Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat/Pesach Bulletin |
Tzav | Erev Pesach | March 27, 2021 | 14 Nisan 5781 |
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Friday | Candle Lighting | 6:55 PM | Mincha | 7:00 PM | Shabbat | Shacharit | 7:00 AM/9:00 AM/9:00 AM | Latest Shema | 9:53 AM | Latest Shacharit | 10:55 AM | Mincha | 2:00 PM/6:50 PM | Maariv | 7:51 PM | Shabbat Ends | 7:56 PM | Candle Lighting | 7:56 PM | Sunday | Shacharit | 8:00 AM/9:00 AM/9:00 AM | Mincha | 7:05 PM | Maariv | 7:52 PM | Candle Lighting | 7:57 PM | Monday | Shacharit | 8:00 AM/9:00 AM/9:00 AM | Mincha | 7:05 PM | Maariv | 7:53 PM | |
We hope you and your families are well. God willing, the upcoming holiday of Pesach will be one of joy, healing, growth and sweetness for everyone! Below is a summary of the numerous details to bear in mind over the next fews days. Take some time over Shabbat to study the Haggadah and prepare spiritually for the Seder experience. Special thank you to Rabbi Kurtz, Yaakov and Yolly, Matt, Kim and Chris for their partnership in supporting our community preparations for Pesach. Thank you Elisheva Cohen for preparing this CAS Family Pesach guide - click here. Beginning this Shabbos, we will be offering Shabbat and Yom Tov morning minyanim outdoors in addition to indoors. Please note there will be an early Shabbat mincha at 2 PM as well as at 6:50 PM. In between mincha and maariv on Shabbat, Sunday and Monday, we will host shiurim by Elisheva Cohen, Hyman Schaffer and Rabbi Dr. Jeff Cahn and a Zoom shiur on Wednesday evening with Adina Cohen. As reminders, we stop saying Mashiv Haruach on Sunday at Shacharit and also begin counting the Omer on Sunday night. For more info on counting the Omer, click here. Wishing you and your families a wonderful Shabbat Hagadol and sweet and joyous Pesach and Chag Kasher V'Sameach, Rabbi Daniel Cohen
Please note updated Minyan Guidelines as of March 19th: - We welcome the Jewish community, local or visitors, to all our minyanim.
- Please note that the CDC recommends that ALL travelers (whether domestic or international), including those who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, get tested 3-5 days after travel AND self-quarantine for a full 7 days after travel, even with a negative test. If you do not get tested, the CDC recommends you self quarantine for a full ten days after travel.
- Regardless of whether you are vaccinated or not, you must still wear a mask and register.
- All attendees are required to wear masks covering the nose and mouth AT ALL TIMES.
- On Shabbat, someone will be at the main entrance to open the door and check you in until minyan begins.
- Children 12 and up are welcome to join at minyanim, provided they can remain seated throughout service. We welcome children under 12 on Friday night as well provided they also sit throughout the service and are signed up independent of his/her parents and on Shabbat and chag at outdoor minyanim.
- Before each minyan, please verify that you are healthy including not having a fever or a cough. If you have a slight fever or any type of cough, please stay home.
Pre Pesach Checklist
Shabbat Food - There are two options to fulfill the obligation of Hamotzi for Shabbat meals. Bread or Egg Matzah. Disposable Dishes and Utensils on Shabbat are recommended. If using Pesach dishes, make sure the bread does not come in contact with Pesach dishes.- Bread Option - Use Friday night and Shabbat Lunch (must complete bread portion by 10:54 am) Deposit any crumbs in garbage outside or flush down toilet.
