Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin |
Emor | Omer: 35 | May 5, 2018 | 20 Iyyar 5778 |
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Friday | Mincha | 7:00 PM | Candle Lighting | 7:36 PM | Shabbat | Shacharit | 7:00 AM/8:00 AM/9:00 AM | Torah Before Tefillah | 7:40 AM | Coffee And Commentary | 8:45 AM | Latest Shema | 9:19 AM | Teen Minyan | 9:30 AM | Shiur | 10:30 AM | Latest Shacharit | 10:30 AM | Tot Shabbat Mini Minyan Jr. Cong | 10:30 AM | Daf Yomi | 6:40 PM | Code of Jewish Law | 6:40 PM | Mincha | 7:30 PM | Maariv | 8:32 PM | Shabbat Ends | 8:37 PM | Havdalah | 8:37 PM |
Lighting the Next Generation The Parsha of Emor begins with God instructing the Kohanim about the guidelines for their service and life. The Torah states, God said to Moshe, 'Speak to the Kohanim and say to them.'" Every word in the Torah is invaluable and the commentators wonder why the repetition of speaking and saying to the Kohanim - Emor and VeAmarta. Rashi answers this question by explaining that the additional words are intended to exhort the Kohanim to not only observe the laws themselves, but teach them to their children. Kohanim must educate the next generation. However, the Hasidic masters offer a variant interpretation of Rashi. The word Rashi uses for warn Lehazhir, can also mean to light up - Zohar. Rashi is teaching a profound lesson. Parents and educators possess two ways to influence their children and students. They can warn them what is forbidden to do, but they must also inspire them through warmth and enthusiasm to see the beauty of Torah and a Jewish way of life. The Midrash amplifies this idea by explaining two ways to convey knowledge. One way is compared to pouring wine into a goblet, a process of transferring information. The second way is to cause the goblet to overflow and influence its environment. As adults, our progeny will catch our enthusiasm and learn more from what we do than from what we say. Our role is not to impose our will but ideally to expose the next generation to our love of Judaism and serve as role models so they too catch the fire. This week, I had the privilege of spending time with an outstanding Israeli Torah scholar, Rabbi Yosef Rimon, who is a prolific author, Rav, mensch. We discovered that we are both thank God father of all daughters and struck up a friendship as I drove him around town to help him find some gifts for his children. He was in Stamford as part of the annual RCA conference. His goal is to inspire the next generation and his creative, comprehensive and compelling pedagogic resources are used worldwide including in our home town. May we be motivated to ignite the next generation though the power of our devotion and joy in leading a Torah way of life. Wishing you and your families a Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Daniel Cohen
- Dudes, Daughters & Donuts is on this Sunday 9:15 AM
- Sunday, May 12th 8:30 AM - Celebrate Yom Yerushalyim, commemorating the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967 and the Miracle of the Six Day War, next Sunday, May 12th with a Musical Hallel at our 8:30 AM minyan at the Shul. We will not only sing the Hallel but be accompanied by the added ruach and spirit of musical instruments. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen at!
