| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin |
Yitro | Shabbat Mevarchim | February 3, 2024 | 24 Sh'vat 5784 |
| Friday | | Candle Lighting | 4:53 PM | Mincha | 4:58 PM | Shabbat | | Shacharit | 7:00/8:00/9:00 AM | Sephardic Minyan | 8:45 AM | Coffee and Commentary | 8:45 AM | Latest Shema | 8:54 AM | Shmuel Class | 9:00 AM | Latest Shacharit | 9:59 AM | Bob's Basics | 10:00 AM | Shiur | 10:30 AM | Code Of Jewish Law | 4:00 PM | Mincha | 4:50 PM | Havdalah | 5:55 PM |
The Timeless Preamble to the Revelation at Sinai We all know the preamble to the United States Constitution beginning with the words, "We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union." The introduction to our country's founding principles sets the tone to the guiding vision of our nation. What is the preamble to the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai? The Torah offers laws for building a just and righteous society, but what is the overall mission? Understanding the vision serves as a motivator and source of inspiration. The mitzvot are tools for us to realize our sacred mission. The preamble to the revelation is God's call to us, "You should be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." What does that mean? What is the nature of our eternal mission? Many years ago, my father shared with me the words of Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein upon his receipt of an honor in 1986 at the Yeshiva University Rabbinic Alumni Convention. His insights resonate within me deeply and inspire me every day. Rabbi Lichtenstein said, "We should have a sense of ourselves as messengers. A person needs to invest himself with a sense of being a messenger. I see myself as a survivor. I am the only surviving grandson of a paternal grandfather who had eleven children. Today I see myself as a shaliach l'kabalah, a receiver of past messages. I accept this award on behalf of my parents, my rabbeim -Rav Hutner, Rav Shatkes, the Rav, Rav Aharon Soloveitchik - on behalf of my wife, my children, my friends and students, all who provide the infrastructure so that I can devote myself to Torah. 'What is mine is yours.' I am also a shaliach l'holacha, a messenger going forward. This honor is a mantle and a mandate to transmit, to transfer, to hand over in an immediate sense to my children, boys and girls, to my non-biological children as well, my talmidim, to receive and to transmit, which is the essence of Torah. I want to impart what I have absorbed from my home, my teachers, to others. I want to give students a sense of how meaningful it is to learn an hour of Torah, to do an act of chesed. I live within time, but I also live within eternity. Each act has ultimate significance beyond the here and now." Each of us is invested from time immemorial as receivers of past messages and bearers of messages going forward. God willing, we will rise to the occasion and be the bridge from one generation to the next. This is our sacred and awesome task. May God bless us to reinvest in this transcendent purpose and with renewed vigor and vision each and every day of our lives. Wishing you and your families a Shabbat Shalom and God willing an immediate return of the hostages, victory and peace speedily and in our days ahead, Rabbi Daniel Cohen |
Shabbat Information - Learn about the Shabbat Torah Reading for Parshat Yitro with the insights of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"l - click here
- Please find Dovi Siderson's weekly parsha resource here
- The Haftarah is read from Isaiah 6:1-7:6, 9:5-6
- Haftarah summary by Chabad.org - click here
- Haftarah summary by Haftarah Helper - click here
- We bless the Month of Adar Rishon. The Molad will be Friday, February 9th, 9:29 PM and 5 Chalokim.
- Rosh Chodesh is observed Thursday evening through next Shabbat Parshat Mishpatim.
- Check out Yeshiva University's Torah To Go
- Would you like to read the Torah or Haftara for your bar mitzvah parsha? Let us know by clicking here.
Parsha Icebreakers (Courtesy of Elisheva and Yaakov Moshe Shmidman) - Recount an amazing story that has happened to you (Moshe tells Yisro about Bnei Yisroel's experiences leaving Egypt).
- What is the longest you have ever waited in a line (Yisro watches the Jews wait all day to be judged)?
- Share an aspect of your relationship with Torah (the Jews receive the Torah).