- Egg Matzah Option - Use for Friday night and Shabbat lunch
Pre-Shabbat Seder Preparations: - Check Lettuce before Shabbat
- Roast Egg and Shank Bone before Shabbat
- Prepare Charoset and Salt Water before Shabbat
- Set Shabbat Clocks
- Light a Yahrzeit Candle on Friday so you can take the flame on Saturday night to light your Yom Tov Candles
- Rest on Shabbat but not explicitly for the purpose of being awake for the Seder
Enjoy Shabbos! - Last Time to Eat Chametz: 10:54 AM
- Make Declaration of Chametz Nullification by 11:57 AM - click here
- Baked Matzah Meal products should not be eaten on Erev Pesach
- Seudah Shlishit - Must be eaten by 5:11 PM. You may use egg matzah, fruit or fish as options
Seder Night - Saturday night, March 27th - Set Seder Table post Shabbat and also heat food post Shabbat 7:56 PM
- Daven Maariv once Shabbat over
- Women recite Baruch Hamavdil and then Lights Yom Tov Candles
- Add Havdalah to Kiddush at Seder
- We do not light a Havdalah candle but hold two flames together from Yom Tov candles
Pre-Shabbat Virtual Opportunities at CAS
- Community Prayers for Healing with Rabbi Moshe Kurtz, Friday at 4:40 PM - - password: 1234613
- Studies for the Soul with Rabbi Kurtz, Friday at 4:50 PM - - password: 1234613
- Join Rabbi Cohen's Living Torah Moment and Rabbi Kurtz's Daily Peninei Halacha
Virtual Torah and Announcements - Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Inside the Mind of the Great Commentators - Kli Yakar - click here
- Rabbi Moshe Taragin on the Five Aspects of Redemption: click here
- Rabbi Moshe Kurtz on Pesach - click here
- Rabbi Daniel Cohen - It Would Have Been Enough - A COVID Seder Perspective: click here
- CAS President, Toby Schaffer's Shabbat Announcements - click here
- Rabbi Daniel Cohen's Shabbat Hagadol Drasha - click here
- Men's Seder Recording:click here with Passcode: 3&I$8n*d
- OU Kosher for Pesach Guide - click here
- Articles of Interest: click here and click here
- Please Note: We do not recite the Kel Malae Memorial Prayer during the month of Nisan. However, one may still observe a yahrzeit by reciting Kaddish during services.
- Chametz Sale announcement : The sale was effected before Shabbat but stipulated that the sale will include Chametz that is in the designated locations as of Shabbat morning, at a time right before ownership of Chametz becomes prohibited.
Shabbat Information - Learn about the Shabbat Torah Reading for Parshat Tzav with the insights of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"l - click here
- Haftorah for Parshat Tzav (Shabbat HaGadol) - summary by - click here
- Haftorah for Parshat Tzav (Shabbat HaGadol) - summary by Haftarah Helper - click here
- Please Remember - We now have plexiglass dividers which will be used to facilitate aliyot. If you receive an aliyah, please do not reach over to the side of the Torah reader, even to kiss the Torah.
- Please Note: We do not recite the Kel Malae Memorial Prayer during the month of Nisan. However, one may still observe a yartzeit by reciting Kaddish during services.
- This Shabbat is Shabbat HaGadol. We read a special Haftarah in Malachi (3:4-24).
- To learn more about Shabbat HaGadol, click here.
- Please refer to this extensive guide and brief summary of the laws pertaining to when Passover takes place on Saturday night.
Pesach Information - Torah Reading for Pesach Day 1: We take out two Sifrei Torah; in the first we have five Aliyahs in Parshat Bo (Exodus 12:21-51), Maftir reads in the second Sefer Torah from Parshat Pinchas: (Numbers 28:16-25); the Haftorah is read from Joshua 3:5-7, 5:2-15, 6:1, and 6:27.
- Torah Reading for Pesach Day 2: We take out two Sifrei Torah; in the first we have five Aliyahs in Parshas Emor (Levit. 22:26-23:44), Maftir reads in the second Sefer Torah from Parshas Pinchas: (Numbers 28:16-25) (the same as the day before); the Haftorah is read from Kings II 23:1-9 and 23:21-25.
- Please Remember: During the chazzan's repetition on the first day of Pesach he will recite Tefilat Tal. The congregation still says mashiv haruach during the second blessing of the mussaf amida. We only begin to omit mashiv haruach at mincha later the same day.
- Sefira: The first day of sefira is counted on Sunday night (the second night of Pesach). Join My Omer for Meaningful Growth Tool during Sefirah.