Join us for Shavuot We will welcome Scholars In Residence Rabbi Noam and Shiffy Friedman the OU - JLIC (Seif Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus) Couple at Columbia/Barnard. View our complete Shavuot Schedule |
Shavuot Sponsorship Opportunity Consider sponsoring one of our shiurim, lectures, on Shavuot in memory or in honor of a loved one. For more information, contact Rabbi Cohen at |
A Very Warm Message from our Scholar in Residence last week - Rabbi Mark Wildes (Founder and Director or the Manhattan Jewish Experience Nachas!! Just returned from Scholar in Residence gig in Stamford, Connecticut where 7 MJE graduates/alum are now living with their beautiful families - observing Shabbat, sending their children to Jewish Day School and active in the local Congregation Agudath Shalom. Special thanks to Dan/Deb Faizakoff for hosting us for Shabbat and to my colleague Rabbi Daniel Cohen (brother of MJE Downtown Director Rabbi Ezra Cohen!) for inviting us and for building a truly warm and vibrant Jewish community! |
Shabbat Topics & Participants |
Torah before Tefillah | Rabbi Oran Zweiter | Coffee & Commentary | Rabbi Daniel Cohen | 10:30 shiur | Rabbi Yehuda Jeiger: Parenting 101: Advice From The Torah | Shacharit/Musaf | Chazan Rafael Bokow | Sermon | Rabbi Daniel Cohen | Torah Reader | Jay Jubas | Daf Yomi | Mark Wagshul | Seudat Shlishit | Rabbi Oran Zweiter: Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai- A Brief Biographical Sketch |
Shacharit | Shacharit: Sunday 7:15 AM/8:30 AM, Monday-Friday 6:30 AM/7:30 AM | Mincha | Mincha: Sunday-Thursday 7:45 PM, Friday 7:00 PM | Late Maariv | Monday-Thursday: The Learning Center, 1766 Bedford Street, 8:45 PM | Candles Friday | 7:43 PM | Sunday | Omer: 36 | Monday | Omer: 37 | Tuesday | Omer: 38 | Wednesday | Omer: 39 | Thursday | Omer: 40 | Friday | Omer: 41 |
- to Daniella & Mitchel Balsam on the birth of their son, Dylan Wesley
- to BCDS and their honorees on their gala annual dinner this Sunday
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here |
Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | Howard & Stephanie Fogel in memory of Sam Fogel | Library Kiddush | Rochel and Hecky Attar in honor of Meir's 10th Bar Mitzvah anniversary | Chapel Kiddush | Hyman Schaffer in honor of the yahrzeits of his parents Sadie & Philip Schaffer | Teen Kiddush | The Karsch Family in celebration of Gilad's birthday | Sanctuary Kiddush | Marc and Shira Nerenberg in gratitude for all Chesed does for the community |
Shabbat | Sanctuary | Chapel | Library | Teen |
May 12 | Sanctuary: sponsored | Chapel: sponsored | Library: sponsored | Teen: sponsored | May 19 | Sanctuary: open | Chapel: sponsored | Library: sponsored | Teen: open | May 26 | Sanctuary: sponsored | Chapel: sponsored | Library: sponsored | Teen: | Jun 2 | Sanctuary: sponsored | Chapel: sponsored | Library: sponsored | Teen: | Jun 9 | Sanctuary: open | Chapel: open | Library: sponsored | Teen: open |
Halacha of the Week from Rabbi Daniel Cohen Kosher Symbols I often receive questions about Kosher Symbols and their reliability on food products Thank God, over the years Kashrut agencies and symbols are increasing as is the availability of kosher food. It is important to remember that a K alone and other supervisions on a food does not guarantee its reliability and recommendation. It is not uncommon for me to receive a What's App or Text from someone in the supermarket with a picture of a symbol. The clergy are here for guidance and happy to answer any questions. The Vaad of Fairfield County provides a list of recommended supervisions. If you would like a copy, please visit the office or send Rabbi Zweiter or myself an email and we will send to you the list. |
- YOUNG FAMILIES/COUPLES ONEG IN THE SHABBOS PARK Shabbat, June 2. Come join us in the park on Shabbat (weather permitting) at 4 pm for an oneg. Please bring a parve snack, drink or dessert to share!
- YOUNG FAMILIES/COUPLES POTLUCK LUNCH Shabbat, May 12, 1 PM, We are looking for families and couples to host the potluck and provide the main dish, drinks, and challah, and then guests will fill in with side dishes and desserts as requested by the host. Join us for this great way to get to know people in the CAS community!
- SAVE THE DATES: Sunday, June 10th, Young Couples Night Out! and Tuesday, June 26th, Ladies Night Out!
