| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin |
Nitzavim-Vayeilech | Leil Selichot | September 9, 2023 | 23 Elul 5783 |
| Friday | | Candle Lighting | 6:57 PM | Mincha | 7:00 PM | Shabbat | | Shacharit | 7:00/8:00/9:00 AM | Sephardic Minyan | 8:45 AM | Latest Shema | 8:58 AM | Bob's Basics | 10:00 AM | Latest Shacharit | 10:15 AM | Shiur | 10:30 AM | Daf Yomi | 5:55 PM | Code Of Jewish Law | 5:55 PM | Mincha | 6:45 PM | Havdalah | 7:56 PM | Pre-Selichot Program | 9:00 PM | Selichot | 10:00 PM | Sunday | | Selichot | 12:55 AM |
We are looking forward, God willing, to a meaningful and uplifting holiday season. The timing of Parshat Nitzavim is perfect as we approach Rosh Hashanah. It contains the covenant between God and the Jewish people. Yet, the question arises why the need for a new covenant at this moment in history as the Jews are on the verge of entering Israel? How is it different from the original covenant at Mt. Sinai to which we are bound as a nation? Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik explains that Sinai represents the sanctity of the patriarchs. Through this covenant each member of the Jewish people by birth or choice becomes included in the inherited shared sanctity passed down from generation to generation. The Nitzavim covenant, however, represents a direct agreement between God and each Jew. The terms of the agreement are personal and reciprocal as each Jew is invested with Divine sanctity in return for observance of God's Torah. When we sin, this personal covenant is damaged and must be repaired. Both covenants are essential. One with the nation and one with each of us. As we approach Rosh Hashanah, we are offered an invaluable opportunity for self reflection. It is a unique time to take a closer look at how we can improve our personal bond and covenant with God. Rosh Hashanah is a time to express our gratitude for God's blessings in our lives, our family, friends and community. God willing, we will harness these days of awe for growth and we will share in joyous occasions together in the year ahead. Diane and I wish you and your families a Ketivah VaChatimah Tovah, a sweet, happy and healthy new year and may we all be inscribed in the Book of Life. Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Daniel Cohen |
Shabbat Information - Learn about the Shabbat Torah Reading for Parshiyot Nitzavim & Vayeilech with the insights of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"l - click here
- Read Rabbi Kurtz's weekly halachic essays on the parshah here
- The Haftarah is read from Isaiah 61:10-63:9
- Haftarah summary by Chabad.org - click here
- Haftarah summary by Haftarah Helper - click here
- Would you like to read the Torah or Haftara for your bar mitzvah parsha? Let us know by clicking here.
Parsha Icebreakers (Courtesy of Elisheva and Yaakov Moshe Shmidman) - What is your favorite/least favorite thing about flying (lo bashamayim hi)?
- What is a song have you been listening to recently (kisvu es hashira hazos)?
- What was a powerful pep talk you got (Moshe tells Yehoshua Chazak vEmatz)?
Shabbat Topics & Participants |
Bob's Basics | Bob Abrams | Shiur | Mark Wagshul: The Multiple Messages in Sefer Yonah | Code of Jewish Law | Rabbi Yossi Kamman | Seudat Shlishit | Rabbi Moshe Kurtz |
- new members Elizabeth & Eli Reichner and their daughter Ayelet!
- to Jessica & Levi Dulitz on Mason's Bar Mitzvah!
- to the CAS softball team on their win against Young Israel in the Kiddush Cup on Labor Day!
- to Ilyse & Dean Schuckman on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Yosef Schuckman, son of Kira & Evan Schuckman!
- to Howard Weiss on the Bnai Mitzvah in Israel of his grandchildren, Jackson and Eden Stricker!
- to Toby Schaffer on the Bat Mitzvah of her granddaughter Sarah Julia Singer!
- to Elissa & Dr. Philip Klapper on Hannah's forthcoming marriage this weekend to Elie Lehmann!
- Best wishes to Larry Ostroff who is returning from serving 15 years in the USAF reserves!
