| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin 301 Strawberry Hill Avenue, Stamford, CT (203) 358-2200 www.cas-stamford.org |
| October 27, 2012 | Lech-Lecha | 11 Cheshvan 5773 | | | Friday Candles | 5:40pm | Mincha | 5:45pm | Saturday Chapel Coffee & Commentary | 8:00am 8:45am | Main Sanctuary Teen Minyan | 9:00am 9:30am | Future Tots (Bridal Room - Parent Led) | 10:30am | Tot Shabbat (Library) | 10:30am | Mini-minyan (Youth Room) | 10:30am | Jr. Congregation (Chapel) | 10:30am | B'nai Mitzvah Club (Grades 5-6, near Elevator) | 10:30am | | | Code of Jewish Law Daf Yomi | 4:50 pm 4:50 pm | Mincha | 5:35 pm | Shabbat Ends | 6:39 pm | | | | | What is your Hebrew name? What is its significance? In this week's parsha, G-d reveals that a person's name reveals their purpose and destiny. If you would like to explore yours, be in touch. The exploration can be educational and empowering. Wishing you and your families a Shabbat Shalom Rabbi Daniel Cohen
Be a Sponsor of a Special Kiddush for Rabbi David Walk The shul is organizing a Kiddush following the services in the main sanctuary on Nov. 17 in honor of Rabbi Walk's aufruf and forthcoming marriage to Rivka G. Weiner. If you would like to be a sponsor, please contact Gary Weitz at (917)-763-0962. Visit our website next week for sign-up.
Congregation Agudath Sholom & AJC (American Jewish Committee) Event at CAS On Tuesday, October 30th at 7:30 pm Titled : "Insider's Perspective on the United Nations" with Canada's current Ambassador to the United Nations, Guillermo Rishchynski, and AJC's Associate Director of International Affairs, Ambassador Aaron Jacob. This program is free and open to the public, but RSVPs are required via AJC's Westchester Regional office at www.ajc.org/westchester or by calling-914-948-5585.
We wish the following people a Refuah Shleimah. Please have them in your prayers. If you would like to add a name for this month, email Rabbi Cohen - rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org Devorah bat Sara Ester Rachel bat Razel Baila Rachel Adina bat Batya Sarah Rivkah bat Mindelle Devorah Bat Sara Yehuda Shalom ben Hadassah Ziv ben Vered, Lousya bat Janna Sarah bar Eta Zeisel Zev Mordechai ben Chaya Gittel Refael Ephraim ben Sima, Chaya Devora bas Chana
CAS WELCOMES OUR NEW CONGREGANTS! Vincent Lanci Jeremy & Alisa Weisser Robert Braun & Gina Schapiro David & Rachel Bahar David & Jill Cymrot Jonathan & Allison Ostroff Guy & Carla Port Joshua & Miriam Sperber Daniel & Nicole Sobelsohn Sam & Lori Gressel Jeffrey & Mary Lee Benson Russell & Jamie Dunn Alan & Sarah Poland
We remember the following members of the United States Armed Forces who have passed away defending the USA this past week: Pfc. Shane G. Wilson, 20, of Kuna, ID Chief Warrant Officer Michael S. Duskin, 42, of Orange Park, FL | | | CAS Trip to Israel - November 3 - 13, 2013 Travel to Israel with Rabbi Daniel and Diane Cohen on an Israel Mission exploring highlights of Israel from ancient to modern times. Great trip for first timers. See flier in shul for more details or go to: www.ITC.com |
