Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin |
Vayetzei | December 3, 2022 | 9 Kislev 5783 |
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Friday | Candle Lighting | 4:08 PM | Mincha | 4:13 PM | Shabbat | Shacharit | 7:00 AM/8:00 AM/9:00 AM | Latest Shema | 8:39 AM | Sephardic Minyan | 9:00 AM | Shmuel Class | 9:00 AM | Latest Shacharit | 9:41 AM | Shiur | 10:30 AM | Code of Jewish Law | 3:10 PM | Mincha | 4:00 PM | Havdalah | 5:08 PM |
One Decision: Answering the Call - In Tribute to Mr. S As our community grows and new people move in, it is even more important to appreciate the investments of prior generations to our community. BCHA - our community day school - owes an eternal debt of gratitude to it's founder and dean, Mr. Walter Schuchatowitz, affectionately known as "Mr. S.", the trailblazer, educator and friend who planted the seeds of Torah in Stamford. Upon his passing, I reflected on the words of Vayetze and resonance for his life and Jewish education in Stamford. It almost did not happen. Mr. S. did not plan a career in Jewish education. One well timed question to him and his open heart and courage to move outside of his comfort zone changed the course of his life and in turn our families and the Stamford Jewish community forever. The parsha of Vayetze begins with Yaakov running away from the murderous Esav. At the behest of his mother Rivka, Yaakov seeks refuge in the house of her family in Charan. Yaakov is in survival mode. His goal is peace of mind, safety and a wife. Yet, God has other plans for him. While Yaakov is asleep, God appears in a dream with angels, a ladder and a Divine promise. God is awakening Yaakov to the reality that his life is not meant to be one of survival but of accomplishment, purpose and destiny. He is one link in a continuum of history, the bearer of the Divine mission assumed by his father and grandfather. When he wakes up from his slumber, Yaakov proclaims, "God is in this place and I did not know. Here is the house of God and this is the gate to Heaven." He realizes in the depths of his soul that he must answer the call of God, as his ancestors did - he must proclaim, "Hineni" Here I am - ready to serve God and the future of the Jewish people. In 1948, Mr. S. graduated from City College in New York with a degree in accounting. He was enrolled to attend Columbia Law School. A week before the first semester began, he decided to visit his friends in Yeshiva College at YU, where he also concurrently earned a degree in Judaic Studies while at CCNY. When he walked into the building, he was invited to the office of Dr. Gershin Churgin, Dean of the Teacher's Institute at Yeshiva. Dr. Churgin lamented that most of the best students were going into medicine, dentistry, law or business. He asked, "Who is going to carry on Jewish education?" Mr. S. shared that the question burned in his heart that night. He awoke the next morning and returned to Dr. Churgin and courageously decided to postpone his career in law. He told Dr. Churgin, "Send me wherever you want. I'll give it a year." Mr. S. answered God's call. One year turned into a lifetime of dedication to the Jewish people. He started in Wilkes-Barre, PA and seven years later made Stamford his home. Without exaggeration, Mr. S. was the catalyst for thousands of worlds being born with Torah, faith, love of Israel and commitment to chesed, kindness. He serves as an inspiration for all of us to awaken from our slumbers and realize that God is in this place. Never could he have imagined the impact of one decision to shape the future of our families and our community. May we all rise to hear the call from wherever and from whomever to say Hineni, I am ready to serve the Jewish people. Our families, community and future generations will be eternally grateful. May his memory be a blessing. Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Daniel Cohen
Shabbat Information
- Learn about the Shabbat Torah Reading for Parshat Vayeitzei with the insights of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"l - click here
- The Haftarah for Vayeitzei is read from Hosea 12:13-14:10
- Haftarah summary by - click here
- Haftarah summary by Haftarah Helper - click here
- Important Halachic Note: At Maariv of Sunday December 4th, we begin to incorporate "V'Sen Tal U'Matar L'Verachah " into the Shemonah Esrei.
- The final time for the sanctification of the New Moon of Kislev is the entire night Wednesday Dec. 7 (14 Kislev)
- Would you like to read the Torah or Haftara for your bar mitzvah parsha? Let us know by clicking here.
Shabbat Room Shakeup: - Shiur will be in the Chapel weekly except weeks when there is Teen Minyan
- Jr. Cong will meet in the old office every week moving forward
End of the Calendar Year Reminder If you would like to make a prepayment towards future dues, Annual dinner, or other items before December 31st, please contact Matt in the office. |
- to the family of Fannie Stevens
- to Robert Fischer on the passing of his mother, Emilia Fischer
- to Dina Green & Greg Celniker on the birth of a baby girl! Mazal Tov to big brother Henry, grandparents Jill & Arthur Green and uncle Noah Green!
- to Audrey & Mark Wagshul on the wedding of their daughter Yona to Tzvi Eli Scholnick, this past week in Israel!
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here |
- new members Devorah & Ari Hertzberg and their children Allie and Shira!
- Meg & Yoav Haron for hosting the new and prospective member brunch this Sunday!
