| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin |
| Pesach V (CH''M) | 4th day of the Omer | April 27, 2024 | 19 Nisan 5784 |
| Friday | | Mincha | 7:00 PM | Candle Lighting | 7:28 PM | Shabbat | | Shacharit | 7:00/8:00/9:00 AM | Latest Shema | 8:39 AM | Sephardic Minyan | 8:45 AM | Coffee & Commentary | 8:45 AM | Bob's Basics | 10:00 AM | Latest Shacharit | 10:03 AM | Shiur | 10:30 AM | Mincha | 7:25 PM | Havdalah | 8:29 PM | Sunday | | Candle Lighting | 7:30 PM | Mincha | 7:35 PM | Monday - Passover Day 7 | | Shacharit | 8:00/8:45 AM | Mincha | 7:35 PM | Candle Lighting After | 8:31 PM | Tuesday - Passover Day 8 | | Shacharit | 7:45/8:45 AM | Yizkor in Sanctuary (Approximately) | 10:15 AM | Mincha | 7:35 PM | Neilat HaChag | 7:55 PM | Maariv | 8:28 PM | Yom Tov Ends | 8:33 PM | Earliest Time to eat Chametz (Sold through CAS) | 9:00 PM |
God Revealed and Hidden I hope you and your families are enjoying a wonderful Pesach. As we approach the end of the holiday, take a moment to reflect on one inspiring seder insight to carry forward beyond Pesach. God willing, we forged meaningful memories as well. More than any other holiday, the counting of the omer - which bridges Pesach and Shavuot - affirms our aspiration to harness the days ahead for personal growth and a deeper commitment to making God and Torah the center of our lives. In this spirit, sign up for my Living the Torah Moment or Rabbi Kurtz's Daily Halacha for daily Torah inspiration and learning. Join My Omer to make the days count. On the seventh day of Passover, we commemorate the miracle of the splitting of the sea. Each Jew witnessed the manifestation of God in their lives. Yet, the Sages offer a cryptic commitment at the moment of the revelation. The Jews proclaim the enduring words, Mi Kamocha...who is like you among the powerful words we repeat every morning and every night. However, the Talmud in Gittin 56b interprets the words to read not only who is like you among the powerful but who is like you among the Ilmim, the deaf. What is the meaning of their interpretation? I was reminded of an answer when leading a model Seder a number of years ago at Atria. One of the residents asked how I could explain how 6 million Jews died in Europe. I told him I could not and some questions are left unanswered. Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik explains that the Talmud's variation on the words teach us that although there are moments when God is revealed and apparent in our lives as at the sea, there are also moments when God is silent and passive. We must accustom ourselves to the idea that not all questions have answers. A scholar who feels the imperative to answer all difficulties is not a scholar. Rabbi Akiva Eiger when unable to answer a question would respond, "The question requires more thought and may God enlighten me." The Talmud itself teaches us this approach to life's complexities. When an answer is unresolved, the Talmud will state Teiku, the answer is unknown and will only be resolved in the time of Elijah. Likewise, Rabbi Soloveitchik shared that his father believed that every individual has questions about God that cannot be answered. Anyone who believes otherwise is a fool. At the same time, our doubts should not "change our guiding principles or stymie further study." Our relationship with God is dynamic. Pesach strengthens it and the current climate here and in Israel, and the upcoming Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, challenges it. As we embark on the last days of the holidays and the season ahead, let us grapple and grow in our relationship to God. God willing, we will ensure that we do not only count the days until Shavuot but truly make the days count as we develop and deepen our commitment to God in the world and in ourselves. Wishing you and your families a Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom and God willing good news here and in Israel and a full redemption speedily and in our days, Rabbi Daniel Cohen |
Pesach/Shabbat Information - Kabbalat Shabbat is abridged, due to Yom Tov.
- In the morning we recite half-Hallel and Shir Hashirim, followed by Mourners' Kaddish.