YOUNG COUPLES EVENT November 3, from 8:00-10:00 p.m. The Young Couples Group will be meeting at the Rip Van Winkle Bowling Lanes 701 Connecticut Avenure in Norwalk Sign up at cas-stamford.org-cost is $15 per person. For information or questions, please contact Laura Tobin at laurabl@gmail.com. Hope to see everyone there! |
Kristallnacht Event Night of Broken Glass Wednesday evening, November 7 at 7:30 PM at CAS The Voyage of the St. Louis and Its Impact on the Roosevelt Legacy-The Trial of FDR: A Courtroom Drama Join us for an evening in commemoration of Kristallnacht featuring a Dramatic Video Presentation and Narration by Author/Playwright Robert Krakow |
November 9-10, 2012 at CAS Shuli Taubes -THEME: Fathers and Sons: Mission and Transmission This weekend is graciously being sponsored by Ana and Albert Lilienfeld Friday November 9, talk & dinner: "The Role of Isaac in the Akeida Story" $25 per Adults / $15 per children Shabbat November 10, sermon after services: "Two Fathers and Two Sons: Abraham and Isaac, David and Solomon" Seudat Shlishit presentation: "Isaac's Vision for His Sons, and the Destiny of the Jewish People" |
Cantor's Concert Sat. Night Nov 10th @ 7:30 PM Featuring "The Three Cantors" Cantor Wollheim hosts: Cantor George Mordecai - Temple Beth El Cantor Asa Fradkin - Temple Sholom Agudath Shir Choir - Elliot Weiss Music Director $25.00 for Members / $18.00 for Seniors & Students Sponsorship Available! $250 or $1000 Click here to Sign-up! |
CAS Annual Thanksgiving Feast for Stamford First Responders Men's Club is hard at work organizing CAS yearly show of appreciation to our local first responders a full Thanksgiving feast served to them at their station houses! Volunteers are needed to help on Thursday November 25: - Thursday Morning, 9:00 - 11:00 am: Prepare the Empire turkeys and trimmings in CAS's kitchen.
- Midday : 11:25 am - Meet at CAS to pack up & transport all of the food to the first responders stations etc..
- Afternoon : 12:30pm - Help serve a full Thanksgiving feast to our city's first responders.
Everyone is encouraged to come out & take part in this genuine expression of appreciation to our local First Responders! For more info contact Mitchell Bell: wizdrbel@yahoo.com |
CHANGE OF DATE: New Member Brunch at Rabbi Daniel & Diane Cohen's Home Sunday December 16, 2012 10:30 -12:00 pm & New Member Orientation for New and Seasoned Members Wednesday January 23, 2013 7:30 - 9:00 pm |
- Dr. Jessica & Adam Batkin on the birth of a baby girl, Shifra Zelda
- Brian & Jean Krifcher on their daughter Charlotte becoming a Bat Mitzvah.
- Leslie Meyers for winning the Grand Champion Award for his essay submitted to the 2012 Older Americans Month Statewide Essay Contest.
- Vlad Rozumov, on the passing of his father David Rozumov
Shabbat Topics & Participants
| Torah Readers | Daniel Sichel | Shacharit/Musaf | Sandy Shapiro | Rabbi Daniel Cohen | Keeping The Faith | Usher | Gary Weitz | Seudat Shlishit | Rabbi David Walk | Code of Jewish Law | Ari Lieberman | |
Daf Yomi | Sunday 7:45 am | Mon-Friday 7:00 am | Shacharit | Sunday 7:15/8:30am Mon-Fri 6:30/7:30am | Weekday Mincha | Sunday-Thursday 5:40 pm | Candles Friday | 5:31 pm | | |
Thanks to this week's sponsors...
| Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | The Linda Beson Nursing Educational Fund. | Sanctuary Kiddush | Jeannie & Brian Kriftcher in honor of their daughter Charlotte's Bat Mitzvah and the Freedberg & Nachman families commemorating the Yahrzeits of George Freedberg and Susan Nachman. | Chapel Kiddush | Steven & Ronnie Sichel in honor of the anniversary of their son Daniel Sichel Bar Mitzvah, and Joshua & Abigail Kurtz in honor of their daughter Samara. | Teen Kiddush | Anonymous | |
Rabbi Daniel Cohen's Classes: Tuesday Morning Classes Power of the Prophets 8:15 - 9:00 am Modern Jewish Thinkers 9:00 - 9:45 am Parsha Perspectives and Paradigms 12:00 -12:45 pm
Friday Morning Classes Torah Portion 8:15 -8:45 am Daf Yomi Shiur 9:00-9:45 am
Rabbi Cohen's Open Office Hours Update: Monday at the Shul 3:30 - 5:00pm Thursday at Starbucks on High Ridge Road, 8:30-9:30 am | |
Rabbi David Walk's Classes Sunday - Bible from the Beginning 9:15 am Monday -Weekly Parsha at BCDS 12:10 pm Monday -New Class @ CAS Hilchot Bishul B'Shabbat The Laws of Cooking on Shabbat With Harav Mordechai Willig Shlit''a Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva University on tape with source materials Heyman Chapel, 1 hour; be home in time for MNF 7:15 pm Tuesday - NEW CLASS! Mysticism Minhag How the Kabbalah has influenced our customs 7:15 pm Thursday- Talmud Tractate Megillah 7:30 pm |
2012 Adult Learning Classes |
Congregation Agudath Sholom Educational Program-Fall 2012 Open to the entire community! Join a class this Fall. Choose from a wide variety of stimulating and inspiring educational opportunities! To sign-up on line go to www.learn.cas-stamford.org or email Rabbi Cohen (rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org) |
We hope parents of Tot Shabbaters and Mini Minyaners are taking advantage of our new 10 am drop off in the library. At Jr. Cong. Come and hear Andrew read from the Torah while Taier and Mimi will be delivering our D'var Torah!! If you would like to read from the Torah or deliver a D'var Torah please let us know. If you would like to host an oneg on Shabbat Nov. 30th please let me know. B'nai Mitzvah Club Opportunity... We are looking for 2 youth liaisons each for the 2 upcoming chesed events in our shul! 1) Senior Luncheon 2) Toy and Book Drive for Chanukah Please speak to Rabbi Jeiger, Sara Malka or Adina Hertzberg if you would like to get involved in these chesed opportunities! OCTOBER: THIS WEEK!!! NCSY ROADSHOW IN STAMFORD! Join your favorite advisors for Teen Kabbalat Shabbat and Carlos and Gabys Dinner at YI, Teen Minyan, kiddush, and chill at CAS, and a lot of fun! Cost $8 Please sign up at youth.cas-stamford.org by Friday. TEEN ONEG LOCATION IS TBA. I WILL LET YOU KNOW WHEN I HAVE IT. TEEN MINYAN Oct 27 at 9:30 AM in the Social Hall for 7-12 graders. STAMFORD VS. WEST HARTFORD PAINTBALL BATTLE!!!! Sunday, Oct. 28! Get ready for the fight of your life as we defend Stamford's honor in a new twist this year to our annual paintballing trip - an all - out war against our friends in West Hartford! Cost: Members $45, non-Members $55. Sign up online! NOVEMBER: TEEN MINYAN Nov 10 at 9:30 AM In the Social Hall For 7-12th graders TEEN MINYAN Nov 24 at 9:30 AM In the Social Hall For 7-12th graders Jr. Teen Paintball - New Date! Sun, Nov. 25 Members $45, non-Members $55. More details about the trip will be available shortly. Upcoming Events... More details to follow.. - Saturday Nov. 10-6:00 pm-Youth Supermarket Sweep
- Sunday Nov. 11- 3:30 pm Youth Mini Retreat, Yoga Mind Body & Soul
- Friday Nov. 30 6:30 pm-Oneg- B'Nai Mitzvah Club & Jr. Teen Chat
Shabbat Shalom Yehuda Jeiger |
SPONSOR THE KIDDUSH- Would you like to sponsor a Shabbat Kiddush? Call the office and ask for Cindy, 203-358-2200! LET US KNOW! We strive at CAS to support our members in time of need. If you know of someone who is ill, please reach out to Rabbi Cohen via email rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org or phone, alerting our clergy and Chesed committee to offer comfort and assistance. Together, we can insure CAS's role as a community of caring. Thank you very much! CAS DECORUM The policy for our kids is easy - "In shul or in groups." Please help us maintain decorum. Make sure you child is either sitting in synagogue or participating in our Youth Groups. Make sure that your child enjoys Kiddush in the Simcha Room or Social Hall. LOST AND FOUND- Judd Love lost his white Art Scroll Rosh Hashana Machzor. The Jelen family lost a navy blue children's prayer book. If found , please return to the office or call 203-358-2200. SISTERHOOD DUES-please, if you have not done so, send your 2012 annual sisterhood dues. You can drop off at the office or send to Johanna Akyuz. Thank you for your support! READ MEGILAT ESTHER ON PURIM -We're looking to enhance our Purim Day Megilah Reading (Sunday, February 24, 2013 at 8:30 AM) by having a group of capable young men who would lein the Megilah. For training and more info please contact Cantor Arik Wollheim-cantor@cas-stamford.org | |