Baby Nursing Room Beginning this shabbos, the Bridal room will be available for all nursing mothers and babies. As a courtesy to others, no children other than nursing babies are allowed in the room. It will remain closed, but unlocked during the minyanim. The room is a work-in-progress with new furniture arriving shortly. If there's anything you think is needed, please reach out to Jessica Sosnovich or Tamar Levine.
Shabbat Topics & Participants |
Shmuel Class | Mark Wagshul | Bob's Basics | Bob Abrams | Shiur | Rabbi Josh Rosenfeld | Sanctuary Sermon | Member of Knesset Ohad Tal | Code of Jewish Law | Rabbi Dr. Jeff Cahn | Seudat Shlishit | Member of Knesset Ohad Tal |
- Member of Knesset Ohad Tal at Agudath Sholom this Shabbat - Welcome to Member of the Knesset Ohad Tal who will be with us this Shabbat joined by his chief of staff Zak Daulby. He is here to build bridges between Israel and America. He hopes to explain what Israel is going through and has gone through, the government plans going forward and hear from our community as well. He will deliver the Shabbat sermon in the sanctuary following Musaf and engage in a conversation at seudah shlishit.
- to Risa & Jeff Goldblum and Ann & Allie Goldblum on the engagement of their son and grandson - Jordan to Jackie Kolbert - daughter of Denise & William Kolbert of Weston, CT!
- to Meryl & Larry Meiteles on the arrival of a grandson!
- to Leron & Dr. Benjamin Lerner on the birth of a baby boy, Louis Refael/Refael Aryeh! Mazal Tov to big sisters Abigail and Sophie and grandparents Judy & Seth Lerner!
- to Diane & Elliot Sloyer on the arrival of a granddaughter, Nava Tehila/Nava Harper!
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here- Senior Challah Deliveries: Greg & Amanda Smith
- 7AM Kiddush: Ana & Albert Lilienfeld in memory of the yahrzeits of Helen Lilienfeld, z"l, mother of Albert, and Sarah Elson, z"l, grandmother of Ana
- Sanctuary Kiddush/Seudat Shlishit: Co-sponsored by Lori & Dr. Raphael Gilbert in memory of Dr. Edward Gilbert; Lorraine & David Kweskin in memory of Minerva Kweskin and Lillian Kalmer; Liron & Dr. Steve Labkoff in memory of Steve's parents, Rebecca & Alfred Labkoff, and Liron's grandmother, Leah Zissman; Judy & Seth Lerner in gratitude for their new grandson and in appreciation of the warmth of Agudath Sholom; Alison & Nate Pava in honor of the birth of their nephew, Teddy Jacob; and Shushannah & Ari Yasgur in honor of Ari's parents, Rabbi Benjamin & Barbara Yasgur's upcoming birthdays
CAS ANNUAL DINNER March 10, 5pm Am Yisrael Chai. It is not just a Statement, it is a Way of Life. Celebrate our honorees for their Dedication and commitment to our community... Guests of Honor Dinah Miller & Seth Marlowe Young Leadership Award Amy & Sam Sroka Community Service Award Chris Beldotti, Mike Beldotti & the Beldotti Family Chai Award Judd Love | Thanks to our participants who have signed up to date! Why not join them? | Gayle & Mitchell Bell Tammy & Evan Cohen Diane & Rabbi Daniel Cohen Jill & Arthur Green Helene & Harvey Kaminski Shoshana & Doniel Levie | Gayle & Howard Rothman Toby Schaffer Aviva & Paul Schieber Thomas M. Gallagher Funeral Home Shushannah & Ari Yasgur | | |
CAS Youth Torah Comic Drawing with Andidrew |
Shabbat, February 3 - 7:15 PM |
| Dr. Gavriel Rosenfeld - Understanding New Jewish Architecture |
Monday, February 5 - 7:45 PM |
| JSU & NCSY Community Leaders Fellowship |
Thursday, February 8 - 8:00 PM |
| CAS Young Couples Bowling Night |
Shabbat, February 10 - 8:00 PM |
| CAS 55+ Committee Whiskey and Spirits Tasting |
Tuesday, February 20 - 7:30 PM |
| Sunday, February 25 - 9:30 AM |
Israel MEALuim Update - Our Support Matters! To Join the Mitzvah, visit https://tzohar-eng.org/mealuim/
Rabbi Cohen-- Your community's participation in MEALuim has made a significant difference in the lives of IDF miluim families. Especially now, as the war has extended into almost 4 months, the absence of a spouse and parent is even more profound and difficult. The homefront has become one of the more important places where we need to place our support. Overall we have thus far provided over 5000 meals to hundreds of families.Using Tzohar's strong connection we have been able to identify and serve those most affected by their soldier's absence and with limited local support. We have focused on ten yishuvim, and sporadic individual families.15 Agudath Sholom Congregation members participated thus far, donating 418 meals. The recipients of these meals were primarily families in Katamonim Jerusalem, an area with many young men in miluim. Yasher Koach!! Please deepen and expand the support! Am Yisrael Chai
