| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin 301 Strawberry Hill Avenue, Stamford, CT (203) 358-2200 www.cas-stamford.org Mikvah 203-964-1928 / Eruv 203-324-3955 |
| May 4, 2013 | Behar-Bechukotai Shabbat Mevorchim Omer 39
| 24 Iyyar 5773 | | | Friday Candles | 7:34pm | Mincha | 7:00pm | Chapel | 8:00am | Coffee & Commentary | 8:45am | Sanctuary | 9:00am | Women's Tefilla Group | 10:00am | | 10:30am
| Future Tots/Tot Shabbat Mini Minyan/Jr. Cong/BMC | 10:30am | Code of Jewish Law | 6:45pm | Daf Yomi | 6:45pm
| Mincha
| 7:30pm | Maariv | 8:30pm | Shabbat Ends | 8:35pm | Rosh Chodesh Sivan Fri | day | | Shabbat 5/4
| Omer 39 | | | | | | | Wednes 5/8 Yom Yerushal | Omer 43
ayim | Thursday 5/9 | Omer 44 | Friday 5/10
Rosh Chodesh | | Saturday 5/11 | Omer 46 | |
| Rabbi Daniel Cohen this week Monday: 3:30-5:00 pm Tuesday: 10:00-11:00 am Thursday: 8:30-9:30 am Starbucks 1079 High Ridge Road Friday: 9:45-10:30 am Rabbi David Walk Sunday: 10:00-11:00 am Monday: 8:15-9:00 pm Thursday: 6:45-7:30 pm | |
To read the world's most dynamic and informative magazine on the kosher food industry, click here for the digital version of the SPRING 2013 issue of Behind the Union Symbol, OU Kosher's acclaimed trade magazine, read and enjoyed by those interested in learning more about the OU and the ever-growing kosher marketplace. |
| Fruits and vegetables are subject to insect infestation and require checking and cleaning prior to consumption. Please visit the OU website to learn more about this mitzvah of kashrut and to download a free Fruit and Vegetable Inspection Chart. |
Crash Course in Basic Judaism continues this Thursday, 7:30 pm with "Commandments" Don't miss the remaining lectures on Commandments and Sexuality Listen to the previous sessions on sponsored by the National Jewish Outreach Program |
| | We celebrate the reunification of Jerusalem, Yom Yerushalayim, this Tuesday night and Wednesday. We also complete the third book of the Torah, Vayikra, this Shabbat. In my mind, the confluence of these two events bears an important message for us. The word, "Vayikra" signifies an intential and purposeful relationship with the Almighty. (See the first Rashi in the book of Vayikra, i.e. "Vayikra" vs. "Vayikar.") We do not believe in coincidence but in Divine Providence More than any other event in the last generation, the Six Day War represents G-d's influence on the destiny of the Jewish people. Let us not take Jerusalem for granted. At the start of our annual meeting on Tuesday evening, we will show a brief video in appreciation of this special day. Join us also on Wednesday morning for the recitation of Hallel in thankgiving. Wishing you and your families a Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov.
Rabbi Daniel Cohen |
SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING TO VOTE ON PROPOSED CHANGES TO CAS CONSTITUTION Tuesday, May 7, 7:30 pm The Israeli flag will remain in the Sanctuary through Yom Yerushalayim, this Wednesday. |
The Women's Tefilla Group invites all women and girls to join Bat Mitzvah of Talia Shapiro Tomorrow Morning, May 4 Parshat Behar-Bechukotai Tefilla begins at 10:00 am in the Heyman Chapel |
We are seeking sponsors for Shavuot flowers. |
Celebrate Our CAS Graduates on the Second Day of Shavuot - Thursday May 16! Join the CAS 2013 Graduation Celebration! If you have a graduate in your family (preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school, college or graduate school), we will publish his/her name and the level from which he or she is graduating. Celebrate the graduates with a festive kiddush on the second day of Shavuot in honor of the graduates. Help co-sponsor the kiddush for $50 per family sponsorship $180 for family cum laude sponsorship To see our list of graduates and sponsors, Click Here |