Public Service Announcement: Please double check items purchased in the Kosher for Passover section of the store to make sure they are certified as Kosher for Passover. Please do not purchase meat or chicken labeled as kosher unless it is certified kosher in original packaging. |
Thank You - to Arline Gewanter and the Baer Family for co-sponsoring this week's Senior Challah deliveries. Arline is sponsoring in honor of the birth of her great grandson,Tzvi Meir and The Baers in honor of the 20th yahrzeit of Helen Neitlich -Mother, Grandmother & Great-grandmother.
If you would like to sponsor a week of our Senior Challah deliveries, click here. - to United Jewish Federation of Stamford, New Canaan and Darien for approving a grant to CAS to assist with Human Relief Efforts!
Welcome to new members David & Ayelet Rand! |
Agudath Sholom and the Life & Legacy Initiative
Agudath Sholom is proud to be one of more than 680 Jewish organizations across North America that have secured over 1 billion dollars in legacy commitments to ensure a bright Jewish future. To date, our collaboration with 10 other Stamford organizations, United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, New Canaan and Darien, and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation's LIFE & LEGACY initiative, has led 97 donors just like you to commit gifts of over 4 million dollars to local organizational endowments. Without writing a check today, you too can do your part to help the Agudath Sholom build our endowment and help build the endowments of the other Jewish organizations in our community you value, so we can weather turbulent times like these and adapt to meet evolving community needs. This is a very simple process, and when Agudath Sholom reaches our first goal of 18 -25 Letters of Intent, we will receive a financial incentive grant that can be used immediately for any synagogue need. Join our members who have already signed letters of intent. We are deeply appreciative of their commitment to Agudath Sholom! Gayle and Mitchell Bell Darona and Rabbi Harold Bernstein Diane and Rabbi Daniel Cohen Rachel and Ephraim Cohen Tracy and Nahum Daniels Debra and Dan Faizakoff Meryl and David Gordon Helene and Harvey Kaminski Elissa and Philip Klapper Lorraine and David Kweskin Rachel and Joshua Licht Susan Mark Nancy Zinbarg Mimoun Cindy and David Pitkoff Stephanie and Bob Sherman Ronnie and Steven Sichel Diane and Elliot Sloyer Neda Khaghan and Robert Yaghoubian Please reach out to Rabbi Cohen or Elissa Klapper ( to learn more about the program, and how you can have a tremendous impact on Agudath Sholom's present and future, without needing to donate today. Thank you!
Agudath Sholom Virtual World Especially in the virtual world, it is even more important to stay connected. To get real time updates visit our CAS FB Page at and our Young Families page We are excited to launch our Agudath Sholom on Instagram. Join here and invite your friends! |
Keilim Mikvah Is Open We are pleased that the Keilim Mikvah at Agudath Sholom is now open for public use. Please follow the following guidelines:- Leave packaging materials in car
- Wear a Mask on premises
- Enter when no one else is using the Mikvah
- Donations Suggested
If you have any questions, please contact Audrey Wagshul (, me or Rabbi Kurtz. |
- to our Teen Youth Director Tani Polansky on his engagement to Alyssa Nagar of Chicago!
- to David Bessaleli on the recent marriage of his grandson Ezra Jasper to Or-ya Buskila!
- And best wishes to Paul Berger on assuming the presidency of BCHA and his leadership team of Meredith Cohen, Dan Haron, Linda Russ, Greg Teitel and David Zizmor.
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here |
Community-Wide All-Star Yom Ha'Atzmaut Celebration Concert Thursday, April 15 - 5:30 PM Israel marks its 73rd birthday and the entire Jewish community of greater Stamford, New Canaan, Darien and Greenwich will be celebrating with a star-studded Yom Ha'Atzmaut concert featuring David Broza, Rick Recht, Joshua Nelson, Nefesh Mountain and many other incredibly talented artists. The concert is presented in partnership between the Stamford JCC, United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, New Canaan and Darien, and UJA-JCC Greenwich. Tickets are free of charge through the generous sponsorship of Eleanor and Mort Lowenthal and Beverly and David Stein.Although admission is free, registration is required in order to receive a Zoom link for the virtual concert. Register online at;; or |
Save The Date!
The Complexity of Polish-Jewish Relations: A Virtual Seminar with Dr. David Bernstein, Dean of Pardes and leader of the CAS Poland Journey. Sunday morning, April 11, 2021
Israel News Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut kick off a month of Israel at CAS! We're planning a variety of Israel-programming to give everyone the opportunity to get informed and get involved.