Update on Rabbi Cohen's & Rabbi Zweiter's Open Office Hours Open Office Hours are an opportunity to drop by to see our Rabbis without an appointment. They will be available in their office for guidance or a chat. Rabbis will not schedule meetings during these hours, which will be held around the same time each week. Call the office to confirm Rabbi Cohen or Rabbi Zweiter are not attending to an urgent matter outside the synagogue. Open Office Hour Times for this Week Rabbi Daniel Cohen - Monday, May 7, 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM at CAS
- Tuesday, May 8, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM at CAS
- Friday, May 11, 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM at Starbucks, 2139 Summer St, Stamford, CT 06904
Rabbi Oran Zweiter - Monday, May 7, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM at CAS
- Tuesday, May 8, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM at CAS
- Wednesday, May 9, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM at CAS
Week of May 6 | Sunday | Rabbi Oran Zweiter: Bible from the Beginning - 9:15 AM | Monday | Rabbi Oran Zweiter: Rabbi Soloveitchik's work, Kol Dodi Dofek - 9:15 AM | | Bob Abrams: The Tanach Club - The Book of Ruth - 10:15 AM | Tuesday | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Book of Ezra - Power of the Prophets - 8:15 AM | | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Depths of Genesis - 9:00 AM | | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Parsha Perspectives - 12:00 PM | Wednesday | Rabbi Oran Zweiter: Weekly Haftorah - 9:30 AM | Thursday | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Tractate Taanit - 8:00 PM | Friday | Rabbi Daniel Cohen: The Pre-Shabbos Torah Taste - 8:15 AM |
- SAVE THE DATE Tuesday night, June 19 for our CAS Annual Meeting and Presentation of the George and Ziporah Freedberg Excellence in Spirit Award and Hineni Awards
- JOIN US for a Garden Prep Day this week! Thursday 5/10, at 5:30 PM
- TORAH BOOK SWAP Have Jewish books, sefarim you are not using and would like a new home for them? Maybe you are looking for some new books? Drop by the shul next week and peruse and take a few new books or leave some of yours on the tables in the lobby. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen at
- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Do you have a green thumb, enjoy gardening and doing a mitzvah? We are getting ready to launch our CAS Harvest Now Garden. Here is more info The produce is given to the homeless. We are looking for a lead volunteers to help this year. As always we are grateful to Jim Benjamin for his insight and leadership! Secondly, May is Agudath Sholom month to deliver Shabbat Shalom hospital packages delivered on Fridays at Stamford Hospital. We are grateful to Gloria Green and Phyllis Shapiro for their leadership over the years and we are looking for two people to lead this important effort. These are two very special mitzvot and opportunities. If you have an interest, please contact Rabbi Cohen at your earliest convenience.
- JOIN OUR HOSPITALITY TEAM When someone new moves to town, we inform our hospitality team, who are thrilled to welcome them for a Shabbat meal. If you would like to be part of our hospitality team who are committed to hosting five new families a year, please contact Rabbi Cohen ( or our membership chair, Rachel Kaimowitz ( If you would like to be involved in welcoming people in alternative ways to shabbat hosting, we also have people who meet new members for coffee in the week, deliver welcome packs, or phone them to check how they're settling in. If this is something you might like to get involved in, we'd also love to hear from you!
- HEALING VISITS MITZVAH UPDATE The healing visits team is a CAS group who visit people in the hospital, facilities or at home. It is a meaningful way to lift people's spirits and make a difference. You can offer as much time as you have for each person. Every week we send out a healing visit update. To join the team, contact Rabbi Cohen at
- CAS FREE MEZUZAH CAMPAIGN IN FAIRFIELD COUNTY, CT Bringing Blessings to Jewish Homes. Do you know a neighbor or a friend who lacks a mezuzah? CAS offers a free mezuzah and home visit to post this sacred scroll at the entrance to all Jewish homes in the area. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen:
- JOIN THE CHEVRA KADISHA We need new volunteers for the Chevra - those willing to perform a tahara. Info: Please contact Rochel Attar at
- IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING We need you to help secure our Synagogue. As you come to the building, please be aware of your surroundings. If you see something out of the ordinary, please let someone know about it. This will keep everyone safe.
