Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin May 3, 2014 | Emor | 3 Iyyar 5774 Omer 18 | | Shabbat Schedule | Friday | Mincha | 6:00 PM 7:00 PM | Candles | 7:34 PM | Saturday | Shacharit | 8:00 AM 9:00 AM | Meditative Prayer | 8:30 AM | Coffee & Commentary | 8:45 AM | Latest Shema | 9:20 AM | Teen Minyan/BMC | 9:30 AM | Tot Shabbat | 10:30 AM | Mini Minyan | 10:30 AM | Jr Cong | 10:30 AM | Shiur | 10:30 AM | Latest Shacharit | 10:31 AM | Daf Yomi | 6:40 PM | Code Of Jewish Law | 6:40 PM | Mincha | 7:30 PM | Maariv | 8:30 PM | Shabbat Ends | 8:35 PM | | Hatred then and now. Last week we commemorated Yom Hashoah, pledging never again and remembering the atrocities and genocide of six million Jews. This coming week, we mourn the fallen Israel soldiers who died defending the land of Israel and celebrate her independence. Yet, hatred of the Jewish people persists. The movement to delegitimize Israel is not anti Zionist but anti-Semitic. Whether in our own country, Europe, the Middle East and unfortunately across many college campuses, the BDS movement is gaining traction and being felt by our own college students. What can we do and must we do? I will explore this timely topic on Shabbat morning. I urge each of us not to stand by silently. Seize the freedom we possess in America to stand up strongly, firmly and courageously in support of the people and State of Israel. Join us Monday evening at CAS at 7 PM as we commemorate Israel Remembrance Day and celebrate Israel Independence Day. Wishing you and your families a Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Daniel Cohen
Check out AIPAC's special videos & information for Yom Ha'atzmaut at
WELCOME YACHAD We welcome Junior Yachad to its annual Shabbaton, this weekend. The BCDS 8th graders, under the direction of Rabbi Jeiger, are joining them. Yachad, the National Jewish Council for Disabilities, is dedicated to addressing the needs of all individuals with disabilities and including them in the Jewish community. Thank you to all of the host families and to Sharon Wohlberg for her coordination. In addition to our regular 7 pm mincha Friday night, Yachad will have an early mincha at 6pm which is open to the community. | | Daf Yomi | Sunday 7:45 am, Monday-Friday 7:00 am | Shacharit | Sunday: 7:15 AM/8:30 AM, Monday-Friday: 6:30 AM/7:30 AM | Mincha | Sunday-Thursday: 7:45 PM | Candles next Friday | 7:41 PM | Sunday | Omer 19 | Monday | Yom HaZikaron, Omer 20 | Tuesday | Yom Ha'Atzmaut, Omer 21 | Wednesday | Omer 22 | Thursday | Omer 23 | Friday | Omer 24 | - Stephanie & Bob Sherman on the engagement of their son Jake to Irene Jefferson
- Vivienne Finley and Anthony Finley on the engagement of their son Richard to Holly Serber
- Janice Chaikelson Steinberg on her engagement to Stephen Davidson
Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | Jeanette Fishkow in appreciation of hospital visits from Phyllis Shapiro and Gloria Green; Miriam & Joe Gelb in honor of Phyllis Shapiro for her thoughtfulness and kindness; Stella Cohen to commemorate the yahrtzeit of her mother; and the Linda Beson Nursing Education Fund | Chapel Kiddush | Kori & Bill Meyers - to commemorate the 2nd yahrtzeit of Bill's mother | Sanctuary Kiddush | Bonnie & Ronald Nyman - In honor of the rededication of the Al & Morton Nyman Sefer Torah in Riverdale | Teen Minyan Kiddush | Jubas family - In honor of Daniel's Bar Mitzvah Parsha | Seudat Shlishit | CAS - Yachad Shabbaton | Shabbat Topics & Participants | Sermon | Rabbi Cohen: Speak Up | Shiur | Rabbi Tzvi Bernstein: The Biblical Key to Slavery | Usher | Elisheva Kilner | Daf Yomi | David Bessaleli | Seudah Shlishit | YACHAD | Torah Readers | David Cohen, Joshua Kurtz, Daniel Jubas | MEDITATIVE PRAYER SERVICE THIS SHABBAT Join Rabbi Cohen on May 3 at 8:30 AM
