| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin April 12, 2014 | Acharei Mot Shabbat HaGadol | 12 Nisan 5774 | | Shabbat Schedule | Friday | Mincha | 6:00 PM 7:00 PM | Candles | 7:11 PM | Saturday | Shacharit | 8:00 AM 9:00 AM | Coffee & Commentary | 8:45 AM | Latest Shema | 9:37 AM | Teen Minyan | 10:00 AM | Tot Shabbat | 10:30 AM | Mini Minyan | 10:30 AM | Jr.Cong/BMC | 10:30 AM | Understanding Prayer | 10:30 AM | Shiur | 10:30 AM | Latest Shacharit | 10:43 AM | Shabbat Ha Gadol Drasha | 6:00 PM | Mincha | 7:05 PM | Daf Yomi | 7:25 PM | Maariv | 8:08 PM | Shabbat Ends | 8:13 PM | | If you could invite one person to your seder from history, who would it be and why? (Thanks Simeon) What is the most important message of Pesach for today and for you? Why do we invite guests after the seder has already started? Describe a moment in your life when you experienced the Hand of God. Why do we raise our glass when we recite "BVeheeh Sheemdah"? What does it mean to be physically and spiritually enslaved and redeemed? Engagement and Relevancy characterize a successful seder. If we simply go through the motions of the night without tapping into its power and potential, we have missed a unique opportunity for growth. Spend some time in the next couple of days preparing for the seder. Use the questions above as triggers for discussion. Join me at the Shabbat Hagadol Drasha on The Ultimate Four Questions, listen to our podcasts or surf for Torah online.
Diane and I wish you and your families a Shabbat Shalom and Chag Kasher V'sameach. Rabbi Daniel Cohen
VISITING NYC DURING PESACH? 15th-Century Haggadah on View during Passover at Metropolitan Museum. Two medieval Hebrew manuscripts are on view at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. One manuscript, on loan from the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary, is a newly conserved Haggadah by Joel ben Simeon, one of the best-known illuminators of medieval Hebrew manuscripts. Its presentation at the Museum marks the first time it is being displayed publicly in more than a decade. The other, a richly ornamented 15th-century Hebrew Bible, is on loan from the Hispanic Society of America through May 1. | | - to Sally Klapper on receiving a 2014 Bronfman Youth Fellowship
Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | The Linda Beson Nursing Education Fund | Seudat Shlishit | Lynn and Harvey Berman to commemorate the Yahrtzeit of Harvey's father | Sanctuary Kiddush | the shul and Stephen Batkin in honor of Adam's Bar Mitzvah anniversary | Chapel Kiddush | In memory of Helen Neitlich - Kiddush is being sponsored by the family of Helen Neitlich in honor of her 13th yahrtzeit. | Teen Minyan Kiddush | Sharon & Burt Rubin - in honor of Marty & Joseph | Shabbat Topics & Participants | Shacharit/Musaf | Cantor Bokow | Sermon | Rabbi Walk: You Can Take the Jews Out of Egypt | Usher | Mitchell Bell | Shiur | David Cohen: In Your Cups: 4 or 5? | Daf Yomi | Rabbi Jeff Cahn | Shabbat HaGadol Drasha | Rabbi Cohen: The Ultimate Four Questions | Seudah Shlishit | Rabbi David Walk | Torah Readers | Joseph Rubin, Simcha Rubin, Arthur Smith, Zach Kfare, Judd Love, David Michelson, Danny Alexander | Sunday, April 13 | Shacharit | 7:15/8:30 am | | Mincha | 7:20 PM | | Search for Chametz | after 8:14 pm | Monday, April 14 | Shacharit | 6:30/7:30 am | Erev Passover | Siyum/Fast of the First Born | approx. 