Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin |
Tetzaveh | February 12, 2022 | 11 Adar I 5782 |
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REMINDER: We ask that if you have symptoms of illness, including fever, coughing, runny nose, stomach bug or any other sickness, please DO NOT come to CAS on Shabbos or during the week. |
Friday | Candle Lighting | 5:05 PM | Mincha | 5:10 PM | Shabbat | Shacharit | 7:00 AM/8:00 AM/9:00 AM | Latest Shema | 8:49 AM | Latest Shacharit | 9:56 AM | Shiur | 10:30 AM | Code of Jewish Law | 4:10 PM | Mincha | 5:00 PM | Havdalah | 6:07 PM |
This past week, I had the opportunity to be in Los Angeles for the birth of a Torah which will be donated to our shul. It is the story of a Mitzvah explosion. Nearly 18 years ago, close friends, Jimmy and Debbie Lustig donated a Torah to our Denver shul and we donated an older one to the IDF. The Lustigs were so inspired by the mitzvah that they decided to commit to donating a new Torah every year or two to make it their family legacy. They have donated Torahs worldwide including to Bi Cultural Hebrew Academy. Now, in honor of their daughter Sienna's Bat Mitzvah, they are donating a Torah to our shul. This past week with the assistance of local sofer Rabbi Shimon Kraft and our good friend, Rabbi Tzvi Pincus of Tiferes Stam we conducted a birth of Torah ceremony with their family and Sienna's friends as we transformed a mundane parchment into a holy klaf with the first words of the Torah. God willing, we will host a writing at Agudath Sholom in May and the Torah, which is being written in Israel, will be completed in Elul. Save the date of Sunday, September 18th when God willing we will welcome the new Torah to Agudath Sholom before Rosh Hashanah with Sienna and her family. We also hope to take one of our older Torahs in need of significant repair and donate it to the IDF in the year ahead and who have scribes who are ready and able to fix the Torah. One mitzvah almost 18 years ago ignited more Torahs, new mitzvahs and eternal memories all over the world! We look forward to a wonderful Shabbat. Minyanim at 7, 8 and 9 AM and a full array of youth groups. Join the virtual tour of Israel this Sunday morning. See the CAS website for the information. And thank you to Hilary Goldstein and the membership committee for hosting the Havdalah and Hot Cocoa event this Saturday night. Wishing you and your families a Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Daniel Cohen
Indoor Masking Update In accordance with the policies of the City of Stamford, the following is now in effect at CAS:- Everyone, regardless of vaccination status, is required to wear a mask. Masks with filters are not acceptable.
- During kiddushim, masks must be worn unless you are eating.
- We will continue to have a separate dessert table for children. Children are not permitted to serve themselves from the food table.
- For more information from the Stamford Dept of Health, click here.
Parents: Please be mindful not to serve children food or drinks in the Sanctuary during davening and to ensure they do not enter the shul unsupervised following davening. Thank you in advance. |
Shabbat Information
- Learn about the Shabbat Torah Reading for Parshas Tetzaveh with the insights of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"l - click here
- The Haftarah is read from Ezekiel 43:10-27
- Haftarah for Tetzaveh - summary by - click here
- Haftarah for Tetzaveh - summary by Haftarah Helper - click here
- Mark Wagshul will lead the 9:00 am Shmuel class
- Rabbi Moshe Kurtz will give the 10:30am shiur titled "May I Salt and Shovel Snow on Shabbos?"
- Rabbi Yossi Kamman will lead the Code of Jewish Law
- Rabbi Daniel Cohen will lead a siyum on Tractate Moed Katan between mincha and maariv and speak on the topic of "The Mitzvah of Joy in Adar Rishon and the Meaning of Simcha"
- There will be no Tachanun and no Lamnatzeiach from Monday afternoon through Wednesday due to Purim Katan and Shushan Purim Katan.
- Would you like to read the Torah or Haftara for your bar mitzvah parsha? Let us know by clicking here!
Save the Date of our Annual Dinner! Mark your calendars for June 12th! |
Did you study with us? The Sunday morning A Walk Through the Bible study group will soon be completing the final aliyah after 21 years. We are celebrating on Feb. 27th at 10:15am (with special guest Rabbi David Walk) and would like to have anyone who studied with us at any time join in the celebration. Please email Kim ( so we can include you at our siyum. |
- to Bob Sherman on the passing of his mother, Betty Sherman
- to Albert Bensimon on the passing of his sister, Esther Raanani
- to the family of Madeline Schor
- to Gayle and Howard Rothman on the arrival of a granddaughter, Dylan Olivia!