MEN'S CLUB MEETING MAY 4 9:30 AM @ CAS Join us for a planning meeting to discuss upcoming events
COMMEMORATE Yom Ha'zikaron CELEBRATE Yom Ha'atzmaut Israel Independence Day - Join us at CAS on Monday, May 5, 7pm The entire community is invited to come together: Israel's Memorial Day Commemoration 7-8 PM Yom Ha'atzmaut Celebration featuring singing beloved Israeli songs together and enjoying Refreshments 8-9 PM Sponsored by : Bi-Cultural Day School Carmel Academy Congregation Agudath Sholom Jewish Family Service (JFS) Selah, Reconstructionist Congregation of Fairfield County Stamford Jewish Community Center (JCC) Temple Beth El Temple Sinai United Jewish Federation of Stamford, New Canaan and Darien (UJF) Young Israel of Stamford
UNDERSTANDING PRAYER MAY 10 Join Rabbi Walk on May 10 at 10:30 AM
Please join us for the Annual Royce & Dr. Alfred Wolfsohn Lecture May 13, 8 pm Rabbi Abe Cooper, Wiesenthal Center Report from the Trenches: The New and More Virulent European Anti-Semitism
UPCOMING CAS EVENTS - Click to learn more/sign up
CAS FIFTH ANNUAL WOMAN SCHOLAR SERIES Wednesdays at 7:30 pm Last two classes May 21 & May 28 Rosh Kehilah Dina Najman - Marta d'Atra Kehilat Orach Eliezer Expert in Jewish bioethics and faculty member at SAR Academy For men and women! Future Sessions: Kavod haBriyot - Human Dignity Halakhic Perspectives on Bioethical Decision Making - Issues in Fertility This expanded series is made possible through the generosity of Barbara & Ron Ashkenas in memory of Edward & Evelyn Weinberger | Sundays | Bible from the Beginning 9:15 am-Rabbi David Walk | Mondays | Dvar Yom B'Yomo 12:20 pm BCDS-Rabbi David Walk |
| Mishneh Brura- Laws of Tefila 7:30 pm - Rabbi Walk (CAS) | Tuesdays - Rabbi Walk's classes are at CAS | Power of the Prophets: Kings II-9:15 am-Rabbi Daniel Cohen (CAS) |
| The Depth of Genesis-10:00 am-Rabbi Daniel Cohen (CAS) |
| Parsha Perspectives & Paradigms-noon (CAS) |
| Prayer Primer 7:30 pm-Rabbi David Walk | Thursdays | Talmud Bavli-Masechet Megilla 7:30 pm-Rabbi David Walk | Fridays | Taste of Torah 8:15 am-Rabbi Daniel Cohen | SYLVIA'S CAS SISTERHOOD GIFT SHOP Sundays from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Monday evening from 6:30 - 7:30 pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 12 noon - 2 pm | - CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS - CAS "HARVEST NOW" GARDEN Spring is finally here! We need experienced or inexperienced but interested gardeners for this season's Harvest Now garden at the shul. Last year, we grew, harvested and donated over 200 pounds of produce for the local food bank. Let's beat that amount this year! If you want to give 30-60 minutes of your time on a Sunday, early or late in the day, please contact Meredith Cohen at
- HELP THE CHILDREN-For her Bat Mitzvah project, Rina Marlowe is collecting new or gently used Shabbos or party clothing for the children at Bet Ha'yeled, Amit's Gilo home for disadvantaged youth. Hang donations in the wardrobe in the back of the coatroom.
