| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin |
| Tazria | | April 13, 2024 | 5 Nisan 5784 |
| Friday | | Mincha | 7:00 PM | Candle Lighting | 7:13 PM | Shabbat | | Shacharit | 7:00/8:00/9:00 AM | Shiur | 8:45 AM | Coffee & Commentary | 8:45 AM | Latest Shema | 8:53 AM | Family Davening | 10:00 AM | Bob's Basics | 10:00 AM | Latest Shacharit | 10:14 AM | Shiur | 10:30 AM | Code Of Jewish Law | 6:20 PM | Mincha | 7:10 PM | Havdalah | 8:14 PM |
Shabbat of Infertility Awareness We are proud to be participating in Yesh Tikva's Fourth Annual Infertility Awareness Shabbat along with over 100 other synagogues in North America, Australia, and Israel. This shabbat, Parshat Tazria, which highlights the birth of children, aims to give infertility a "voice" and to spread awareness in the Jewish community. Too often, infertility is a silent struggle, such that we may not even be aware when our friends, family members or neighbors are suffering. The goal of this campaign is to increase sensitivity towards our fellow Jews who dream of becoming parents. For most Jewish couples who want children, building a family is a given. But for many couples diagnosed with infertility, the road to parenthood is paved with tears, anguish, loss, isolation, and depression. Yesh Tikva, Hebrew for "There is Hope," was established to create a community of support for all Jewish people facing infertility. Yesh Tikva offers a website - www.YeshTikva.org - and the following support services: Fertility Friends, Infertility and Jewish Law resources, the Mikvah Infertility Awareness Campaign, educational materials, phone-based and in-person support groups, and lectures on relevant fertility topics. If Rabbi Kurtz or I can be supportive in any way, please be in touch. The month of Nisan and Pesach can be particularly difficult with the emphasis on children and family. Pesach can be painful and lonely. Indeed, for some, Pesach can be the holiday of exclusion. Yet, on Seder night, we emphatically declare, "Let all who are hungry come and eat. Let all who are needy come and celebrate Pesach." As a community, let us make every effort to include all of our friends and fellow congregants in our holiday celebrations. This year, make sure that no one in our community needs to spend a Seder or Yom Tov meal alone. If you would like to be a host or guest for a Pesach meal, please be in touch with me directly. Thank you in advance for joining me in helping build an even stronger community of inclusion and warmth. Wishing you and your families a Shabbat Shalom and God willing, we will share good news from Israel in the days ahead, Rabbi Daniel Cohen |
Shabbat Information - Learn about the Shabbat Torah Reading for Parshat Tazria with the insights of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"l - click here.
- Read Dovi Siderson's weekly parsha resource click here.
- The Haftarah is read from II Kings 4:42-5:19
- Haftarah summary by Chabad.org - click here.
- Haftarah summary by Haftarah Helper -click here
- Halachic Note: We do not recite Tachanun and associated prayers (e.g. Yehi Ratzon, Av haRachamim, Kel Malei, Tzidkasecha) during the entire month of Nissan.
- Would you like to read the Torah or Haftarah for your bar mitzvah parsha? Let us know by clicking here
Shabbat Icebreakers- What is your favorite skin care product (tzaaras)?
- How do you connect to Hashem when you are alone (the metzorah must sit outside the camp alone)?
- Recall a time where you had to go to a doctor and do multiple follow ups (the one with tzaraas must show it to cohen and must go back multiple times under various circumstances)?
New Shabbat Stroller Parking Policy We are blessed, thank God, with bustling Shabbat attendance in all our youth groups and minyanim. We are writing to inform you of an important update regarding our shul's Shabbat stroller parking policy.
In our ongoing efforts to ensure the safety and security of all members and visitors, we have implemented a new stroller parking policy effective immediately. This policy aims to enhance safety within our premises and provide a more organized environment for everyone.
Outlined below are the key points of the new stroller parking policy:- Strollers can be parked against any wall in the lobby - see pictures below for examples
- Please do not block access to another stroller
- We kindly request that all strollers are parked in a manner that does not obstruct pathways or exits. This is essential for swift evacuation in case of an emergency.
- Strollers are not allowed upstairs under any circumstances
By working together, we can ensure a safer and more welcoming environment for everyone. Thank you for your assistance in making these changes.