- WELCOME TO OUR SYNAGOGUE PROGRAM Every Shabbat we station ushers at the doors in the sanctuary to welcome people, assist them and enhance the service. We are expanding the usher roles to include a greeter in the lobby from 9-10:30 am. Please join the usher team. We need you and your smile. Info: Mitchell Bell.
- COMMUNITY CHESED HELPERS An important role of the Chesed committee is outreach to the Shul's elderly and homebound, who are often isolated and lack a lifeline to our synagogue. Volunteer to reach out and identify needs, visit, or give a ride. Even small gestures mean a great deal Interested? Vivian Weiss at 203-323-0909 or If you are aware of elderly or homebound members in need of outreach, please notify Rabbi Cohen.
- WE WANT YOU FOR BINGO! Players AND volunteers needed. Join in on the fun we have every MONDAY at 6:00 PM
SYLVIA'S CAS SISTERHOOD GIFT SHOP Open on Thursday 10 AM - 12 NOON Wedding Gifts, Engagement Gifts, House Gifts, Mother's Day Gifts, Jewelry We need volunteers! Please call Julie at (203) 321-6460 or Anne at (203) 321-5072 | |
- ARE YOU CELEBRATING A GRADUATION? SOOSH IS THE PLACE TO EAT! The entire Month of May Soosh is celebrating Graduates - any level! Graduates enjoy a complimentary exquisite roll when the table purchases a minimum of $75 (excluding taxes and gratuity). Dine in only! May we suggest the Chef's special Graduate Roll - available for a limited time only! See you @Soosh!
- ISRAEL CANCER RESEARCH FUND HONORS: ANNE PESKIN, BARBARA NOVAK & EILEEN ROSNER at Women of Distinction evening for their Lifetime Community Work & Chesed. Wednesday, May 16 at 6:00 - 8:30 pm at the Carousel, Mill River Park, 35 W. Broad Street, Stamford. Recognition, Dinner & Speaker, Dr. Harriet Kluger, Professor of Medicine, Yale University. Kashrut laws observed. Reservations $118/Journal Opportunities: Roz Mangot 203 322-6069 or David Kweskin 203 321-1006 or ICRF, a US non-profit, is the largest source of private funds for cancer research in Israel. Deadline May 7
- BCDS CELEBRATION DINNER Sunday, May 6 5:30 P.M. Hilton Stamford Hotel. BUFFET DINNER ~ DANCING ~ DESSERT HONORING Linda & Leonard Russ, Guests of Honor; Larry Rezak, Community Service Award; Craig L. Price, Young Leadership Award; Dr. Pamela Schaffer Singer, Alumni Award; Pia Walker, Jane Shoztic Memorial Award. RSVP:
- CALLING ALL TALENTED STUDENTS! Great news! The John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth summer program is coming to the Bi-Cultural campus in the summer of 2019! The Center for Talented Youth (CTY) specializes in recognizing and developing students' academic talents - which is what makes it a perfect fit for Bi-Cultural, a nationally-recognized Blue Ribbon School of Excellence. CTY's summer program offers bright students an opportunity to engage in challenging academic work in the company of their peers. Find out more at an information session to be held at Bi-Cultural on Wednesday, May 9 at 7 p.m. Please rsvp here: For information: Jessica Leiter,
- JEWISH NATIONAL FUND AND TEMPLE ISRAEL CENTER INVITE YOU TO THE ANNUAL POSITIVELY ISRAEL RECEPTION May 31st. Featuring Bret Stephens: Israel at 70: What Does the Future Hold for Israel and the Middle East? Temple Israel Center, 280 Old Mamaroneck Rd., White Plains. 7:30pm Community-wide Dessert and Wine Reception, couvert $36; 6:15pm VIP Dinner for donors of $1,800+ to JNF's 2018 Campaign ($500+ for young families). Event co-chairs Lissy & Ben Carr, Jessica & Andrew Levinson, Jonathan & Linda Flaxner. RSVP by May 29 at For more information: Stephanie Rise Balkin, Director, Westchester & Southern Connecticut,, 212-879-9300, ext 510.
