| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin 301 Strawberry Hill Avenue, Stamford, CT (203) 358-2200 www.cas-stamford.org |
| March 3, 2012 | Tetzaveh Shabbat Zachor | 9 Adar 5772 | | | Friday Candles | 5:29pm | Mincha | 5:34pm | Saturday Early Shacharit (Library) | 7:00am | Womans Tefillah Group(Chapel) | 8:30am | Coffee & Commentary | 8:45am | Main Sanctuary | 9:00am | Future Tots Parent Led (Bridal Room) | 10:30am | Tot Shabbat (Library) | 10:30am | Mini-minyan (Youth Room) | 10:30am | Jr. Congregation (Chapel) | 10:30am | Jr. Teen Chat (Chapel Classroom) | 10:30am | Shiur | 10:30am | Mincha | 5:15pm | Daf Yomi | 5:25pm | Shabbat Ends | 6:29pm | | | | | This Shabbat there will be two Shacharit Services: 7 am - Library and 9 am - Sanctuary It is a Torah commandment to remember Amalek by hearing Parshat Zachor on the Shabbat before Purim. Join us for readings at 10:15 am and 11:45 am in the Sanctuary Women Tefillah Group 8:30 am Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Bein - Mazal Tov! Welcome Elana Stein Hain, our Scholar In Residence We are grateful to Andrew & Janet Bein for sponsoring Elana Stein Hain as our scholar in honor of Shabbat Across America. She will speak Friday night at 8pm, during Sanctuary services, and at Seudat Shlishit Welcome Dr. Yonatan Yussman, Head of the Jewish High School of CT. He will meet with people interested in info on the school in the Bennett Simcha Room from 4:15-5:15 pm HAPPY PURIM We have a lot of events to help you celebrate the holiday and perform mitzvot! Check out the Complete Purim Schedule below! Rabbi Cohen's Recommended Purim Websites www.chabad.org Stay tuned for more suggestions! CAS Annual Dinner March 18 Journal Deadline extended to March 5 See participant list & info below! | | | Shabbat Topics & Participants | Coffee & Commentary | Yonatan Yussman | Torah Readers | Dr. Jay Jubas | Shiur | Rabbi Chezy Deren | Usher | Elisheva Kilner | Elana Stein Hain | Power Politics & Purim | Musaf | David Cohen | Seudat Shlishit | Elana Stein Hain: Was Esther a Persian Goddess? Jewish History, Persian Content and a Grey Redemption | |
Thanks to this week's sponsors...
| Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | the Linda Beson Nursing Educational Fund | Sanctuary Kiddush | Andrew & Janet Bein in honor of Hannah's Bat Mitzvah | Chapel Kiddush & Seudat Shlishit | Rhonda & Judd Love commemorating the first Yahrtzeit of Rhonda's father Jacob Boltino | |
- Andrew & Janet Bein on their daughter Hannah's Bat Mitzvah.
- To all our CAS AIPAC delegation traveling this week to Washington DC and congratulations to our AIPAC Youth Fellows!