7:10 am | | Daf Yomi | 7:20 AM | | Last time to eat chametz | 10:42 AM | | Communal burning at CAS | 11:15 AM | | Last time to annul & burn chametz | 11:48 AM | | Candles | 7:14 PM | | Mincha | 7:19 PM | | Earliest time to start seder | 8:15 PM | Passover Day 1 | Shacharit | 8:00/9:00 am | Tuesday, April 15 | Combined Tot Shabbat/Mini Minyan | 10:30 AM | | Junior Congregation | 10:30 AM | | Daf Yomi | 6:30 PM | | Mincha | 7:20 PM | | Candles not before | 8:16 PM | | Earliest time to start seder | 8:15 PM | Passover Day 2 | Shacharit | 8:00/9:00 am | Wednesday, April 16 | Combined Tot Shabbat/Mini Minyan | 10:30 AM | First Day of the Omer | Jr. Congregation | 10:30 AM | | Daf Yomi | 6:30 PM | | Mincha | 7:20 PM | | Yom Tov Ends | 8:16 PM | Thursday, April 17 (Day 3), Omer 2 | Shacharit | 6:20/7:30 am | | Mincha | 7:25 PM | Friday, April 18 (Day 4), Omer 3 | Shacharit | 6:20/7:30 am | | Candles | 7:19 PM | | Mincha | 7:00 PM | We Wish A Speedy Recovery To | - Ariella bat Bracha
- Aryeh Lev ben Eidel
- Aviva bat Etta
- Benzion Ben Mordachai ben Lillian
- Chaim Volf ben Chana Shayna
- Chana Necha bat Szlata
- Channah bat Tzivya
- Chaya Esther bat Tziporah
- Chaya Sarah Tzipporah bat Rivka
- Dalia bat Chana Chaica
- Devorah bat Leah
- Dov ben Etel
- Dovid Levi ben Gittel
- Efrat bat Yael
| - Einav bat Chana
- Elisheva bat Miriam
- Fred ben Irma
- Geri bat Esther
- Harav Avraham David ben Toba Leah
- Harav Dovid Eliyahu ben Avrina
- Leah bat Tania
- Lousya bat Jenna
- Malka Chaya bat Esther Gittel
- Malka bat Zelda
- Meryl Miriam bat Rivka
- Michal Fraida Chava bat Yita Shandel
- Moshe Baruch ben Chaya Sara
- Naomi Devorah bat Mindel
| - Perel Etka bat Sara
- Pesach ben Elsa
- Rachel bat Malkah
- Rav Aharon (Harav Aharon Lichtenstein) ben Bluma
- Refael Ephraim ben Sima
- Rochel bat Marianna
- Sarah Rivka bat Channah Rachel
- Shlomo ben Rachel
- Shmuel Refael ben Chana
- Shoshana bat Ruchamah
- Tovah Chaya bat Tzipporah
- Y'rachmeal ben Chayah Bat M'shulam Zalman
- Zahava bat Chaya Sara
- Zev Mordechai ben Chaya Gittel
| Please join us for the Annual Royce & Dr. Alfred Wolfsohn Lecture May 13, 8 pm Rabbi Abe Cooper, Wiesenthal Center Report from the Trenches: The New and More Virulent European Anti-Semitism
SAVE THE DATE Sisterhood's Annual Meeting and Celebration May 4
This year we are pleased to honor an exceptional person: Elisheva Kilner.
UPCOMING CAS EVENTS - Click to learn more/sign up
CAS FIFTH ANNUAL WOMAN SCHOLAR SERIES Wednesdays at 7:30 pm Last two classes May 21 & May 28 Rosh Kehilah Dina Najman - Marta d'Atra Kehilat Orach Eliezer Expert in Jewish bioethics and faculty member at SAR Academy For men and women! Future Sessions: Kavod haBriyot - Human Dignity Halakhic Perspectives on Bioethical Decision Making - Issues in Fertility This expanded series is made possible through the generosity of Barbara & Ron Ashkenas in memory of Edward & Evelyn Weinberger | HELP FILL THE JFS KOSHER FOOD PANTRY THIS PASSOVER - DEADLINE SUNDAY, APRIL 13 Please purchase and donate a food, gas, or drug store gift card to allow patrons to purchase fresh foods for Pesach or drop off a bag with Passover groceries - details @ www.cas-stamford.org
UPCOMING PASSOVER EVENTS - Click to learn more/sign up | Sundays | Bible from the Beginning 9:15 am-Rabbi David Walk | Mondays | Dvar Yom B'Yomo 12:20 pm BCDS-Rabbi David Walk | Thursdays | Talmud Bavli-Masechet Megilla 7:30 pm-Rabbi David Walk | Fridays | Taste of Torah 8:15 am-Rabbi Daniel Cohen | SYLVIA'S CAS SISTERHOOD GIFT SHOP Will be closed for Passover. We will re-open on April 24th. | - IT IS TIME TO SELL THE CHAMETZ! See the printed bulletin or our Passover website to download the form to submit to Rabbi Cohen.
