr. Marc Berger's visit to Stamford; and Judy & Howard Goldstein in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Judy's father, Lionel Fisch/Aryeh Leib ben Yehudah z"l
- Seudat Shlishit Manya & Rabbi Eric Hoffman in memory of Rhona Aronoff Lewinshtein
CAS Shavuot All Night Learning Adults - 11:30 PM Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Sinensky: Shimshon and the Modern Zionist Warrior
- 12:30 AM Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Sinensky: A Sneak Peak at the Unpublished Sermons of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
- 1:15 AM Sushi and Snacks
- 1:45 AM Rabbi Daniel Cohen - Strategy vs. Tragedy: A Torah Perspective on Civilian Casualties during War
- 2:45 AM Rabbi Yossi Kamman: Can Humanity be Governed by a Moral Code not Rooted in Belief in G-d?
- 3:45 AM Snack Break- Carvel Ice Cream courtesy of Stamford Carvel
- 4:20 AM Rabbi Moshe Kurtz: The Maid of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi - Hero or Villain?
Teens - 11:30 PM DIY Pizza Bar @ Young Israel
- 11:45 PM While the pizza bakes: Why in the world are we in shul at midnight? With Dovi
- 12:00 AM Keynote Rabbi Neil Wolfe: TBD
- 12:45 AM Break
- 1:00 AM Stump the Rabbis!
- 1:45 AM Walk to CAS for remainder of program + Shacharit
- 2:00 AM Sushi & Chavrutah learning: study whatever you want with the Banot, Dovi, or an Advisor
- 2:45 AM Optional Class with Rabbi Yossi Kamman: Can Humanity be Governed by a Moral Code not Rooted in Belief in G-d?
- 3:45 AM Carvel Ice Cream courtesy of Stamford Carvel
- 4:15 AM Dovi Siderson: Free, Free Pale-WHAT?? How to Deal With Jewish Friends that Don't Support Israel
- 5:00 AM Shacharit
Thank you to our Shavuot Learning Sponsors - Meredith and David Cohen in memory of Rachel Bat Chaim and David Ben Nissim Hakohen
- Laura and Marc Gallant in memory of Betty Milchman
- Jill and Arthur Green in memory of Erwin Green and Norman Blumenstock.
- Joanie Lane in memory of Herman Lane
- Lynn and Jeff Lowin in memory of Isaac Oretzky
- Barbara and Harry Webski in memory Martin Kirschner
- Leah and Peter Munk in memory of Evelyn Munk
- Lev Podelko in honor of the upcoming wedding anniversary of his parents Marina and Dr. Alexander Podelko
- Liz Rubin in memory of Arnold Dick
- Toby Schaeffer in commemoration of the upcoming yahrzeit of the Macy family kedoshim
Graduation Kiddush Thursday, June 13 | | Join the CAS Graduation Celebration! If you have a graduate in your family (preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school, college or graduate school), we will publish his/her name and the level from which he or she is graduating. Celebrate the graduates with a festive kiddush on the second day of Shavuot in honor of the graduates. Thank You to our Graduation Kiddush sponsors! | Mariya Feldman & Alex Abramov Adrienne & Michael Alexander Ira & Karen Berk | Bruce Newman Maria & Glenn Reicin Rebecca & Eric Sigman |
Julie Daniel Jessica & Levi Dulitz Michelle & Howland Gordon Tricia & Robert Hoff | David Levine Jill & Hugh Mainzer Marisa & Michael Siegel Sheila & Bernie Teig |
BCHA | Bella Abramov Ben Daniel Mason Dulitz | Eli Hoff Jack Steinberg |
| |
Bicultural Hebrew Academy | Sarah Berk |
Blind Brook High School | Rachel Didia |
Atlanta Jewish Academy | Yael Mainzer |
The Frisch School | Isaac Reicin |
| Fusion Academy of Greenwich | Tina Reicin |
Stamford High School | Matan Siegel |
Westhill High School | Isabel Sigman | Nate Sigman |
Binghamton University | Joshua Gordon | Benji Hoff |
| Dartmouth | Isaac Schildkraut |
The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art | Jacob Sigman |
| NYU Stern School for Business- Langone | Elizabeth Alexander Reichner |
| Shavuot Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Sinensky |
Tuesday, June 11 - 11:30 PM |
| Wednesday, June 12 - 10:00 AM |
| Shavuot Ice Cream Bar & Aseret Hadibrot |
Wednesday, June 12 - 5:00 PM |
| Thursday, June 13 - 12:00 PM |
| Sunday, June 16 - 9:00 AM |
| Sunday, June 16 - 4:00 PM |
| Tuesday, June 18 - 7:30 PM |
| Stamford Jewish Experience Friday Night Dinner |
Friday, June 21 - 8:15 PM |
| CAS Young Families and Mens Club presents: Scotch and Steak Night |
Sunday, June 30 - 7:00 PM |
- Join us as we welcome Rabbi Jeremiah Wohlberg Shabbat morning, June 15th in the Sanctuary. Rabbi Wohlberg will speak on Reflections on Israel 76th anniversary.
