Schedule | Friday | Mincha | 1:40 PM 7:04 PM | Candle Lighting | 6:59 PM | Earliest Time to start Seder | 7:58 PM | Shabbat | Shacharit | 8:00 AM 9:00 AM | Latest Shema | 9:49 AM | Shiur | 10:30 AM | Tot Shabbat Mini Minyan Jr. Cong | 10:30 AM | Latest Shacharit | 10:52 AM | Daf Yomi | 6:15 PM | Code of Jewish Law | 6:15 PM | Mincha | 7:05 PM | Candles Not Before | 7:59 PM | Earliest Time to start Seder | 7:59 PM |
Shabbat Shalom Five Quotes and Five Questions for Pesach As we get ready for Pesach and think about its meaning and message, I want to share five quotes and five questions about the holiday which can serve as triggers for conversation at your seder table. Wishing you and your families a joyous holiday and Chag Kasher VeSameach! Rabbi Daniel Cohen Five Quotes "The point of cleaning for Pesach is to remember that we are leaving Egypt, leaving the things that constrict us spiritually." - Rabbi Shimon Raichik "The message of Passover remains as powerful as ever. Freedom is won not on the battlefield but in the classroom and the home. Teach your children the history of freedom if you want them never to lose it." -- Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks "Pesach is not only about "freedom from." It is about our having the freedom to make the world a more sacred place by expanding God's presence in it." - Rabbi David A. Teutsch "This is true freedom: Our ability to shape reality. We have the power to initiate, create and change reality rather than only react and survive it. How can we all educate our children to true freedom? Teach them not to look at reality as defining their acts but to look at their acts as defining reality." - Yaacov Cohen "Freedom is within our grasp, and Pesach reminds us that we need to reach." -- Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson Five Questions - Boil vs. Roast - Are you a Jewish American or American Jew?
- Would it really have been Dayenu, enough if we were stranded at the sea?
- What is one of your most unforgettable seder memories and why?
- Why is there no blessing recited for the mitzvah of retelling the story?
- When have you experienced the hand of God in your life?
To learn more, listen to my Pesach Podcasts Second Night Reminder Although the seder may technically begin at 7:59 PM on Saturday night, practically it will start later as all preparations for the seder such as setting the table, heating up food etc. can only begin at 7:59 PM. |
CAS has a NO NUTS policy for all food served to our Congregation! If you are working with a caterer to plan a kiddush please make sure to let them know that none of the food can contain nuts (or peanuts) of any kind. Please feel free to reach out to Matt Feinberg in the office with any questions. |
Friday, March 30 Erev Pesach Last time to eat chametz 10:52 AM Communal burning at CAS 11:00 AM Last time to annul & burn chametz 11:55 AM Early Mincha 1:40 PM Candle Lighting 6:59 PM Mincha 7:04 PM Earliest time to start seder 7:58 PM Shabbat, March 31 Pesach Shacharit 8:00 AM/9:00 AM Mincha 7:05 PM Candles not before 7:59 PM Earliest time to start seder 7:59 PM Sunday, April 1 Passover Day 2, Omer 1 Shacharit 8:00 AM/9:00 AM Mincha 7:10 PM Yom Tov Ends 8:00 PM Monday, April 2 Passover Day 3, Omer 2 Shacharit 6:20 AM/7:30 AM Rabbi Cohen - Open Office Hours 8:30 AM Mincha 7:10 PM Tuesday, April 3 Passover Day 4, Omer 3 Shacharit 6:20 AM/7:30 AM Toddler Time Playgroup 3:30 PM Mincha 7:10 PM Wednesday, April 4 Passover Day 5, Omer 4 Shacharit 6:20 AM/7:30 AM Mincha 7:10 PM Thursday, April 5 Passover Day 6, Omer 5 Shacharit 6:20 AM/7:30 AM Candle Lighting 7:05 PM Mincha 7:10 PM Friday, April 6 Passover Day 7, Omer 6 Shacharit 8:00 AM/8:45 AM Mincha 7:00 PM Candles 7:06 PM Shabbat, April 7 Passover Day 8, Omer 7 Shacharit 7:45 AM/8:45 AM Yizkor (Sanctuary) 10:15 AM Mincha 7:05 PM Neilat Ha Chag 7:25 PM Yom Tov Ends 8:08 PM Havdalah 8:08 PM Earliest time to eat Chametz (if sold through CAS) 8:45 PM Sunday, April 8 Shacharit 7:15 AM/8:30 AM Shabbat Topics & Participants |
Sermons Day 1 & 2 | Rabbi Daniel Cohen | Daf Yomi | Mark Wagshul | Torah Readers | Hyman Schaffer, Joshua Kurtz |
Shacharit | Shacharit: Sunday 8:00 AM/9:00 AM, Monday - Thursday 6:20 AM/7:30 AM, Friday 8:00 AM/8:45 AM | Mincha | Mincha: Sunday - Wendesday 7:10 PM, Thursday 7:00 PM | Lunch Mincha | Monday - Thursday, 1:30 pm at 613 Restaurant, 108 Prospect St. | Late Maariv | Monday-Thursday: The Learning Center, 1766 Bedford Street, 8:45 PM | Sunday | Pesach II/Omer: 1 | Monday | Pesach III (CH''M)/Omer: 2 | Tuesday | Pesach IV (CH''M)/Omer: 3 | Wednesday | Pesach V (CH''M)/Omer: 4 | Thursday | Pesach VI (CH''M)/Omer: 5 | Friday | Pesach VII/Omer: 6 | Candles Thursday | Thursday: 7:05 pm |
- to Saiid Rastegar on the passing of his father, Jacob
- to Debby Goldberg on the passing of her mother, Ruth Colner
- to Chani & Rabbi Oran Zweiter on the birth of a baby boy
- to Ari & Rica Lieberman, Yospa Leiberman, and the entire famliy on recent marriage of Daniella to David Neifeld