- to Eddie Schachter, long time member, and his daughter Susan Fleisher who are celebrating Eddie's 100th birthday, thank God, this weekend! Check out this article about Eddie
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here- Shabbat Bulletin: Josh Sperber in honor of his Bar Mitzvah anniversary and CAS BRINGING THE KIDDISH CUP HOME!!!
- Senior Challah Deliveries: Marina Sapir & Alex Podelko in commemoration of the yahrzeits of Marina's father - Nahum ben Moshe - and grandfather - Leib ben Isroel
- Chapel Kiddush: Dina & Paul Berger in celebration of Paul's milestone birthday and their milestone anniversary
- Sephardic Kiddush: Albert Bensimon in commemoration of the yahrzeits of his parents Marcelle Bensimon (Marcelle Bat Simcha) and Shlomo Bensimon (Shlomo Ben Avraham)
- Sanctuary Kiddush: Jessica & Levi Dulitz in celebration of Mason's Bar Mitzvah
- Seudat Shlishit: Marina Sapir & Alex Podelko in commemoration of the yahrzeits of Marina's father - Nahum ben Moshe - and grandfather - Leib ben Isroel
Patron Member Reserved Seat Request |
| High Holiday 5784 Guest Tickets |
| CAS High Holidays 5784 Schedule |
| Join Us as a CSS Security Volunteer |
| Power Principles for Elul: A Pre-Selichot Night Panel |
Shabbat, September 9 - 9:00 PM |
| Inspiring Musical Selichot |
Shabbat, September 9 - 10:00 PM |
| Sunday, September 10 - 6:05 AM |
| Sunday, September 10 - 10:00 AM |
| Faye & Ben Manger Beit Midrash Nights |
Monday, September 11 - 8:00 PM |
| The Heavens Declare The Glory of God Meditative Walk |
Tuesday, September 19 - 3:00 PM |
| Rabbi Dr. Matisyahu Shulman Book Launch |
Tuesday, September 19 - 7:30 PM |
| Young Couples Soul Study Group |
Wednesday, September 20 - 8:00 PM |
| | Mens Adult Learning Trip (MALT) 2023 |
| Sunday, October 1 - 1:00 PM |
| Holy Habit - Food Pantry Donations |
| Donate Seforim to the Beit Midrash |
Literature at Lunch Round Table led by Dr. Richard Schwartz Wednesday, September 20 - 12:00 PM Lunch is on us as we discuss Psalm 27, the Penitential Poem that we chant daily on the eve of the High Holidays. The trajectory of David's career is nothing short of amazing and inspiring. He begins as an anonymous outlier-shepherd- to anointed king, to battlefield hero to brazen sinner to the most humble of God-fearing, remorseful, rueful and penitent human beings. Sandwiches and sides catered by Restaurant 613. Please let us know if you plan to attend in person by Tuesday, September 19th. If you have any questions, please contact me at rj@richardjschwartz.com.Zoom meeting ID: 8784487429Passcode: 868450 |
Upcoming High Holiday Reminders Back to the Basics with Bob: Prayer Primer and Shul Fundamentals! A Weekly Shabbat Learners Experience at Agudath Sholom at 10 AM Bob Abrams will lead an interactive and engaging experience to learn some of the Shabbat prayers and a bit of the weekly Torah portion and the Haftarah. Afterwards we will join the minyan in the Sanctuary for Musaf. Back to Basics will be in the old office beginning September 9th.
Series on Building Character and Walking in God's Ways A Three Part Exploration of the Classic Tomer Devorah with Rabbi Daniel Cohen Tuesdays, September 12th and 19th 8:15 AM - 9:00 AM
Teshuva Parsha Perspectives with Rabbi Daniel Cohen Tuesdays, September 12th and 19th 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM Rabbi Cohen will explore the alignments and relevance of the final Torah portions of the year with the meaning and mission of the Yamim Noraim.
