Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin |
Kedoshim | Omer: 21 | May 11, 2019 | 6 Iyyar 5779 |
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Friday | Mincha | 7:00 PM | Candle Lighting | 7:42 PM | Shabbat | Shacharit | 7:00 AM/8:00 AM/9:00 AM | Torah Before Tefillah | 7:40 AM | Coffee And Commentary | 8:45 AM | Latest Shema | 9:16 AM | Latest Shacharit | 10:27 AM | Shiur | 10:30 AM | Tot Shabbat/Mini Minyan/Jr. Cong | 10:30 AM | Daf Yomi | 6:50 PM | Code of Jewish Law | 6:50 PM | Mincha | 7:40 PM | Maariv | 8:38 PM | Shabbat Ends | 8:43 PM |
Rise Up: What We Can Do? As the nightly news began this week, I was struck how within one minute, there were headlines about a hurricane, a shooting, attacks in houses of worship, harsh divisiveness in our leadership, a scandal and much more. Moving from headline to headline, we wonder about the kind of world we are leaving for the next generation. Anxiety levels are rising. It is not a surprise that someone asked, "Is there anything each of us can do to create greater peace and understanding in the world?" As Jews, we firmly believe that we aspire to and will never tire from our mission to sanctify the world. The words at the beginning of the Torah portion were so significant that God commanded Moshe to gather the entire nation of Israel to hear the mandate "Kedoshim Tehiyu, Be Holy". No matter the environment or generation, we are called upon to make a positive difference. How can we remain hopeful and inspired to improve the world at a time when the darkness seems so strong? Here are three suggestions. - Maintain Your Perspective. Celebrate Life. A story is told about a teacher who gave his students a surprise test. Everyone received a blank paper and then he asked them to turn it over. There was a black dot in the center of the page. He said, "I want you to write what you see." The students wrote down their answers and handed in their papers. One by one the teacher read the answers out loud. Everyone focused on the dot and no one wrote about the white paper. The teacher explained, "No one wrote about the white on the paper even though it covers the majority of the space. They all focused on the dot, a small fraction of the paper. We do the same in our lives. We are so busy focused on the black spots, we forget about the reasons we have to celebrate life. The friends, family, health, love and miracles we see every day. There is much goodness around us.
- You Can Make a Difference. Remember that no encounter is random. Every act of kindness that you do will reverberate from one corner of the world. Every ripple starts with one pebble dropped into a pond. Every smile, warm greeting, word of encouragement, thank you, act of volunteering, charity reveals another light in another human being and ignites new hope and life in the world. In the immortal words of Anne Frank, "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." She lived in a much darker time and did not lose hope and neither must we.
- Fuel Your Faith. The earth is not on auto pilot but every day there is renewal and growth. It is the will of a higher power, the Divine, to refresh the world with spring following winter and flowers following the rain. It is an eternal promise. Every child is born with wonder and goodness and represents a new hope. This code embedded at birth, this innate desire to grow, live, love and create impact is the most powerful symbol of God's infinite love and our responsibly to be his partners in never retreating from our sacred mission to instill light in places of darkness and hope in places of despair.