Shabbat Topics & Participants |
Shmuel Class | Mark Wagshul | Shiur | Rabbi Moshe Kurtz | Code of Jewish Law | Rabbi Yossi Kamman | Seudat Shlishit | Rabbi Moshe Kurtz |
Challah Deliveries: Heidi Rosen in honor of Jon & Karen Malkin- for both their 50th birthdays - spread love and challah- L'chaim |
7AM Kiddush: Pam Ehrenkranz & Matt Greenberg in memory of Matt's Father, Harry Greenberg's yahrzeit |
Chapel Kiddush: Jill & Arthur Green in honor of the birth of their granddaughter |
Sanctuary Kiddush: Lynn & Jeff Lowin in commemoration of the Yahrzeits of their fathers, David Rothfeld and Murray Lowin |
- CAS MEN'S CLUB MEETING THIS SUNDAY IN THE SOCIAL HALL We are having a bagel/lox breakfast. All welcome, any topic and interests. Want to explore a few items such as the FJMC (Fairfield Jewish Men's Clubs), Pacific House Homeless Shelter event 12/25 amongst topics of interest. We hope to see you there!
- CAS MEN'S CLUB CHRISTMAS DAY MEAL AT THE PACIFIC HOUSE MEN'S SHELTER We provide a nice meal on Sunday, 12/25 at apx. noon-1:30pm. We need volunteers, food donations, hats/gloves/scarves, and a little money to put it all together. We would like to serve a meal similar to Thanksgiving; turkey, yams, salad, fruit salad, cookies, brownies and the vegetables. We serve a kosher meal just in case there are any Jews in attendance. We prepare in the Meat kitchen from 9 - 11:15 then have a few volunteers take the food to 597 Pacific Street to the Pacific House. We have people serve (kids usually taking the menu orders & handing out the gifts) and it is a great event for all. Contact Mitchell Bell ( or 203-722-3512) and let him know where and how you can help out!
- JOIN THE SENIOR AMBASSADORS Ambassadors to ensure that as a community we elevate our commitment to the older members of our shul. Responsibilities of Senior Ambassadors are the following: Active Member of Healing Visits, Kiddush Assistance and Partner with Youth Kiddush Ambassadors, Support Senior Events (Holiday, Educational, Social), Eyes and Ears for Our Clergy, Erev Shabbat Shalom Calls. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen at
Join the Anim Zemirot Club Open to pre-Bnai Mitzvah boys 2nd grade and older. Learn how to lead the end of Shabbat morning tefillah - Ein Kelokenu, Aleinu, Anim Zemirot and Shir Shel Yom. Prizes for participation! Meets weekly during Seudah Shlishit- Starts this week! For more info, contact Matt Bernstein ( or Daniel Wallis ( |
Updates from Dovi - Don't forget that NCSY/JSU hosts clubs at three Stamford highschools: every second Tuesday at Stamford High at 2:05pm, Wednesdays at BCHA at 12:25pm and Westhill at 2:05pm. Join us for great food, discussions and games!
- Latte n Learn is every Thursday, 6:30pm at the Starbucks on Summer St. Join us for free drinks and great discussions! For students in grades 8-12.
- Soosh n Shmooze is Thursdays at 7:30pm @ the JCC. Join us for great sushi, better discussions, and an all around great time. For JSU students only - if you are interested in joining, reach out to Dovi!
For more information on NCSY or JSU programs, please reach out directly to Dovi @ 475-685-82066 or by email, |
Weekly Classes at Agudath Sholom - Daily - Daf Yomi, Mishna Berura, Tehillim and Mishna
- Sunday - Sefer Hachinuch with Rabbi Kurtz
- Monday - Halachic Adventures through Parsha with Rabbi Kurtz
- Tuesday - Mastering Midrash, Power of the Prophets, Parsha Perspectives with Rabbi Cohen, Conversational Hebrew with Moshe Shapiro, Insights into Tefillah with Diane Cohen, Book of Shmuel with Mark Wagshul
- Thursday - The Ethics and Wisdom of Agadda with Rabbi Kurtz, Book of Numbers with Bob Abrams, Weekly Talmud: Megillah with Rabbi Kurtz
- Friday - Taste of Torah with Rabbi Cohen
- Shabbat - Bob's Basics, Code of Jewish Law and Morning Shiurim
Shacharit | Shacharit: Sunday 7:15 AM/8:30 AM, Monday-Friday 6:30 AM/7:30 AM | Mincha | Mincha: Sunday-Thursday 4:20 PM, Friday 4:12 PM | Candles Friday | 4:07 PM |
Join one of our CAS classes. |
We Wish A Speedy Recovery To |
- Avraham Tzvi ben Teibel
- Carmiya Chaya Hadas bat Tziporah Miriam
- Chana bat Devorah
- Chasa Paya bat Alka
- Chava bat Miriam
- Dov ben Pnina
- Eitan Micha ben Tova
- Eliezer ben Chana
| - Evan ben Brayna
- Friedel bat Esther
- Gittel Batya bat Tamar
- Lieba Chaya bat Rivka
- Meita Leah bat Leiba Rachel