- to Cindy and David Pitkoff on the engagement of their daughter Danielle to Sam Liebman, son of Elaine and Scott Liebman of New York City!
- to Moshe Kaplan, our Teen and NCSY leader, on his engagement to Rosie Maimon of Seattle!
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here |
Senior Challah Deliveries: The Tobin Family in honor of Susie Blumenthal's yahrtzeit, beloved Nana of the Tobin Family |
7AM Kiddush: David Bessaleli in honor of his grandchildren, Ezra and Tzevi Jasper, who recently completed their service with IDF and his granddaughters, Tehila and Temima Jasper, who recently completed their Sherut Leumi service |
Chapel Kiddush: Dina & Paul Berger in honor of the yahrzeits of Dina's father, Maurice Sternbach, and Paul's father, William Berger |
Sanctuary Kiddush: Co-sponsored by Rhoda & Avram Freedberg in commemoration of the yahrzeits of Rhoda's father, Sidney Bernstein, and aunt, Molly Steinmetz; and Ellen & Richard Weber in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Ellen's father, Phillip Katchinoff |
Literature Meets Torah Roundtable Led By Rabbi Moshe Kurtz And Dr. Richard Schwartz Wednesday, February 16 - 10:00 AM We will be completing our discussion of Margaret Atwood's "Bread" and then we will be interpreting Simon and Garfunkel's megahit "Sound of Silence" along with a poem by Langston Hughes. Join on Zoom and in person at CAS. To join us, please contact Rabbi Kurtz: |
CAS Roaring 20s Purim
Save the date for Saturday night March 12th! Transport yourself back in time to the roaring 20's and get in the SPIRIT of Purim hosted by the CAS Young Couples committee. |
We invite you to support our annual CAS Youth Department Fundraiser by making a donation to directly benefit CAS Youth programming! Each participant will receive a beautiful Mishloach Manot from CAS and be included on a scroll of sponsors. Please help to ensure the continued success of our incredible CAS Youth Department!
Pickup yours at Megillah Reading or Support our community Mikvah and have your Mishloach Manot delivered to you by the Mikvah Committee (Stamford addresses only) for an additional $7 donation
Deadline to sign up is March 1. Thank you so much to the following generous sponsors who have already contributed to show their support. (Participants as of February 11 - Morning):
Andrea & Dan Aaron Marjory & Robert Abrams Adrienne & Michael Alexander Judy & Jeff Cahn Kate & Peretz Cik Meredith & David Cohen Rachel & Ephraim Cohen Emily & Zvi Dubitzky Can Dyman Debra & Daniel Faizakoff Cheryl Frydman Jessica & Adam Furmansky Shira & Ethan Green Elissa & Philip Klapper Marisa & Moshe Kurtz
Tamar & Jason Levine Rachel & Josh Licht Rachel & Samuel Maryles Rina & Yoni Miller Nancy & Gadi Mimoun Judy & Bob Raymond Rachel & Sol Redlich Veronica Reich Shira Marder & Jason Saibel Toby Schaffer Leah & Rabbi Moshe Shemtov Ronnie & Steve Sichel Jessica & Eytan Sosnovich Annie & Jeremy Watman Sharon & Simeon Wohlberg
In the News: Interested in Purchasing a Megillah for Purim? Ariel Fendel is a sofer and is developing his own business. He is the grandson of Rabbi Joseph and Sandy Ehrenkranz and second oldest of Rabbi Ehrenkranz's youngest daughter Bina.
He speaks English and uses WhatsApp. His phone number is 0528-109558.
Buying property in Israel: A Webinar on Friday, Feb. 20th at 11:00 AM - For more info, click here
Painting My Future: An Article in Mishpacha Magazine about Leora Shapiro, Sandy and Lillan's granddaughter. Visit her pottery studio in Jerusalem - click here and click here
The Yeshiva University Sefarim Sale in Back! For more info, click here
Join the Stand with U Virtual Crash Course in the History of Israel, Zionism and the Conflicts click here
Check out an important presentation by Daniel Radmoski of the WJC click here and visit these sites for relevant follow up information about the WJC's work for young leaders and on college campuses: {}, click here and click here |
Halacha Corner from Rabbi Cohen What is more important - Mishloach Manot or Matanot Matanot L'evyonim - Gifts to the Poor for Purim?