- CRISPY, CRUNCHY, CAREFULLY WATCHED, IMPORTED FROM BROOKLYN Schmura Matzah! Only $30 / one pound box Order on-line at www.cas-stamford.org and pick up @ CAS Ready now - The office will be open on Monday until 3:00 pm
- CAS 2014 PESACH FOOD DRIVE: NOW EXTENDED UNTIL APRIL 13! DO A MITZVAH TO HELP JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE FILL THEIR FOOD PANTRY! Donate grocery cards, gas cards, pharmacy cards and non-perishable food items marked "Kosher for Passover." Leave grocery bags in the coat closet until April 13th. Feinstein Foundation "matching" all JFS Kosher Food Pantry donations - food and grocery/pharmacy store gift cards are counted as cash. We win an award from the Feinstein Foundation based on amount received - the more we receive, the more they award our Food Pantry. Contact event chairs Julie Daniel at juliedaniel123@gmail.com, Rachel Haron at rharon@optonline.net or Youth Chair, Josh Gordon.
- CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS - CAS "HARVEST NOW" GARDEN Spring is finally here! We need experienced or inexperienced but interested gardeners for this season's Harvest Now garden at the shul. Last year, we grew, harvested and donated over 200 pounds of produce for the local food bank. Let's beat that amount this year! If you want to give 30-60 minutes of your time on a Sunday, early or late in the day, please contact Meredith Cohen at meredithcohen123@gmail.com.
- BOOK SIGNING BRUNCH WITH RABBIS DANIEL COHEN & DAVID WALK. In celebration of two new books, Mining for Gold, by Rabbi Cohen and Walk through the Parsha by Rabbi Walk, we cordially invite the community to a Book Brunch on Sunday morning, April 27 at 9:15 AM. Both Rabbis will speak about their book and books will be available for purchase and signing. Sponsored by the CAS Adult Education Committee.
- HOUSING IS NEEDED FOR THE ANNUAL YACHAD SHABBATON, MAY 2-3. Volunteers needed for housing and transportation. All Junior Yachad members are matched up with a staff member who is responsible for them. The kids have varying degrees of abilities, can stay in separate or same bedrooms. Contact Sharon @ sharwohlberg@gmail.com Please include in response: 1.HOW MANY YOU CAN SLEEP, 2.IF YOU HAVE STAIRS, 3.IF YOU HAVE PETS,4.ADDRESS, 5.PHONE NUMBER
- HELP THE CHILDREN-For her Bat Mitzvah project, Rina Marlowe is collecting new or gently used Shabbos or party clothing for the children at Bet Ha'yeled, Amit's Gilo home for disadvantaged youth. Hang donations in the wardrobe in the back of the coatroom.
- WELCOME TO OUR SYNAGOGUE PROGRAM Every Shabbat we station ushers at the doors in the sanctuary to welcome people, assist them and enhance the service. We are expanding the usher roles to include a greeter in the lobby from 9-10:30 am. Please join the usher team. We need you and your smile. Info: Mitchell Bell.
- CAS FREE MEZUZAH CAMPAIGN IN FAIRFIELD COUNTY, CT Bringing Blessings to Jewish Homes. Do you know a neighbor or a friend who lacks a mezuzah? CAS offers a free mezuzah and home visit to post this sacred scroll at the entrance to all Jewish homes in the area. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen: rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org
- COMMUNITY CHESED HELPERS An important role of the Chesed committee is outreach to the Shul's elderly and homebound, who are often isolated and lack a lifeline to our synagogue. Volunteer to reach out and identify needs, visit, or give a ride. Even small gestures mean a great deal Interested? Vivian Weiss at 203-323-0909 or vivianweiss@gmail.com. Aware of elderly or homebound members in need of outreach? please notify Rabbi Cohen.
