| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin 301 Strawberry Hill Avenue, Stamford, CT (203) 358-2200 www.cas-stamford.org |
| November 25, 2011 | Toldot | 28 Cheshvan 5772 | | | Friday Song of Songs | 4:05pm | Candles | 4:11pm | Mincha | 4:16pm | Saturday Hashkama | 8:00am | Coffee & Commentary | 8:45am | Main Sanctuary | 9:00am | Future Tots - Parent Led (Bridal Room) | 10:30am | Tot Shabbat (Library) | 10:30am | Mini-minyan (Youth Room) | 10:30am | Jr. Congregation (Chapel) | 10:30am | Jr. Teen Chat (Social Hall) | 10:30am | Shiur | 10:30am | Mincha | 4:05pm | Daf Yomi | 4:25pm | Shabbat Ends | 5:16pm | | | | | THE SHUL OFFICE IS CLOSED THURSDAY & FRIDAY HAPPY THANKSGIVING! We have improved our website. www.cas-stamford.org, you can: Check all service times, including mincha Check the eruv status on-line Check youth activities Check out our new twitter feed - right on our home page www.cas-stamford.org where you can now follow us on Twitter! Join Rabbi Daniel Cohen and Rabbi David Walk for weekday classes Click Here for full Schedule! Click here to hear Rabbi Cohen's podcasts NEW! Rabbi Daniel Cohen - Wednesday 12:00-1:00 p.m. Sushi for the Soul: Torah Insights. First Wednesdays at Cafe Stam at the Stamford JCC starts Wednesday, December 7. Info: rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org Rabbi David Walk Class on Tuesdays 7:30 p.m.-What did the Sages say about Mashiach? Don't miss it! Lunch 'n' Learn Series Study Jewish Ethics & Leadership With the "3 Rabbis Panel:" Rabbi Daniel Cohen, Rabbi Andrew Sklarz, and Rabbi Mitch Hurvitz Each class held on Tuesday from noon-1:30 pm. (replaces Rabbi Cohen's Tuesday Class) December 13: Temple Sholom, Greenwich January 24: Greenwich Reform Synagogue
Yom Kippur Appeal Thank you to everyone who supported the Annual Yom Kippur Appeal. If you have not yet joined, please consider a donation to one of our most important fundraisers of the year. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
LIVING WATERS 2011-12 SUPPORT OUR NEW MIKVAH Save the date for the three upcoming evenings: Saturday, February 4, 2012 at 8pm Sunday, April 22, 2012 at 7pm Sunday, June 10, 2012 at 7pm RSVP for one of the evenings to 4evenings4mikvah@gmail.com or call Sharon at 203-569-7588. Space is limited.
SUPPORT OUR NEW MIKVAH Join the Mayim League in Support of the Minnie Manger-Marcia Lieberman Mikvah Click here to learn about this important new fundraiser ________________________________________________ Sisterhood's Gift Shop "SYLVIA'S" COME SEE OUR GORGEOUS NEWLY STOCKED ITEMS FOR CHANUKAH - GIFTS AND DECORATIONS GIFT SHOP HOURS Hours for the week of November 30th through December 4th Wednesday Afternoon - November 30th 1:00 - 3:30 pm - Channah Kirshner Thursday Afternoon - December 1st 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm - Ronnie Bass Sunday Afternoon - December 4th Channah Kirshner | | | Shabbat Topics & Participants | Torah Readers | Matt Greenberg, Dr. Ted Listokin, Simcha Rubin | Shacharit | | Musaf | Daniel Najman | David Walk | What was Jacob up to? | Coffee & Commentary | Rabbi David Walk | Usher | Michell Bell | Seudat Shlishit / Daf Yomi | Rabbi Daniel Cohen | |
Thanks to this week's sponsors...
| Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | in honor of Diane Cohen from Roz Sherman, in honor of Rachel Schwartz on her 13th birthday from her parents, and the Linda Beson Nursing Educational Fund | Chapel Kiddush by | Rabbi David Walk, in honor of Yaakov's Birthday, and Yehuda's arrival | Sanctuary Kiddush by | Professor Paul Franks and Professor Hindy Najman in honor of their daughter Marianna Bluma Najman-Franks' Bat Mitzvah | Seudat Shlishit by | The shul | |
- Professor Paul Franks and Professor Hindy Najaman on their daughter Marianna 's Bar Mitzvah, and welcome to the Franks & Najaman family.
