| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin |
Beha'alotcha | | June 10, 2023 | 21 Sivan 5783 |
| Friday | | Mincha | 7:00 PM/8:12 PM | Candle Lighting | 8:07 PM | Shabbat | | Shacharit | 7:00/8:00/9:00 AM | Latest Shema | 8:13 AM | Sephardic Minyan | 8:45 AM | Shmuel Class | 9:00 AM | Latest Shacharit | 9:47 AM | Bob's Basics | 10:00 AM | Shiur | 10:30 AM | Perek on the Patio | 7:10 PM | Daf Yomi | 7:10 PM | Code Of Jewish Law | 7:10 PM | Mincha | 8:00 PM | Havdalah | 9:08 PM |
The Power of Awe The Jewish people literally and figuratively file Chapter 11 in this week's Torah portion. They are three days' journey from Israel, the promised land. They are so close. Yet, the Torah records in Chapter 11 that the nation found pretexts for complaining. They get stuck spiritually; one travail leads to another culminating with the punishment to wander in the desert for another 38 years. What was the cause of their spiritual bankruptcy? They failed the manna challenge. Although the manna could taste like any food, the Jewish people grew bored with it. Despite the awesome quality of the manna, the miracle became mundane. Rabbi Noach Weinberg, of blessed memory, calls the antidote to such malaise, "the power of awe". No matter how routine a phenomenon, we must never lose our sense of wonder. The key to spirituality is not seeking another thrill or outside stimulation for inspiration but rather to see the world for all its beauty every day. Rabbi Weinberg writes, "We have constant access to this quiet awesomeness. A spring walk through the forest. A babbling brook. Majestic music. A baby laughing. A heartbeat. So why don't we feel this awe constantly? Because yesterday's novelty is today's boredom. Notice how children find everything exciting and fascinating. But before long, they get used to what they have constant access to - people, places, ideas. And life just seems mundane. Growing older does not mean becoming numb. The shortcut to achieve awe is to know the source. The real reason that the hurricane, flower, snow and music are so awesome, is because they reflect the eternal, transcendent force that we call God. If creation is this incredibly awesome, just imagine how awesome is the Creator Himself! I am inspired by these words of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. "I have one talent, and that is the capacity to be tremendously surprised, surprised at life, at ideas. This is to me the supreme Hasidic imperative: Don't be old. Don't be stale. This is one of the goals of the Jewish way of living: to experience commonplace deeds as spiritual adventures, to feel the hidden love and wisdom in all things. " Consider what God does for us on a daily basis. God's personal intervention in our lives is awesome. Take time to notice it in your life. If we don't feel His presence, we are not in reality. The reality of this world is there is nothing mundane, dull or routine. We are touching infinity every moment of our lives. Wishing you and your families an Awesome Shabbat, Rabbi Daniel Cohen |
Shabbat Information
- Learn about the Shabbat Torah Reading for Parshat Beha'alotecha with the insights of of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"l - click here
- Read Rabbi Kurtz's weekly halachic essays on the parsha here.
- The Haftorah is read Zechariah 2:14-4:7
- Haftarah summary by Chabad.org - click here
- Haftarah summary by Haftarah Helper - click here
- Would you like to read the Torah or Haftara for your bar mitzvah parsha? Let us know by clicking here.
Parsha Icebreakers (Courtesy of Elisheva and Yaakov Moshe Shmidman) - When is a time to have ditched/left something early (Yisro desire to leave the Jews)?
- When is a time you have complained/ sent back food (the Jews complaining about the manna)?
- What does humility mean to you? Who is someone humble you look up to (Moshe is described as the most humble person)?
Agudath Sholom and the Life & Legacy Initiative
Agudath Sholom is proud to be one of more than 680 Jewish organizations across North America that have secured over 1 billion dollars in legacy commitments to ensure a bright Jewish future.
To date, our collaboration with 10 other Stamford organizations, United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, New Canaan and Darien, and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation's LIFE & LEGACY initiative, has led 488 donors just like you to commit gifts to local organizational endowments.
Without writing a check today, you, too, can do your part to help Agudath Sholom build our endowment and help build the endowments of the other Jewish organizations in our community you value, so we can weather turbulent times like these and adapt to meet evolving community needs.
Join our members who have already signed letters of intent. We are deeply appreciative of their commitment to Agudath Sholom!
