| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin August 23, 2014 | Reeh | 27 Av 5774 | | Shabbat Schedule | Friday | Mincha | 7:00 PM 7:29 PM | Candles | 7:24 PM | Saturday | Shacharit | 8:00 AM 9:00 AM | Latest Shema | 9:34 AM | Jr Cong | 10:30 AM | Mini Minyan | 10:30 AM | Tot Shabbat | 10:30 AM | Shiur | 10:30 AM | Latest Shacharit | 10:42 AM | Perek On The Patio | 6:20 PM | Daf Yomi | 6:30 PM | Code Of Jewish Law | 6:30 PM | Mincha | 7:20 PM | Maariv | 8:18 PM | Shabbat Ends | 8:23 PM | | Our devotion to the land of Israel highlights the Torah portion of Reeh. Moses enjoins the Jewish people to ascend to Jerusalem three times a year and pursue an enduring bond with the land. It is no coincidence that the first word of the parsha is Reeh which means to see. The Tanach reminds us to see the beauty of Jerusalem. As the assault by Hamas continues in Israel and the media continues to malign our homeland, we must continue to see and share the blessings of Israel. Here are a few pieces worth sharing - Great article in the Stamford Advocate today about one of our members Stanley Block, an IDF soldier. It speaks to the unity of our people.
www.stamfordadvocate.com/printpromotion/article/Israeli-soldier-leaves-Gaza-to-return-to-Stamford-5704939.php - My brother Benyamin is an editor of a recently developed new website From the Grapevine sharing the blessings of Israel.
www.fromthegrapevine.com/ - I am always moved by the notion of aliyah. This video by Nefesh BeNefesh highlights the gift of Israel, living the dream of aliyah and the recent aliyah charter flight on August 12th.
www.nbn.org.il/live/ We also wish the students leaving for Israel in the weeks ahead for a year of learning in the holy land much hatzlacha. May they go in peace. May we all share besorot tovot from Israel and in the world in the days ahead. Shabbat Shalom to you and your families Rabbi Daniel Cohen Congratulations to Meredith Cohen, Jim Benjamin and our gardening crew for harvesting over 40 pounds of vegetables for the Fairfield County Food Bank.
Service Note This will be the last week of for the late Friday night minyan in the library. Starting next week, we will have 1 minyan.
WELCOME - Mrs. Aliza Bokow
- BCDS Banot Sherut Leumi: Rotem Zohar and Hodaya Abadie
| | Daf Yomi | Sunday 7:45 am, Monday-Friday 7:00 am | Shacharit | Sunday: 7:15 AM/8:30 AM, Monday: 6:30 AM/7:30 AM, Tuesday-Wednesday: 6:20 AM/7:30 AM, Thursday-Friday: 6:30 AM/7:30 AM | Mincha | Sunday-Thursday: 7:25 PM | Candles next Friday | 7:13 PM | Tuesday | Rosh Chodesh Elul | Wednesday | Rosh Chodesh Elul | - to Tilly Chamberlain on her becoming a bat mitzvah and to her parents Shani and Michael Weinberger, her brothers Justin, Remy and Ezra, her grandparents, Mordechai and Vivienne Soloff and Herbert and Simie Weinberger, her father Timothy Chamberlain, and grandmother Linda Chamberlain.
| Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | Debbie & Michael Berg in honor of Dinah Miller Marlowe and Michael Miller for their kindness and the Linda Beson Nursing Education Fund | Sanctuary Kiddush | by Shani and Michael Weinberger in honor of Tilly's Bat Mitzvah. | Seudat Shlishit | Carl Kaufman, Mark Weissler & Chanoch Nof | Chapel Kiddush | Ana and Albert Lilienfeld | Shabbat Topics & Participants | Shacharit | Cantor Bokow | Musaf | Cantor Bokow | Sermon | Rabbi Cohen: Ice Buckets and the Values of Viral Chesed | Seudah Shlishit | Daf Yomi Siyum led by Ari Lieberman | Daf Yomi | Adam Berman | Usher | Elisheva Kilner | Perek on Patio | Cantor Bokow | Torah Readers | Jacob Cohen | NEW & PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS, JOIN US ON SHABBAT SEPTEMBER 6! A welcome Shabbat for new and prospective members on September 6 at CAS featuring: - a festive kiddush after services
- an afternoon oneg - 4pm at Barrett field (aka the "Shabbos Park") (or in the event of rain, at the shul for games and activities)
- lunch with a member family upon request via email to jessieoser@gmail.com by Monday, September 1
Come check out our inspiring services, our youth programming, and the warmth of our vibrant community. Register using the form on the right of this page. Those who register by September 1 will receive a Shabbat treat delivered to their door by a shul member. Everyone considering joining the CAS community is welcome!. Hey parents! Click here to have your kid hop on the Fun Bus arriving at CAS for a big Welcome Back on September 7
MEN'S ADULT LEARNING TRIP (MALT) Monday morning December 1, 2014 to Saturday Night,December 6. Enjoy a week of learning, touring and bonding. The program will be based in Efrat. For more information, contact Rabbi Cohen at rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org. ISRAEL BONDS AND CONGREGATION AGUDATH SHOLOM MEN'S CLUB INVITE YOU TO AN ISRAEL SERIES LECTURE GUEST SPEAKER AMBASSADOR YORAM ETTINGER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 · 9AM CONGREGATION AGUDATH SHOLOM 301 STRAWBERRY HILL AVENUE, STAMFORD, CT
Scholar in Residence - Judy Klitsner - Shabbat, September 19-20 - Friday night: Upheaval in the roles and fortunes of biblical women
- Shabbat morning: Biblical leaders and their non-Jewish mentors
- Selichot Presentation Did Noah and Jonah Share the Same Boat? How Similar Stories Say Opposite Things About the Human Soul
There will be a Friday night Shabbat dinner, stay tuned for details. Is it possible for human beings to change? Although we make such resolutions yearly on the soul-searching day of Yom Kippur, do we believe that self-transformation is really possible? To reveal the Bible's complex treatment of this question, we will explore the narratives of Noah and Jonah: two stories that share a remarkable number of themes, words and details. We will see how, despite their similarities, these two ancient stories actually present opposing views on the question of the human ability to change. Discover the surprising ways in which both views remain relevant to the modern reader in search of authentic and lasting inner transformation.
Join Rabbi Daniel and Diane Cohen for a Family Summer Mission to Israel in August 2015. Explore the breadth and depth of the land. Great for first timers or veterans. The trip is uniquely tailored for adults with their children and grandchildren filled with history coming alive and a fostering a love of the natural beauty of our homeland. If you are thinking of a Bar or Bat Mitzvah in Israel, this is the perfect trip! For more information, contact Rabbi Cohen at rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org or 203-252-8252. | - DRESS CODE REMINDER With the summer months in full swing, please remember the summer dress code for leading services. On weekdays, men must wear full length pants and collared shirts. On Shabbat, a jacket is requested as well. For an aliyah, pants and collared shirts are acceptable during the weekday and Shabbat. Thank you for your cooperation in our on-going efforts to enhance the dignity of the shul.
- IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING We need you to help secure our Synagogue. As you come to the building, please be aware of your surroundings. If you see something out of the ordinary, please let someone know about it. This will keep everyone safe.
- LET US KNOW! We strive at CAS to support our members in time of need. If you know of someone who is ill, please reach out to Rabbi Cohen via email rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org or phone, alerting our clergy and Chesed committee to offer comfort and assistance. Together, we can ensure CAS's role as a community of caring. Thank you very much!