Answer: The Rambam teaches that we should allocate an equal amount if not more funds to gifts to the poor as we allocate for Mishlaoch Manot. Giving to the poor is a mitzvah all year round. However, the mitzvah to do so on Purim is separate even from the general mitzvah of tzedakah (charity). Matanot L'evyonim should be given early enough so that the poor can benefit on the holiday. Checks can be made out to CAS for this purpose or make your donation on-line at Funds will be distributed on Purim day. The funds raised for this mitzvah will be locally distributed via Jewish Family Service and in Jerusalem. |
Shacharit | Shacharit: Sunday 7:00 AM/8:30 AM, Monday-Friday 6:30 AM/7:30 AM | Mincha | Mincha: Sunday-Thursday 5:20 PM, Friday 5:19 PM | Candles Friday | 5:14 PM |
- STAMFORD MIKVAH PURIM FUNDRAISER!! Purim is just around the corner and we are looking to you to help support our Stamford Mikvah!
You do the packing and we do your deliveries!!! Donate to the Minnie Manger Marsha Lieberman Mikvah and we will deliver all your Mishloach Manot for you OR do no packing this year, donate to the Mikvah, and we will send Purim cards to your friends and family near and far!! Email Nicole Makovsky: for more information!! - FYI: COVID TESTING For those in need of a PCR test, ACCU Reference has lots of availablitity at the former Fairway Market space - 689 Canal Street. Click here to sign up.
- CAS MEN'S CLUB NEEDS YOU! We are looking for some volunteers to help out Elliot Sloyer with his charitable organization, Wheel it Forward.They recycle medical items (where practical) such as wheelchairs, walkers, etc. and donate (lend) them out to others while always on the look out to replenish older stock. For more information contact Mitchell Bell ( or Elliot Sloyer.
- SAVE THE DATE! ERUV AWARENESS SHABBAT February 26, 2022. A representative from the Stamford Eruv group will speak after services about the importance of our community eruv, and recognize the volunteers who check our eruv weekly to make sure that it's operational.
Join one of our CAS classes. |
We Wish A Speedy Recovery To |
- Chaya Priva bat Alka
- Dov ben Pnina
- Eliezer ben Hannah
- Emunah Malka bat Fayga Bryna
- Leibel ben Sonia
- Malka Chaya bat Arona
| - May-eerah Brondel bat Fayga Mah-tell
- Nechama Miriam bat Devorah
- Nessa bat Miriam
- Nira bat Rachel
- Sarit bat Yael
| - Shaindel bat Pesya
- Shimshon ben Breva
- Yehudit bat Chaya Rochel
- Yekutiel Yoseph ben Freyda
- Yofia Batya bat Sara
- REGISTRATION FOR THE 2022 JEWISH BASEBALL LEAGUE SEASON IS OPEN! OPENING DAY IS 3/27 Register by 2/1 and receive a league water bottle. Deadline to register by is 2/15. Sign up on and email Ari Goldstein at with any questions.
- PJ LIBRARY REFER-A-FRIEND IS BACK! Look for a special sign-up link in your email, then share it with a friend (or 5, or 10!), and for every qualified sign-up, PJ Library will send you a $5 gift card to say thank you- it's that easy! For more details contact Sharon Franklin at or go to
- SINGLE? JEWISH? AGE 50 AND UP? JOIN UNITED JEWISH FEDERATION FOR "FUN BY THE FIRE" Thursday, February 17th at 7:30pm. Enjoy a fun night out meeting new people, networking, sipping hot drinks, and making s'mores, fire pit and heating lamps included! Co-chairs Elaine Finkelstein and Penina Twilley. 1036 Newfield Ave., Stamford. $18, sign up at or contact Sharon Franklin at
- DON'T GET PJ BOOKS? Sign up for these amazing free monthly Jewish books! For ages birth to 8, go to For a free monthly chapter book for ages, 9-12 go to Books are sponsored by United Jewish Federation and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.
- APPLICATIONS OPEN FOR THE JOAN AND BEN ZINBARG - SCHOKE JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE CAMP SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Deadline for applications is Friday, April 15, 2022. As COVID-19 continues to put a financial strain on families, Schoke Jewish Family Service understands that many households have limited funds to send their children to Jewish summer camp. Schoke JFS is excited to announce that applications for camp scholarships for summer 2022 are now available at The application must be filled out completely and returned to the Schoke Jewish Family Service office by mail or email to Maria McNulty at along with the required attachments. All information is kept strictly confidential.
- STAMFORD CHEVRA KADISHA SPONSORED SCHOKE JFS BEREAVEMENT GROUPS Schoke JFS with a grant provided by the Stamford Chevra Kadisha has expanded the Kuriansky Family Counseling support programming for those who might need assistance before, during, or after the loss of a loved one. The Caregiver Support Group and Bereavement Support Group meet on Zoom. To join either group, please fill out the form at or call at 203-921-4161.