- Chesed Update - Visiting the Sick One of the most important mitzvot is visiting the sick - Agudath Sholom offers a mechanism for you to let us know if you know someone who needs a visit. Please use this form to alert us if you know someone who needs a visit. We also have a healing visits team and if you would like to join, please reach out to Rabbi Cohen with your name and email. Thank you and God willing good news in the days ahead.
- Chesed Update - Praying for People - Refuah Shleimah List Agudath Sholom maintains a list of those who are in need of a full and speedy recovery. Prayers are offered every Shabbat morning in shul on their behalf. We publish the Hebrew names weekly in our bulletins. If you would like to send in a name to be included in the list, just enter it here. (Please also indicate if you would like us to publish the person's English Name.)
- NCSY Comes to Stamford - Hosting Opportunities On Shabbat, February 9-10, we are excited to welcome the Northeast NCSY Winter Regional Shabbaton to Agudath! Teens and advisors from around the Northeast will be joining us here in Stamford for an energy-filled and inspirational Shabbat, bringing more light and ruach to town! We are excited to welcome the group to the sanctuary service for special Shabbat morning for all, and NCSY's own Kabbalat Shabbat, Seudah Shlishit and Havdala - absolute staples of the ruach experience - will be open to all who are interested. Additionally, NCSY is looking for hosts in the community to accommodate out-of-town guests for Friday night and Saturday night. If you are able to help out, please reach out to Dovi at 475-685-8206 or sidersond@ncsy.org.
- CAS Women's Club Crafty Ladies will not meet until the Spring and hopefully, we will have crochet instructions available! A huge thank you to all who have knitted hats for the IDF. If you are recently knitting one or would like to, please contact Johanna (917) 558-3904) or Audrey (718-564-5340). Finished hats can be brought into the shul to Kim at the front desk.
- Holy Habit - Food Pantry Donations Rather than wait for a Food Drive, make it a habit each week when shopping for Shabbos to purchase kosher, non-perishable food for the Freedberg Kosher Food Pantry.Drop off at JFS or CAS
- Gratitude to Our Growing Group of Minyan Attendees A heartfelt thank you to the men and women of Congregation Agudath Sholom for their unwavering commitment to daily minyan attendance. Your presence and participation make a significant difference in the lives of those who come to pray and sets a positive religious example for our entire community. Below is a growing list of people who are committed to attending minyan at least once a week (in addition to Shabbos): Aaron Berk, Alan Shanker, Albert Lilienfeld, Barry Michelson, Bruce Newman, Can Dyman, Carl Kaufman, Daniel Wallis, David Bessaleli, David Cohen, David Jelen, David Zizmor, Dovi Zucker, Eli Reichner, Ephraim Zucker, Howland Gordon, Jeff Cahn, Jesse Salver, Jonathan Osser, Joseph Feuerstein, Judd Love, Lisa Michelson, Mark Link, Michael Alexander, Michael Feldstein, Mike Berg, Mitchell Bell, Mitchell Zucker, Mitch Mailman, Nat Samberg, Paul Berger, Rabbi Daniel Cohen, Rabbi Levi Feller, Rabbi Moshe Kurtz, Rabbi Shmuly Shmotkin, Rabbi Yisrael Deren, Rabbi Yossi Kamman, Raphael Gilbert, Richard Boxer, Richard Schwartz, Sam Sroka, Scott Kove, Simeon Wohlberg, Steve Adelman, Steven Cohen, Steven Thau, Yishai Zwiren
Don't see your name on this list? If you already attend or wish to make the commitment to consistently join a minimum of one minyan during the week, please contact Rabbi Kurtz (rabbikurtz@cas-stamford.org). Shacharis - 6:30am/7:30am; Mincha/Maariv - 15 Minutes Before Sunset. We would love to add your name to this growing list!