- to Rob Indyk and Diane Indyk on the birth of a grandson, born to Hofit and Ari Indyk
- to Rachel & Daniel Schilowitz on the birth of a daughter
- to Ariella and Avi Rubel on the birth of a baby boy
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here |
Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | Howard and Stephanie Fogel in memory of Sam Fogel; and the Linda Beson Nursing Education Fund | Siyum of the First Born | by the Goldenberg Family in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Martin Goldenberg | Chapel Kiddush: Shabbat | by Rhonda & Judd Love in honor of their Granddaughter Eyla Yarden's First Pesach | Chapel Kiddush: Pesach II | The Kurtz family in honor of Josh's family visiting for Pesach | Sanctuary Kiddush | Rachel & Sam Maryles in commemoration of the second yahrzeit of Sam's father, Barry Maryles; Alisa & Jeremy Weisser in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Jeremy's mother, Shoshana Weisser; Aaron Levy, Stella & Isaac Cohen and Family to commemorate the yahrzeit of wife and mother, Harriet Levy |
Shabbat | Sanctuary | Chapel | Library | Teen |
Apr 1 Passover | open | sponsored | | | Apr 6 Passover | sponsored | open | | | Apr 7 | open | sponsored | open | | Apr 14 | sponsored | sponsored | sponsored | | Apr 21 | open | open | sponsored | open | Apr 28 | open | sponsored | sponsored | open | May 5 | open | sponsored | sponsored | open |
Thank you Simeon Wohlberg for organizing a stellar Men Seder at 613! Great divrei Torah and spirit all around! Thank you Steven Labkoff for the photo and Rabbis Daniel Cohen, Eli Kohl, Oran Zweiter and Jeffrey Cahn for your pearls of wisdom! Wishing everyone a Chag Kasher VeSameach and next year in Jerusalem! | | |
Thursday, April 12 - 8:00 PM | | Tuesday, April 17 - 8:00 PM | | Wednesday, April 25 - 8:00 PM | | Tuesday, April 10 - 7:10 PM | | |
Young Families/Couples Oneg in the Shabbos Park Shabbat, April 28. Come join us in the park on Shabbat (weather permitting) at 4 pm for an oneg. Rain date will be May 5th. Please bring a parve snack or dessert to share! |
Young Families/Couples Potluck Lunch Shabbat, May 12, 1 PM, We are looking for families and couples to host the potluck and provide the main dish, drinks, and challah, and then guests will fill in with side dishes and desserts as requested by the host. Join us for this great way to get to know people in the CAS community! |
Save the Dates: Sunday, June 10th, Young Couples Night Out! and Tuesday, June 26th, Ladies Night Out! |
Toddler Time Playgroup Tuesdays, 3:30 pm. Please join us for an hour of free play for children 1 to 4 years old and their caregivers. Facilitated by two moms of toddlers, this drop-in group meets weekly at CAS in the downstairs children's classroom. No cost, a light snack provided. Info: Jessica Furmansky |
New Mom's Group - Mommy and Me Bring your baby and come meet other moms at CAS. The first Monday of each month, 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM. For Babies birth through 1. This is a free group open to the community. Info: contact Melissa Litwak at |
Update on Rabbi Cohen's & Rabbi Zweiter's Open Office Hours Open Office Hours are an opportunity to drop by to see our Rabbis without an appointment. They will be available in their office for guidance or a chat. Rabbis will not schedule meetings during these hours, which will be held around the same time each week. Call the office to confirm Rabbi Cohen or Rabbi Zweiter are not attending to an urgent matter outside the synagogue. Open Office Hour Times for this Week Rabbi Daniel Cohen - Monday, April 2, 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM at CAS
Week of April 1 | No Classes this week. | The Tanach Club will be closed for Passover and reopen on Monday, April 9. Chag Sameach! |
Save the Dates for our CAS Upcoming Scholars in Residence and Special Classes Rabbi Assaf and Leora Bednarsh April 13-14 Rabbi Mark Wildes April 27-28 Woman Scholar Series with Rivka Schwartz April 2018 Shavuot Scholar in Residence. Rabbi Noam and Shiffy Friedman Rabbi Elan Adler June 23-24 |
- GET INVOLVED & DO GOOD! Chesed opportunities coming up: Delivering Stamford Hospital Shabbat packages, working with JFS to run Passover food drive, Helping to tend the CAS garden that donates loads of produce to lower Fairfield county food bank . For more info, contact Shira Nerenberg, or Alisa Weisser at
- JOIN OUR HOSPITALITY TEAM When someone new moves to town, we inform our hospitality team, who are thrilled to welcome them for a Shabbat meal. If you would like to be part of our hospitality team who are committed to hosting five new families a year, please contact Rabbi Cohen ( or our membership chair, Rachel Kaimowitz ( If you would like to be involved in welcoming people in alternative ways to shabbat hosting, we also have people who meet new members for coffee in the week, deliver welcome packs, or phone them to check how they're settling in. If this is something you might like to get involved in, we'd also love to hear from you!