Daf Yomi | Sunday | 7:45 am | Monday-Friday | 7:00 am | Shacharit | Sunday Mon-Wed, Fri | 7:15/8:30 am 6:30/7:30 am | Thursday | 6:30/8:30am | Mincha | Sun-Tuesday Wednesday Thursday | 5:40pm 6:10pm 4/5:40pm | Candles Friday | 5:37pm | Taanit Esther | Wednesday | Fast begins 5:07am | | Fast ends 6:27 pm | |
Complete CAS Purim Schedule | HAPPY PURIM!! Join us! We have events for everyone Wednesday night, and multiple megillah readings (two Wednesday night, 3 Thursday) + SCHLOCK ROCK!! THIS SUNDAY Purim Chesed Project Calling all kids! Help us with a special mitzvah This Sunday morning 10 - 11 am. Free breakfast! Wednesday Fast of Esther: Fast Begins-5:07am Fast Ends - 6:27 pm Wednesday night Mincha / Maariv 6:10 pm Megillah 6:30 pm (sharp) Women's Tefillah Group Megillah Reading 6:30 pm Youth Programs (Jonathan Cahr & Rachel Bahar) 6:30 pm Shlock Rock Concert 7:30 pm. Pizza for sale, free hamentaschen & drinks! Late Megillah Reading 9:30 pm Thursday morning Shacharit 6:30/8:30 am Megillah Readings 7:00/9:00am Early Mincha(CAS) 4:00 pm Mincha/Maariv (CAS) 5:40 pm Servcies at Stamford Plaza during the Seudah: Megillah 4 pm Late Maariv 7:30 pm Perform the mitzvot of Purim Share the Purim spirit with residents of Atria 1:30 pm - 2:15 pm Thursday To fulfill the mitzvah of gifts to the poor, please bring a check to the shul by Wednesday payable to CAS Charity Fund or Od Yosef Chai. Help local and Israeli families to share in Purim Seudah. | | |
A Constellation of Inspiration Celebrating the Reflection of Lights in our Community Sunday, March 18, 2012 - 24 Adar 5772-5 pm Dinner Chairs: Elissa Klapper & Aviva Maller Honorary Chairs: Gayle & Howard Rothman This year Congregation Agudath Sholom honors the model of inspiring leadership. Our honorees exemplify the values that make our community shine Bonding Mitchell Bell & Glenn Karow Building Len Mark & Ron Avidan Enhancing Sylvia Plotkin & Julie Morgulis Enriching Gary Stone & Roz Mangot Leading & Learning Al Wolfsohn & Royce Wolfsohn Nurturing Diane Sloyer & Rebecca Sigman | Praising Sandy Weiner & Elliot Neumann Renewing Yospa Lieberman & Shery Hertzberg Singing Daniel Kraus & Ziv Kraus Uplifting Gloria Green & Phyllis Shapiro Welcoming Sharon Wohlberg & Simeon Wohlberg | Thanks to all our generous participants Join them on March 18! Click here to sign up Anonymous (3) Steven Adelman Johanna & Selim Akyuz Adrienne & Michael Alexander Barbara & Ron Ashkenas Sharyn & Fred Baer Stephne & Kerrin Behrend Janet & Andrew Bein Barbara & Evan Bell Gayle & Mitchell Bell Burton Benjamin Carl Bennett Elie Bercuson Debbie & Michael Berg Dina & Paul Berger Karen & Ira Berk Darona & Harold Bernstein Heidi & Evan Bernstein David Bessaleli Jodi & Richard Boxer Amy & Richard Breslow Judy & Jeff Cahn Emily & Harvey Caney Meredith & David Cohen Mimi & Saul Cohen Rachel & Ephraim Cohen Elise & Steven Cohen Gerald Cohen Rabbi Daniel & Diane Cohen Barbara Coven Bi-Cultural Day School Rachel & Nimrod Dayan Ellen Delfiner Sheva & Chezy Deren Rita & Marty Edelston Sharon & Michael Feldstein Tamara & Seymour Feurstein Naomi & Geoffrey Fiorito Jeanette & Harold Fishkow Cindy & Jamie Flynn Stephanie & Howard Fogel Manger Foundation Hindy Najman & Paul Franks | Rhoda & Avram Freedberg Lynne & Steven Frenkel Lois & Michael Friedman Cheryl Frydman Dov Gertzulin Marilyn & Larry Gochberg Ann & Alex, Risa & Jeff Goldblum Susan & David Goldsmith Judy & Howard Goldstein Caryl & Mel Goldstein Meryl & David Gordon Shira & Ethan Green Gloria Green Jill & Arthur Green Meg & Yoav Haron Rachel & Dan Haron Nancy & Kamal Haron Jacqueline Herman Sima & Herman Hertzberg Shery & Barry Hertzberg Ari Hertzberg Alice Hertzberg Adina Hertzberg Robert Indyk Shara & David Israel Maruja & Allon Ivri Spencer Simmons & Dierdre Jacobs Dorothy & Leon Jaiven Monica & Eric Jankelovits Alice & Jason