Power Principles for Elul: A Pre-Selichot Night Panel Saturday Night, September 9th from 9:00PM-10:00PM Join Agudath Sholom as we host a panel discussion with local Rabbis and Educators about spiritual growth, inspiration, teshuva and perseverance. Panelists: Rabbi Daniel Cohen, Rabbi Yossi Kamman, Rabbi Josh Rosenfeld, Ayelet Schlesinger and Leah Shemtov. Moderated by Rabbi Moshe Kurtz. Light Refreshments Included
Selichot Update Selichot begins this Saturday night, Sep. 17th. The first one at 10 PM will be ruach oriented led by our Teen Director Dovi Siderson. The second selichot will be at 12:55 AM.
Selichot during the week:- 10 PM - Maariv and Selichot (Sunday - Thursday)
- 6:05 AM - Monday - Friday prior to 6:30 AM Minyan
Sunday, September 10th, 2023 - Sunrise Service at Cummings Park (464 Shippan Ave): Sound on the Sound 6:05 AM
Sunday, September 10th, 2023 - Graveside Service - Old Cemetery: 9:20 AM
- Graveside Service - New Cemetery: 9:45 AM
- Graveside Service - Independent Lodge: 9:30 AM
High Holidays Baalei Tefillah We are looking forward to a very meaningful holiday season. We will be hosting four minyanim on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. There will be a minyan in the sanctuary, chapel and library as well a Sephardic minyan in the Faye & Ben Manger Beit Midrash. We have secured Duvie Shapiro as the primary Chazan in the Sanctuary and Rabbi Duwek has returned to officiate the Sephardic Minyan. Rabbi Cohen and Rabbi Kurtz will be speaking at all of the minyanim during the holidays. We are grateful to the following people who will be primary people leading tefillot:- Library: Gideon Pell, Rabbi Oran Zweiter, Sam Sroka, Chaim Bergman and Gavi Adler
- Chapel: Matt Greenberg, Michael Feldstein and Gideon Pell
- Sanctuary: Steven Cohen and Duvie Shapiro
- Sephardic Minyan: Rabbi Duwek
Rosh Hashanah Updates - There will be Hatarat Nedarim following the Friday morning minyanim.
- Friday Night - Ashkenaz Minyan in Chapel and Sephardic Minyan in Faye and Ben Manger Beit Midrash
- Tashlich is on Sunday afternoon at the Folkinshteyn home
- Need a Shofar Blowing at Home? If you cannot attend shul or make it to one of the neighborhood shofar blowings, please be in touch with Avi Freedberg (afreedberg@gmail.com) or Dovid Green (dovidgreen@gmail.com ) who can assist. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen or Rabbi Kurtz as well.
- Neighborhood Shofar Blowings:
- 4 pm: Atria - Rabbi Cohen
- 4:45 pm: 15 Revonah Circle - Rabbi Cohen
- 4:45 pm: 53 Apple Tree Drive - Rabbi Tzvi Bernstein
- 4:45 pm: 200 Strawberry Hill - Rabbi Yossi Kamman
- Rosh Hashanah Reflection Guide from Rabbi Daniel Cohen and Elisheva Shmidman
- YU Rosh Hashanah to Go
Message from Duvie Shapiro Shalom CAS Congregants from Jerusalem!I'm really looking forward to joining all of you for the Yomim Noraim this year!With Hashem's help, we will have a beautiful and uplifting davening together. I'm counting on you to join me as we sing and pray to Hashem to be written in the Book Of Life!May we all be blessed with a year full of good health, happiness, parnassa beshefa, nachas from our children, and a year of truly getting closer to Hashem! And who knows, maybe next year I'll have the zechus to be the Chazzan for CAS here in Jerusalem.Shana Tova U'Metukah and a Chasiva VeChasima Tova!Sincerely,Duvie
BMC Update New Time 10:30 AM-11:15 AM - This week it will be led by Rabbi Kurtz followed by Bob Abrams
- New to Stamford? Learn the benefits of CAS membership Contact Executive Director Matt Feinberg at mfeinberg@cas-stamford.org, Rabbi Daniel Cohen at rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org or fill out our online form for more information.