- WELCOME TO OUR SYNAGOGUE PROGRAM Every Shabbat we station ushers at the doors in the sanctuary to welcome people, assist them and enhance the service. We are expanding the usher roles to include a greeter in the lobby from 9-10:30 am. Please join the usher team. We need you and your smile. Info: Mitchell Bell.
- CAS FREE MEZUZAH CAMPAIGN IN FAIRFIELD COUNTY, CT Bringing Blessings to Jewish Homes. Do you know a neighbor or a friend who lacks a mezuzah? CAS offers a free mezuzah and home visit to post this sacred scroll at the entrance to all Jewish homes in the area. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen:
- COMMUNITY CHESED HELPERS An important role of the Chesed committee is outreach to the Shul's elderly and homebound, who are often isolated and lack a lifeline to our synagogue. Volunteer to reach out and identify needs, visit, or give a ride. Even small gestures mean a great deal Interested? Vivian Weiss at 203-323-0909 or Aware of elderly or homebound members in need of outreach? please notify Rabbi Cohen.
- YOUNG COUPLES COMMITTEE: SHAKESPEARE'S THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA by Shakespeare on the Sound on Thursday, June 19, 7:30 p.m. at Pinkney Park in Rowayton. All you need is a blanket, low lawn chairs and a picnic to join us for the viewing scheduled for Thursday, June 19. Info & RSVP: Laura Tobin at Info & directions
- NEW TO STAMFORD AND INTERESTED IN MEMBERSHIP? Contact Saul Skolnick, Ethan Green (203-276-9314) or Rabbi Daniel Cohen.
- WE WANT YOU FOR BINGO! Volunteers and callers are needed. Join the fun we have a small group of dedicated workers . Contact Roz at or call the shul at 203-358-2200.
- 8-12TH GRADE TRIP TO YANKEES VS TORONTO BLUE JAYS (7:05 PM) JUNE 17 (Dont miss it!! Its Derek Jeters last season) Leaving CAS at 5:30. If you have your own ride that's fine as well. Limited Number of Tickets. Chaperones needed. $10/ Ticket. Email or simply register @
CAS FAMILY ISRAEL TOUR WITH RABBI DANIEL COHEN AUGUST 5-17, 2015. Join for an unforgettable experience for you and your family. Stay tuned for details and contact Rabbi Cohen for more information. We Wish A Speedy Recovery To | - Ariella bat Bracha
- Aryeh Lev ben Eidel
- Aryeh ben Chana
- Aviva bat Etta
- Benzion Ben Mordachai ben Lillian
- Chaim Volf ben Chana Shayna
- Chana Necha bat Szlata
- Channah bat Tzivya
- Chaya Esther bat Tziporah
- Chaya Sarah Tzipporah bat Rivka
- Dalia bat Chana Chaica
- Devorah bat Leah
- Dov ben Etel
- Dovid Levi ben Gittel
- Efrat bat Yael
- Einav bat Chana
| - Elisheva bat Miriam
- Fred ben Irma
- Geri bat Esther
- Harav Avraham David ben Toba Leah
- Harav Dovid Eliyahu ben Avrina
- Leah bat Tania
- Lousya bat Jenna
- Malka Chaya bat Esther Gittel
- Malka bat Zelda
- Michal Fraida Chava bat Yita Shandel
- Miriam bat Rivka
- Moshe Baruch ben Chaya Sara
- Naomi Devorah bat Mindel
- Perel Etka bat Sara
- Pesach ben Elsa
- Rachel bat Malkah
| - Rachel bat Sara Golda
- Rav Aharon (Harav Aharon Lichtenstein) ben Bluma
- Rayna bat Necha
- Refael Ephraim ben Sima
- Rochel bat Marianna
- Sarah Rivka bat Channah Rachel
- Shlomo ben Rachel
- Shmuel Refael ben Chana
- Shoshana bat Ruchamah
- Tovah Chaya bat Tzipporah
- Tzvi Daneel ben Chaya Priva
- Y'rachmeal ben Chayah Bat M'shulam Zalman
- Zahava bat Chaya Sara
- Zev Mordechai ben Chaya Gittel
- Zissel Aylee bat Shimka Sorah