- CAS DECORUM The policy for our kids is easy - "In shul or in groups." Please help us maintain decorum. Make sure you child is either sitting in synagogue or participating in our Youth Groups. Make sure that your child enjoys Kiddush in the Simcha Room or Social Hall.
- CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS - CAS "HARVEST NOW" GARDEN Spring is finally here! We need experienced or inexperienced but interested gardeners for this season's Harvest Now garden at the shul. Last year, we grew, harvested and donated over 200 pounds of produce for the local food bank. Let's beat that amount this year! If you want to give 30-60 minutes of your time on a Sunday, early or late in the day, please contact Meredith Cohen at meredithcohen123@gmail.com.
- WELCOME TO OUR SYNAGOGUE PROGRAM Every Shabbat we station ushers at the doors in the sanctuary to welcome people, assist them and enhance the service. We are expanding the usher roles to include a greeter in the lobby from 9-10:30 am. Please join the usher team. We need you and your smile. Info: Mitchell Bell.
- CAS FREE MEZUZAH CAMPAIGN IN FAIRFIELD COUNTY, CT Bringing Blessings to Jewish Homes. Do you know a neighbor or a friend who lacks a mezuzah? CAS offers a free mezuzah and home visit to post this sacred scroll at the entrance to all Jewish homes in the area. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen: rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org
- COMMUNITY CHESED HELPERS An important role of the Chesed committee is outreach to the Shul's elderly and homebound, who are often isolated and lack a lifeline to our synagogue. Volunteer to reach out and identify needs, visit, or give a ride. Even small gestures mean a great deal Interested? Vivian Weiss at 203-323-0909 or vivianweiss@gmail.com. If you are aware of elderly or homebound members in need of outreach, please notify Rabbi Cohen.
- NEW TO STAMFORD AND INTERESTED IN MEMBERSHIP? Contact Saul Skolnick, Ethan Green (203-276-9314) or Rabbi Daniel Cohen.
- WE WANT YOU FOR BINGO! Players needed. Join in on the fun we have every week at 6:00 PM -
| We are working on the seating plans for the High Holidays. Information will be available next week. High Holiday Planning Committee | - THE CHEVRA KADISHA OF STAMFORD is proud to sponsor three important halacha shiurim with Rabbi Michael Taubes, Rosh Yeshiva and Principal, Yeshiva University High School for Boys. Shabbat, September 6 - 11:30AM at the Young Israel of Stamford (immediately following davening) - The Laws of Onen (Time After Death but Before Burial); 5:30PM at Congregation Agudath Sholom - The Laws of Sitting Shiva; 7:15PM at Congregation Agudath Sholom (during shalosh seudot) - When Yom Tov or Chol Hamoed Interferes with Shiva.
- JFS SINGLE PARENT SUPPORT GROUP: beginning Monday, August 11th at 7:45 pm Single mothers and fathers will be offered an environment for support, friendship and the exchange of parenting techniques. Open to all, both those who have recently become single parents or have been single for some time. Topics covered will include: scheduling, coping strategies, introducing new partners, extended family dynamics and emotional support. A small fee of $10/session or $50/entire 6 session series. Group will be held at the JFS Westport office, 431 Post Road E, Westport. For more information or to register, please contact Rebekah Kanefsky at 203-921-4161 or email rkanefsky@ctjfs.org
- LIFE TRANSITIONS-Wednesdays at 11:00 am Support group for the unemployed at the Stamford JFS office, 733 Summer Street, 6th Floor. The focus of the group is to provide a forum to discuss and explore the concerns and issues related to job loss and to find alternative solutions for career satisfaction. The group is a collaborative effort between JFS Counseling and Employment & Training Departments. To register or for more information, please contact Rosemarie Delia at 203-921-4161 or email at rdelia@ctjfs.org