- YOUNG COUPLES COMMITTEE: SHAKESPEARE'S THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA by Shakespeare on the Sound on Thursday, June 19, 7:30 p.m. at Pinkney Park in Rowayton. All you need is a blanket, low lawn chairs and a picnic to join us for the viewing scheduled for Thursday, June 19. Info & RSVP: Laura Tobin at laurabl@gmail.com. Info & directions www.shakespeareonthesound.org
- NEW TO STAMFORD AND INTERESTED IN MEMBERSHIP? Contact Saul Skolnick, Ethan Green (203-276-9314) or Rabbi Daniel Cohen.
- WE WANT YOU FOR BINGO! Volunteers and callers are needed. Join the fun we have a small group of dedicated workers . Contact Roz @ roz@cas-stamford.org or call the shul at 203-358-2200.
- 8-12TH GRADE TRIP TO YANKEES VS TORONTO BLUE JAYS (7:05 PM) JUNE 17 (Dont miss it!! Its Derek Jeters last season) Leaving CAS at 5:30. If you have your own ride that's fine as well. Limited Number of Tickets. Chaperones needed. $10/ Ticket. Email jsperber3@gmail.com or simply register @ youth.cas-stamford.org.
April 12, 2014 - Acharei-Mot / Passover It is the mission of Congregation Agudath Sholom Youth Department to provide innovative religious and recreational activities for babies through senior teens, which infuse core Torah values and a general menschlichkeit into the daily lives of our youth. PARENTS & YELADIM: How will we celebrate Pesach in the time of the Messiah? Hopefully we will all manage to squeeze into the old city of Jerusalem for the Seder Night. The fact that large numbers of people managed to do so two millennia ago was considered miraculous. Now we are rather more numerous and an even more obvious miracle will be required. The Seder will be conducted much as described in the Haggadah, with the key addition of the Paschal Lamb instead of the shank bone on the Seder Plate, and a Festive Offering instead of the Egg. The advent of the Messiah will mean real freedom, for us and for every human being. Yet the memory and celebration of the Exodus from Egypt will still be significant. Our liberation from Egypt more than 3,300 years ago, celebrated at our Seder nights and the Pesach festival, set the pattern for the future: the ability to break free from a state of limitation and exile, to reach for and to achieve freedom. In historical terms we can see a number of later instances when the Jewish people were in exile, suffering subjugation in some form, and then we broke free. Yet there is also a constantly repeated personal and psychological process. The Hebrew word for Egypt, Mitzrayim, has the same letters as the word metzarim meaning "limitations." YELADIM: Each day is potentially an "Egypt" from which we might go free in a fulfilled and joyful Exodus.Let us all remember the deeper freedom that we can experience every day by viewing the world and life with a "wide angle lens," looking at all the good and not be a "Mitzrayim" focusing on the narrow and the bad. My family and I will be away for Passover- we would like to wish each and every one of you a Chag Kasher V'Sameach - a happy and healthy Passover.May we all merit to live the messages of the redemption with the ultimate redemption speedily in our days! Age Specific Topic to Discuss at your Shabbat Tables: Grades 4-6 1.What happened to Aharon's sons? 2.Why are there 15 parts to the Seder? 3.When else is Acharei Mot read besides this Shabbat??*(Double nekudot question!!) Grades 1-3 4.What was Aharon to do on Yom Kippur? 