| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shavuot/Shabbat Bulletin |
| Shavuot | May 25-27, 2023 | 6/7 Sivan 5783 |
| Thursday Night, May 25th - Shavuot- 7:56 PM: Candle Lighting
- 8:01 PM: Mincha
- 11:30 PM: R. Shlomo Zuckier - "When Was the Torah Given and When Should We Celebrate Shavuot?" - Sponsored by Sharon and Michael Feldsteinin memory of Tova Feldstein a"h
- 12:30 AM: R. Shlomo Zuckier - "The Lishem Yichud Controversy: Do Mitzvot Require Preparation?" - Sponsored by Bruce Newman in memory of Rose Newman
- 1:15 AM: Sushi and Snacks
- 1:45 AM: Rabbi Daniel Cohen - "Business Ethics Scenarios: What would you do? What should you do?"
- 2:45 AM: Rabbi Yossi Kamman - "Mt. Sinai - Why is the relationship between G-d and the Jewish people compared to a marriage?"
- 3:45 AM: Snack Break - Carvel Ice Cream courtesy of Stamford Carvel
- 4:20 AM: Rabbi Moshe Kurtz - "From Rus to Modern Day Conversion: What is Actually Required by Halachah?"
Friday, May 26th- Shavuot I- 4:45 AM: Sephardic Minyan
- 5:00 AM: Sunrise Service, followed by breakfast
- 5:28 AM: Sunrise
- 9:00 AM: Shacharit (Sanctuary)
- Apx. 10:00 AM: Reading of Ten Commandments
- 10:00 AM: Little Lights, Tot Shabbat, Mini Minyan, Jr. Congregation, B'nai Mitzvah Club
- Sermon: R. Shlomo Zuckier - "Why the Torah was Given to Mere Mortals"
- 12:00 PM: Cheesecake Kiddush
- 4:00-5:00 PM: Jr. Congregation - Torah Minute to Win It game competition (Library)
- 4:00-5:00 PM: Jr NCSY - Scavenger Hunt (Chapel)
- 4:00-5:00 PM: Mini Minyan + Tot Shabbat - Torah Party! (Simcha Room)
- 5:00-5:30 PM: Communal Youth Reading of Aseret Hadibrot and Ice Cream Bar!
- 5:10 PM: Daf Yomi
- 6:00 PM: Dvar Torah - R. Shlomo Zuckier - "The Book of Naomi - A New Perspective on Megillat Rut" - Sponsored by Toby Schaffer in commemoration of the upcoming yahrzeit of the Macy family kedoshim.
- 7:00 PM: Mincha / Maariv
- 7:20 PM: Candle lighting
Shabbat, May 27th - Shavuot II- 7:00/8:00/8:45 AM: Shacharit
- 8:45 AM: Sephardic Minyan
- Apx. 10:00 AM: Yizkor in Sanctuary
- Sermon: Rabbi Daniel Cohen
- 10:00 AM: Little Lights, Tot Shabbat, Mini Minyan, Jr. Congregation, BMC
- 10:15 AM: Teen Minyan
- Graduation Celebration Kiddush following Sanctuary Service
- 6:10 PM: Daf Yomi
- 7:00 PM: R. Shlomo Zuckier - "What Does the Divine Image Look Like? Exploring Interpretations of Tzelem Elokim"
- 7:50 PM: Mincha
- 8:10 PM: Seudah Shlishit Siyum on Masechet Sotah
- 8:53 PM: Maariv
- 8:58 PM: Yom Tov ends
Deserts, Shavuot and Cell Phones It is no coincidence that the Torah portion of Bamidbar is always read before the holiday of Shavuot. Commentators are aflutter with the connection between the two. The Talmud explains that just as a desert is hefker, ownerless, so too is the Torah accessible to everyone. Unlike other faiths, Judaism strives to model a society of democratization of knowledge. Torah study is the heritage, privilege and obligation of young and old, man and woman regardless of economic status. As we approach Shavuot, set times every day for Torah study. Even a few minutes a day will refresh your soul! However, Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo explains another rationale for the relationship between a desert and Shavuot. He writes, "A desert is a place where a sound will not be disturbed or troubled by other sounds that might overwhelm it or silence