- BI-CULTURAL DAY SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Sunday, October 26 at 10am. 2186 High Ridge Road, Stamford. Welcoming students in PreK thru Grade 8. Bi-Cultural, a co-educational Pre-K through eighth-grade Jewish day school, fosters a child-centered program with small group tutorials and one-on-one instruction employed to address individual needs. The staff holds Masters level certification and the resource staff are certified in several reading programs, including Orton-Gillingham. Bi-Cultural has a 6:1 student to teacher ratio. Science is taught by specially trained staff beginning in Pre-K. The learning day is enriched by art, music, movement, drama, field trips, frequent guest speakers, school-wide events and social action projects which engage students of varied learning styles. Bi-Cultural prides itself on academic achievement and a cutting-edge curriculum while simultaneously creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere. For more information about Bi-Cultural or to schedule a tour, please contact: Joanne Karow, Director of Admissions at jkarow@bcds.org or 203-329-2186
- BI-CULTURAL ISRAEL TOUR - SUNDAY FEB.15 -THURSDAY, FEB. 26, 2015 Since 1965, Walter Shuchatowitz, (Mr. S.) the founding principal of Bi-Cultural Day School, has planned seventy four trips to Israel, for families, high school students, and eighth graders. The next one scheduled for February 2015 will be his Jubilee 75th Tour, and he feels it will be the best. Because of the great response, very limited reservations are still available. For more information about this year's BCDS Tour, please contact Eve Nachman at Bi-Cultural Day School at 203-329-2186 ext. 1341, enachman@bcds.org.
- YU WOMEN'S BEIT MIDRASH This 6-week program will take place at the Yeshiva University Museum (15 West 16th Street) on Wednesdays, October 29 - December 3, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Sessions will feature Rabbi Dr. Meir Soloveichik, Director of the Zahava and Moshael Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought, Yeshiva University and Dr. Jacob Wisse, Director of Yeshiva University Museum and Associate Professor of Art History, Stern College for Women who will co-present on the topic of: "The Image and the Idea: An Interdisciplinary Seminar on Art History and Jewish Thought."
- ISRAEL CANCER RESEARCH EVENT Fresh out of Gaza, Israeli Tom Peled is coming to Stamford to lead in a Spinning fund raiser for the Israel Cancer Research Fund on August 27. Either spin for an hour or more, or come to dessert reception at the JCC. Spin at 5:30, 6:30 or 7:30 pm. Dessert reception at 8:15 pm listen to amazing Tom who treks across America raising cancer funds in memory of his dad. Registration: http://www.icrfonline.org/node/312 or David.Kweskin@ICRFonline.com 203 321-1006
- UNDERSTANDING THE GAZA WAR: STRATEGIC & POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS Presentation by Dr. Ephraim Inbar, Professor, Bar Ilan and Director of Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies. Tuesday, Spetmber 9, 7:30 pm. Free.CGreenwich Library, 101 West Putnam Ave., Greenwich.
- 613 RESTAURANT Stamford's premier Kosher Restaurant is now offering Sushi! Please stop in and help us welcome acclaimed sushi chef Shoichi ("Eddie") Kurokawa! Please stop by and come test our new menu featuring many popular classic rolls and a few of Chef Eddie's personal signature rolls. This is a significant landmark in Sixthirteen and we hope you will come share it with us! DELIVERY IS NOW AVAILABLE. Full menu, reservations & more: www.613restaurant.com. 203.614.8777
- COMING SOON!!! ARI & RICA LIEBERMAN are excited to announce the forthcoming opening of their new sushi restaurant SOOSH. Located in the Stamford Plaza Hotel, 2701 Summer Street.www.sooshct.com info@sooshct.com (203) 658-7505
- FREE CHILDREN'S BOOKS IN HEBREW TO FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN BETWEEN THE AGES 2-8 The goal of Sifriyat Pijama B'America is to enhance knowledge and affinity for Jewish values from a young age and to retain a strong Jewish identity and appreciation of Hebrew. SP-BA provides an opportunity for families to create a tradition of reading bedtime stories in Hebrew and engaging in meaningful conversations. Info: www.sp-ba.org/online-registration
- LINKING GENERATIONS OF THE SHOAH-Our 2nd Generation Group began in July 2012. We are a group of approximately fifty members ranging in age from 40 and up and we come from all over CT and Westchester County. Our monthly meetings take place in Westport, CT (usually at the UJA offices) every second Tuesday of the month. Spouses of 2G members as well as 3rd Generation often attend our general meetings. Please come and join us. For further contact information call: Ann Cohn at 203-762-0058 (home) or 203-984-6667 (cell).