| - BCDS ANNUAL CELEBRATION DINNER Sunday, May 18, 5 PM at the Stamford Hilton Hotel honoring Mr. Walter Shuchatowitz, Founding Principal, and Mrs. Jacqueline Herman, Principal and Head of School. The Jane Shoztic Award for outstanding teaching will be presented to Mrs. Felicia Carriero and Mr. Frank Cronson. Info: or Eve Nachman, 203-329-2186 x1341,
- 613 RESTAURANT hAS EXPANDED ITS HOURS OF OPERATION. They are now open from noon to 9 pm
- THE 3RD ANNUAL MIKE MILE Sunday, May 18th from 9 AM - noon at High Ridge Corporate Park, High Ridge Road. Join us to support The Michael D. Rothman CIDP Research Fund at Columbia University Medical Center. With a 1 mile fun run (certified and timed course), kids' races for ages 2-12, a bbq, bootcamp, and much more, the Mike Mile will be a great time for the entire family! Click here to sign up!
- JOIN JASON FISCHEL & ROBIN WEBER FOR LET'S KICK CANCER! - MITZVAH PROJECT FOR THEIR WEDDING May 8. 7-10pm at Butterfield 8, 112 Bedford Street. Proceeds donated to American Cancer Society. $30 entrance, includes $10 donation. Click here for info and signup
- COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD, SETH MARLOWE AKA "THE COMMISH" is one of the honorees at the Young Israel of Stamford Spring Brunch Sunday, June 8 for his 10 year commitment to the Fairfield County Connecticut Jewish Baseball League (FCCJBL). Email or info: 203.829.9341.
- SAVE THE DATE ... SHULI TAUBES RETURNS TO STAMFORD! Young Israel Family Beit Midrash Program, Sunday, May 4th at the Young Israel of Stamford, light dinner at 6PM, presentation to begin at 6:30PM, "To Believe or Not to Believe - That is the Question: Perspectives on Faith", free and open to the entire community
- JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF LOWER FAIRFIELD COUNTY MONTHLY BOOK TALK WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, TOR HARRY BENNETT BRANCH FERGUSON LIBRARY VINE RD. STAMFORD 2 PM. BOOK: "THE STORY TELLER" by JODY PICOULIT. Against the background of the Holocaust, the author weaves the character's stories around the powerful issues of forgiveness, love, justice and redemption. PRESENTER: SONDRA MELZER. Info: Marcie Schoenfeld 203 359 9148
- HOLY ROOTS OF STAMFORD! HISTORICAL PROGRAM Stamford Historical Society on Sunday, June 8 2-5 PM, highlighting the histories of three local congregations that played an important role in Stamford's history during the Progressive Era (1890-1920): the Union Baptist Church (organized 1888), Congregation Agudath Shalom (1889) and St. John's Lutheran Church (1891). Organized at the dawn of the Progressive Era, these congregations brought new citizens and new ideas to Stamford that affected our way of life then and continue to influence us today. The Program features a panel: Rev. Dr. Robert W. Perry (Union Baptist Church), Rabbi Daniel Cohen (Congregation Agudath Shalom) and Church Historian Ruth J. Johnson (St. John's Lutheran Church). Light refreshments will follow. Join us for an outstanding program and an enjoyable afternoon. The Stamford Historical Society is located in the old stone school building on the west side of High Ridge Road, less than 1 mile north of the Merritt Parkway Exit 35 at 1508 High Ridge Rd. INFO:, or 203-329-1183
- FREE TAGLIT-BIRTHRIGHT TRIPS TO ISRAEL registration is now open, for those 18-26. New! Those who participated on peer educational trips prior to turning 18 years of age are now welcome to apply. Click here for info and to apply.
