| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin |
Matot-Masei | Shabbat Mevarchim | July 15, 2023 | 26 Tamuz 5783 |
| Friday | | Mincha | 7:00 PM/8:12 PM | Candle Lighting | 8:07 PM | Shabbat | | Shacharit | 7:00/8:00/9:00 AM | Latest Shema | 8:25 AM | Sephardic Minyan | 8:45 AM | Shmuel Class | 9:00 AM | Latest Shacharit | 9:56 AM | Shiur | 10:30 AM | Post-Kiddush Talk | 11:45 AM | Pre-Mincha Lecture | 7:00 PM | Daf Yomi | 7:05 PM | Mincha | 7:55 PM | Havdalah | 9:07 PM |
The Journey or the Destination? Where have you lived during your life? Have you wished at times you were someplace else or do you embrace the place where you are? Have you ever found that at first you did not understand why you ended up somewhere, but over time realized that it was meant to be? These questions form the essence of the life message God conveys in the beginning of the Torah portion of Massei. Every word in the Torah is like diamonds and rubies and no word is without meaning or significance. Yet, God expands in great detail all of the places the Jewish people journeyed while traveling in the desert on the way to Israel. It is odd. All of the locations are already recorded as they stopped along the way from Egypt to Israel. Why does God ask Moshe to record each location again? In fact, the name of the Torah portion Massei, the final one in the book of Bamidbar, records each of the 42 locations by name. What is the purpose and what is the eternal relevance to us? Even more puzzling is that the name of the Parsha is not stations or stops, but rather journeys - even though the reference is to a location where they stopped. The Baal Shem Tov offers a clue by suggesting that the 42 stations from Egypt to the Promised Land are replayed in the life of every Jew as the soul journeys from its descent onto earth until the end of our lives when the soul returns to God. The stops are not merely locations, but lessons and opportunities for growth. Rashi answers our questions by explaining that the locations are enumerated to demonstrate God's kindnesses. Rabbi Tanchuma in the Midrash expands this notion via the example of a king whose child was sick and traveled to a far away location to heal him. While they were returning from their successful trip, the father reminded the child of all of the stops along the way, "Here is where we slept, here is where you hurt your head, here we met this person." The father is reviewing the places to demonstrate to the child that no location was without some meaning and purpose. Each place contributes to his overall journey and progress in life. In life, we are all challenged to ask ourselves what can we learn from each "stop" in life? Although we may not always understand when we might pause, lose our momentum, or stay put in a certain place, we should realize that from God's perspective this pause is not taking away from our life journey, but adding to it. Rather than wish we were somewhere else, how can we find a way to "embrace the place." God enumerates the names of each location to stress what we learn from each place - whether in moments of growth or even setbacks - to help define and redefine the direction we are going and ultimately the journey we take throughout our lives. As we enter the nine days of Av, may we all not only mourn the past but spend time in personal introspection into how we each can create a world worthy of the rebuilding of the Temple when we will return to Israel and there will be peace on earth. Wishing you and your families a Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Daniel Cohen |
Shabbat Information
- Learn about the Shabbat Torah Reading for Parshat Matot & Masei with the insights of of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"l - click here
- Read Rabbi Kurtz's weekly halachic essays on the parsha here.
- The Haftarah is read from Jeremiah 2:4-28 and 3:4 (The second of the Shalosh D'Paranusa - the "Three Haftoros of Punishment")
- Haftarah summary by Chabad.org - click here
- Haftarah summary by Haftarah Helper - click here
- Shabbat Mevarchim: We bless the month of Av. Molad Av: Tuesday, July 18, 4:20 AM and 16 Chalokim.
- Rosh Chodesh is observed from Tuesday night through to Wednesday evening.
- We are in the midst of the Three Weeks of Mourning. For more information see here
- Would you like to read the Torah or Haftara for your bar mitzvah parsha? Let us know by clicking here.
Parsha Icebreakers (Courtesy of Elisheva and Yaakov Moshe Shmidman) - How do you balance achieving financial security and spiritual growth (Bnei Gad and Bnei Reuven living outside of Israel to tend their sheep)?
- What is the best trip you have ever taken (the masaos)?
- What is your sanctuary/place of refuge/place you go to escape(the arei hamiklat)?
Main Sanctuary Post Kiddush Reminder The Sanctuary is the equivalent of a Mikdash Me'at, a miniature Beit Hamikdash. As such, please do not bring food into the sanctuary and be mindful not to allow children unattended and/or running in the sacred space. Thank you very much for your partnership.