- We take out two Sifrei Torah for Shabbat Chol HaMoed; in the first we have seven Aliyahs in Parshat Ki Tisa (Exodus 33:12- 34:26); Half-Kaddish; Maftir reads in the second Sefer Torah from Parshas Pinchas: (Numbers 28:19-25)
- The Haftorah for Shabbat Chol HaMoed is Ezekiel 37:1-14
- Haftarah summary by Chabad.org - click here
- Haftarah summary by Haftarah Helper - click here
- Halachic Note: Tachanun and prayers correlated with it e.g. , Kel Malei, Av HaRachamim and Tidkasecha are not recited throughout the entire month of Nisan.
- Also, Vehi Noam is omitted due to Pesach.
- For more Pesach information, please see our Pesach Website.
- Would you like to read the Torah or Haftara for your bar mitzvah parsha? Let us know by clicking here.
- Monday (7th Day of Pesach) : We take out two Sifrei Torah; in the first we have five Aliyahs in Parshas Beshalach (Exodus 13:17-15:26);
- Half-Kaddish; Maftir reads in the second Sefer Torah from Parshas Pinchas (Numbers 28:19-25)
- Haftarah for 7th Day - summary by Chabad.org - click here
- Haftarah for 8th Day - summary by Chabad.org - click here
- Monday Evening (8th Day of Pesach): Blessing on candles ""lehadlik ner shel Shabbos v'Yom Tov"" without a Shehechiyanu.
Halacha Notes: - Please note that the last days of Pesach are a continuation of the holiday and we do not recite Shehecheyanu at Kiddush on Monday night or Tuesday night.
- Remember to light a Yahrzeit candle on Sunday night before lighting Yom Tov candles in order to have a pre-existing flame from which to light Monday night candles and also a Yahrzeit candle.
- Please remember to wait until 8:45 PM on Tuesday night before removing your Chametz that was sold in your homes. Also, Bevmax, a Jewish owned business, participated in the Chametz sale and all kosher wines, liquor sold there may be eaten post Pesach.
Icebreakers - What's your favorite song (Shir HaShirim)?
- What's your favorite Pesach specific food?
- How do you elevate chol hamoed from a regular day?
Israel Tefillot and Prayer - Update from Rabbi Daniel Cohen
Beginning last week, we modified the Psalms we recite morning and night. We will now be reciting at Shacharit and in between Mincha and Maariv Psalms 83 and 124.
We will also recite the prayer for the hostages every morning and night followed by Achenu Kol Beit Yisrael.
Each one speaks to the desire of our enemies to eradicate Israel but God's providence in thwarting their plans and heralding a time when God's Name is One and there is peace.
Finally, the prophet Malachi teaches that the final redemption will happen in the blink of an eye as the redemption of Passover. As in the holiday, salvation came through a partnership between the Jewish People and God.
We were called upon not to cower in the face of threats but stand courageously with God, as demonstrated by the mandate to place the blood on the doorposts, the origin of the Mezuzah.
God willing, we will find the strength and resolve as a people and nation of Israel to merit a full and speedy salvation in the days ahead.
Wishing you and your families good news for us and all Israel.
A Divine Drive By Mitzvah Once a year, we can recite a special blessing for the first blossoms on a fruit tree. The ideal time was during the month of Nisan but you may recite the blessing in Iyar if you have not had the opportunity this season. Thank you to Michael and Debbie Berg for providing this Mitzvah Moment via their cherry tree. Drive by 26 Crane Rd North , roll down your window and make the blessing acknowledging God's renewal of the world. In the merit of our moments, may we experience hidden and open miracles of healing every day. You can find the bracha and background here.
New Shabbat Stroller Parking Policy We are blessed, thank God, with bustling Shabbat attendance in all our youth groups and minyanim. We are writing to inform you of an important update regarding our shul's Shabbat stroller parking policy.
In our ongoing efforts to ensure the safety and security of all members and visitors, we have implemented a new stroller parking policy effective immediately. This policy aims to enhance safety within our premises and provide a more organized environment for everyone.
Outlined below are the key points of the new stroller parking policy:- Strollers can be parked against any wall in the lobby - see pictures below for examples
- Please do not block access to another stroller
- We kindly request that all strollers are parked in a manner that does not obstruct pathways or exits. This is essential for swift evacuation in case of an emergency.