- ANNOUNCING THE 4TH ANNUAL BACK TO SCHOOL SHOP EVENT ON JULY 29! Can you help? Back to School Shop provides economically disadvantaged elementary school children in Stamford with the opportunity to shop for brand new clothes, backpacks and school supplies for free, in a one day event. We served nearly 250 children in our event last summer and hope to increase the number to at least 275 this year! Can you volunteer for a 4 hour shift at our event? To volunteer, or for more information please visit
- JOIN UJF JUNE 20-21 ON OUR MISSION TO WASHINGTON, D.C.! Learn about the Jewish Federations of North America's advocacy agenda and then bring it to the Hill to share your views with our representatives, hear from policy experts and policy makers, and tour the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Early bird pricing ends 4/24 - register now at!
- NEW JEWISH SENIOR SERVICES HOSPICE VOLUNTEER TRAINING DATES Chaifetz Family Hospice will be holding a 2-Day Hospice Training for people interested in giving their time and compassion to JSS clients in Fairfield County. Training will be held at Jewish Senior Services, 4200 Park Avenue, Bridgeport, CT on Sunday June 3rd from 9am-5:00pm, Wednesday June 6th from 4:30-8:30, and Thursday June 7th from 4:30-8:30. Training materials and meals will be provided free of charge. If you would like to sign up or to learn more about hospice training, please contact Ellen Ashkins at (203) 365-6417 or by email at
- DO A MITZVAH! CONSIDER SUPPORTING THE JFS KOSHER FOOD PANTRY by purchasing Mitzvah Baskets and/or Mitzvah Centerpieces instead of flowers for your next simcha at CAS. Distributions from the JFS Kosher Food Pantry have increased by more than 1000 since the recession. With this tremendous upsurge in use, JFS is constantly challenged to keep the food pantry full. Your generosity enables JFS to help those in our community in their greatest moments of need.
- BRAIN FITNESS GROUP - Monday, June 11th, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM at the Stamford JCC, 1035 Newfield Avenue Want to stimulate your brain power? The session will focus on attention skills with practical support to help reach personal brain fitness goals. Advance registration suggested. Light refreshments will be served. JCC Members: $8 per session. Open to the community at $10 per session. Optional lunch following the session $9 (under 60), $4 suggested (over 60). To register, contact Connie Cirillo Freeman at 203-487-0983 or email For additional information, contact Dr. Toby Lazarus, Schoke JFS Brain Fitness Program Coordinator at 203-921-4161 or
- EMPLOYMENT LIFE TRANSITIONS SUPPORT GROUP , Tuesdays, 1st and 3rd of every month beginning June 5th at Stamford office of Schoke JFS. Looking for emotional support while searching for employment? Need practical help during the job search? Join the support group, facilitated by Lois Meyer, LMSW, Schoke JFS Case Manager, to help you through this transition. No cost. For registration, please contact Lois Meyer at 203-921-4161 or email
- DISRUPT AGING IN YOUR COMMUNITY Wednesday, June 6th, 7:00pm - 8:30 pm Schoke JFS, the Stamford JCC and AARP Connecticut are partnering to present a 90-minute program entitled, Disrupt Aging in your Community, which is designed to bridge the gap between generations. An interactive session focuses on aging from an intergenerational perspective, offering thought-provoking discussion and activities. To reserve a spot, please sign up at or call 1-877-926-8300. If you have any questions about the program, contact Isrella Knopf, Director of Senior Services, at or 203-921-4161.