- Shacharit Sunday: 7:15/8:30 AM; Monday-Thursday: 6:30/7:30 AM; Friday: 6:20/7:30 AM
- Mincha Sunday-Thursday: 5:05 PM; Friday: 5:07 PM
- Candle Lighting Friday: 5:02 PM
- Friday Rosh Chodesh Adar I
We Wish A Speedy Recovery To |
- Tzvi Zev Yosef ben Chana Shulamit
- Hershel Wolf ben Brucha
- Chaya Sara bat Chava
- Freidel bat Esther
- Aliza Alka bat Miriam
- Chaya Shoshana bat Yehudit
- Nira bat Rachel
- Sara bat Nira
| - Yitzchak Osher ben Chana Shauna Chaya
- Nadav Ephraim ben Shlomit Leah
- Mark Emanuel ben Leah
- Shlomo ben Velvel
- Dorit bat Ora
- Asher Anshel Eliezer ben Baila
- Leah bat Tzirel
- Miriam Rut bat Chana
| - Daniel David Yitzchak ben Shulamit
- Chaya bat Liba
- Harav Eliezer ben Chaya
- אסתר רחל bat רייזל ביילה
- פרידה הדסה bat פערל לאה
- Dov ben Pnina
- Moshe Gavriel ben Rachel Esther
- Ariel Y
- Shani Y
- Tali Y
- Harry B
- Zevi M
| - Nathan H
- Noam H
- Yehudit
- Sally K
- Oren L
| - Nathan L
- Jeremy S
- Meni N
- Yaniv H
- Rachel W
- Federation Hosts Social Media Influencer, Hen Mazzig United Jewish Federation is excited to host Hen Mazzig on Wednesday, February 28 at 7:30 pm to share his personal story and outlook on Israel. Hen is a globally recognized speaker, educator, and digital influencer. Over 100 million users have interacted with his online content, and he has appeared as an expert on Jewish issues on four continents, over 500 college campuses, BBC, The Washington Post, SkyNews, TEDx, and countless Shabbat dinners. The event will be held at Congregation Agudath Sholom (301 Strawberry Hill Ave.) with tickets $18 in advance, $25 at the door, and sponsorship available at $180. Register today at www.ujf.org/hen to attend!
- Registration for 2024 Jewish Baseball League season is live! FCCJBL is a co-ed, ages 4-12 year old little league and plays on Sundays only. Season opener is 4/14. Please sign up on www.fccjbl.org. Please reach out to info@fccjbl.org with any questions.
- Schoke Jewish Family Service invites you to its annual gala, An Evening with Schoke JFS Sunday, April 7, 2024 at 5:30 PM, at Temple Beth El, 350 Roxbury Road. Honorees include: The 44th Annual Mitzvah Award, Nan and Paul Gordon and Betsy and Michael Stone; Volunteer of the Year Award, Sally Kleinman; and Community Service Award, Ronnie Sichel. The evening will begin with appetizers, cocktails, followed by dinner, presentation of awards to the honorees, a paddle raise and dessert. There will also be an online auction. The event is chaired by Connie Freeman, Meryl Japha, Jillian Klaff, and Esther Rein with Jeri Appel as auction chair. General tickets include dinner and dessert for $250, purchase your ticket at www.ctjfs.org. Contact Janet Wainright at 203-921-4161 or jwainright@ctjfs.org to place a journal ad.