- Judy Raymond on the passing of her mother, Ina Rabinowicz
Daf Yomi | Sunday | 7:45 am | | Mon-Friday | 7:00 am | Shacharit | Sunday & Thursday | 7:15/ 8:30 am | | Monday-Friday | 6:30/7:30 am | Mincha | Sun-Thursday | 4:20pm | | Candles Friday | 4:11 pm | |
BIG Birthday Parties Small Birthday Parties BIG Anniversaries Small Anniversaries BIG Bar Mitzvahs Small Bar Mitzvahs BIG Bat Mitzvahs Small Bat Mitzvahs For more information Call 203-358-2200 |
Our Adult Education Classes are underway! See the complete schedule, by topic or day! @ click - learn.cas-stamford.org Rabbi Walk's Tuesday topic this week: What did the Sages say about Mashiach? Rabbi Daniel Cohen Classes on Tuesdays - Power of Prophets 8:15-9:00 am - Light breakfast served.
Mark your Calendar for two Adult Education Programs: Sunday, December 4, 7pm - Professor Dr. Jay Harris, Harry Austryn Wolfson Professor of Jewish Studies and Dean of Undergraduate Education Harvard College, will speak on: Halacha Confronts Science: The Case of the Chicken Without a Heart. Sponsored by the Scheinberg Family in memory of Dr. Louis & Edith Scheinberg Congregation Agudath Sholom invites you to a Sephardic Weekend Celebration Shabbat Weekend - December 9th and 10th Featuring Rabbi Albert Gabbai Rabbi Gabbai is the leader of Congregation Mikveh Israel, the Spanish Portuguese Synagogue in Philadelphia, the second oldest synagogue in the country, founded 1740. Rabbi Gabbai was born in Egypt of Sephardi Ancestry and travels and lectures throughout the word. Explore the rich heritage of Sephardic tradition and the interface with American society. Friday Night Sumptuous Sepahrdic Dinner - 5:45 PM (following Mincha, Kaballat Shabbat and Maariv - 4:13 PM) Rabbi Gabbai will address: Unusual and Interesting Sephardic Customs" Around Jewish Lifecycle Events Children's Programming during the lecture. Adults - $25.00 and Children (12 and under) $15.00 RSVP by December 6th - Click here to sign-up for dinner Shabbat morning sermon: The Rape of Dena: A Sephardic Interpretation (Services begin at 9:00 AM) Seudah Shlishit: When Worlds Collide: How Spanish Portuguese Jews Adapted Their Heritage to American Life (4:30 PM) | |
DIDN'T GET THE SPECIAL YD EMAIL? YOU CAN READ THE FULL YOUTH BLAST YOU CAN SIGN UP FOR EVENTS YOU CAN SEE THE YOUTH CALENDAR Check it out! @ click - youth.cas-stamford.org Coming Soon from the Youth Department December 3: B'NAI MITZVAH SHABBAT LUNCHEON- sign up online! December 3: Nekudot Store will be open in honor of Rosh Chodesh Kislev!! TEEN MINYAN SCHEDULE FOR DEC. and JAN- New and Improved! Teen Round Table Schmooze with Breakfast - 9:30 AM Teen Minyan - 9:45 AM (Barchu) on Dec. 10, Dec. 24 Jan 7, Jan 28, we are looking for sponsors for these Kiddushim! 9th/10th Grade NCSY SHACK (sold out) Amazing retreat in the Berkshires, Dec. 2-4 with Jewish Teens from ALL OVER NEW ENGLAND! Sports, great food, AWESOME ADVISORS, an uplifting shabbat experience, and marshmallows over a campfire in the Inn's living room to the sound of the guitar! Just $139! GET ON THE WAIT LIST AT MYNCSY.COM Willy Wonka Golden Gelt December 24 -Movie Night Spectacular! 7-9:30 pm. Deserts and snacks, this is a family event! More info to follow in next weeks bulletin! Dec 25 - JR. TEENS - Xtreme Arcade Trip (details TBA) Dec 27-Jan 1 NCSY International Yarchei Kallah Shabbatonat the Stamford Hilton! For more details, contact Josh Munk DO YOU GET JOSH'S WEEKLY TEEN UPDATES? If not, sign up by emailing Josh at JYoshiMunk@gmail.com! If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday or special accomplishment by sponsoring a special "kiddush" in their honor, please email me at rabbijeiger@hotmail.com Shabbat Shalom! Rabbi Jeiger For all our Youth Department info please visit.. | |
CAS DECORUM The policy for our kids is easy - "In shul or in groups." Please help us maintain decorum. Make sure you child is either sitting in synagogue or participating in our Youth Groups. Make sure that your child enjoys Kiddush in the Simcha Room or Social Hall. SAVE THE DATE FOR THE CAS ANNUAL DINNER March 18 Calling all Pre-Teen, Teens and even a few adults. Join the Rabbi's Clean Dream Team to enhance the decor and dignity of our shul on Shabbat morning - For more info or to sign up, email Rabbi Cohen at rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org. KEEP IN TOUCH Rabbi Cohen would like to keep in touch with all our students who are studying in Israel for the year. Please send your child's name, cell phone number and email address to rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org BNAI MITZVAH LUNCHEON B'nai and B'not Mitzvah please join us on December 3rd beginning at 10:30 AM am at CAS where the B'nai Mitzvah are invited to join the Jr. Teen Chat followed by kiddush. After Shul we will be walking together to Rabbi Cohen's home for lunch and an oneg Shabbat led by our Youth Director, Rabbi Jeiger. The B'nai Mitzvah Luncheon is a special chance to spend time with Rabbi Cohen and Diane, build a connection with other B'nai Mitzvah in the community, and enjoy the learning and spirit of Shabbat. NEW MEMBER WELCOME SHABBAT join us December 3 for this event at CAS. Please visit our website or click here to learn more about membership and join our synagogue or contact Dierdre in the shul office for more information. THE SISTERHOOD is looking for someone to donate a working laptop. Please contact Dierdre in the office CEMETERY COMMITTEE is looking for someone to donate a working typewriter, please conact Dierdre in the office. BINGO needs volunteers for Monday night Bingo at CAS. There will be a bingo meeting on December 4th at 10am in the Social Hall, for those interested in volunteering. For more info, contact the shul office, 203-358-2200. | |
JFS LIVING IN THE TREE OF LIFE: KABBALAH, HEALING & TRANSFORMATION - Tuesdays 7:30 pm, December 6, January 3, February 7 Learn more about the nature of the four worlds and how to improve our lives by a greater understanding. Open to the Public. Join Dr. Mitchell Flaum, JFS Family Life Education Coordinator, for first workshop on Tuesday evening, November 15th at 7:30 pm at Congregation Beth El, 109 East Ave., Norwalk. RSVP to office@congbethel.org Suggested donation $36. "FINDING YOUR FOCUS" -- PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS DIAGNOSED WITH ADD/ADHD. Wednesday Afternoons. Services include psychiatric evaluation, review of previous evaluations, family assessment, on-going support, and medication management. Treatment by Lee Combrinck-Graham, M.D. and qualifies for insurance reimbursement. Info: Eve Moskowitz, at 203-921-4161or emoskowitz@ctjfs.org. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUPS AVAILABLE WEDNESDAYS-4 to 5 pm. At the Atria in Stamford, 77 Third Street. A bi-monthly support group open to those coping with the loss of a loved one. Info: Dr. Mitchell Flaum at 203-921-4161 or mflaum@ctjfs.org. FRIDAYS -10:30 -11:30 AM. At the Stamford JFS office, 733 Summer Street, 6th Floor. Info: Eve Moskowitz at 203-921-4161 ext. 122 or emoskowitz@ctjfs.org. SAVE THE DATE UJF SUPER SUNDAY- at the JCC, December 4, 2011. Every Child makes a gift-9:30-3:00 pm, PJ Library Launch, 11-12 pm and 1:30-2:30 pm. Chanukah Mitzvah Packages, 11-2:30 pm., and Hoop-a-thon, 10:30-11:30 am DANI SHAPIRO author of the memoirs Devotion and Slow Motion will be speaking at the JCC on Dec, 7th, at 7:30pm. Dani's lecture will be followed by a book signing. Register online at stamfordjcc.org or purchase tickets at the JCC front desk. For more information please contact Sandi Waldstreicher at 203-322-6541 BCDS FAMILY TRIP TO ISRAEL-FEBRUARY 11-24, 2012. Contact Bob Abrams at babrams @bcds.org. 203-329-2186 ext. 1311 HAVDALAH & HOOPS STARTS JANUARY 21 - 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament by the JCC & the Stamford Board of Rabbis. Saturday, January 21 - 6:30 p.m. Fathers & sons (grades 6 - 12) will split into 2 divisions if needed. Fee: $18 per participant, includes food & t-shirt. Trophies to the winners. Rosters must have 4 players, 3 players play at a time. Info: Mo Concepcion - 203.487.0971 or mconcepcion@stamfordjcc.org. AIPAC SPEAKER, Altered States, Understanding the Strategic Threats to Israel in the New Middle East featuring Howard Kohr, AIPAC Executive Director, December 18th 6:15 PM at the Conservative Synagogue, 30 Hillspoint Road, Wesport, CT. To RSVP, contact carolt@tcs-westport.org and more information about this event. BLACK FRIDAY SALE AT JCC, now is your chance to SAVE 55% on your first year of membership during our first-ever Black Friday Sale. Call Ilene at 203.487.0945 for a tour today! Or go to www.stamfordjcc.org for more information. MACS BASKETBALL GAME Alumni Day game Yeshiva University, Sunday December 18 at the Max Stern Athletic Center. For further information visit yu.edu/alumni/basketball | |
CAS Israel Action Project | |
Congregation Agudath Sholom 301 Strawberry Hill Ave, Stamford, CT 06902 Phone:203-358-2200 Fax: 203 358-2323 website: www.cas-stamford.org
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