April 29th 7PM AIPAC -- We will be hosting a speaker from AIPAC. The discussion will cover aspects of the current situation in the Middle East and the Israel-US relationship, as well as how AIPAC supports that relationship and the many ways to get involved with AIPAC.
Early May -- We are planning seminars with StandWithUs aimed at fighting BDS on campuses. Aimed at high school juniors and seniors in our community, those already in college, we will learn about how BDS is attacking Israel and disenfranchising Jewish leaders on campus, and what we can do to fight it. We are looking |
Welcome to Agudath Sholom Thank God, many people are moving to Stamford. If you recently moved or know of someone new to town and would like to learn more about Agudath Sholom, please reach out to Rabbi Cohen, Rabbi Kurtz or our membership chair, Meg Haron at |
Congratulations to Rabbi Cohen on completing the first ever Stamford Police Department Clergy Academy with fellow Stamford Clergy! |
Making Mitzvah Moment Opportunity Meet the Challenge: Reveal Light Everywhere!
Making Mitzvah Moments and the Stamford Jewish Community are providing meals this week from Soosh, 613 and Navaratna to the National Guard and the Community Health Center volunteers administering vaccines at the Lord and Taylor parking lot.
Already the effort sparked an idea with BCHA and JCC to make thank you cards for the volunteers and offer to provide more meals in the future. There is so much that unites all of us and we can build a world of kindness one step at a time.
If you would like to support our local effort, please be in touch with Rabbi Cohen. Let's Make Mitzvah Moments everywhere! click here for a short clip of words from Rabbi Cohen and volunteers from National Guard and Community Health Center.
From Amy Taylor - Wester Region Chair of Community Health Center:"Wow- this is wonderful. Your kindness is definitely felt by my team. They LOVED the warm food today and I know the artwork by the 8th graders will be so well received and appreciated. I have shared with so many people today how kind you were in coming to visit and deliver lunch and share a blessing for the team. The Mitzvah moment was wonderful." |
Kudos to our Making Mitzvah Moments group for continuing to spread the light. Here are two letters of appreciation.
Dear Rabbi -Thank you so much for your generosity in providing lunches to the staff, volunteers, and "crew" working at the CHC L&T pkg lot Stamford site for COVID-19 vaccinations. I was completing my training as a volunteer vaccinator that day and heard the announcement that lunches were available. What a nice way to provide recognition to and thanks for the many individuals involved in this massive effort to create safety and assurance of improved health outcomes to the community.
I just wanted you to know how appreciative all of us are for your and your congregation's kindness.
From a member:
Dear Rabbi,
About three weeks ago I received my second vaccine shot and I need to thank you so much for making the process so easy for seniors like me. I answered your e-mail suggesting anyone who needing assistance should call you, which I did. You immediately put me in touch with Shira Nerenberg who, in a very short time, had me scheduled for my first shot at the Brunswick School in Greenwich. Because I did not know whether I would have a reaction and I am alone, Shira had a driver arranged to pick me up to take me. This was repeated for the second shot, too. My drivers couldn't be nicer, Stella Cohen and Judy Goldstein.
