| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin |
Re'eh | Shabbat Mevarchim | August 12, 2023 | 25 Av 5783 |
| Friday | | Mincha | 7:00 PM/7:45 PM | Candle Lighting | 7:40 PM | Shabbat | | Shacharit | 7:00/8:00/9:00 AM | Latest Shema | 8:43 AM | Sephardic Minyan | 8:45 AM | Shmuel Class | 9:00 AM | Latest Shacharit | 10:08 AM | Daf Yomi | 6:40 PM | Code Of Jewish Law | 6:40 PM | Mincha | 7:30 PM | Havdalah | 8:39 PM |
The Shofar Sounds for Thee - The Month of Elul It is hard to believe but the month of Elul begins this coming week. We start sounding the shofar on the second day of Rosh Chodesh Elul, Friday, August 18th. Rather than just say, "I can't believe the summer went by so fast," we can pause and develop a game plan for how we hope to prepare for the High Holidays. Take a moment this weekend to ask yourself what kind of person do I want to be this coming year. What areas in my life do I want to develop and how can I lead a more eternal and impactful life? I am happy to meet with anyone over the next few weeks to serve as a guide of your process of personal growth. You can learn more in this Rosh Hashanah guide designed by my daughter Elisheva and me and/or email me to set a time to meet between now and Yom Kippur for a spiritual consultation. Join my Living the Torah Moment WhatsApp Group for Elul inspiration and hear the shofar for the first time this season on Friday morning at 7 AM or 8 AM following morning minyanim. Thank God, we have numerous learning and inspiring opportunities in the weeks ahead. Yet, change and growth is up to us. It is telling that Moshe introduces the section in his speech about the laws in establishing a sacred society with the words, Re'eh - See I place before you today the choice between blessing and curse. Why does he reiterate freedom of choice now? In the final analysis, creating a holy society and community emerges not only from laws but most importantly from the individual choices that we each make. In the words of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, of blessed memory, "The only ultimate guarantor of this is a belief in Someone greater than this time and place, greater than all time and place, who guides us in the path of righteousness, seeing all we do, urging us to see the world as His work, and humans as His image, and therefore to care for both." God willing, we will all invest the next month with a renewed sense of purpose and choose life each and every day and in every encounter. Wishing you and your families a Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Daniel Cohen |
Shabbat Information
- Learn about the Shabbat Torah Reading for Parshat Re'eh with the insights of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"l - click here
- The Haftarah for Re'eh is read from Isaiah 54:11–55:5
- Haftarah summary by Chabad.org - click here
- Haftarah summary by Haftarah Helper - click here
- Would you like to read the Torah or Haftara for your bar mitzvah parsha? Let us know by clicking here.
Parsha Icebreakers (Courtesy of Elisheva and Yaakov Moshe Shmidman) - What's a prediction you were right about (Navi sheker)?
- What's your favorite bird? Is it kosher? (the list of non-kosher birds)?
- If you could go on Sabbatical what would you do (shmita)?
Security/Safety Reminders - Please do not leave any bags in the lobby - they should only be put in a Chapel cubby, stroller or coat room
- Do not block the pathway to the exit doors with strollers - if there is no space inside the stroller section, they can be put on the other side of the staircase or opposite side of the room
- No strollers should be brought upstairs
Main Sanctuary Post Kiddush Reminder The Sanctuary is the equivalent of a Mikdash Me'at, a miniature Beit Hamikdash. As such, please do not bring food into the sanctuary and be mindful not to allow children unattended and/or running in the sacred space. Thank you very much for your partnership.
Class and Programming Update - Shmuel Class, Bob's Basics, and the 10:30 shiur will not meet this Shabbat
- The Manger Beit Midrash nights will not take place the weeks of August 14th or 21st, but resume the week of August 28th
Agudath Sholom and the Life & Legacy Initiative
Agudath Sholom is proud to be one of more than 680 Jewish organizations across North America that have secured over 1 billion dollars in legacy commitments to ensure a bright Jewish future.
To date, our collaboration with 10 other Stamford organizations, United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, New Canaan and Darien, and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation's LIFE & LEGACY initiative, has led 488 donors just like you to commit gifts to local organizational endowments.
Without writing a check today, you, too, can do your part to help Agudath Sholom build our endowment and help build the endowments of the other Jewish organizations in our community you value, so we can weather turbulent times like these and adapt to meet evolving community needs.