- Strollers are not allowed upstairs under any circumstances
By working together, we can ensure a safer and more welcoming environment for everyone. Thank you for your assistance in making these changes.
Divrei Torah on Holiday - Friday Night - Rabbi Moshe Kurtz
- Sanctuary Sermon- Rabbi Daniel Cohen
- Seudah Shlishit - Feivel Segelov
- Sunday Night - Rabbi Daniel Cohen
- Monday Sermons - Rabbi Moshe Kurtz
- Monday Night - Rabbi Yaakov Shmidman
- Tuesday Sermons - Rabbi Daniel Cohen
- Neilat Hachag - Rabbi Moshe Kurtz
- 7AM Kiddush: In honor of Albert Lilienfeld
- Chapel Kiddush - Shabbat: Susan & George Klein for the 3rd yahrzeit of George's father, Shalom Ben Aaron Yehuda z"l
- Sanctuary Kiddush - Shabbat: Co-sponsored by Susan & Len Mark in memory of Helen Mark z"l and Sam Silber z"l; Vered & Mark Links in memory of Pinchas Bartov z"l; and Anonymously in honor of the hostages who are spending Pesach in captivity
- Chapel Kiddush - Day 7: Renee Manger in commemoration of the 4th yarzheit of her mother, Faye Manger z"l
- Chapel Kiddush - Day 8: Elizabeth & Eli Reichner in memory of Eli's sister, Rachel Reichner's yahrzeit
- Sanctuary Kiddush - Day 7 & 8: Co-sponsored by Margie & Bob Abrams in memory of Harold Abrams z"l; Diane & Rabbi Daniel Cohen in memory of Johanna Cohen z"l; Kamal Haron in memory of Edward Haron z"l; and Lynn & Jeff Lowin in memory of Libby Oretzky z"l
| | Stamfords First Annual 5K Run/Walk for Israel |
| Donate Seforim to the Beit Midrash |
| Senior Challah Delivery Sponsorships |
Sunday Family-Friendly Minyan Sunday, May 5 - 8:30 AM Open to All Ages - Experience the joy and sanctity of davening as a family! Join us on the first Sunday of every month for our Family-Friendly Minyan. Invite your children to sit next to you! We will have kid friendly siddurim and we will sing Shema, Ashrei and Alenu together as part of the Tefillah. Enjoy fresh doughnuts and juice at the end of davening! Join us for a morning that will leave you uplifted and inspired. To find out more and/or sponsor, please contact Eli Reichner (eli.reichner@gmail.com) or Rabbi Kurtz (rabbikurtz@cas-stamford.org). | Crafty Ladies is back! Wednesday, May 8 Wednesday, May 8th & Wednesday, May 22nd, 10:00 am - 11:30 am. Join us with your knitting, crochet, needlepoint, and embroidery needles! We will continue making hats. We have crochet instructions for hats upon request. All handcrafts are welcome and bring your personality! |
- Save the Date - Yom Hazikaron Yom HaAtzmaut 2024 Monday evening, May 13th 7 PM at Congregation Agudath Sholom. Sponsored by United Jewish Federation of Stamford, New Canaan, and Darien and the Board of Rabbis In Partnership with: Bi-Cultural Hebrew Academy, Congregation Agudath Sholom, Temple Beth El, Temple Sinai, Young Israel of Stamford
- Holy Habit - Food Pantry Donations Rather than wait for a Food Drive, make it a habit each week when shopping for Shabbos to purchase kosher, non-perishable food for the Freedberg Kosher Food Pantry.Drop off at JFS or CAS
- Shacharit Sunday: 7:15/8:30 AM; Wednesday-Friday: 6:30/7:30 AM
- Mincha Sunday-Thursday: 7:35 PM; Friday: 7:00 PM
- Candle Lighting Friday: 7:35 PM
- Sunday 5th day of the Omer, Pesach VI (CH''M)
- Monday 6th day of the Omer, Pesach VII
- Tuesday 7th day of the Omer, Pesach VIII
- Wednesday 8th day of the Omer
- Thursday 9th day of the Omer
- Friday 10th day of the Omer
We Wish A Speedy Recovery To |
- Tzvi Zev Yosef ben Chana Shulamit
- Chaya Sara bat Chava
- Hershel Wolf ben Brucha
- Freidel bat Esther