I just need to tell you how grateful I am, and so are many of my friends who are seniors, for providing us with guidance and support through this process. Thank you so very much for all you do for seniors, and keep doing, to remind them that you and Agudath Sholom are here for us. |
Shacharit | Shacharit: Sunday-Monday 8:00 AM/9:00 AM/9:00 AM, Tuesday-Friday 6:20 AM/7:30 AM | Mincha | Mincha: Sunday-Thursday 7:05 PM, Friday 7:00 PM | Candles Friday | 7:02 PM | Sunday | Pesach I | Monday | Pesach II/Omer: 1 | Tuesday | Pesach III (CH''M)/Omer: 2 | Wednesday | Pesach IV (CH''M)/Omer: 3 | Thursday | Pesach V (CH''M)/Omer: 4 | Friday | Pesach VI (CH''M)/Omer: 5 |
Contribute to Maot Chitim We are collecting funds to ensure everyone has food for Pesach.Your support is needed more than ever. Please give from the heart. We are working with Schoke Jewish Family Service to provide food and emergency assistance. Tzedakah can be donated online to our CAS Passover Fund. Thank you in advance for your generosity. |
CAS and the OU Women's Initiative present Virtual Pesach and Haggadah Preparation. To learn more, visit |
CAS Israel Advocacy Update |
Virtual ACHI/Ben Yehuda Market Even though you can't visit Israel, you can still shop and support the businesses there who are suffering from the lack of tourism. Browse through 55 Israeli merchants from many different categories. |
Take a Minute to Support Israel Supporting Israel isn't hard -- there are many things that you can do that take literally one minute. The Israel Committee now has a website built on this idea. Go to for simple things that you can do, from calling your Congressional representatives to social media posts, that take only a minute or two. Check back frequently for updates and ideas for things you can do! |
LIPS product of the week Check out our new Love Israel Products Blog (LIPS) for the latest ways to support Israel! Thank you to Lola Halperin and Aaron Goldenberg for organizing. |
- JOIN THE CHEVRA KADISHA If you are interested in viewing a training video on how to perform a tahara, please contact Michael Feldstein at at the Stamford Chevra Kadisha and he will send you a link.
- PAY IT FORWARD! As our community grows it takes even more effort to insure the warmth of our shul. You may not realize but we have a Hospitality Team who are informed of new families who moved into community. Team members are expected to invite new families to any of the following: shabbat meal, BBQ, brunch, even coffee, a get-together in the park, or a community-wide function. It means so much to new families. To join our Hospitality Team, contact membership committee chair, Jon Makovsky at
- HEALING VISITS UPDATE: Every week, we include a note about our healing visits group. As a reminder, the group consists of volunteers who give of their time to call, email or visit people in our community who are in the hospital or in recuperation. If you like to join this Mitzvah mission, please contact Rabbi Cohen at
- CAS FREE MEZUZAH CAMPAIGN IN FAIRFIELD COUNTY, CT Bringing Blessings to Jewish Homes. Do you know a neighbor or a friend who lacks a mezuzah? CAS offers a free mezuzah and home visit to post this sacred scroll at the entrance to all Jewish homes in the area. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen:
- IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING We need you to help secure our Synagogue. As you come to the building, please be aware of your surroundings. If you see something out of the ordinary, please let someone know about it. This will keep everyone safe.
- COMMUNITY CHESED HELPERS An important role of the Chesed committee is outreach to the Shul's elderly and homebound, who are often isolated and lack a lifeline to our synagogue. Volunteer to reach out and identify needs, visit, or give a ride. Even small gestures mean a great deal Interested? Vivian Weiss at 203-323-0909 or If you are aware of elderly or homebound members in need of outreach, please notify Rabbi Cohen.
Join one of the online classes from CAS or in our communityTuesday, March 30 | 5:40 AM | Mishna Brura: - Dial in: Password: MB | 7:30 AM | CAS Shacharit: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 7:30 AM | CAS Daf Yomi: - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 5:55 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Community Prayers for Healing - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 6:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Studies for the Soul - Mishna class, now studying Tractate Pesachim - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 7:05 PM | CAS Mincha/Maariv: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | Wednesday, March 31 | 5:40 AM | Mishna Brura: - Dial in: Password: MB | 7:30 AM | CAS Shacharit: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 7:30 AM | CAS Daf Yomi: - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 5:55 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Community Prayers for Healing - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 6:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Studies for the Soul - Mishna class, now studying Tractate Pesachim - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 7:05 PM | CAS