it. A desert is a place of devastating silence. There are no distractions; no clash of voices. No competition." The authentic voice of Torah can only be heard when we tune out other voices. The word of God is a small still voice that requires mindfulness and being present. Unfortunately, most of us are plagued by constant distraction. Multitasking does not work, especially in the arena of spiritual and personal development. Too often when studying Torah, whether in a class, with a study partner, or with our child, we are addicted to the vibrations of the phone. We cannot learn, digest the word of God, be engaged with our family, when we are not fully in the moment with the text and another human being. More importantly, at Mt. Sinai, the Jews did not only hear the words of the Torah, but communed with God himself. Prayer requires silence. Relationships require being fully engaged with the person physically present in front of us. Silence our phones during weekday davening, at meals and more. Avraham found God in the desert. The Jews received the Torah in the desert. This Shavuot and onward, start being more present - in shul, your home, place of work. Take more walks. Turn it off. You will be amazed how much more you will tune into the frequency and voice of God in nature, life and humanity. Wishing you and your families a Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom! Rabbi Daniel Cohen |
Remember to make an Eruv Tavshilin on Thursday before the Chag begins - In order to allow foods prepared on yom tov to be eaten on shabbat, the Halacha requires an Eruv Tavshilin to be made. This entails designating one cooked food and one baked food, for instance matzah and a boiled egg or piece of meat or fish. Recite the bracha and brief paragraph for Eruv Tavshilin. The two foods are then put away and eaten at Seudah Shlishit. Click here for more information.
Shavuot Information Shavuot Day 1 (Friday)- Torah Reading: Begin with Akdamos. In the first Sefer Torah we have five Aliyahs in Parshas Yisro (Exodus 19:1-20:23); Half-Kaddish; Maftir reads in the second Sefer Torah from Parshas Pinchas (Numbers 28:26-31)
- Haftarah: Ezekiel 1:1-28 and 3:12
Shavuot Day #2 / Shabbat- We first read the Book of Ruth
- Torah Reading: In the first Sefer Torah we have seven Aliyahs in Parshas R'ei (Deut. 14:22-16:17); Half-Kaddish; Maftir reads in the second Sefer Torah from Parshas Pinchas (Numbers 28:26-31)
- Haftarah: Habakkuk 2:20-3:19 (Includes Yetziv Pisgam)
- NCSY advisors Melitta Oppenheim, Akiva Katz and Jonathan Krombach
- to Doreen & Howard Nusbaum on the upcoming marriage of their daughter Leah to Asher Mandel, son of Lynn and Ed Mandel of New York City!
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here- to Judy Goldstein on the passing of her father Lionel Fisch
- Thank you to our Shavuot Sponsors
- Sharon and Michael Feldstein in memory of Tova Feldstein a"h - who had a warm and special relationship with the Zuckier family
- Bruce Newman in memory of Rose Newman
- Helene and Harvey Kaminski in memory of Harvey's sister Anita Epstein's upcoming yahrzeit on 25th of Sivan - Chana bat Shmuel
- Toby Schaffer in commemoration of the upcoming yahrzeit of the Macy family kedoshim
- CAPITIL Real Estate Agency
- We are grateful to Andrew of Carvel on Long Ridge for sponsoring the Shavuot evening's ice cream treats.