5.What is the "main" question of the Ma Nishtana? *(Double nekudot question!!) Please come to Rabbi Jeiger or Zach Kfare and get 2 nekudot (or 4 for the bonus question) if you can tell us about your family discussion of any of these questions or the d'var torah. Thank You/ Hakarat Hatov/ Welcome Corner üThank you to The Kurtz Family for hosting the Jr Cong. oneg last Shabbat. üThank you to all of the leaders who will be running groups during Passover! This weekend.... Teen Minyan- will meet in the Chapel at 10:00 with the Sperbers. Jr. Cong. will meet in the Simcha Room at 10:30.Please join and listen to Sophie Sigman deliver a Dvar Torah . B'nai Mitzvah Club- will meet in the Social Hall with at 10:30 with Rabbi Jeiger and Ellie Zucker! *Please sign your child up for groups even if you have in past years.We will be following new safety protocols and as such we need you to sign up your children at https://sites.google.com/a/cas-stamford.org/youth/home/group-signup. *Get to know all of our leaders and the themes for all of our groups at http://youth.cas-stamford.org/staff. Jr. Cong. Parents: Zach is teaching Anim Zemirot to the entire group- and many of your children are joining each week to lead in the Main Sanctuary.We are also working on teaching those who already know Anim Zemirot, the Mizmor L'david prayer.Please let me know if your child is interested in learning this or any other new prayer and we will help arrange for that!Thanks so much for your partnership in making Shabbat morning groups so meaningful for our youth! Passover Schedule: Tues. & Wed. April 15& 16: Tot Shabbat - Sarah Poland, Rochelle Guy Mini Minyan - Sara Malka Cohen Jr Cong (Grades 1-6)- Zach Kfare, Adina Cohen Shabbat, April 19: Tot Shabbat -Debbie Berger, Simone Nachman Mini Minyan -Sara Malka Cohen, Tamar Cohen Jr Cong (Grades 1-6)-Zach Kfare, Abby Berk Mon. & Tues. April 21& 22: Tot Shabbat - Debbie Berger, Simone Nachman Mini Minyan -Naama Herstic, Tamar Cohen Jr Cong (Grades 1-4)-Zach Kfare, Abby Berk BMC(Grades 5-6)- 21st - R Parhi & Ellie Zucker; 22nd - Ellie Zucker Coming Soon-A Jammed Packed March-June: COMING REALLY SOON - YOUTH FUNDRAISER RAFFLE - GRAND PRIZE 2 TICKETS TO ISRAEL!All proceeds will go to benefit our wonderful children!!!Keep on the lookout for the start of the raffle very soon.... April 26 - Double Nekudot and Nekudot Sale Shabbat May 16 - Boys Afternoon Out May 30 - Girls Afternoon Out May 31- Double Nekudot and Nekudot Sale Shabbat June 13 - Tot Kabbalat Shabbat June 17 - Teen Trip: Yankees vs Blue Jays Game June 21 - Double Nekudot and Nekudot Sale Shabbat Annual Youth Awards Shabbat Also, Coming Soon - Grades 4-5 Special event... keep on the lookout... J If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday or special accomplishment by sponsoring a special "kiddush" in their honor, please email me at rabbijeiger@hotmail.com If you would like to help support the Youth Department, please visit http://youth.cas-stamford.org/giving for all of our sponsorship opportunities. Shabbat Shalom!Rabbi Jeiger | - FCCJBL REGISTRATION is now Open for the 2014 Season! Ages 4-14. Fairfield County Connecticut Jewish Baseball League. Please register on-line @ www.fccjbl.org
- SAVE THE DATE ... SHULI TAUBES RETURNS TO STAMFORD! Young Israel Family Beit Midrash Program, Sunday, May 4th at the Young Israel of Stamford, light dinner at 6PM, presentation to begin at 6:30PM, "To Believe or Not to Believe - That is the Question: Perspectives on Faith", free and open to the entire community
- UCONN CENTER FOR JUDAIC & MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES Following are our sponsored lectures in the LUNCH & LEARN SERIES, (Thursdays, 12:00 noon - 1:30 PM): May 1st - The Saul Kwartin Memorial Lecture: "The Afterlife of a Biblical Figure: King Saul in Hebraic and English Literary Traditions" with Dr. Nehama Aschkenasy, UConn-Stamford We will also have a special Yom HaShoah Lecture, "Between Dignity and Despair: Jewish Women and Families in Nazi Germany," with Dr. Marion Kaplan of NYU on Tuesday, April 8th at 7:00 p.m. (free to the community). You may also register by contacting us at stamfordjudaicstudies@uconn.edu or (203) 251-9525.
- THE OU GUIDE TO PASSOVER is now available at CAS. Pick up the latest OU guide to what is Kosher for Passover.
- FREE TAGLIT-BIRTHRIGHT TRIPS TO ISRAEL registration is now open, for those 18-26. New! Those who participated on peer educational trips prior to turning 18 years of age are now welcome to apply. Click here for info and to apply.