- HEALING VISITS MITZVAH UPDATE Thank you to all of our volunteers on our healing visits team. The healing visits team is a group of men and women in our shul who visit people in the hospital, facilities or at home. Lift people's sprits and make a difference. You can offer as much or as little time as you have for each person is world unto themselves are your warmth lights up their day. Every week we send out a healing visit update. To join the team, contact Rabbi Cohen at
- CAS FREE MEZUZAH CAMPAIGN IN FAIRFIELD COUNTY, CT Bringing Blessings to Jewish Homes. Do you know a neighbor or a friend who lacks a mezuzah? CAS offers a free mezuzah and home visit to post this sacred scroll at the entrance to all Jewish homes in the area. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen:
- JOIN THE CHEVRA KADISHA We need new volunteers for the Chevra - those willing to perform a tahara. Info: Please contact Rochel Attar at
- IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING We need you to help secure our Synagogue. As you come to the building, please be aware of your surroundings. If you see something out of the ordinary, please let someone know about it. This will keep everyone safe.
- WELCOME TO OUR SYNAGOGUE PROGRAM Every Shabbat we station ushers at the doors in the sanctuary to welcome people, assist them and enhance the service. We are expanding the usher roles to include a greeter in the lobby from 9-10:30 am. Please join the usher team. We need you and your smile. Info: Mitchell Bell.
- COMMUNITY CHESED HELPERS An important role of the Chesed committee is outreach to the Shul's elderly and homebound, who are often isolated and lack a lifeline to our synagogue. Volunteer to reach out and identify needs, visit, or give a ride. Even small gestures mean a great deal Interested? Vivian Weiss at 203-323-0909 or If you are aware of elderly or homebound members in need of outreach, please notify Rabbi Cohen.
- WE WANT YOU FOR BINGO! Players AND volunteers needed. Join in on the fun we have every MONDAY at 6:00 PM
SYLVIA'S CAS SISTERHOOD GIFT SHOP Open on Thursday & Sunday from 10 am - noon Come see our fabulous Pesach selection! We need volunteers! Please call Julie at (203) 321-6460 or Anne at (203) 321-5072 | |
- SOOSH wishes you and your families a Happy and Kosher Passover! Soosh will be closed March 30th-April 7th in observance of the holiday. We will reopen on April 8th at 5pm. See you at Soosh!
- UJF HOLOCAUST COMMEMORATION Please join United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, New Canaan and Darien for a community-wide Holocaust commemoration on April 11 at 7:00pm Temple Sinai, cosponsored by the Stamford Board of Rabbis. Jeannie Opdyke Smith, daughter of Irene Gut Opdyke, a Righteous Gentile who risked her life to save the lives of Jewish people during the Holocaust, will speak about her mothers legacy, and the power of one person to change the world, even in the face of hate and violence. We will also be honoring Holocaust survivors in our community during a candle-lighting remembrance ceremony. The event is Co-Chaired by Barbara Webski and Sherry Steiner.
- UJF PRESENTS SPRING ADULT EDUCATION CLASSES! Join us at 12:30pm April 11, 18, 25 and 2 for courses on 20th century Jewish history taught by Michael Feldstein, and on June 6, 13, 20 and 27 for courses on the history of Jewish denominations in the United States with Rabbi Oran Zweiter. For detailed course information and to register, visit or call Lauren Steinberg at 203-321-1373 extension 104.