- Naomi bat Ruth
- Nechama Miriam bat Devorah
- Rafuel ben Chava
| - Sara bat Barbara
- Sheva Pearel bat Devorah
- Shimshon ben Breva
- Yakov ben Nona
- Yehudit bat Chaya Rochel
- Yisrael ben Frayda
- Yizka bat Havah
- Zelda Chaya bat Chana Masha
- UNITED JEWISH FEDERATION'S NEXTGEN INVITES YOU TO A SOCIAL NIGHT OUT TO CELEBRATE CHANUKAH! Enjoy a latke bar, sufganiyot, and open bar. Saturday, December 3rd, 8:00pm at The Farmhouse,Stamford Nature Center (151 Scofieldtown Rd. in Stamford) $25 per person. RSVP by Dec 1st to, or contact Mel Vorm at
- JOIN THE COMMUNITY AT THE GATHERING OF UNITY Sunday, December 4th at 7 PM. An evening celebrating the differences in our community by embracing each individual's unique abilities. Socialize and connect with friends over a dessert reception; hear the stories from Friendship Circle participants who are now on the giving end, and enjoy a musical performance by Ethan Walmark. Most importantly being there in person to support our beloved FC families. We highly encourage you and your family to register and expand your circle of friendship. For more information and to RSVP:
- UJF'S PJ LIBRARY & PJ OUR WAY CHANUKAH CARD CRAFTING MITZVAH PARTY Sunday, December 4th between 3:00pm and 4:30pm. Create Chanukah cards and write a special holiday greeting to local seniors and Holocaust survivors to ensure they receive some light this holiday! In partnership with Schoke JFS. For kids 2- 13 (siblings welcome), hot chocolate & donuts will be served.Sign up at Co-chairs: Joanna Frank, Andrew Wind & Maryam Samaram, Wendy Seigel, and Lielle Sugar. Free program. For more information contact Sharon Franklin at
- UNITED JEWISH FEDERATION OF STAMFORD, NEW CANAAN AND DARIEN JOINS WITH UJA JCC GREENWICH, & JEWISH FEDERATION OF GREATER NEW HAVEN (AS WELL AS OTHERS AROUND THE WORLD) IN SHINING A LIGHT ON ANTISEMITISM A virtual program featuring author and comedian, David Baddiel, author of Jews Don't Count in conversation with Mark Oppenheimer, co-host of the podcast Unorthodox. Sunday, December 11th at 10:00am. This is a FREE event, via Zoom (Zoom link emailed upon registration). For more info contact Diane Sloyer Sign up at
- PLEASE JOIN THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF FAIRFIELD COUNTY IN CELEBRATING CHANUKAH WITH A SPECIAL LIVE MUSICAL CELEBRATION BY THE ACCLAIMED KOL RINAH CHORALE, THE JEWISH CHORALE OF WESTCHESTER The entire community is invited to this free concert on December 18th at 2:00pm. Doors open at Temple Beth El, 350 Roxbury Road, Stamford at 1:30pm. The concert will also be livestreamed. Those who attend in-person will receive a special Chanukah goody bag. JHSFC is pleased to provide this free musical performance made possible with the assistance of a grant from the Stamford Arts & Cultural Commission. To register, please email or call 203-359-2196 with attendee names and whether you will attend in-person or by livestream.
- JOIN UNITED JEWISH FEDERATION FOR THE ANNUAL MEETING as we thank David Gordon for serving as UJF President for 3 years; honor Greg Waldstreicher with the Harvey Peltz Award; andwelcome Michael Schlessinger as the new UJF President along with new board members. Monday, December 19th, 7:30pm, at Temple Beth El (350 Roxbury Rd).Pre-reception dinner, 6:30-7:30pm, $50 per person. Event Chairs- Stephne & Kerrin Behrend. Sign up at Reception to follow the meeting(meeting and dessert are free, registration is encouraged). For more information contact Diane
- SCHOKE JFS IS HERE TO SUPPORT YOU - LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR ONGOING SUPPORT GROUPS Schoke Jewish Family Service offers a wide range of support groups to meet the various needs of the community and to help families and individuals with the transitions and challenges of life. Currently, all support groups meet on Zoom. The Divorce Support Group - Mondays, 1:00 PM; Bereavement Support Group - Thursdays, 7:30 PM; Caregiver Support Groups - Every other Sunday, 11:15 AM and every other Wednesday, 7:30 PM; COVID Support - Thursdays, 4:00 PM, 1st and 3rd Thursdays; Brain Fitness Group - Mondays, 10:30 AM and Wednesdays, 10:30 AM; Healing Chair Yoga - Class schedule to be announced on the website. To join the support groups, please fill out the form at: or contact Brooke Davidson, Director of Clinical and Family Life Services at or 203-921-4161.