Please come and welcome Cantor Andres Kornworcel and his wife Ariana Alfie to Stamford on Shabbat May 11 and 12. Cantor Kornworcel will lead davening Friday night, as well as Saturday in the sanctuary. He will be available for conversation at kiddush on Shabbat or at a tea Shabbat afternoon (details to follow.) Cantor Kornworcel is the first cantor who will be visiting as part of our current cantor search. Details regarding other candidates and weekends will follow. There will be a survey available online for your feedback immediately following Shabbat; hard copies will be available in the shul office on Monday, May 14. |
| Sponsorship opportunities for Shavuot: On the eve of Yizkor, please consider co-sponsoring one of these learning opportunities in memory of a loved one for $36: (you need not attend a lecture to sponsor!) -
Origin of the Oral Law: What Was Given at Sinai? 11:30 pm Tuesday night -
Copyright Law in Halacha 12:30 am Wednesday morning -
Recording Sports Events on Shabbat, Dishwashers on Timers: Applications of Shevitat Shabbat 1:30 am Wednesday morning -
Machines & Mitzvot: Can Robots Write Torah Scrolls 4 am Wednesday morning -
Electricity on Shabbat 7 pm Wednesday -
Women's shiur on Ruth 5:30 pm Thursday -
Shemirat HaLashon (Guarding One's Tongue) 7 pm Thursday
CAS Annual Festive Dinner This Sunday evening, May 5, 2013, 5-9:30 pm Elissa & Dr. Philip Klapper | Community Service Award: Ronni Bass Young Leadership Award: Shira & Ethan Green The Dinner Chairpeople thank all the participants & send a big Mazal Tov to the honorees and their families want to join us? Click here to sign up now! Did you know? If you enter a journal ad, we'll include it in our "virtual" journal | |
Mazal Tov to: | - Anne Peskin on the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson Ethan Joseph Sausville, son of Lisa & David Sausville, in Middlebury VT
- Dina & Paul Berger on the engagement of their son Benjamin to Jessica Rothstein
- Jodi & Oren Shapiro and Phyllis & Martin Shapiro on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter and granddaughter Talia
- the CAS Annual Festive Dinner Honorees: Elissa & Philip Klapper, Aviva Maller, Ronni Bass, and Shira & Ethan Green
| |
Condolences to: | - Tracy Daniels, on the death of her beloved father, Dr. Charles G. Smith
- Howard Wolfe, on the death of his beloved uncle, Robert Wolfe, brother of Marvin Wolfe, and father of Ricky, Steven, Kerry and David.
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Shabbat Topics & Participants | Torah Readers | Arthur Green, Jay Jubas, Simcha Rubin | Women's Tefilla Group
| Talia Shapiro | Musaf | | Sermon Command Performance | | Usher | | Bat Mitzvah Speech | Talia Shapiro
| Coffee & Commentary | Rabbi David Walk | Shiur The Little Convert Who Could | Rabbi David Walk
| Seudat Shlishit Pirkei Avot, Perek 5 | Rabbi Daniel Cohen | |
Thanks to this Week's Sponsors...
| Shabbat Shalom Hospitality Packages | Phyllis & Martin Shapiro in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Talia; the Niedober and Fruchter families in memory of Murray Niedober | Chapel Kiddush | Debbie & Michael Berg in observance of the 6th yahrtzeit of Debbie's mother, Marlene Lilienfeld; the Niedober and Fruchter families in memory of Murray Niedober, Mordechai ben Yitzchak | Sanctuary Kiddush | Jodi & Oren Shapiro in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Talia | Seudat Shlishit | Rhonda & Judd Love in observance of the yahrtzeits of Rhonda's mother, Rochelle Boltino, and of Judd's parents, Rose & Abraham Love