- Holy Habit - Food Pantry Donations Rather than wait for a Food Drive, make it a habit each week when shopping for Shabbos to purchase kosher, non-perishable food for the Freedberg Kosher Food Pantry.Drop off at JFS or CAS
- Shacharit Sunday: 7:15/8:30 AM; Monday-Tuesday, Friday: 6:30/7:30 AM; Wednesday: 5:00/9:00 AM; Thursday: 7:00/8:00/9:00 AM
- Mincha Sunday-Thursday: 8:15 PM; Friday: 7:00 PM/8:15 PM
- Candle Lighting Tuesday: 8:08 PM
- Sunday 47th day of the Omer
- Monday 48th day of the Omer
- Tuesday 49th day of the Omer, Erev Shavuot
We Wish A Speedy Recovery To |
- Tzvi Zev Yosef ben Chana Shulamit
- Sheina Feiga bat Ruvko
- Sheina Feiga bat Rivka
- Chaya Sara bat Chava
- Hershel Wolf ben Brucha
- Penina bat Sara
- Freidel bat Esther
- Chaya Shoshana bat Yehudit
- Nira bat Rachel
- Sara bat Nira
- Yitzchak Osher ben Chana Shauna Chaya
- Nadav Ephraim ben Shlomit Leah
| - Mark Emanuel ben Leah
- Shlomo ben Velvel
- Rivkah Devorah bat Channa Gittel
- Moisha Gedalia ben DK
- Nechemiah ben DK
- Dorit bat Ora
- Asher Anshel Eliezer ben Baila
- Miriam Rut bat Chana
- Abokhay Moshe ben Zoya
- Daniel David Yitzchak ben Shulamit
- Chaya bat Liba
- Harav Eliezer ben Chaya
| - Uria ben Talia
- Miriam bat Devorah
- אסתר רחל bat רייזל ביילה
- פרידה הדסה bat פערל לאה
- Dov ben Pnina
- Nehama Miriam bat Dvora
- Moshe Gavriel ben Rachel Esther
- Cheryl Sheva bat Gittel Leah
- Sossie Raizel bat Sarah Fraida
- Yitzchak Osher ben Chana Shayva Chaya
- Calev Natanel ben Sara
- Ariel Y
- Shani Y
- Tali Y
- Harry B
- Zevi M
| - Nathan H
- Noam H
- Yehudit
- Sally K
- Oren L
| - Nathan L
- Jeremy S
- Meni N
- Yaniv H
- Rachel W
- 4th Annual Jewish Community Fishing Trip Sunday June 23rd- 8:30 AM-4:00 PM - Location-Sound Bound Charters-Fort Slocum Road-New Rochelle NY-www.soundboundcharters.com (Do not make reservation online). Fishing on the 115" Sound Bound Princess-Fishing for Poriges, Seabass, Weakfish (All Kosher) - $80.00/person-Includes Rod and Reel- Bait - No experience necessary -All ages welcome-Wine coolers, Beer...OK to Bring for those 21 and up. For Reservations and questions-Contact-Robert Remin-Call/Txt-914 629-1753-Email-rremin@gmail.com. Reservation Deadline June 9th
- BCHA is excited to announce its first adult thespian production Neil Simon's THE ODD COUPLE (female version). ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY on June 20th at 8pm. Tickets only $10. Come on out to support the cast: Adena Blickstein, Janice Chaikelson Steinberg, Jonathan Cohen, Jodi Baer Hodge, Toby Lazarus, Gila Ogle, Nofie Rosovsky and Jonah Schrag. Tickets can be purchased at: https://buytickets.at/bcha/1258814