Janusch Danielle & Rabbi Yehuda Jeiger Judith & David Jelen Rachel & Jay Jubas Sandra & Michael Kamen Helene & Harvey Kaminski Nivah Kaplan-Nadel Elissa & Philip Klapper Sandy & Eric Koehler Tamar & Daniel Kraus Jeannie & Brian Kriftcher Susan & Len Kunin | Joshua Kurtz Lorraine & David Kweskin Lisa & Bruce Levenbrook Rina & Shlomo Lieberman Yospa Lieberman Spacecom Ltd Steve Mainzer Aviva Maller Marc Mangot Roselyn Mangot Susan & Len Mark Dinah Miller & Seth Marlowe Rhonda Schaffer-Maron & Jeffrey Maron Crystal Maruscak Robin & David Maza Barbara & David Messer Deborah & Neil Metviner Janice & Jake Meyer Kori Meyers Barbara & Larry Miller Stacey & Abraham Mintz David Mlotok Julie & Richard Morgulis Jessica Morgulis Barbara Muller Eve & Sid Nachman Marguerite & Ken Neuhaus Cara & Elliot Neumann Doreen & Howard Nusbaum Orthopaedic Associates of Stamford Irene & Michael Okun Kenneth Pasternak Anne Peskin Judith, Spencer Polinger Jean Porges Carina & Henry Rascoff Judy & Bob Raymond Raf Rea Veronica & Erwin Reich Maria & Glenn Reicin Claudia & Howard Rimerman Jennifer & Edward Rosenfeld | Sherri & Allen Rosenthal Gayle & Howard Rothman Deborah & Shimon Rubin Toby Schaffer Edith Scherer Ivy & Marvin Schildkraut Ilyse & Dean Schuckman Mark Schwartz Elaine Schwartz Rachel & Rich Seligson Shelley & Eddie Senker Lillian & Sandy Shapiro Phyllis & Martin Shapiro Todd Sharinn & Guest Sharon & David Shavrick Pamela & Paul Shelden Rosalyn Sherman CAS Sisterhood Diane & Elliot Sloyer Devora & Ben Soifer Beverly & David Stein Elissa Stein Liba & Steven Steinmetz Harriet & Mark Sternlicht Gary Stone Danielle & Steven Thau Laura & Seth Tobin Pam & Rich Vogel Sandi & Stuart Waldstreicher Sandy Weiner Doris & Elliot Weiss Gail & Gary Weitz Emily & Michael Wirgin Wendy & Warren Witt Sharon & Simeon Wohlberg Miriam & Jeremiah Wohlberg Royce & Alfred Wolfsohn Helene Zimmerman Rosalyn & Alan Ziskin Hillary & Bob Zitter Marion Zweiter LIST AS OF FRIDAY NOON, MARCH 2 | Click here to sign up | | |
Rabbi Cohen's & Rabbi Walk's Classes: resume March 12 Rabbi Daniel Cohen's JCC Class: Sushi for the Soul, Inspiring Passover Insights, Wednesday, March 26, at 12-12:45pm Pre Passover Classes Hebrew Haggadah - Increase your fluency and comprehension. Monday evening with Ben Soifer, 7:30-8:30 pm - 3/12, 19, 26 Seder Secrets - Tuesday evenings with Rabbi Walk, 7:30-8:30 pm, March 13 and 20 Model Seder - Tuesday evening, March 27, 7:30 - 8:45 pm Passover Halacha Seminar with Rabbi Cohen - Bring your Q&A - Sunday morning, March 18, 9:15 - 10:15 am | | |
THIS WEEK.... Jr. Cong. Torah reader Andrew Reicin, Dvar Torah - Julianne Katz & Leeba Zucker March 2 - Shabbat Across America Dinner March 3 - Double Nikudot Week & Zikudot Store Open! Coming Soon....A Jam Packed March March 4- Mishloach Manot - Chesed Morning March 7 - Purim Kids Style w/ Jonathan Cahr and Rachel Bahar & Shlock Rock March 8 - Deliver MM To Atria / Community Purim Seudah March 15 - Latte and Learn March 16 - Girls Afternoon Out- Grades 1-8 March 23-24 - Friday Night Lights - Grades 8-12 March 24 - TEEN XTREME BOWLING NIGHT March 25 - Jr. Teen Mega LIMO Scavenger Hunt April 1 - Pre - Pesach Chesed/ Fun Day Reserve the Date: May 18-19, 2012: YOUTH SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE/FUNDRAISER WEEKEND - TAMIR GOODMAN "THE JEWISH JORDAN" ... more info to follow AND FOR THE TEENS: Coming This March: TEEN MINYAN on the 10th and 17th at 9:30 in the social hall, for grades 7-12, followed by a teens only kiddush! New Program - FREE STARBUCKS! 