- MIKE'S CENTER CAFE & BAKERY AT THE JCC Is open during the week. For information, please call 203-321-0051 or mikescentercafe@gmail.com.
- SAVE THE DATE: SPECIAL LECTURE WITH AUTHOR ALLAN CHERNOFF SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 7, 9:30 AM @ CAS A veteran of national network TV news reporting, Allan Chernoff served as CNN's senior correspondent and has reported for CNBC and NBC News programs. He is the recipient of six best reporting awards from the Society of Professional Journalists New York Chapter and was a reporter on teams winning Peabody and DuPont Awards. Chernoff co-wrote The Tailors of Tomaszow with his mother, Rena Margulies Chernoff, a native of the town and a Holocaust survivor. Among the first-hand accounts included in the book is that of Eva Tenenbaum Romanowitz, a first cousin of Rena Margulies Chernoff and mother of longtime Stamford resident Dr. Harry "Hesh" Romanowitz z"l, a renowned pediatrician and mohel who was active in the Jewish community and worked to keep Yiddish language and culture alive.
| We Wish A Speedy Recovery To | - Aharon Tzvi ben Sara
- Alexander ben Chava
- Ariella bat Bracha
- Aryeh Lev ben Eidel
- Aryeh ben Chana
- Aviva bat Etta
- Benzion Ben Mordachai ben Lillian
- Binyamin Yitzchak ben Shoshana
- Chaim Volf ben Chana Shayna
- Chana Necha bat Szlata
- Channah bat Tzivya
- Chava bat Perel
- Chaya Esther bat Tziporah
- Chaya Sarah Tzipporah bat Esther
- Chaya Sarah Tzipporah bat Rivka
- Dalia bat Chana Chaica
- Devorah bat Leah
- Dov ben Etel
| - Dovid Levi ben Gittel
- Efrat bat Yael
- Einav bat Chana
- Elisheva bat Miriam
- Fred ben Irma
- Geri bat Esther
- Harav Avraham David ben Toba Leah
- Harav Dovid Eliyahu ben Avrina
- Hennia bat Musah
- Leah bat Tania
- Lousya bat Jenna
- Malka Chaya bat Esther Gittel
- Malka bat Zelda
- Michal Fraida Chava bat Yita Shandel
- Miriam bat Rivka
- Moshe Baruch ben Chaya Sara
- Naomi Devorah bat Mindel
- Perel Etka bat Sara
| - Pesach ben Elsa
- Rachel bat Sara Golda
- Rav Aharon (Harav Aharon Lichtenstein) ben Bluma
- Rayna bat Necha
- Refael Ephraim ben Sima
- Rochel bat Marianna
- Sarah Rivka bat Channah Rachel
- Shlomo Yitzchak ben Esther
- Shlomo ben Rachel
- Shmuel Refael ben Chana
- Shoshana bat Ruchamah
- Tovah Chaya bat Tzipporah
- Tzipporah Rachel bat Malka
- Tzvi Daneel ben Chaya Priva
- Y'rachmeal ben Chayah Bat M'shulam Zalman
- Zahava bat Chaya Sara
- Zev Mordechai ben Chaya Gittel
| | SYLVIA'S CAS SISTERHOOD GIFT SHOP Summer hours - Sunday by appointment, Tuesday and Thursday 12 noon to 2 pm | | | | | | | |