God willing, we will stay true to our mission and renewed in our strength and merit a time of light and peace on earth speedily and in our days. Wishing you and your families a Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Daniel Cohen
We wish all mothers a Happy Mother's Day! We will offer a special prayer for fertility on Shabbat morning and are deeply grateful to Rabbi Gideon of Weitzman of Puah for his thoughts this past Shabbat. To learn more about Puah visit and/or email Rabbi Weitzman at |
New Class with Diane Cohen Themes in Megillat RutWednesday 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM May 15, 22 and 29th RSVP to Diane at |
In Case You Missed Rabbi David Aaron - Listen to the podcasts for his classes. |
Service Note Late Friday Night Minyan starts next Shabbat, May 17 at 7:54 PM |
Shabbat Topics & Participants |
Friday Night Dvar Torah | Rabbi Oran Zweiter | Torah Before Tefillah | Rabbi Oran Zweiter | Coffee and Commentary | Rabbi Daniel Cohen | Code of Jewish Law | Ari Lieberman | Library shiur | Michael Feldstein: The Strange and Unusual History of the Hatikvah Song...and the Man Who Wrote the Song | Haftorah | David Zizmor | Musaf | Omer Neumeier | Sermon | Rabbi Daniel Cohen | Torah Reader | Mark Wagshul | Daf Yomi | David Bessaleli | Seudat Shlishit | Rabbi Oran Zweiter |
Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | Emily & Zvi Dubitzky in memory of Emily's father, Edward Miller, on his yahrzeit; Lev Podelko in honor of his mother, Marina Sapir, receiving the Volunteer of the Year award at the Schoke Jewish Family Service dinner on May 19th; and Howard & Stephanie Fogel in memory of Sam Fogel | Bima Flowers | Marilyn & John Fider in memory of Marilyn's mother, Beatrice Greenspan Altman's yahrzeit | Chapel Kiddush | Glenn Karow in honor of his mother, Sybel Karow's, 21st yahrzeit | Sanctuary Kiddush | Faye Manger and Family in commemoration of the 24th yahrzeit of their beloved husband and father, Ben Manger | |
Shacharit | Shacharit: Sunday 7:15 AM/8:30 AM, Monday-Friday 6:30 AM/7:30 AM | Mincha | Mincha: Sunday-Thursday 7:50 PM, Friday 7:00 PM | Candles Friday | 7:49 PM | Sunday | Omer: 22/Mother's Day | Monday | Omer: 23 | Tuesday | Omer: 24 | Wednesday | Omer: 25 | Thursday | Omer: 26 | Friday | Omer: 27 |
- to Mark Wexler on the passing of his mother, Barbara Marcia Wexler
- to the families of 58-year-old Moshe Agadi, 49-year-old Ziad Alhamada, 67-year-old Moshe Feder and 21-year-old Pinchas Menachem Pshuzman who were killed in Israel this past week.
- to Sally Klapper on receiving a Presidential Citation (Mitztayain Nasi) granted to 120 outstanding IDF soldiers
- to Maytal & Jonathan Lerner on the birth of a baby girl
- to Rachel & Greg Waldstreicher on the birth of twin boys. Mazal Tov to grandparents Sandi & Stuart Waldstreicher and great-grandmother Audrey Waldstreicher
- to Rhonda and Judd Love on the arrival of a grandson
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here |
Transmitting Torah: For Women By Women Shabbat, May 25 - 5:30 PM Note: Date changed to May 25thGet excited for the Spring installment of CAS's Transmitting Torah: For Women by Women, a program of the OU Women's Initiative Challenge Grant. Part I: Join your friends for some shabbat afternoon learning with CAS's Yoetzet Halacha Dena Block on "Sefirat HaOmer: A time for Dating G-d--Lessons for our Own Relationships." Shiur will take place on May 25th at 5:30 pm at the home of Toby Schaffer--262 Strawberry Hill Ave.Part II: Exciting Shavuot Program for Women--Details TBA. To get involved, contact Dena at |
Two Faiths, One Heart: Partnering With Saint Bridgets Church Sunday, May 19 - 12:30 PM Please join us in the CAS social hall as we kick-off a new joint initiative with St. Bridget of Ireland Church. our Thanksgiving partnership for the homeless was a wonderful success. We will begin running a drive for specific items to benefit Jewish Family Services, the Undies Project, and the Salvation Army. Great opportunity to socialize and meet our neighbors from across the street while learning about the month-long diaper/underwear drive. Light refreshments will be served. For more info, contact Jonathan Lerner: |
CAS Israel Advocacy Commitee And Israel Bonds Join In An Evening With Gil Tamary Tuesday, June 4 - 7:30 PM WASHINGTON BUREAU CHIEF, ISRAEL'S CHANNEL 13 NEWS "Beresheet", the Israeli spacecraft to the moon. Hear Gil Tamary's first-hand experience covering an incredible story that captures Israeli spirit, innovation, courage, chutzpah and resilience |
10th Annual Womens Scholars Series Featuring Nechama Price Wednesday, May 22 - 8:00 PM The series will be a study of the four major leadership tribes - Reuven, Yehuda, Yosef and Binyamin - tracing how their personalities have been transmitted to and through their descendants. May 8, May 22, May 29 and June 5 at 8:00 pm. Men and Women Invited to Attend |
Mikvah Experience Refresh Monday, June 3 - 8:00 PM Summer is almost here- are you ready to refresh?! Join CAS's Yoetzet Halacha Dena Block for some learning and inspiration to recharge and refresh your Mikvah experience. Dena will share some words of inspiration and some FAQs regarding the laws of Taharat Hamishpacha/Jewish Family Purity at a private home. RSVP to to receive the address. |
Shavuot Speaker Sunday, June 9 We are looking forward to welcoming Rabbi Dr. Shnayer Leiman as our Scholar in Residence this Shavuot. Dr. Leiman is a world renowned scholar and engaging teacher. He is Professor Emeritus of Jewish History and Literature in the Department of Judaic Studies at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, and also teaches at the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Yeshiva University |
- MOMMY AND ME GROUP Monday, May 13 from 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM. The Mom Group is a great and easy way to form meaningful connections with other moms in your neighborhood. Join us for a weekly playdate with your little one and an opportunity to share your experiences, ask questions you need help with, gather resources, or just connect with other women.