Shabbat Topics & Participants |
Bob's Basics | Bob Abrams | Shiur | Rabbi Moshe Kurtz: Unpacking the Igros: Conflicting Views on Vicarious Atonement | Code of Jewish Law | Rabbi Yossi Kamman | Seudat Shlishit | Rabbi Moshe Kurtz |
- New members Sarah & Jason Brand and their son Avery
- to Lieutenant Colonel Eloree Asraf, Maytal Lerner's brother, visiting from Israel. He will lead the prayer for Tzahal on Shabbat morning
- to Erez Eshel, CEO and Founder of Ein Prat - the Academy for Social Leadership and Co-CEO and Founder of One Heart - Civilian Emergency Response Network. He will address the shul on Shabbat morning in the Sanctuary
Matzah Update Thank God, the matzah arrived from Israel. Pick up times are as follows at the Stamford JCC - 1035 Newfield Ave, Stamford, CT - Monday: 2 - 5 PM, 7:30 - 9 PM
- Tuesday: 9 AM - noon, 2 - 5 PM
Kashering Times at Shul - Sunday, April 14th: 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm
- Thursday, April 18th: 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm
Please ensure that all utensils brought were not used within the past 24 hours.
Please note On Monday, Erev Pesach there will be two siyumim at 7:10 AM led by Rabbi Daniel Cohen and at 8 AM and an additional mincha at 2 PM.
Seder Hospitality Planning your Seder? In need of a Seder? If you would like to join a family seder or would consider hosting members of our community who may need a place for Pesach night contact Rabbi Cohen or Rabbi Kurtz.
Annual Pre-Pesach Reminders - Buy Milk Before Pesach
- Eggs May Be Purchased during Chol Hamoed Pesach
- All non-processed meat and chicken is kosher for Pesach. Buy now and freeze for Pesach before prices go up.(Please note: This doesn't apply to ground meat)
Pesach Q and A Rabbi Cohen and Rabbi Kurtz manage the CAS Pesach WhatsApp Q and A. It is a great way to learn about Kashrut and Kashering for the upcoming holiday. click here to join. Here is a sample question: May I use my year round hot water urn for Pesach? Urn only used for heating water: Run hot water through the water tap for 10 seconds, while pouring boiling water from a kettle over the water tap. Urn also used to warm food (e.g. to warm challah): Must be put away and not used for the Pesach.
Four Questions Facing the Jewish People this Year In every generation we are obligated to see ourselves as if we are leaving Egypt.
What are your questions this year? Enrich the Seder experience by making it real. Please send your suggestions to Rabbi Cohen at rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org and he will post on our CAS Pesach Website.
Maot Chitim - Supporting Local Families in Stamford Agudath Sholom will be directing funds to local families to provide for additional Pesach expenses. To support this mitzvah, please contact Rabbi Cohen or make a donation to the Passover Fund
- to Jacob Karasik & Julie Veetal and family on the upcoming Bat Mitzvah of Alisa Karasik!
- to Aviva & Paul Schieber on their granddaughter Elizabeth Shamah's Bat Mitzvah this Shabbat!
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here- to Keith & Laura Berman on the passing of Keith's grandmother Regina (Bistritz) Resnick
- to Eli Reichner for organizing a packed Sunday morning Family Minyan this past week. And thank you to Nicole & Jack Jacob for generously sponsoring. To sponsor future Family Minyanim, please see Eli Reichner or Rabbi Kurtz.
- Senior Challah Deliveries: Nancy & Gadi Mimoun
- Chapel Kiddush: Adrienne & Michael Alexander in honor of the engagement of Julia Taubes and Daniel Alexander
- Sephardic Kiddush: Moshe Azoulay in honor and memory of his parents Salomon & Zohara Azoulay and in commemoration of his father's Yahrzeit
- Sanctuary Kiddush: Jacob Karasik & Julie Veetal in celebration of Alisa's Bat Mitzvah
- Seudat Shlishit: Shira & Mitchell Zucker in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Mitchell's mother, Marlie Zucker z"l
| Shabbat, April 13 - 10:00 AM |
| HaRav Yosef Mendelevich - Against All Odds |
Monday, April 15 - 8:00 PM |
| Maot Chittim - Passover Charity |
| | | Donate Seforim to the Beit Midrash |
| Senior Challah Delivery Sponsorships |
LITERATURE AT LUNCH ROUNDTABLE LED BY DR. RICHARD SCHWARTZ, NEXT MEETS WEDNESDAY MAY 8TH 12 PM Due to the Passover holiday we will be taking a spring break and meet in person and zoom next month. We will continue to contrast Milton's and Dante's concept of hell with the Judaic concept of Sheol depicted in 1 Samuel 28 (the medium of Ein Dor) and King David's Psalm 30. We look forward to seeing you then. If you have any questions, please contact me at rj@richardjschwartz.com. Zoom meeting ID 8784487429. Passcode 868450 | 2nd Annual NCSY Passover Carwash April 17 & 18 - Interior vacuum, Chametz-hunting deep interior scrub, External hand wash and Window cleaning! Contact Dovi Siderson (siddles97@gmail.com) for more information and to sign up. Limited Offer - Book Fast! |
Friendly Reminder The youth classrooms are open prior to groups for parental supervised play. However, you must clean up after your child prior to groups.