- LINKING GENERATIONS OF THE SHOAH-Our 2nd Generation Group began in July 2012. We are a group of approximately fifty members ranging in age from 40 and up and we come from all over CT and Westchester County. Our monthly meetings take place in Westport, CT (usually at the UJA offices) every second Tuesday of the month. Spouses of 2G members as well as 3rd Generation often attend our general meetings. Please come and join us. For further contact information call: Ann Cohn at 203-762-0058 (home) or 203-984-6667 (cell).
- MIKE'S CENTER CAFE & BAKERY AT THE JCC is now open on Saturday nights! Mike's will open each week one hour after the end of Shabbat and will close when the JCC closes at 9 pm. For information, please call 203-321-0051 or email mikescentercafe@gmail.com. CLOSED FOR PASSOVER
- BCDS ANNUAL CELEBRATION DINNER Please join Bi-Cultural Day School on Sunday, May 18th, 5:00 PM at the Stamford Hilton Hotel for their Annual Celebration Dinner to honor Mr. Walter Shuchatowitz, Founding Principal, and Mrs. Jacqueline Herman, Principal and Head of School. The Jane Shoztic Award for outstanding teaching will be presented to Mrs. Felicia Carriero and Mr. Frank Cronson. To RSVP and/or place an ad, please visit bcdscelebration.org or contact Eve Nachman, 203-329-2186 x1341, enachman@bcds.org
- THE 3RD ANNUAL MIKE MILE Sunday, May 18 9 AM - noon. Join us at the 3rd Annual Mike Mile supporting The Michael D. Rothman CIDP Research Fund at Columbia University Medical Center. With a 1 mile fun run (certified and timed course), kids' races for ages 2-12, a bbq, bootcamp, and much more, the Mike Mile will be a great time for the entire family! Sign up through this link: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-3rd-annual-mike-mile-registration-10969495055?aff=mcivte
- JFS AND THE 17TH ANNUAL FEINSTEIN FOUNDATION $1 MILLION CHALLENGE TO FIGHT HUNGER All April donations to the JFS Kosher Food Pantry count. Please donate grocery, gas & pharmacy gift cards, kosher food items and cash donations. Info Rebekah Kanefsky at rkanefsky@ctjfs.org or 203-921-4161.
- COLLEGE-GETTING THERE FROM HERE, Thursday, May 8, 6:00 pm In cooperation with EdwardJones. Claire Friedlander, JFS College Consultant, will introduce experts in financing a college education. Join us at the Stamford office of Jewish Family Service, 733 Summer Street, 6th Floor. Refreshments will be served. Free admission. Info: Marisa - Marisa.catino@edwardjones.com or 203-324-4308.
- LIFE TRANSITIONS-Wednesdays at 11:30 am Ongoing support group for the unemployed at the Stamford JFS office, 733 Summer Street, 6th Floor. The focus of the group is to provide a forum to discuss and explore the concerns and issues related to job loss and to find alternative solutions for career satisfaction. The group is a collaborative effort between JFS Counseling and Employment & Training Departments. Info: Rebekah Kanefsky at 203-921-4161 or rkanefsky@ctjfs.org
- DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP Tuesdays, 7:45-8:45 pm in Westport For adults who would like to discuss all aspects of separation and divorce, JFS will be restarting a support group in the JFS Westport office, 431 Post Road E. Suite 11. The fee will be $10 per session. You must register to attend by contacting Alexa Griffin at agriffin@ctjfs.org or call at 203-979-0325. At the JFS Stamford office, 733 Summer Street, Suite 602, a Divorce Support Group will be held on Mondays, 7:45-8:45 pm. Info:Kathy Anderson 203-921-4161, ext. 121 or kanderson@ctjfs.org
- BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Wednesday, 11:00 am- 12:00 pm at the Stamford office of Jewish Family Service, 733 Summer Street, 6th Floor Are you searching for a safe haven to explore your thoughts and feelings about grief? JFS can provide a protected environment that provides emotional, physical, and spiritual support.nfo - Rosemarie Delia: (203) 921-4161 or rdelia@ctjfs.org
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