Tisha B'Av Notes Eicha will be read in the main sanctuary in addition to the reading at the JCC.
Rabbi Daniel Cohen - Halachot of The Nine Days Beginning this Tuesday evening with the new month of Av, we enter into a mourning period called the Nine Days, culminating with Tisha B'Av. The restrictions include, most notably, no consumption of meat and wine (with the exception of on Shabbat) and no live music and haircuts. We also refrain from recreational swimming. For info from the OU, click here. However, one may eat meat if participating in a celebration, siyum of a Tractate of the Talmud. Join me on Sunday, July 23rd at 6:30 PM at 613 for a siyum. For further questions, contact me or Rabbi Kurtz
Agudath Sholom and the Life & Legacy Initiative
Agudath Sholom is proud to be one of more than 680 Jewish organizations across North America that have secured over 1 billion dollars in legacy commitments to ensure a bright Jewish future.
To date, our collaboration with 10 other Stamford organizations, United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, New Canaan and Darien, and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation's LIFE & LEGACY initiative, has led 488 donors just like you to commit gifts to local organizational endowments.
Without writing a check today, you, too, can do your part to help Agudath Sholom build our endowment and help build the endowments of the other Jewish organizations in our community you value, so we can weather turbulent times like these and adapt to meet evolving community needs.
Join our members who have already signed letters of intent. We are deeply appreciative of their commitment to Agudath Sholom!
Anonymous (11) Gayle & Mitchell Bell Debra & Michael Berg Dina & Paul Berger Darona & Rabbi Tzvi Bernstein Drs. Judy & Jeff Cahn Kate & Peretz Cik Rabbi Daniel & Diane Cohen Rachel & Ephraim Cohen Debra & Dan Faizakoff Sharon & Michael Feldstein Robin & Jason Fischel Stephanie & Howard Fogel Judy & Howard Goldstein Meryl & David Gordon Shira & Ethan Green Jeremy I. Hager Kayla & Leon Hanna Helene & Harvey Kaminski | Elissa & Philip Klapper Jeannie & Brian Kriftcher Lorraine & David Kweskin Hannah & Ilan Lastoff Marla & Jason Lewis J & R Licht Susan Mark Dinah Miller & Seth Marlowe Rhonda Schaffer-Maron & Jeffrey Maron Janice & Jake Meyer Nancy Zinbarg Mimoun Nofie & Mark Rosovsky Stephanie & Bob Sherman Ronnie Ness & Steven Sichel Diane & Elliot Sloyer Brenda & Bruce z"l Smith Ellen & Richard Weber Neda Khaghan & Robert Yaghoubian Lauren & Joe Zalis |
Please reach out to Rabbi Cohen or Dan Faizakoff (dbf@legalesq.com) to learn more about the program, and how you can have a tremendous impact on Agudath Sholom's present and future, without needing to donate today. Thank you!
Shabbat Topics & Participants |
Shmuel Class | Mark Wagshul | Shiur | R. Yehoshua Grunstein: Book or Jew, Who Trumps Who? | Post-Kiddush Conversation | R. Yehoshua Grunstein: Did the Torah Change at All? | Pre-Mincha Shiur | SIR R. Yehoshua Grunstein: To Be a "Free" or "Holy" Nation in Our Land? | Seudat Shlishit | SIR R. Yehoshua Grunstein: Which Temple Are We Mourning? |
- Rabbi Yehoshua Grunstein, our Scholar in Residence this Shabbat
- to Sarah Bierman & Daniel Wallis on the birth of a baby boy! Mazal Tov to big sister Ayala!
- to David Bessaleli on the engagement of his granddaughter Tehila Jasper of Beit Shemesh to Adar Shakked, who is studing at the Sederot Yeshiva!
- to Luba Weinroth on the arrival of a great-grandson, Logan Paul Weinroth!
- to Susan & Len Mark on the arrival of a granddaughter, Stella Maeve!
- to Rabbi David & Dr. Shara Israel on the arrival of a grandson!