- to Marisa & Rabbi Moshe Kurtz and Ana & Albert Lilienfeld for donating seforim to the Faye and Ben Manger Beit Midrash
- Senior Challah Deliveries: Rachel and Nimrod Dayan in memory of J. Michael Fried and Rose & Moshe Dayan Z"L
- Friday Morning Breakfast: Pam & Alan Shanker in honor of Rabbi Daniel & Diane Cohen
- Shabbat Chapel Kiddush: "Mazel tov to our son, Yaakov Held, on his graduation from Rutgers Business School. May you grow m'chayil l'chayil" - Beth & David (parents) and Eliezer & Shira (siblings)
- Shabbat Sanctuary Kiddush: Graduation Kiddush Sponsors
Graduation Kiddush Shabbat, May 27 | | Join the CAS Graduation Celebration!If you have a graduate in your family (preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school, college or graduate school), we will publish his/her name and the level from which he or she is graduating.Celebrate the graduates with a festive kiddush on the second day of Shavuot in honor of the graduates.
Thanks to our Graduation Kiddush sponsors on the second day of Shavuot |
Rachel & Nimrod Dayan Beth & David Held | Shana & Robert Yakubovich |
Darren Bahar Drs. Judy & Jeff Cahn Meredith & David Cohen Stella & Isaac Cohen Ziona & Elie Doft Jessica & Levi Dulitz Shira & Ethan Green Kayla & Leon Hanna | Leora & Yaakov Hauptman Rhonda Schaffer-Maron & Jeffrey Maron Rena & Tzvi Schwartz Rachel Seligson Amy & Sam Sroka Shulie Weiss Shira & Mitchell Zucker |
Gan Yeladim | Lilly Hauptman | Gabriel Sroka |
| Gan Rivka | Sara Chava Shochet |
Bnos Aliya | Jennifer Schwartz |
Bi-Cultural Hebrew Academy | Hannah Bahar Eden Cohen Kira Doft Ella Dulitz | Yael Green Samantha Schnelwar Joshua Schwartz |
| Westchester Day School | AJ Dayan |
Westhill High School | Jenna Cohen |
| Stamford High School | Allison Yakubovich |
Rutgers University - Business School | Yaakov Held |
| University of Chicago | Ethan Lichtenberg |
Columbia University - School of Engineering | Jonathan Maron | Daniel Seligson |
Hofstra University - School of Accounting | Daniel Hanna |
| Yeshiva University - School of Accounting | Ephraim Zucker |
Shabbat, May 27 - 12:00 PM |
| Post Kiddush Conversation with Alex Traiman |
Shabbat, June 3 - 12:00 PM |
| The Essential Guide to Purchasing Real Estate in Israel |
| | Donate Seforim to the Beit Midrash |
| Sunday, June 18 - 9:00 AM |
| Monday, June 19 - 7:15 PM |
Literature at Lunch Roundtable led by Dr. Richard Schwartz Wednesday, June 14 - 12:00 PM The community is invited to attend the second knock the socks off discussion relating Diane di Prima's Radio to William Wordswoth's Ode on the Intimations of Immortality (or how to recreate, revive and resuscitate a rewarding Garden of Eden life-- now, here and today). We meet in person and by zoom (seelinks below).. Sandwiches and sides provided by Restaurant 613, so let us know if you plan to attend in person by Monday, May 15th. Please contact rj@richardjschwatz.com if you have any questions.Zoom Meeting ID 8784487429 Passcode 868450 |
- Check out our member Senator Joseph Lieberman's article in the WSJ God, Moses and the Rule of Law - click here
- Community Garden at Agudath Sholom - Meets on the Weekends A wonderful Tzedakah opportunity for all ages to hopefully provide fresh produce for the Freedberg Kosher Food Pantry and the Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County local food pantries Volunteer to help clean up the garden and plant. Picking and weeding opportunities as the summer progresses.For more info, contact Mitchel Bell wizdrbel@yahoo.com. The next session is Monday, May 29th at 4 PM
- Save Shabbat June 3rd for Special Events
- Youth Led Shabbat Morning Service in the Sanctuary
- Rabbi Daniel Cohen "Reflections on our Morocco Journey"
- Post Kiddush Conversation Alex Traiman - CEO and Jerusalem Bureau Chief JNS - "Democracy Debacle and Demographics: Is Israel Imploding or Reloading?"