- UPCOMING EVENT Young Families Shabbos luncheon on May 18th at CAS
- UPCOMING EVENT Young Couples Backyard Soiree!Join CAS Young Couples for a night out at the home of the Ciks on Sunday, July 14th, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM! Drinks, appetizers, socializing and more! Connect with other young CAS members, both new and longstanding. No cost but RSVP required. Address provided upon RSVP.
- HEALING VISITS MITZVAH UPDATE The healing visits team is a CAS group who visit people in the hospital, facilities or at home. It is a meaningful way to lift people's spirits and make a difference. You can offer as much time as you have for each person. Every week we send out a healing visit update. To join the team, contact Rabbi Cohen at
- CAS FREE MEZUZAH CAMPAIGN IN FAIRFIELD COUNTY, CT Bringing Blessings to Jewish Homes. Do you know a neighbor or a friend who lacks a mezuzah? CAS offers a free mezuzah and home visit to post this sacred scroll at the entrance to all Jewish homes in the area. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen:
- JOIN THE CHEVRA KADISHA We need new volunteers for the Chevra - those willing to perform a tahara. Info: Please contact Rochel Attar at
- IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING We need you to help secure our Synagogue. As you come to the building, please be aware of your surroundings. If you see something out of the ordinary, please let someone know about it. This will keep everyone safe.
- WELCOME TO OUR SYNAGOGUE PROGRAM Every Shabbat we station ushers at the doors in the sanctuary to welcome people, assist them and enhance the service. We are expanding the usher roles to include a greeter in the lobby from 9-10:30 am. Please join the usher team. We need you and your smile. Info: Mitchell Bell.
- COMMUNITY CHESED HELPERS An important role of the Chesed committee is outreach to the Shul's elderly and homebound, who are often isolated and lack a lifeline to our synagogue. Volunteer to reach out and identify needs, visit, or give a ride. Even small gestures mean a great deal Interested? Vivian Weiss at 203-323-0909 or If you are aware of elderly or homebound members in need of outreach, please notify Rabbi Cohen.
Update on Rabbi Cohen's & Rabbi Zweiter's Open Office HoursOpen Office Hours are an opportunity to drop by to see our Rabbis without an appointment. They will be available in their office for guidance or a chat. Rabbis will not schedule meetings during these hours, which will be held around the same time each week. Call the office to confirm Rabbi Cohen or Rabbi Zweiter are not attending to an urgent matter outside the synagogue. Open Office Hour Times for this Week Rabbi Daniel Cohen - Friday, May 17, 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM at Starbucks, 2139 Summer St, Stamford, CT 06904
Rabbi Oran Zweiter - Tuesday, May 14, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM at CAS
- Wednesday, May 15, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM at CAS
- Thursday, May 16, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM at CAS
Week of May 12 | Sunday | Rabbi Oran Zweiter: Bible from the Beginning - 9:15 AM | Monday | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: The Depth of Genesis - 8:15 AM | | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Tractate Bava Kama - 9:15 AM | | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Parsha Perspectives and Paradigms - 12:00 PM | Wednesday | Rabbi Oran Zweiter: Weekly Haftorah - 9:30 AM | | Diane Cohen: Themes in Megillat Rut - 10:15 AM | Thursday | Rabbi Oran Zweiter: Rabbi Soloveitchik's work, Halakhic Man - 9:15 AM | | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Tractate Taanit - 8:15 PM |
Heritage Trip to Poland this Summer - Deadline Extended There are still spots available for the Poland trip this summer. |
Shabbat | Sanctuary | Chapel | Library | Teen |
May 18 | Sanctuary: sponsored | Chapel: sponsored | Library: sponsored | Teen: open | May 25 | Sanctuary: open | Chapel: sponsored | Library: sponsored | Teen: | Jun 1 | Sanctuary: sponsored | Chapel: sponsored | Library: sponsored | Teen: | Jun 8 | Sanctuary: open | Chapel: sponsored | Library: sponsored | Teen: | Jun 15 | Sanctuary: open | Chapel: open | Library: sponsored | Teen: open |
- HONOR CAS MEMBERS AT AN EVENING WITH SCHOKE JFS The Elayne and James Schoke Jewish Family Service will hold its annual gala, An Evening with Schoke JFS, on Sunday, May 19th at 6:00 pm at The Italian Center in Stamford. The recipient of the 40th Annual Mitzvah Award is Meryl Japha and the newly inaugurated 1st Volunteer of the Year Award will be awarded to Marina Sapir, a member of Congregation Agudath Sholom . The 13th Young Leadership Award recipients will be Lauren and Joe Zalis, members of CAS.