Join our members who have already signed letters of intent. We are deeply appreciative of their commitment to Agudath Sholom!
Anonymous (11) Gayle & Mitchell Bell Debra & Michael Berg Dina & Paul Berger Darona & Rabbi Tzvi Bernstein Drs. Judy & Jeff Cahn Kate & Peretz Cik Rabbi Daniel & Diane Cohen Rachel & Ephraim Cohen Debra & Dan Faizakoff Sharon & Michael Feldstein Robin & Jason Fischel Stephanie & Howard Fogel Judy & Howard Goldstein Meryl & David Gordon Shira & Ethan Green Jeremy I. Hager Kayla & Leon Hanna Helene & Harvey Kaminski | Elissa & Philip Klapper Jeannie & Brian Kriftcher Lorraine & David Kweskin Hannah & Ilan Lastoff Marla & Jason Lewis J & R Licht Susan Mark Dinah Miller & Seth Marlowe Rhonda Schaffer-Maron & Jeffrey Maron Janice & Jake Meyer Nancy Zinbarg Mimoun Nofie & Mark Rosovsky Stephanie & Bob Sherman Ronnie Ness & Steven Sichel Diane & Elliot Sloyer Brenda & Bruce z"l Smith Ellen & Richard Weber Neda Khaghan & Robert Yaghoubian Lauren & Joe Zalis |
Please reach out to Rabbi Cohen or Dan Faizakoff (dbf@legalesq.com) to learn more about the program, and how you can have a tremendous impact on Agudath Sholom's present and future, without needing to donate today. Thank you!
Shabbat Topics & Participants |
Friday Night Dvar Torah | Rabbi Daniel Cohen | Shmuel Class | Mark Wagshul | Bob's Basics | Bein Hazmanim | Shiur | Bein Hazmanim | Sanctuary Musaf | Sandy Shapiro | Code of Jewish Law | Rabbi Yossi Kamman | Seudat Shlishit | Sarah Bierman |
- to David Messer on his forthcoming marriage to Stephanie Becker in Israel!
- to Tali Winkler & Jon Eskreis-Winkler on the birth of twin girls, Bayla Rena and Adina Hadas! Mazal Tov to big brother Yonah!
- to Talia & Jon Siscovick on Bina Hannah's Bat MItzvah this Shabbat!
- to Alisa & Jeremy Weisser on Yoni's Bar Mitzvah this Shabbat!
- to Dr. Shara & Rabbi David Israel on the forthcoming marriage of their son Yoni to Shoshana Rosenzweig!
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here- Josh Sperber, Josh Goldberg, and Jeremy Watman, who are our CSS volunteers this Shabbat. Please consider joining the team - email adambr@thecss.org for more information
- to hosts Kate & Peretz Cik and chairs Hilary Goldstein, Marla Lewis and Miriam Sperber for planning tomorrow night's Luau Party
- to Mitchell Bell and Yonnie Rubinfeld for chairing the Men's Club BBQ and Beer Tasting
- Senior Challah Deliveries: Sandi & Stuart Waldstricher in memory of Murray Ehrlich/Menachem Mendel Ben Yitzchak z"l
- Chapel Kiddush: The Niedober Family in memory of Marilyn Niedober on her 5th yahrzeit
- Sanctuary Kiddush: Co-sponsored by Susan & Max Kolbrenner in memory of George Molowitz; Diane & Rabbi Daniel Cohen in memory of Ruth Jacobs; and Gavriel Shechter, Benji Katz, David Usher, Daniel Jager, Nissim Levy & Gabi Kessler in honor of Elul - Wishing everyone a healthy, joyous, and prosperous year, Rabbi Cohen and the whole Shul - Thank you for being so inviting to all that come to the shul, and to honor the Yartzeit of Yechiel Michoel Ben Mordechai Tzvi
- Seudah Shlishit: Riva Alper and Daniel Wallis in recognition of the last Kaddish following the passing of Joseph A. Bierman, and acknowledging Sarah Bierman's dedication over the past eleven months to show her father this final kavod
Join Us as a CSS Security Volunteer |
| CAS Youth Kol Nearim Tallis Fundraiser |
| Sunday, August 13 - 8:00 PM |
| Monday, August 14 - 8:00 PM |
| Book Talk and Signing with Benyamin Cohen |
Sunday, August 20 - 10:00 AM |
| Stamford Jewish Experience Happy Hour |
Thursday, August 24 - 7:00 PM |
| Patron Member Reserved Seat Request |
| High Holiday 5783 Guest Tickets |
| Sunday, August 27 - 4:00 PM |
| Holy Habit - Food Pantry Donations |
| Donate Seforim to the Beit Midrash |
"AI in Healthcare: Bioethics and Religion" Webinar Wednesday, August 23 - 12:00 PM DCI Network of Harvard Medical School presents a webinar "AI in Healthcare: Bioethics and Religion: The Challenges For Bioethics and Religion with the Growth of Artificial Intelligence" featuring Rabbi Daniel Cohen and Reverend Gregory Doll.