Anonymous (7) Gayle & Mitchell Bell Debra & Michael Berg Dina & Paul Berger Darona & Rabbi Tzvi Bernstein Drs. Judy & Jeff Cahn Kate & Peretz Cik Rabbi Daniel & Diane Cohen Rachel & Ephraim Cohen Debra & Dan Faizakoff Sharon & Michael Feldstein Robin & Jason Fischel Stephanie & Howard Fogel Judy & Howard Goldstein Meryl & David Gordon Shira & Ethan Green Jeremy I. Hager Kayla & Leon Hanna | Helene & Harvey Kaminski Elissa & Philip Klapper Jeannie & Brian Kriftcher Lorraine & David Kweskin Hannah & Ilan Lastoff Marla & Jason Lewis J & R Licht Susan Mark Dinah Miller & Seth Marlowe Rhonda Schaffer-Maron & Jeffrey Maron Janice & Jake Meyer Nancy Zinbarg Mimoun Nofie & Mark Rosovsky Stephanie & Bob Sherman Ronnie Ness & Steven Sichel Diane & Elliot Sloyer Ellen & Richard Weber Neda Khaghan & Robert Yaghoubian Lauren & Joe Zalis |
Please reach out to Rabbi Cohen or Dan Faizakoff (dbf@legalesq.com) to learn more about the program, and how you can have a tremendous impact on Agudath Sholom's present and future, without needing to donate today. Thank you!
Shabbat Topics & Participants |
Shmuel Class | Mark Wagshul | Bob's Basics | Bob Abrams | Shiur | Rabbi Joshua Rosenfeld | Sanctuary Sermon | Rabbi Jeremiah Wohlberg: Reflections on Israel's 75th Anniversary and the Jewish Communities in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Qatar | Perek on the Patio | Rabbi Moshe Kurtz | Code of Jewish Law | Rabbi Yossi Kamman | Seudat Shlishit | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Summer Journeys - The Halacha and Spiritual Import of Tefilat Haderech (The Traveler's Prayer) |
- We are honored to welcome Rabbi Jeremiah Wohlberg and his wife Mimi this Shabbat. Rabbi Wohlberg will speak on Shabbat morning on "Reflection on his 75th anniversary visit to Israel and visit to Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Qatar. It is truly a privilege to host him this Shabbat as he offers a timely and timeless perspective on Israel and the Abraham Accords.
- to Rabbi David and Dr. Shara Israel on the engagement of their son Yoni to Shoshana Rosenzweig, daughter of Drs. Kenneth and Stacey Rosenzweig of Englewood, NJ!
- to Lynne & Steven Frenkel on the upcoming marriage of Jared to Meora Bitton!
- to Liba & Steven Steinmetz, Eve, Phil and Elan Steinmetz and Stephen Block on the arrival of a granddaughter, niece, cousin and great-niece!
- to Molly & Adam Rafalowicz on the birth of a son, Ilan Naftali!
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here- to Izzy Lustig on the passing of his sister, Chana Rosskam
- Senior Challah Deliveries: Helene Zimmerman in honor of her son, Alan Phillips' Torah portion this Shabbat!