- 3 RABBIS & A CIK ARE BACK AT 613! Join us this Wednesday, May 8th, at 9pm, for a live performance by Three Rabbis & a Cik. Full Menu Available. Reservations accepted.
- GENERATIONS is an intergenerational music class, run by Music Together, that brings children and seniors together to form a "music community." The class is intended to bridge the gap between generations through the shared experience of music. This Spring, a Generations class will be offered at the Atria-Stamford (Wednesdays May 1st through June 12th, 4-4:45). Parents are invited to register children at If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Shari Levine at sharikel@gmail.comSent from my iPad
- THINKING ABOUT A BRIDGE PROGRAM FOR YOUR PRESCHOOLER? Join Carmel Academy for our upcoming Transitional Kindergarten Welcome Wednesdays on April 17 or May 22. This is a wonderful opportunity for prospective parents to meet our teachers, see our educational philosophy in action, and learn more about Carmel Academy's Transitional Kindergarten program. Our TK program is designed to bridge the year between preschool and kindergarten, providing students with a strong foundation for success in elementary school and beyond. Registration is required. Please contact Ella Shteingart at 203-983-3503 or register at
- JEWISH NATIONAL FUND invites you to celebrate Israel and have a great time at the Third Annual Positively Israel Reception featuring comedian Joel Chasnoff, May 15th, Temple Israel Center, White Plains, NY, 7:30pm. General tickets: $36, sponsorship and VIP levels available, RSVP to or email
- THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF FAIRFIELD COUNTY ART PROJECTION SPECIAL EVENT JHS invites the Stamford Community to "The Family Store: Downtown Stamford 1940-1965" Outside on the exterior wall of Macy's. Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 8:15 PM (rain date: May 16th). Greyrock Place near Broad St. with parking at the mall or Bedford St. Garage - Bring your own chairs. For more information, call 203-359-2196.
- FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE WALK Walk with your feet and help with your heart! Join the Friendship Circle and the entire community for the Friendship Day & Walk, happening on May 19th at the Westhill High School in Stamford. Come for a free family fun day as we walk hand in hand in support of children with special needs and their families. There will be entertainment, a carnival, and delicious food. You can donate to this wonderful cause and register by going to
- THE JOEL AND LOIS COLEMAN LECTURE SERIES: "Sex, Drugs & Rock N' Roll - How the Baby Boomer Generation Will Disrupt Senior Living"Wednesday, May 15, 2019at Jewish Senior Services, Bennett Hall4200 Park Avenue, Bridgeport, CTDaniel Reingold has been President and CEO of RiverSpring Health since 1990 which is a leading non-profit senior care organization that includes the renowned Hebrew Home of Riverdale. Mr. Reingold and his team opened the Weinberg Center for Elder Abuse Prevention, the nation's first elder abuse shelter, in 2005. Mr. Reingold has testified multiple times before the U.S. Senate Special committee on Aging and attended the 2015 White House Conference on Aging. In 2018, Mr. Reingold received the highest recognition in the field of non-profit long term senior care with the LeadingAge Award of Honor. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Kim Gintoli at 203-365-6463 or
- WIJR LECTURE SERIES Shuli Taubes, a faculty member in the Judaic Studies Department at SAR High School, will present "I Firmly Believe in the Coming of the Messiahs: Who is the Messiah Son of Joseph?" on Tuesday, May 14 at 8:15 pm at Young Israel of New Rochelle, 1149 North Avenue, New Rochelle. The lecture, sponsored by the Women's Initiative for Jewish Studies, is free and open to women and men. Ms. Taubes received her Master of Divinity (MDiv) from Harvard Divinity School and her BA in history from Barnard College. She lectures in synagogues and adult education programs throughout North America.Please note that this presentation concludes the WIJS lecture series for 2018-19. Please watch for information about the WIJS 2019-20 series by visiting or emailing us at for more information or to be added to the mailing list. Sponsorships for future lectures are available!