- Chaya Shoshana bat Yehudit
- Nira bat Rachel
- Sara bat Nira
- Yitzchak Osher ben Chana Shauna Chaya
- Nadav Ephraim ben Shlomit Leah
- Mark Emanuel ben Leah
| - Shlomo ben Velvel
- Rivkah Devorah bat Channa Gittel
- Moisha Gedalia ben DK
- Nechemiah ben DK
- Dorit bat Ora
- Asher Anshel Eliezer ben Baila
- Leah bat Tzirel
- Miriam Rut bat Chana
- Daniel David Yitzchak ben Shulamit
- Chaya bat Liba
| - Harav Eliezer ben Chaya
- Uria ben Talia
- אסתר רחל bat רייזל ביילה
- פרידה הדסה bat פערל לאה
- Dov ben Pnina
- Nehama Miriam bat Dvora
- Moshe Gavriel ben Rachel Esther
- Cheryl Sheva bat Gittel Leah
- Sossie Raizel bat Sarah Fraida
- Ariel Y
- Shani Y
- Tali Y
- Harry B
- Zevi M
| - Nathan H
- Noam H
- Yehudit
- Sally K
- Oren L
| - Nathan L
- Jeremy S
- Meni N
- Yaniv H
- Rachel W
- At Last A Show For Adult Thespians! The BCHA players are proud to present the first ever show for thespians 18+! *The Odd Couple*_ Female version by Neil Simon, Directed by Janice Chaikelson. *Auditions* OPEN TO ALL! Thursday, May 2, 7-10 pm at BCHA. Roles-6 female, 2 male. *Rehearsals* evenings, and Sundays BCHA *Performances** Thursday, June 20, 8 PM BCHA *For more info, contact JChaikelson@bcha.org. To sign up for auditions, click this link or email Janice.
- To Our Knitting and Crocheting Neighbors Back to School Shop, an all-volunteer non-profit organization, provides low income elementary school children in Stamford with the opportunity to shop for free for brand new school clothes and supplies each year before the start of school. We're expecting up to 400 children at our event this summer, and plan to provide each one of them with a handmade winter hat. We are so grateful to the community knitters who have made wonderful hats for us in past years and hope you'll join the team! You can find all the information you need here: https://www.backtoschoolshop.org/knit-guidelines-2024
- Nishmat Torah Mission - A Summer of Torah and Women's Solidarity Have you been thinking of coming on a solidarity mission to Israel to feel more connected to the Jewish people in these challenging times? Simultaneously, have you been dreaming of immersing yourself in text-based Torah study in Jerusalem? At Nishmat, you can do both! For more information: https://nishmat.net/programs/summer2024/
- Temple Sinai will host Judy Batalion, writer of The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler's Ghettos for the fourth Joan Danoff Community Lecture. This acclaimed author will be available to discuss not only the extraordinary stories of the young women resistance fighters she has chronicled but also the implications of their story for events today. Join on May 19th at 4:00 pm for an in-person conversation or to attend via a webinar. The event is free and open to the community. To register to attend in person or to view as a webinar, contact Temple Sinai at 203-322-1649 or https://www.templesinaistamford.org/form/joan-bruder-danoff-lecture2024.html.
- The Stamford Chevra Kadisha proudly presents an educational program featuring Alison Cowan , freelance journalist, author, and former editor and reporter for the NY Times. Tuesday evening, May 21, 2024 at 8PM - Temple Beth El. Topic: "My Visit to the Shura Army Base in Israel". Don't miss this interesting program, in which Cowan will share her observations after visiting the site where 1,200 victims of the October 7th massacre were first brought to be identified and where their bodies were prepared for burial. Free and open to the entire community.