SYLVIA'S Gift Shop Hours: Sunday 10:00 am-1:00 pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 12:00-3:00 pm | | |
JEWISH ARTS FESTIVAL, Saturday, October 27 - Sunday, November 4. Join us for award winning Jewish Films from around the world; for more details go to: www.jewishartsandfilm.org BCDS OPEN HOUSE Sunday, October 28 10am-noon. Come learn more about what a Bi-Cultural Day School education can offer your family. 2186 High Ridge Road, Stamford. Activities (sponsored by the PJ Library) for young children during the program. RSVP or Info: Joanne Karow 203-329-2186 or jkarow@bcds.org JFS COLLEGE PLANNING: THE RACE FOR COLLEGE- Tuesdays, October 29, November 19, and December 3 at 5:30 pm Pre-planning for college for 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th graders and their parents conducted by Claire Friedlander, Jewish Family Service College Consultant at Harry Bennett Branch of Ferguson Library, 115 Vine Road, Stamford. Free and open to the community. Info: Claire Friedlander at cdfriedlan@aol.com or 203-921-4161. WHHS OPEN HOUSE- November 7, 2012 at 6:30 pm. Please join us on Wednesday, Light dinner will be served. RSVP to Admissions@whhsny.org or 914.698.0806 ext. 308. FIRST ANNUAL SAUL COHEN LECTURE, on Thursday, November 8 at 7:30 pm Jewish Family Service will present Jerry Silverman, President and CEO of The Federations of North America, speaking about "Election 2012:The Impact on the Jewish Community-in the U.S., Israel and Worldwide" The lecture is open to the community at no charge and will take place at the GenRe Auditorium at UCONN Stamford, located at the intersection of Washington Boulevard and Broad Street in Stamford. A dessert reception will follow. For more information, please visit www.ctjfs.org or call 203-921-4161. MARK SCHWARTZ will be participating in an annual charity bike ride known as WHEELS OF LOVE from Nov 11 - 17 to benefit physically disabled children at ALYN Hospital in Israel. Mark would be honored to have you contribute toward his fundraising efforts. Donations can be made online at www.wolusa.org/markschwartz or by calling the American Friends of ALYN at 212-869-8085. To learn more information about this event, please visit www.alynride.org. OPEN HOUSE, STERN COLLEGE FOR WOMEN - Nov. 11 at 9:15 am-4:00 pm at the Beren Campus, Koch Auditirium, 253 Lexington Ave. New York between 34 & 35th Street. Go to www.yu.edu for more info. CARMEL ACADEMY PARLOR MEETINGS -Come find out what makes Carmel Academy the premier Jewish day school in Westchester and Fairfield counties. Meet with Carmel's Head of School, Nora Anderson and Carmel parents in a relaxed and informal setting. Hosted by Carmel Academy parents in their home. Info: Tuesday, November 13, at the home of Lisa and Jonathan Daniel 7:00-8:30 p.m. Stamford, CT. For more information and to obtain an address, please RSVP to daneet.brill@carmelacademy.com or call (203) 983-3503. THE MACCABIAH GAMES, is holding a Open house at the JCC Stamford, Monday Nov. 12 at 8:00 pm with Jed Margolis Executive Director of Maccabi USA/Sports for Israel. For more information go to www.maccabiusa.com or call 215-561-6900. TAPESTRY- A community celebration of Jewish Learning. Saturday Nov. 17 at 6:45 pm. For more info contact Danielle Alexander at danielle@ujf.org. ADL AWARD RECEPTION The Anti-Defamation League will hold its annual Daniel R. Ginsberg Humanitarian Award Reception on November 18 in Stamford.. Rabbi David Israel will be honored at this event. For more information, please contact Janet Magid, Associate Development Director at (203) 288-6500 x313 or jmagid@adl.org. FIDF GALA, Thurs. Nov. 19. Tickets will be available online in the coming week. For questions, or more info, please contact Deborah Trimble @ Deborah.Trimble@fidf.org or 646-274-9669. | | | | | | | |