The Rabbi and Reverend will address topics such as maintaining humanity and humility in the face of AI, the development of external and intuitive guardrails for self reflection on the merits of innovation for the betterment of humanity.
Register at https://www.dcinetwork.org/events/187 |
- Agudath Sholom is honored to welcome the Millstone Scholars Program this fall! 30 Minute Orientation Virtual Session on Aug 27th at 10 AM - The Millstone Scholars program is an in-person selective new educational and leadership initiative of the Tikvah Fund for public school and private school 7th and 8th grade students. A pilot cohort will launch (Date) at Agudath Sholom. Millstone Scholars is an Honors Program in which participants meet locally in their communities and participate in seminars with significant thinkers and leaders around topics such as Zionism and Israel, Jewish thought, and the nexus between those ideas and American democracy. The purpose of the program is to forge the next generation of American Jews who will step into High School and onto College campuses as young people confident in their identities and in the robustness of their heritage. We are seeking student nominations to become Millstone Scholars. For student nominations or referrals to prospective families, and any other questions, please contact Rabbi Dr. Abraham Unger, Director of Regional Education, at aunger@tikvahfund.org or Rabbi Daniel Cohen rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org. You can also visit https://tikvahfund.org/millstone/home/
- Welcome to our Synagogue Program Every Shabbat we aim to station ushers at the doors in the sanctuary to welcome people, assist them and enhance the service. We are expanding the usher roles to include a greeter in the lobby from 9-10:30 am. Please join the usher team. We need you and your smile. Info: Mitchell Bell (wizdrbel@yahoo.com)
- Healing Visits Mitzvah Update Thank you to all of our volunteers on our healing visits team. The healing visits team is a group of men and women in our shul who visit people in the hospital, facilities or at home. It is a very meaningful way to lift people's sprits and make a difference. You can offer as much or as little time as you have for each person is a world unto themselves and your warmth lights up their day. Every week we send out a healing visit update. To join the team, contact Rabbi Cohen at rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org
- Join our Hospitality Initiative When someone new moves to town, we inform our hospitality team, who are thrilled to welcome them for a Shabbat meal. If you would like to be part of our hospitality team who are committed to hosting new families, please contact Rabbi Cohen (rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org) or our membership chair, Hilary Goldstein goldenberg.hilary@gmail.com. If you would like to be involved in welcoming people in alternative ways to shabbat hosting, we also have people who meet new members for coffee in the week, deliver welcome packs, or phone them to check how they're settling in. If this is something you might like to get involved in, we'd also love to hear from you!
- Shacharit Sunday: 7:15/8:30 AM; Monday-Wednesday: 6:30/7:30 AM; Thursday-Friday: 6:20/7:30 AM
- Mincha Sunday-Thursday: 7:40 PM; Friday: 7:00 PM/7:35 PM
- Candle Lighting Friday: 7:30 PM
Join one of our CAS classes.
We Wish A Speedy Recovery To |
- The Kosher Comfort Room at Stamford Hospital is up and running , first floor of Whittingham Pavilion, in the discharge patient area. We need a corps of volunteers to shop for and stock food and paper goods as well as setting up the room before Shabbos. To apply, follow this link - https://www.stamfordhealth.org/about/volunteering/. In filling out the application, check any area you think makes sense, then, in the narrative, let them know you are interested in volunteering for the Kosher Comfort Room. Also, please email me with questions and to let me know you have applied.
Thanks and Shabbat Shalom, Ronnie Sichel (Ronsichel@aol.com)
- UJF Festive Gala Join Federation for dinner, drinks, and dancing as they celebrate 50 Years of UJF - Thursday, September 7 at Temple Beth El in Stamford (6:00 pm) recognizing former UJF Executive Directors and community members, Edith Samers and Sheila Romanowitz, for their leadership and contributions to Federation and our community at large. Visit www.ujf.org/50gala