8th-12th graders, Join us March 1st and 15th as we kick off our new Latte 'n Learn, Thursday nights, twice a month from 8:30-9:30pm at the High Ridge Starbucks, 1055 High Ridge Road. Chill with some cool advisors, do a little Jewish learning on hot topics, and have a hot or cold drink - on us! For more info, email Josh at JYoshiMunk@gmail.com! Brought to you by CAS, NCSY and Kulanu Friday Night Lights Shabbat, March 23-24, Have a great time as your favorite NCSY advisors spice up your Friday night, featuring a sick dinner and fun at CAS, followed by Teen Minyan Saturday morning at Young Israel open to all Stamford Teens, Grades 8-12, and a Jr. Teen Oneg (for grades 6-8) in the afternoon! More info to follow! TEEN XTREME BOWLING NIGHT Saturday Night March 24 - Grades 8-12 - Tons of fun - bowl with your friends IN THE DARK! Request your favorite song as music blares over the lanes! Cost - Members $20 Non-Members $25 We will meet up at Rip Van Winkle Lanes in Norwalk at 9 pm; pickup is at 11:15....sign up online today!! Jr. Teen Mega LIMO Scavenger Hunt!! Sunday March 25, GET READY for the sickest, best hunt you've ever been on! Meet up at CAS for mission briefing, then depart for a crazy search for clues around Stamford IN STRETCH LIMOS!! Cost: $36. sign up online today!! Coming Slightly Less Soon in APRIL: SIX FLAGS PALOOZA 2012!!!! Save The Date - This year's trip is Monday, April 9 all day... more details TBA Click here to sign up for all Youth Events! or click a link below Check back often..and see our new testimonials section on our website youth.cas-stamford.org If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday or special accomplishment by sponsoring a special "kiddush" in their honor, please email me at rabbijeiger@hotmail.com Shabbat Shalom! Rabbi Jeiger | | |
AMIT PURIM PROJECT, please support! benefitting educational and social needs of Israel's children. To participate, contact Ronnie Sichel at ronsichel@aol.com AMIT SPRING HAT SALE, at the home Hillary and Bob Zitter, 41 East Lane, Wednesday, March 21, 7-9 pm. For more information, contact Ronnie Sichel, ronsichel@aol.com LET US KNOW! We strive at CAS to support our members in time of need. If you know of someone is who is ill, please reach out to Rabbi Cohen via email rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org or phone, alerting our clergy and Chesed committee to offer comfort and assistance. Together, we can insure CAS's role as a community of caring. Thank you very much! CAS DECORUM The policy for our kids is easy - "In shul or in groups." Please help us maintain decorum. Make sure you child is either sitting in synagogue or participating in our Youth Groups. Make sure that your child enjoys Kiddush in the Simcha Room or Social Hall. CAS PROFESSIONAL NETWORKING GROUP - info: Howard Rimerman, hrimerman@gmail.com , more info next week bulletin! GILI'S GOODIES the shul is promoting Mishloach Manot campaign of sending Gili's Mishloach Manot to family and friends in Israel. For this promotion, Gili's Goddies are happy to give Agudath Sholom 10% of any sale coding in the AFFILIATE CODE "AGUSHO" when ordering. Please go to gilisgoodies.com to place an order. MALT INFORMATIONAL MEETING - Sunday morning, March 25 9-10 am. Info: Harold Bernstein hfb@zandb.com. MENS CLUB BREAKFAST MEETING THIS SUNDAY 9:30 AM We welcome new members, meet and plan new programs over bagel, lox/hero breakfast ($1). We will discuss schedule of upcoming speakers former Rep. Chris Shays, Wall street reporter Joe Connolly, MC Passover/Mitzvah Fair on March 25 Sunday 10-2 will feature art, gifts Judaica, food, fun and free wine tasting. PASSOVER FAIR MARCH 25 10 AM-2 PM-This year's focus is on Passover Food. Representatives from Fairway, Genadeen, Wine Sampling from Bev Max, plus Judaic and more, plenty of bargains and get your tefillin checked! | |
Have you joined the Mayim League yet? Please consider one of the following annual categories of support: Bronze $250 | Silver $500* | Gold $1,000* | Platinum $1,800* * Donations of $500 and above include immersion for the year for yourself or for a designated person. To donate, click here! Appointments at the women's mikvah can be scheduled by contacting Shery at appointment@stamfordmikvah.org or 203-964-1928, at least 24 hours in advance. |