- LINKING GENERATIONS OF THE SHOAH-Our 2nd Generation Group began in July 2012. We are a group of approximately fifty members ranging in age from 40 and up and we come from all over CT and Westchester County. Our monthly meetings take place in Westport, CT (usually at the UJA offices) every second Tuesday of the month. Spouses of 2G members as well as 3rd Generation often attend our general meetings. Please come and join us. For further contact information call: Ann Cohn at 203-762-0058 (home) or 203-984-6667 (cell).
- MIKE'S CENTER CAFE & BAKERY AT THE JCC For information, please call 203-321-0051 or email
- COLLEGE-GETTING THERE FROM HERE, Thursday, May 8, 6:00 pm In cooperation with EdwardJones. Claire Friedlander, JFS College Consultant, will introduce experts in financing a college education. Join us at the Stamford office of Jewish Family Service, 733 Summer Street, 6th Floor. Refreshments will be served. Free admission. Info: Marisa - or 203-324-4308.
- LIFE TRANSITIONS-Wednesdays at 11:30 am Ongoing support group for the unemployed at the Stamford JFS office, 733 Summer Street, 6th Floor. The focus of the group is to provide a forum to discuss and explore the concerns and issues related to job loss and to find alternative solutions for career satisfaction. The group is a collaborative effort between JFS Counseling and Employment & Training Departments. Info: Rebekah Kanefsky at 203-921-4161 or
- DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP Tuesdays, 7:45-8:45 pm in Westport For adults who would like to discuss all aspects of separation and divorce, JFS will be restarting a support group in the JFS Westport office, 431 Post Road E. Suite 11. The fee will be $10 per session. You must register to attend by contacting Alexa Griffin at or call at 203-979-0325. At the JFS Stamford office, 733 Summer Street, Suite 602, a Divorce Support Group will be held on Mondays, 7:45-8:45 pm. Info:Kathy Anderson 203-921-4161, ext. 121 or
- BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Wednesday, 11:00 am- 12:00 pm at the Stamford office of Jewish Family Service, 733 Summer Street, 6th Floor Are you searching for a safe haven to explore your thoughts and feelings about grief? JFS can provide a protected environment that provides emotional, physical, and spiritual support.nfo - Rosemarie Delia: (203) 921-4161 or
Thank You/ Hakarat Hatov/ Welcome Corner - Thank you to Mrs. Sharon Wohlberg for arranging for all of the housing, as she does every year!
- Thank you to all of the families who are hosting our Yachad Shabbaton.
This weekend.... WELCOME to the over 85 YACHAD members and advisers who have joined us for Shabbat; as well as to the BCDS 8TH Grade class who are all here to participate in the annual BCDS-YACHAD Shabbaton! Jr. Cong. will meet in the Chapel at 10:30. B'nai Mitzvah Club- is invited to join Teen Minyan this week - 9:30 in the Social Hall w the Sperbers!
Coming Soon-A Jammed Packed May-June: YOUTH FUNDRAISER RAFFLE - GRAND PRIZE 2 TICKETS TO ISRAEL (Maximum value $2500)!All proceeds will go to benefit our wonderful children!!!SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SPONSOR THIS SPECIAL FUNDRAISER!Keep on the lookout for the start of the raffle this coming week! May 16 - Boys Afternoon Out May 30 - Girls Afternoon Out May 31- Double Nekudot and Nekudot Sale Shabbat June 13 - Tot Kabbalat Shabbat June 17 - Teen Trip: Yankees vs Blue Jays Game June 21 - Double Nekudot and Nekudot Sale Shabbat Annual Youth Awards Shabbat Also, Coming Soon - Grades 4-5 Special event... keep on the lookout... J If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday or special accomplishment by sponsoring a special "kiddush" in their honor, please email me at If you would like to help support the Youth Department, please visit for all of our sponsorship opportunities. Shabbat Shalom!Rabbi Jeiger |