- THE FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE YOUNG COUPLES EVENT Tuesday, May 28 at 8pm @ The Perl Residence. Find out more about The Friendship Circle and how your family can get involved! RSVP with Malya ( or Alisa ( Address will be sent following RSVP. Chaired by: Shari & Ari Levine, Miriam & Josh Sperber, Alisa & Jeremy Weisser
- CHEVRA KADISHA TRAINING SESSION Interested in learning about how a tahara is performed? Looking to possibly volunteer for the Chevra Kadisha? Rabbi Elchonon Zohn will be at Congregation Agudath Sholom for a training session on Sunday morning, May 19th, between 9AM-12 noon. Sponsored by the Stamford Chevra Kadisha. Suitable for new volunteers, and also as a refresher course for existing Chevra members. Light breakfast will be served. RSVP to
- WHITEWATER RAFTING TRIP 2019 Join us on Sunday, June 23rd, 2019 to do some whitewater rafting down the Lehigh River in class II and III rapids. We will be leaving Stamford (carpooling) at approximately 6 AM and returning around 7 PM (approximately 5 hrs in the river. If you are interested in joining, please fill out the following form: by Wednesday, May 15th, 2019. Cost of the trip will be approximately $70. Lunch and transportation are not included. We go rain or shine. Children over the age of 10 are welcome to come. Any questions, please email Eric Sigman at
- DO A MITZVAH! CONSIDER SUPPORTING THE JFS KOSHER FOOD PANTRY by purchasing Mitzvah Baskets and/or Mitzvah Centerpieces instead of flowers for your next simcha at CAS. Distributions from the JFS Kosher Food Pantry have increased by more than 1000 since the recession. With this tremendous upsurge in use, JFS is constantly challenged to keep the food pantry full. Your generosity enables JFS to help those in our community in their greatest moments of need.
We Wish A Speedy Recovery To |
- Batya bat Frida
- Chaim ben Rosa
- Chaya Bluma Tziporra bat Dinah Leah
- Daniel Natan ben Sara Leah
- Davida bat Rachel
- Dov ben Pnina
| - Eliezer ben Chana
- Karen bat Peggy
- Mattityahu ben Chana Deborah
- Miriam bat Helen
- Refael Ephraim ben Sima
- Tamar bat Yocheved
| - Tziviah bat Yitta
- Yerachmiel Shemaya ben Devorah Elka
- Zev Mordechai ben Chaya Gittel
- Zinovi ben Riva
CAS Israel Advocacy Update |
Take a Minute to Support Israel Supporting Israel isn't hard -- there are many things that you can do that take literally one minute. The Israel Committee now has a website built on this idea. Go to for simple things that you can do, from calling your Congressional representatives to social media posts, that take only a minute or two. Check back frequently for updates and ideas for things you can do! |
LIPS product of the week Check out our new Love Israel Products Blog (LIPS) for the latest ways to support Israel! Thank you to Lola Halperin and Aaron Goldenberg for organizing. |
- KOSHER ALERTS The OU reminds you to always check the label before purchasing any item that needs kosher certification! And for the latest corrective actions, stay up with the latest OU KOSHER CONSUMER ALERTS & ADVISORIES...just click here
- KOSHER ADVISORY Breaking news from the OU - newly certified items! to check out the list click here
Join the Siyum Celebration Initiative Torah is the Pause that Refreshes! A Project of Congregation Agudath Sholom Complete Tractate Brachot (Blessings) in Mishna or Talmud this year and celebrate on Shavuot, June 9-10, 2019 Each Shabbat in shul, we will highlight two mishnayot and two folios of the Talmud. Study at home, in shul, on your own, or with a friend. To learn more about the Talmud, download for free Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, The Essential Talmud The Calendar of Goals (below) will be updated monthly. For questions and more info, contact Rabbi Daniel Cohen at or Rabbi Oran Zweiter at |