- Thank you to Agudath Sholom from Schoke JFS
Dear Rabbi Cohen,
I just received the check for the Matanot L'evyonim donation from Agudath Sholom to Schoke JFS. We are truly overwhelmed by the support of the shul in helping those in need in our community. As a result of your assistance, and many others in the community, almost $12,000 was distributed on Purim day to community members in need. We were pleased and humbled to help our clients and help fulfill a Purim Mitzvah on behalf of others. Please express our gratitude to you congregants for their generous support.
Matt Greenberg
- Save the Date - Yom Hazikaron Yom HaAtzmaut 2024 Monday evening, May 14th 7 PM at Congregation Agudath Sholom. Sponsored by United Jewish Federation of Stamford, New Canaan, and Darien and the Board of Rabbis In Partnership with: Bi-Cultural Hebrew Academy, Congregation Agudath Sholom, Temple Beth El, Temple Sinai, Young Israel of Stamford
- Holy Habit - Food Pantry Donations Rather than wait for a Food Drive, make it a habit each week when shopping for Shabbos to purchase kosher, non-perishable food for the Freedberg Kosher Food Pantry.Drop off at JFS or CAS
- Shacharit Sunday: 7:15/8:30 AM; Monday-Friday: 6:30/7:30 AM
- Mincha Sunday-Thursday: 7:25 PM; Friday: 7:00 PM
- Candle Lighting Friday: 7:20 PM
We Wish A Speedy Recovery To |
- Tzvi Zev Yosef ben Chana Shulamit
- Chaya Sara bat Chava
- Hershel Wolf ben Brucha
- Freidel bat Esther
- Chaya Shoshana bat Yehudit
- Nira bat Rachel
- Sara bat Nira
- Yitzchak Osher ben Chana Shauna Chaya
- Nadav Ephraim ben Shlomit Leah
- Mark Emanuel ben Leah
| - Shlomo ben Velvel
- Rivkah Devorah bat Channa Gittel
- Moisha Gedalia ben DK
- Nechemiah ben DK
- Dorit bat Ora
- Asher Anshel Eliezer ben Baila
- Leah bat Tzirel
- Miriam Rut bat Chana
- Daniel David Yitzchak ben Shulamit
- Chaya bat Liba
| - Harav Eliezer ben Chaya
- Uria ben Talia
- אסתר רחל bat רייזל ביילה
- פרידה הדסה bat פערל לאה
- Dov ben Pnina
- Nehama Miriam bat Dvora
- Moshe Gavriel ben Rachel Esther
- Cheryl Sheva bat Gittel Leah
- Sossie Raizel bat Sarah Fraida
- Ariel Y
- Shani Y
- Tali Y
- Harry B
- Zevi M
| - Nathan H
- Noam H
- Yehudit
- Sally K
- Oren L
| - Nathan L
- Jeremy S
- Meni N
- Yaniv H
- Rachel W
- UJF's NextGen Hosts Krav Maga for Women and Men! It's never too early or too late to learn Krav Maga. That's why UJF's NextGen is hosting introductory self-defense sessions for Women on Monday, April 8 (7:45 pm) and Men on Monday, April 15 (7:45 pm) at Breakthru Family Fit 4 Life in Stamford. Space is limited so make sure to sign-up for Krav Maga sessions before it's too late. Women registration: www.ujf.org/kravmagawomens Men registration: www.ujf.org/kravmagamens
- To Our Knitting and Crocheting Neighbors Back to School Shop, an all-volunteer non-profit organization, provides low income elementary school children in Stamford with the opportunity to shop for free for brand new school clothes and supplies each year before the start of school. We're expecting up to 400 children at our event this summer, and plan to provide each one of them with a handmade winter hat. We are so grateful to the community knitters who have made wonderful hats for us in past years and hope you'll join the team! You can find all the information you need here: https://www.backtoschoolshop.org/knit-guidelines-2024
- Nishmat Torah Mission - A Summer of Torah and Women's Solidarity Have you been thinking of coming on a solidarity mission to Israel to feel more connected to the Jewish people in these challenging times? Simultaneously, have you been dreaming of immersing yourself in text-based Torah study in Jerusalem? At Nishmat, you can do both! For more information: https://nishmat.net/programs/summer2024/
- Temple Sinai will host Judy Batalion, writer of The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler's Ghettos for the fourth Joan Danoff Community Lecture. This acclaimed author will be available to discuss not only the extraordinary stories of the young women resistance fighters she has chronicled but also the implications of their story for events today. Join on May 19th at 4:00 pm for an in-person conversation or to attend via a webinar. The event is free and open to the community. To register to attend in person or to view as a webinar, contact Temple Sinai at 203-322-1649 or https://www.templesinaistamford.org/form/joan-bruder-danoff-lecture2024.html.