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Daf Yomi | Sunday 7:45 am, Monday-Friday 7:00 am | Shacharit | Sunday 7:15/8:30 am, Monday-Thursday 6:30/7:30 am, Friday 6:20/7:30 am | Weekday Mincha | additional early mincha Tuesday night at 7:10 preceding Shul meeting; late maariv to follow meeting; Sunday-Thursday 7:45 pm | Candles Next Friday | 7:41 pm | |
Elijah the Prophet and Resurrection
Power of the Prophets with Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Tuesdays, 8:15 am
Rabbi Cohen's Classes This Week Tuesday: Power of the Prophets (now with Elijah!) | 8:15 am | Tuesday: Modern Jewish Thinkers | 9:00 am | Tuesday: Parsha Perspectives and Paradigms | noon (lunch served) | Thursday: Crash Course in Basic Judaism-Commandments | 7:30 pm | Friday: Taste of Torah | 8:15 am | |
Rabbi Walk's Classes This Week Sunday Bible from the Beginning | 9:15 am | Monday Weekly Parsha at BCDS | 12:10 pm | Tuesday Class cancelled due to special congregational meeting | 7:30 pm | Thursday Talmud, Megilla | 7:30 pm | |
This Thursday, May 9, noon Please join Rabbi Daniel Cohen for a thought provoking and lively discussion led by the poet Barbara Leff who will give a special and personal reading from her newly published and Jewish Book Award nominated collection And God Said . . . A Brief History of Creation Click here to RSVP by Tuesday, May 7 Lunch will be served Join us for our Shavuot Scholar in Residence Program May 14-16 Featuring Rabbi Jeremy Wieder Rosh Yeshiva Joseph and Gwendolyn Straus Professor of Talmud at RIETS and Instructor of Bible at Yeshiva College of Yeshiva University at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University We will also host YU Torah Tours
Sunday, June 2|10:30 to 12 Sisterhood Sunday Brunch Celebrating CAS women of all ages Report from your co-presidents Anne Peskin and Marge Abrams
Tuesday, June 4 at 8:00 Dessert Reception and Lecture with Rabbi Dr. Meir Y. Soloveichik of Yeshiva University and Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun The Founding Fathers at the Chupah $36 per person | Proceeds to benefit the Minnie Manger-Marcia Lieberman Mikvah | |
Please Support our Community Mikvah Have you joined the Mayim League? Support our community's Minnie Manger-Marcia Lieberman Mikvah Donate online at www.stamfordmikvah.org Bronze $250 | Silver $500 | Gold $1,000 | Platinum $1,800 Donations of $500 and above include immersion for the year for yourself or a designated woman |
ISRAEL BONDS One of the best ways to show your solidarity with Israel is to buy Israel bonds. If you have not yet invested in 2013, please contact our Israel Bonds representative, Cynthia Blustein, at 914-713-9003 or cynthia.blustein@israelbonds.com. For current rates and prospectuses or to buy a bond online, visitwww.israelbonds.com . |
A PILLOW FOR A SOLDIER Standing Together, an Israeli charity, is working towards making Israeli soldiers more comfortable by giving them travel pillows for their use when going to and from base, visiting family, and even spending Shabbat on base. In total there about 156,000 active soldiers and 50,000 new soldiers enter each year. Our goal is 37,500 pillows in 30 days! Please visit here to contribute and for raffle info! |
| No Teen Minyan or Jr. Teen Chat this week - Mazal Tov to Talia Shapiro on her Bat Mitzvah! At Jr. Cong, come and hear Daniel Janush read from the Torah while Meital Jeiger will be delivering a D'var Torah! 5/10 FRIDAY AFTERNOON OUT - sign up here! 5/11 TEEN MINYAN AND JR. CONG. DOUBLE NEKUDOT & NEKUDOT SALE WEEK1 5/14-15 SHAVUOT ALL NIGHT LEARNING PROGRAMS - Jr. Teen Lounge and Sushi Bar - 11:30 pm-1:30 am - followed by walking groups home check it out here!
- Teen Lounge and Sushi Bar - 2:00-5:00 am (program starts at the YI at 12) followed by a gourmet breakfast!