- Chapel Kiddush: Miriam & Gideon Pell on the tenth yahrzeit of Gideon's father, David Jacob Pell
- Sanctuary Kiddush: Co-sponsored by Jason, Zach, Phyllis, Nicole and Josh Wohlberg in honor of their grandparents; and by Rhonda Schaffer-Maron & Jeffrey Maron in memory of Hon. Edward Maron, on his yahrzeit
- Seudat Shlishit: Meredith & David Cohen in commemoration of the yahrzeit of David's grandfather David ben Nissim HaKohen
Rabbi Jeremiah Wohlberg Shabbat Presentation |
Shabbat, June 10 - 10:45 AM |
| Sunday, June 18 - 9:00 AM |
| Monday, June 19 - 7:15 PM |
| A Conversation with Rabbi Shalom Hammer |
Wednesday, June 21 - 7:30 PM |
| Young Couples Soul Study Group |
| Pre-Bnai Mitzvah BBQ Meet and Greet |
Sunday, June 25 - 4:00 PM |
| Thursday, June 29 - 7:30 PM |
| | CAS Community Garden Mitzvah Opportunity |
Crafty Ladies Summer Schedule Wednesday, June 14 - 10:00 AM We will also meet Wednesday, June 28 from 10 - 11:30 am. July & August - VacationWe will resume on September 13th & 27th. We will be making woolen winter hats.Please come in June and get your copy of knitting instructions and abbreviations. | Literature at Lunch Roundtable led by Dr. Richard Schwartz Wednesday, June 14 - 12:00 PM We will continue discussing themes introduced by Diane di Prima's Radio and William Wordsworth's Ode on the Intimations of Immortality as we segue to the Psalms of David. We will read and parse together Psalm 90 which is one of eleven Psalms attributed to Moshe Rabeinu. Come join us in person at CAS or by Zoom as we pursue 'Shades of Piety and Immortality' in a life whose brevity is described in the Psalm as 'swept away' with so many challenging circumstances. It is my hope to meet over the summer on a more frequent basis as we delve into the eternal messages from King David's verses. Sandwiches and sides catered by Restaurant 613. Please let us know by Tuesday, June 13th if you intend to join us in person.Please contact rj@richardjschwatz.com if you have any questions.Zoom Meeting ID 8784487429 Passcode 868450 |
Youth Announcement We are rebooting our youth committee and also reimagining how we can continue to improve the Shabbat youth experience. If you would like to join the committee and/or share some thoughts and ideas, please reach out to Jessica Sosnovich or Rabbi Cohen.
- Next Shabbat CAS Hosts Rabbi of the IDF Ground Forces Command We are honored on Shabbat, June 17th, to host Lt. Col. (res.) Rabbi Yedidya Atlas. Rabbi Atlas is the Rabbi of the IDF Ground Forces Command (res.) as well as the Director of Special Projects for the IDF Chief Rabbinate which oversees projects such as tzotzil and sukkoth for soldiers, and sifted Torah and mobile synagogues for various bases around the country. Rabbi Atlas will deliver the sermon Shabbat morning, host a post Kiddush conversation and give a shiur before mincha.
- Perek on the Patio is Back! Join Rabbi Kurtz for Perek on the Patio as he explores themes in the first chapter of Pirkei Avot. Torah, Friends and Tasty Watermelon..what could be better? Meet on the Patio on the Strawberry Hill Side of the Shul at 7:10 PM
- Monthly Young Couples Soul Study Group With Rabbi Cohen A monthly class for young couples to discuss how the Torah provides us with valuable insights in our daily lives. This class will rotate between the homes of participants. The next session will be Thursday evening, June 22nd. Rabbi Cohen will speak on Cultivating Character: The Ethics of Pirkei Avot. Light appetizers will be served. Host Committee: Stacey & Aaron Berk, James & Lorraine Marcus, Alex & Brett Olssen, Tali & Jesse Salver, Eve & Phil Steinmetz and Michal & Yishai Zwiren. Contact Lorraine Hutzler for further details and to join. Lorraine.Hutzler@gmail.com
- Become a Senior Ambassador Senior Ambassadors ensure that as a community we elevate our commitment to the older members of our shul. Responsibilities of Senior Ambassadors are the following:
- Active Member of Healing Visits
- Kiddush Assistance and Partner with Youth Kiddush Ambassadors
- Support Senior Events (Holiday, Educational, Social)
- Eyes and Ears for Our Clergy
- Erev Shabbat Shalom Calls
If you would like to join the team, please email Rabbi Cohen in the weeks ahead.
- Shacharit Sunday: 7:15/8:30 AM; Monday-Friday: 6:30/7:30 AM
- Mincha Sunday-Thursday: 8:20 PM; Friday: 7:00 PM/8:15 PM
- Candle Lighting Friday: 8:10 PM
Join one of our CAS classes.
We Wish A Speedy Recovery To |
- Join United Jewish Federation this summer for an outdoor adventure and youth leadership program called Noded ("wanderer") Led by Community Shaliach, Yoav Yaron, 6-sessions are offered in June and July to rising Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors and will include hiking, exploring, and leadership development skills. Teens who attend will also receive a certificate recognizing their achievement thanks to curriculum developed by Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. For more information contact Yoav Yaron (yoav@ujf.org) or register at www.ujf.org/noded.
- Schoke JFS is Here to Support You - Learn more about Our Ongoing Support Groups Bereavement Support Group available at Schoke Jewish Family Service, for more information please contact, Rebekah Kanefsky, Interim Director of Clinical and Family Life Services at rkanefsky@ctjfs.org or 203-921-4161.