- Seudah Shlishit Reflections by David Cohen "Reflections on Aliyah and What You May Not Know about the Current State of Affairs in Israel"
- Save the Date - Stand with Israel Stand with Israel and the Israel Day Parade - Sunday, June 4th in NYC. Israel @ 75: Renewing the Hope. The JCRC-NY Celebrate Israel Parade is unquestionably the world's largest expression of solidarity with the Jewish state. To learn more, visit https://celebrateisraelny.org/parade/2023-parade-theme/ and more details in the weeks ahead.
- Join us on as we welcome Rabbi Jeremiah Wohlberg Shabbat morning, June 10th in the Sanctuary. Rabbi Wohlberg will speak on Reflections on Israel 75th anniversary and the Jewish Communities in Dubai, Abu Dabi and Qata following his and Mimi's recent visit to Israel and the Jewish communities of Dubai; Abu Dabi and Qatar.
- Baby Boomers 50s and Older We are forming a new committee to plan social events for people over the age of 50. If you are interested in this initiative, please contact Bruce Newman (bruce.newman8@gmail.com, Judy Cahn judithcahn@gmail.com or Rabbi Cohen in the weeks ahead.
- Make it a Holy Habit! Rather than wait for a Food Drive, make it a habit each week when shopping for Shabbos to purchase food for the Freedberg Kosher Food Pantry.Imagine what an impact it would make if every week, on our shopping list, each one of us consistently added just one item from this list. You can drop off food at JFS or CAS. Or make a donation to JFS here https://www.ctjfs.org/kosherfoodpantry/. Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity. Together, each contribution will make a real difference in people's lives.
- Making Mitzvah Moments - Challah Deliveries For over 3 years, we have been delivering Challot on Fridays to Seniors in our community. Thank you to all of the volunteers! It is about not only the Challah but the friendship. If you would like to sponsor the effort weekly, click here and/or for a month or more please email Rabbi Cohen.
- Shacharit Sunday: 7:15/8:30 AM; Monday: 7:00/8:30 AM; Tuesday-Friday: 6:30/7:30 AM
- Mincha Sunday-Thursday: 8:10 PM; Friday: 7:00 PM/8:07 PM
- Candle Lighting Friday: 8:02 PM
- Monday Memorial Day - Office Closed
Join one of our CAS classes.
We Wish A Speedy Recovery To |
- Kosher News: Pureganic in Harrison in a kosher dairy and gluten free restaurant under the supervision of Rabbi Shmuel Greenberg of the Young Israel of White Plains. https://www.pureganic-cafe.com/. It is dairy and gluten free which could be very helpful for some people. And, while not cheap, it was pretty good. - Kosher News
- United Jewish Federation Women's Philanthropy welcomes community women to its Annual Spring Dinner Event Wednesday, May 31 (6:30 pm) at Temple Beth El in Stamford. The evening will feature dinner, signature drinks, an auction, live music from singer-songwriter Arielle Eden, and an opportunity to hear from guest speaker and New York Times bestselling author, Lisa Barr, who will share insights and experiences, offering a unique perspective on life, literature, and philanthropy. RSVP today at www.ujf.org/springdinner23 or contact Diane Sloyer (dianesloyer@ujf.org).
- Join United Jewish Federation this summer for an outdoor adventure and youth leadership program called Noded ("wanderer") Led by Community Shaliach, Yoav Yaron, 6-sessions are offered in June and July to rising Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors and will include hiking, exploring, and leadership development skills. Teens who attend will also receive a certificate recognizing their achievement thanks to curriculum developed by Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. For more information contact Yoav Yaron (yoav@ujf.org) or register at www.ujf.org/noded.
- Schoke JFS is Here to Support You - Learn more about Our Ongoing Support Groups Bereavement Support Group available at Schoke Jewish Family Service, for more information please contact, Rebekah Kanefsky, Interim Director of Clinical and Family Life Services at rkanefsky@ctjfs.org or 203-921-4161.