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here- to Anna Gold and Carolan Lutsky on the passing of their husband and brother, Ronald Gold
- Senior Challah Deliveries: Greg & Amanda Smith
- 7AM Kiddush: Andrea & Ari Lefkovits in honor of Ari's late father's birthday (Dr. Albert Lefkovits/Avraham Meir Ben Aharon Melchior z'l) and Ari's (Nehemiah Ben Avraham Meir)
- Chapel Kiddush: Cantor Mike Schwartz and his brother Dr. Richard Schwartz in memory of their dear departed relative with sterling character traits: Yitzchak ben Moshe Halevi
- Sanctuary Kiddush: Nicki Kornbluth & Ben Ratzersdorfer in honor of the birth of their daughter Bella
- Seudat Shlishit: Anonymous in memory of Ruth Chaya Bas Abraham
Scholar in Residence Weekend with Rabbi Yehoshua Grunstein |
| Sunday, July 16 - 8:00 PM |
| Monday, July 17 - 7:00 PM |
| Generations Connect! Senior Living Visits |
Friday, July 21 - 3:45 PM |
| Sunday, July 23 - 10:00 AM |
| Mommy & Me Playgroup - Mondays |
| Tisha BAv Events at the Stamford JCC |
| Tisha BAv Morning Virtual Presentation |
Thursday, July 27 - 11:30 AM |
| CAS Youth Tisha BAv Movie & Dairy Dinner |
Thursday, July 27 - 4:30 PM |
| CAS Rookies and Vets Potluck Shabbat Lunch |
Shabbat, July 29 - 12:30 PM |
| CAS Community Garden Mitzvah Opportunity |
| New and Prospective Member Brunch |
Sunday, August 6 - 10:00 AM |
| Mens Club BBQ and Craft Beer Social |
Thursday, August 10 - 8:00 PM |
| Sunday, August 13 - 8:00 PM |
| CAS Youth Kol Nearim Tallis Fundraiser |
| Faye and Ben Manger Beit Midrash Nights |
| Holy Habit - Food Pantry Donations |
| Donate Seforim to the Beit Midrash |
Tisha B'Av Afternoon Films at Agudath Sholom in Partnership with Moriah Films and the Simon Wiesenthal Center Thursday, July 27 12:45 PM - Against the Tide is a compelling film that documents what happened in the United States during the Holocaust, highlighting how a young activist, Peter Bergson, challenged Washington and the establishment Jewish organizations to demand that the rescue of Europe's Jews become a top priority for American Jews
2:45 PM - Our Boys, a short subject documentary film examines the events surrounding the kidnapping and murder of Gil-Ad Shaer, Naftali Fraenkel, and Eyal Yifrach, by Hamas terrorists in the summer of 2014 and how this tragic event galvanized Israel and the Diaspora.
3:30 PM - The Prime Ministers: The Pioneers focuses on 1947 and 1973 when Ambassador Avner worked with PMs Levi Eshkol and Golda Meir and (then) US Ambassador Yitzhak Rabin. The Prime Ministers: Soldiers and Peacemakers The film follows the experiences of the late Ambassador Yehuda Avner during the years he worked for PMs Yitzhak Rabin and Menachem Begin |
- Letter for Appreciation for Art Smith and David Giver from Rabbi Chaim Jachter for the Stamford Eruv
Dear Art, I thank you so much! I just reviewed the eruv extension today and the main eruv last August. The utility company has made changes to the poles that have been very very helpful, drastically reducing the need for Lechis. (See this eruv glossary -https://bostoneruv.org//glossary.htm) Today I kvelled so much seeing David Giver expertly deploying his Art Smith device to assess a Lechi's being plumb to the wire.
You have made an unending contribution to the Stamford Eruv. Your legacy in the Stamford eruv continues to burn brightly!
- Attention members over 50 We are working to improve friendship and engagement in this age group in the following three ways:
- Working to improve how we welcome new members over the age of 50 by offering new Members the possibility of meeting with three established Members
- Starting a committee to brainstorm and implement activities for Members over the age of 50
- Create a program for established Members to meet one another through Shabbat meals or at local restaurants
Please take a moment to fill out this Engagement Survey and be in touchwith one of us to explore more ways to deepen the warmth of our shul.Bruce Newman (bruce.newman8@gmail.com, 313-549-7014) or RabbiDaniel Cohen (rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org)
- Shacharit Sunday: 7:15/8:30 AM; Mon-Tues,Thurs-Fri: 6:30/7:30 AM; Wednesday: 6:20/7:30 AM
- Mincha Sunday-Thursday: 8:15 PM; Friday: 7:00 PM/8:08 PM
- Candle Lighting Friday: 8:03 PM
Join one of our CAS classes.
We Wish A Speedy Recovery To |