- LET'S TALK Seniors talk about common interests and concerns, facilitated by a Schoke Jewish Family Service counselor. Thursdays, Beginning March 15, every other week, 10:30 AM, Free at Jewish Senior Services, 4200 Park Avenue, Bridgeport Contact Rebekah Kanefsky, at 302-921-4161 or email at Tuesdays, 11 :00 AM, Free at the Stamford JCC, 1035 Newfield Avenue, Contact Sheila Duggan at 203-921-4161 or
- SCHOKE JFS SPOUSAL BEREAVEMENT GROUP Gather to share feelings and exchange ideas in a non-judgmental environment that provides emotional, practical, and spiritual support for grieving the loss of a spouse or significant other. Contact Amanda Geffner, Schoke JFS Therapist at 203-921-4161 or Fridays at 10:30 AM, beginning September 8th at Stamford JCC, 1035 Newfield Road, Stamford
- 24TH ANNUAL JCC GOLF AND TENNIS OUTING JUNE 4, EVENTS START 9 AM A fantastic day of golf and tennis held at Rockrimmon Country Club. Includes lunch, cocktail hour and awards party. Outing benefits JumpStart at the Jewish Community Center. Play a round FORE THE KIDS! Sponsorships & Tickets are available. To register or for more information visit www.stamfordjcc or contact Shannon Jacobs at 203.487.0965 or
- SENIOR ADULT FATHER'S DAY LUNCHEON JUN. 14 11 AM - 1 PM 11 am. Entertainment 12 pm Lunch. To celebrate and honor all fathers, join us for live entertainment by James Michael. Reservations required by Thursday, Jun. 7. $4 suggested donation. For more information, visit or contact Connie Freeman at 203-487-0983 or
- 9TH ANNUAL JCC YOUTH TRIATHLON JUNE 17, 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM Swimming Cycling Running. Fun, Fitness, and Personal Challenges for Ages 4 to 16!. Check-in: 7 am Race: 8 - 11 am Through the fast-growing sport of triathlon, children are given the opportunity to be fit and active, build strong friendships, and, most importantly, reach their potential and have fun! For more information visit or contact Mo Concepcion at 203.487.0971 or
- INDEPENDENCE DAY BARBECUE LUNCHEON JUNE 28, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM ENTERTAINMENT 12 P.M. LUNCH To celebrate Independence Day, join us for live entertainment and lunch. Reservations required by Thursday, Jun. 21. $4 suggested donation For more information, visit or contact Connie Freeman at 203-487-0983 or
We Wish A Speedy Recovery To |
- Aryeh Chaim ben Chaya Sara
- Avraham ben Batya
- David Yaakov ben Riesel
- Dov ben Pnina
- Eliezer Yitzhak Dovid ben Miriam Rivkah
- Esther Shoshana bat Yeta Chava
| - Gil Shlomo ben Ruth Rivkah
- Ian ben Sarah
- Ida bat Rivka
- Meshaberah Zinovi ben Riveka
- Michel Leib ben Rachel Leah
- Moshe ben Sasi v'Nadia
| - Perel Shaindel bat Fridel
- Refael Ephraim ben Sima
- Sara Rivka bat Esther Blema
- Yaakov ben Chaya
- Yitchak Meir ben Rochel
- Zev Mordechai ben Chaya Gittel
CAS Israel Advocacy Update |
Take a Minute to Support Israel Supporting Israel isn't hard -- there are many things that you can do that take literally one minute. The Israel Committee now has a website built on this idea. Go to for simple things that you can do, from calling your Congressional representatives to social media posts, that take only a minute or two. Check back frequently for updates and ideas for things you can do! |
LIPS product of the week Check out our new Love Israel Products Blog (LIPS) for the latest ways to support Israel! Thank you to Lola Halperin and Aaron Goldenberg for organizing. |
- KOSHER ALERTS The OU reminds you to always check the label before purchasing any item that needs kosher certification! And for the latest corrective actions, stay up with the latest OU KOSHER CONSUMER ALERTS & ADVISORIES...just click here
- KOSHER ADVISORY Breaking news from the OU - newly certified items! to check out the list click here