March 7 - Women's Megillah Reading March 10 - Women's Tefillah celebrating the Bat Mitzvah anniversary of Adina Passy. Contact Sandy Weiner for honors or to participate! Women and girls of all ages are welcome! Bring a friend! Please check the weekly bulletin for times and locations. |
Sylvia's is offering: Groggers, Costumes, Megilla Books, & more! Gift Shop Store Hours are: Sun. 3/4 10:00-1:00 pm Tues. 3/6 1:30-4:00 pm Wed. 3/7 12:30-2:30 pm Thurs. 3/1 1:30-4:00 pm Fri. 3/8 12:00-2:00 pm Sun. 3/11 10:00-1:00 pm |
5K RUN OR WALK WITH MIKE. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 20. Save the Date! High Ridge Park will host a fun-filled day to raise awareness and funds for The Michael D. Rothman CIDP Research Fund at Columbia University Medical Center, established to support critical research into the tracking and treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP). Info at www.michaelcidp.com. All funds raised go directly to research at Columbia University Medical Center. JFS COLLEGE AHEAD! Tuesday, March 6 7:30-9:00 pm For high school students and parents. Panel of prominent Deans of Admissions from the UConn, Vassar College and Bentley University, among others moderated by Claire Friedlander, JFS College Counselor. Stamford JCC. Free, open to the entire community. Refreshments served. Info: Claire Friedlander 203-921-4161 or cdfriedlan@aol.com JFS BEREAVEMENT GROUP Wednesdays starting March 7 at 10:30-11:30 am at the Jewish Family Services, 733 Summer Street, 6th Floor. Explore thoughts and feelings about grief in a non judgmental environment with emotional, physical and spiritual support. Members receive support and understanding for themselves and learn to provide the same to others. Info: Danielle Attard by email daniellemattard@gmail.com or 203-395-9494. JEWISH TWENTIES AND THIRTIES (JTT) - Thursdays from 6:00- 6:50 pm at Stamford JCC, 1035 Newfield Avenue. Join local rabbis, educators and community leaders for a discussion of the weekly Torah portion and enjoy dinner from Café Stam at Taste and Torah. Funded by Bureau of Jewish Education program funded and Jewish Family Service. Open to the entire community. Fee is $8 a class and includes dinner from Café Stam. RSVP to Leah Schechter at lschechter@ctjfs.org. or Elisse Passy at elise@ujf.org. JFS VETERAN'S SUPPORT GROUP Topics : transitioning back into civilian life, re-building relationships and overcoming post traumatic stress disorder. Info Melanie Rago at 631-355-1120 or email at mrago24@gmail.com "FINDING YOUR FOCUS" - A JFS PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS DIAGNOSED WITH ADD/ADHD. Wednesday Afternoons. Services include psychiatric evaluation, review of previous evaluations, family assessment, on-going support, and medication management. Treatment is provided by Lee Combrinck-Graham, M.D. and qualifies for insurance reimbursement. Info: Eve Moskowitz, at 203-921-4161 or emoskowitz@ctjfs.org. CHILDREN OF FAST TRACK PARENTS It's all about raising the highly privileged child. Temple Beth El, Wednesday March 28th 7:00 pm at . Based on the research of Andrée Aelion Brooks. Open to parents, grandparents, and those who work with children. Presented by Kulanu with Chavurah Aytz Chaim, CAS, the Jewish Fellowship of Jewish Learning, JCC, JFS, Temple Beth El, Temple Sinai and Young Israel of Stamford. WANT TO MAKE STAMFORD BIKE PEOPLE FRIENDLY? Join a community effort to do it! Check out www.peoplestamford.org to find out how! | |
Congregation Agudath Sholom 301 Strawberry Hill Ave, Stamford, CT 06902 Phone:203-358-2200 Fax: 203 358-2323 website: www.cas-stamford.org
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