Mincha/Maariv: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 PM | (Non)10: 30 Shiur - Adina Cohen TBD - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | Thursday, April 1 | 5:40 AM | Mishna Brura: - Dial in: Password: MB | 7:30 AM | CAS Shacharit: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 7:30 AM | CAS Daf Yomi: - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 9:30 AM | Rabbi Moshe Kurtz: Leaves of Faith - The Philosophy of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 5:55 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Community Prayers for Healing - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 6:00 PM | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Studies for the Soul - Mishna class, now studying Tractate Pesachim - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 7:05 PM | CAS Mincha/Maariv: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 8:00 PM | Rabbi Moshe Kurtz - The Weekly Talmud: Tractate Makkot - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | Friday, April 2 | 5:40 AM | Mishna Brura: - Dial in: Password: MB | 7:30 AM | CAS Shacharit: - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 7:30 AM | CAS Daf Yomi: - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 | 4:40 PM | Rabbi Moshe Kurtz: Community Prayers for Healing - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 4:50 PM | Rabbi Moshe Kurtz: Studies for the Soul - Mishna class, now studying Tractate Makkot - Dial in: (646) 568-7788, code: 8514043665# - Zoom password: 1234613 | 5:00 PM | CAS Shabbats Daf Yomi: - Dial in: (646) 558-8656, code: 7052940733# - Zoom password: 015824 |
We Wish A Speedy Recovery To |
- Ami bat Keren Shoshan
- Chana bat Tzivia
- Chaya Sara bat Nava
- Davida bat Rachel
- Dov ben Pnina
- Gali bat Porat
| - Hannah Devorah bat Rachel
- Keren Shoshana bat Chaya Esther
- Nechama Miriam bat Devorah
- Refael Ephraim ben Sima
- Shifra bat Devorah
| - Shoham Josef ben Nechama Miriam
- Shoshana Tova bat Leah
- Ya'acov Binyamin ben Rachel
- Yehuda ben Reise
- Zev Mordechai ben Chaya Gittel
- SAVE THE DATE for the featured speaker in the 9th Annual Saul Cohen-Schoke JFS Lecture Series on Recover, Recharge, Rejoice: Coping with the New Normal. The Three R's of a Wellness Toolkit. The lecture is open to the community at no charge and registration for the online link is at: The keynote speaker, Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar, will be speaking on Tuesday, April 27 at 7:30 pm and his talk is titled "Happiness: Leading an Inspired Life". He will address how to achieve happiness and rejoice in life when the circumstances are challenging. The series this year is co-sponsored by Federation for Jewish Philanthropy of Upper Fairfield County and the United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, New Canaan and Darien and in partnership with Jewish Book Council.
- CALLING ALL KNITTERS AND CROCHETERS! Back to School Shop provides economically disadvantaged elementary school children in Stamford with brand new school clothes and supplies each year before the start of school. We hope to serve 450 children in our event this summer. One of the popular items for the children is handmade winter hats, so if you are a knitter or a crocheter who is looking for a project, we would love to have your help! All the information about how to help can be found here.
- STAMFORD CSA Interested in an affordable way to eat delicious, locally grown fruits and vegetables this summer? Join the Stoneledge Farm CSA and sign up for weekly shares of vegetables, fruit, or mushrooms from June through November. Weekly pickup is located near Barrett Park (Newfield & Crane). Feel free to reach out to Toby Ring or Jessie Katz with any questions.
- REGISTRATION FOR THE FAIRFIELD COUNTY CT JEWISH BASEBALL LEAGUE (FCCJBL) IS NOW OPEN Boys and Girls, Pre-K through Grade 6 are invited to sign up. All games will take place in Stamford on Sunday mornings, 4/11-6/13. $100 registration fee includes uniforms and gear. Sign up info: Please reach out to Ari Goldstein at for any questions
- ONGOING COMMUNITY SUPPORT FROM SCHOKE JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE Schoke Jewish Family Service is offering weekly Zoom sessions to help community members manage the stress of the Coronavirus outbreak. Each session will be facilitated by members of the Schoke JFS Kuriansky Family Counseling Program. These webinars are open to anyone in the community. Registration is limited to twelve participants per session. To register, please click on the session you wish to attend at
- THE SCHOKE JFS FREEDBERG FAMILY KOSHER FOOD PANTRY IS OPEN AND ACCEPTING DONATIONS of perishable and non- perishable foods. Please contact Rebekah Kanefsky at or 203-921-4161 to arrange for a donation. If you would like to volunteer at the food pantry or to help deliver food to our clients, please contact Jill Knopoff at 203-921-4161 or for volunteer opportunities.
- KOSHER ALERTS The OU reminds you to always check the label before purchasing any item that needs kosher certification! And for the latest corrective actions, stay up with the latest OU KOSHER CONSUMER ALERTS & ADVISORIES...just click here
- KOSHER ADVISORY Breaking news from the OU - newly certified items! to check out the list click here