5/15-16 SHAVUOT DAYTIME LEARNING PROGRAMS - Jr Cong. learning session - Wednesday, May 15th, 4 pm in the Shabbat Park with Rabbi Jeiger
- Teen Minyan w/Rabbi Jeiger - Thursday, May 16th, 9:30 am
- Torah Bowl for 5th-6th graders w/Rabbi Walk - Thursday, May 16th, 10 am
- Jr. Teen Oneg w/ Torah Tours at the Karsch home, 60 Urban Street - Thursday, May 16th 4:30-5:30 pm
5/31 TOT KABBALAT SHABBAT with the PJ Library If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday or special accomplishment by sponsoring a special "kiddush" in their honor, please email me at rabbijeiger@hotmail.com |
We wish the following people a Refuah Sheleima. Please have them in your prayers: If you would like to add a name for this month, click here Boruch ben Polina, Gidon Menachem haCohen ben Batsheva, Avraham HaLevi ben Shoshana, Natalie Chana Chaya Bat Aviva, Rivka bat Rose, Chaim Yisroel ben Gittel Malka, Yocheved Chana bat Leah Osne, Zechariya Eliyahu ben Ayelet Naomi, Meyer Leib ben Shayna Reisel, Shemuel Simcah ben Channah, Zev Mordechai ben Chaya Gittel, Refael Ephraim ben Sima, Michal Fraida Chava bat Yita Shandel: At her parents request, please recite psalm 47 for Marlene Gatz, a BCDS mother battling cancer. The text is here. |
REGINA RESNICK PRESENTS GETO: THE HISTORIC GHETTO OF VENICE - Sunday May 5th, refreshments 10 am, program 10:30 am, free and open to the public. Temple Beth El, 350 Roxbury Rd. Stamford. Jewish Historical Society of Fairfield County. Co-Sponsored By the Holocaust Child Survivors of CT. Talk and presentation of the award winning film by Michael Philip Davis, tenor, author, stage director, artistic director, and son of the famed American opera star, Regina Resnik..The documentary is scheduled to be aired on WNET/13 throughout the year. For further information, call Marcie Schoenfeld at (203) 359-9148. MEGILLAT RUT -The Ma'ayanot Adult Education Committee is proud to present a weekly shiur given by Mrs. Leah Herzog, Tanakh teacher at Ma'ayanot. The series of five shiurim will take place on Wednesdays at 11:35 a.m. at Ma'ayanot (1650 Palisade Ave., Teaneck). The series continues through May 8th. All are welcome. THE ROLE OF THE RABBI IN ADVOCATING FOR AGUNOT: A PANEL DISCUSSION-Tuesday, May 7, 2012, 7:45 pm, Young Israel of the Upper West Side, 210 W 91st Street. Featuring Rabbi Shmuel Goldin, RCA President, Rabbi Jeremy Stern, Director of Organization for the Resolution of Agunot, Dr. David Pelcovitz, Psychologist, an Agunah JOB & CAREER FAIR-Monday, May 13, 11:00 am-2:00 pm. Job Seekers can meet representatives/hiring managers from prominent Fairfield County businesses. Other assistance available for job seekers. Co-sponsored by JFS Employment & Training at Greenwich Town Hall, 101 Field Point Road, Greenwich. Click here to register. For more info, contact JFS at 203-921-4161 ext. 125 B CDS CELEBRATION DINNER-Sunday, May 19, 5:00 pm, Stamford Hilton Hotel, honoring CAS members Elisheva Kilner & Sarah Boxer JFS BOOK TALK-Indignation by Philip Roth. Wednesday, May 22, 10 am, Stamford JCC. Set during the Korean War, the book's narrator, 19 year old son of a kosher butcher, has to deal with an overprotective father, fear of going to war, and growing up. Presenter: Sondra Melzer. Free, open to all. Last book talk of the year. Call Marcie Schoenfeld for further info @ 203-359-9148. ISRAEL@65-Sunday, May 26, 2 pm, Westport Country Playhouse, 25 Powers Court, Westport. Shop our shuk: browse through an array of Israeli crafts and food. 5 pm, celebrate with The Shuk, an Israeli and Jewish musical experience. For tickets, click here. For more information, call: (203) 226-8197. Program of the Partnership of Greater Fairfield CountyUJA/ Federation of Westport Weston Wilton Norwalk, The Jewish Federation of Greater Danbury, CT and Putnam County, NY, United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, New Canaan and Darien, Jewish Federation of Western Connecticut. JEWISH CLUBS AT STAMFORD HIGH SCHOOL AND WESTHILL HIGH SCHOOL-Stamford High School's club meets on Tuesdays at 2:15 PM in Room 925 and Westhill's club meets on Thursdays at 2:15 PM in Room 601. Clubs meet weekly! For more information contact rebecca@myjsc.org ADL LAUNCHES MAJOR CENTENNIAL YEAR PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGN: Imagine A World Without Hate which encourages individuals to stand up and speak out against prejudice and bigotry. View this 80 second video that imagines the contributions that victims of high-profile hate crimes might have made to society had their lives not been brutally cut short by racism, homophobia or anti-Semitism. Set to John Lennon's iconic song "Imagine," the video includes Anne Frank, Yitzhak Rabin, Daniel Pearl and others, by imagining their impact on society had they survived into the present day. | SYLVIA'S CAS Sisterhood Gift Shop Sunday 4:30-5:30 pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 12-2 pm |
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