- Shabbat Greeter Program We are looking to restart our Shabbat greeter program. We will have two greeters each week - 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM in the lobby and 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM at the Sanctuary entrance. The lobby greeter will focus on greeting people as they enter the building and assisting anyone who needs help. For instance, location of groups, the Sanctuary, the Coat Room, etc. The Sanctuary greeter will focus on controlling the traffic in and out. For instance, the greeter does not allow traffic in and out during Kedushah and the Rabbi's Sermon. Please take a look and sign up for a slot over the coming weeks. For more info, contact Mitchell Bell (wizdrbel@yahoo.com), greeter chair - Greeter Sign Up
- Men's Club Meeting This Sunday at 10:10am, we would like to meet to discuss a number of upcoming programs. We will provide the bagels and lox. Looking forward to seeing you.
- Save the Date! Over 50s Committee Mark Twain House and Museum and Jewish Hartford tour October 15th - Highlights include Mark Twain Tours, Lunch from Crown Market, Tour of Crown Market, Visit Beth David Synagogue and Presentation with Rabbi Yitzchok Alder on Jewish Hartford. Look for signup in the weeks ahead. For more info, email Bruce Newman (bruce.newman8@gmail.com) or Dina Berger (dinaberger@gmail.com)
- Book Launch & Signing Event with Rabbi Moshe Kurtz Wednesday, October 11th at 7:00 PM. Over the past three years, Rabbi Kurtz has taught a range of classes on contemporary issues at Agudath Sholom. The feedback and insights provided by CAS members during these classes have contributed to the essays which have now culminated into the chapters of his first book: Challenging Assumptions (Mosaica Press, 2023). Please sign up and join us for words of Torah, gratitude and, of course, a book signing! (Mincha/Maariv will follow.)
- Life and Legacy - Agudath Sholom is blessed to be a participant in the Grinspoon Life and Legacy program of the UJF. Thank you to all of our legacy supporters! Check out our new Life and Legacy website and spread the word!
- New Podcast with Rabbi Daniel Cohen and Steve Labkoff - Judaism in the 21st Century Our intricate world presents intertwined challenges, from tech to politics. In the US, religion's role is subtly changing, influenced largely by the "the hubris of the present-day". Yet, civilizations before us offer insights, untainted by our world. Hidden past insights hold much relevance. The "Judaism in the 21st Century" podcast draws bygone wisdom on today's challenges. Sage guidance to navigate our complex world.This podcast reimagines current matters using historical perspectives. Rabbi Daniel Cohen and Dr. Steven Labkoff explore modern life, guided by Jewish sages' insights.Listen on Spotify - Follow and share
- Shacharit Sunday: 7:15/8:30 AM; Monday-Friday: 6:30/7:30 AM
- Mincha Monday-Thursday: 6:55 PM; Friday: 6:50 PM
- Candle Lighting Friday: 6:45 PM
- Host Yoav for a meal! Yoav Yaron is Federation's Community Shaliach (Emissary), serving the Jewish community of Stamford, New Canaan, and Darien. Inviting him to a Shabbat meal or holiday meal at your home is a wonderful way to deepen your connection to Israel and enjoy Yoav's company. It will be a fun and meaningful time for your whole family, your guests, and helps to create truly special connections and memories. To host Yoav or to learn more, visit https://my.lotsahelpinghands.com/community/host-yoav-for-a-meal
- The Kosher Comfort Room at Stamford Hospital is up and running , first floor of Whittingham Pavilion, in the discharge patient area. We need a corps of volunteers to shop for and stock food and paper goods as well as setting up the room before Shabbos. To apply, follow this link - https://www.stamfordhealth.org/about/volunteering/. In filling out the application, check any area you think makes sense, then, in the narrative, let them know you are interested in volunteering for the Kosher Comfort Room. Also, please email me with questions and to let me know you have applied.
Thanks and Shabbat Shalom, Ronnie Sichel (Ronsichel@aol.com)