- THE JEWISH HIGH SCHOOL OF CONNECTICUT is excited to have you celebrate with us at our 2018 Spring Gala. We will be celebrating the educational legacy of Rabbi Abraham, z"l, and Yospa Lieberman. As well, our Keter Shem Tov, community service, award will be presented to Ari and Rica Lieberman. The event is Sunday, April 15th starting at 11am at TBE Stamford. Help JHSC celebrate another successful year in the community! For more information, reach out to Sarah Rich: or 203-357-0850. Details at
- STAMFORD YOUTH SOCCER LEAGUE is pleased to announce that it will be running a spring soccer program for children 7 through 13 who are not able to participate in its Saturday recreation program. The program will run for 8 weeks at Scofield Magnet Middle School starting on Sunday, April 22 and ending on June 24. No sessions will be held on Sunday, May 20 because of Shavout or Memorial Day Weekend. For additional information, please contact Fred Wexler at
- DO A MITZVAH! CONSIDER SUPPORTING THE JFS KOSHER FOOD PANTRY by purchasing Mitzvah Baskets and/or Mitzvah Centerpieces instead of flowers for your next simcha at CAS. Distributions from the JFS Kosher Food Pantry have increased by more than 1000 since the recession. With this tremendous upsurge in use, JFS is constantly challenged to keep the food pantry full. Your generosity enables JFS to help those in our community in their greatest moments of need.
- BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING First Tuesday of the month, Mar. 6, Apr. 3, 9:45 - 11:15 am. No appointment necessary. Conducted by a registered nurse. Compliments of Visiting Nurse and Hospice. Free of charge. For more information contact Connie Cirillo Freeman at 203.487.0983 or
- BRAIN FITNESS GROUP - Monday, April 30th, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM at the Stamford JCC, 1035 Newfield Avenue Want to stimulate your brain power? The session will focus on memory and recall with practical support to help reach personal brain fitness goals. Advance registration suggested. Light refreshments will be served. JCC Members: $8 per session. Open to the community at $10 per session. Optional lunch following the session $9 (under 60), $4 suggested (over 60). To register, contact Connie Cirillo Freeman at 203-487-0983 or email For additional information, contact Dr. Toby Lazarus, Schoke JFS Brain Fitness Program Coordinator at 203-921-4161 or
- LETS TALK Seniors talk about common interests and concerns, facilitated by a Schoke Jewish Family Service counselor. Thursdays, Beginning March 15, every other week, 10:30 AM, Free at Jewish Senior Services, 4200 Park Avenue, Bridgeport Contact Rebekah Kanefsky, at 302-921-4161 or email at Tuesdays, 11 :00 AM, Free at the Stamford JCC, 1035 Newfield Avenue.Contact Sheila Duggan at 203-921-4161 or
- SCHOKE JFS SPOUSAL BEREAVEMENT GROUP Gather to share feelings and exchange ideas in a non-judgmental environment that provides emotional, practical, and spiritual support for grieving the loss of a spouse or significant other. Contact Amanda Geffner, Schoke JFS Therapist at 203-921-4161 or at 10:30 AM, beginning September 8th at Stamford JCC, 1035 Newfield Road, Stamford
We Wish A Speedy Recovery To |
- Aryeh Chaim ben Chaya Sara
- Avraham ben Batya
- Benyamin Meir ben Slova
- Benyamin ben Elishevah
- David Yaakov ben Riesel
- Dov ben Pnina
- Eliezer Yitzhak Dovid ben Miriam Rivkah
| - Esther Shoshana bat Yeta Chava
- Ian ben Sarah
- Ida bat Rivka
- Michel Leib ben Rachel Leah
- Moshe ben Faiga
- Moshe ben Sasi vNadia
- Perel Shaindel bat Fridel
| - Refael Ephraim ben Sima
- Sara Rivka bat Esther Blema
- Shmuel Areyeh ben Hadassa
- Yaakov ben Chaya
- Yitchak Meir ben Rochel
- Zev Mordechai ben Chaya Gittel
CAS Israel Advocacy Update |
Take a Minute to Support Israel Supporting Israel isn't hard -- there are many things that you can do that take literally one minute. The Israel Committee now has a website built on this idea. Go to for simple things that you can do, from calling your Congressional representatives to social media posts, that take only a minute or two. Check back frequently for updates and ideas for things you can do! |
LIPS product of the week Check out our new Love Israel Products Blog (LIPS) for the latest ways to support Israel! Thank you to Lola Halperin and Aaron Goldenberg for organizing. |
Kosher Alerts The OU reminds you to always check the label before purchasing any item that needs kosher certification! And for the latest corrective actions, stay up with the latest OU KOSHER CONSUMER ALERTS & ADVISORIES...just click here |
Kosher Advisory Breaking news from the OU - newly certified items! to check out the list click here |