| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin 301 Strawberry Hill Avenue, Stamford, CT (203) 358-2200 www.cas-stamford.org |
| October 19, 2011 | Shemini Atzeret Simchas Torah Shabbat Bereishit | 22 Tishrei 5772 | | | Holiday & Shabbat Schedule | Wednesday night Candle lighting | 5:51pm | Mincha | 5:56pm | Thursday Chapel | 7:45am | Main Sanctuary | 8:30am | BabySitting/ Tot Shabbat (Library) | 10:30am | Jr. Congregation (Sukkah) | 10:30am | Mini-minyan (Youth Room) | 10:30am | Daf Yomi | 5:00pm | Mincha | 5:55pm | Candles | 6:50pm | Hakafot | 7:00pm | Friday Coffee & Commentary | 8:30am | Main Sanctuary | 8:45am | Women's Tefillah Group (Chapel) | 10:30am | BabySitting/ Tot Shabbat (Library) | 10:30am | Jr. Congregation (Sukkah) | 10:30am | Mini-minyan (Youth Room) | 10:30am | Candles | 5:48pm | Mincha | 6:00pm | Saturday Hashkama | 8:00am | Coffee & Commentary | 8:45am | Main Sanctuary | 9:00am | Teen Minyan (Simcha Room) | 9:30am | BabySitting/ Tot Shabbat (Library) | 10:30am | Jr. Congregation (Sukkah) | 10:30am | Mini-minyan (Youth Room) | 10:30am | Shiur | 10:30am | Daf Yomi | 4:55pm | Mincha | 5:40pm | Shabbat Ends | 6:47pm | | | | | Chag Sameach/Shabbat Shalom |
Please remember to make an eruv tavshilin since Yom Tov preceeds Shabbat.
Thursday Night Schedule Mincha 5:55 pm followed by mini shiur with Reb Elie Bercuson followed by Maariv 6:40 pm Brief Bidding, Ata Hareita and Hakafot 7:00 pm Torah Reading 8:45 pm Mourners may remain in the shul during hakafot but do not join in the dancing. In sensitivity to those mourners who wish to leave earlier, there will be an early Torah reading at 8:00 pm in the chapel. Friday Morning Schedule One Minyan 8:45 am Hakafot 9:45 am Men's Aliyot 10:30 am Women's Tefillah and Learning Circle 10:30 am Kol Hanearim 11:30 am Chatan Torah and Bereishit 11:45 am Musaf 12:30 pm Simchat Torah Luncheon 1 pm Please join a Tea in honor of Cantor Arik and Tehilah Wollheim and to welcome Yehudit Ori For those of us who missed the kiddush last week, please join us at the Sichel's, 19 Vincent Court, This Shabbat, Shabbat Bereishit, 5 PM
THANKS to Shelley Senker & Howard Weiss for all their work on the Simchas Torah lunch
You received the letter-have you responded? Thanks to those who have responded to our Yom Kippur appeal. Please answer this important CAS fund-raising appeal. THANKS We have improved our website.www.cas-stamford.org, you can: Check all service times, including mincha Check the eruv status on-line-Check youth activities & much more
LIVING WATERS 2011-12 Four fun evenings for men and women in support of our Mikvah. First evening is Saturday 10/29 at 8pm in the home of Steven & Elise Cohen, 5 Boxwood Drive. Renowned mentalist Marc Salem will be entertaining & refreshments will be served. RSVP to 4evenings4mikvah@gmail.com or call Sharon at 203-569-7588. Space is limited. Info on other evenings and details on how to support our Mikvah visit www.stamfordmikvah.org CAS / P2P ANNUAL FOOD DRIVE Our goal is to supply 300+ bags Pick up a bag & shopping list Return to CAS by October 25 to help P2P www.p2pdarien.org info? Contact Claudia or Herbie Rimerman | | | Sukkot Topics & Participants | Torah Readers | Shemini Atzeret- Dr. Burt Rubin, Harvey Berman; Simchat Torah - Hyman Schaffer (thanks to all who leyned Vezot Habracha); Bereshit - Matt Jelen, Hyman Schaffer and Dr. Jay Jubas | Usher (Shabbat) | Mitchell Bell | | | | Thanks to this week's sponsors...
| Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | the Linda Beson Nursing Education Fund | Teen Minyan Kiddush by | Dr. Peter and Mrs. Leah Munk in honor of Josh's Bar Mitzvah anniversary | Chapel Kiddush by | Barry, Eddie, Howard, Fred, & Irwin - Feliz Cumplean'os Rad! | Sanctuary Kiddush by | David & Judith Jelen, in honor of their son Matt becoming a Bar Mitzvah | Seudat Shlishit by | the shul | |
- Jelen Family on Matt's Bar Mitzvah
- Drs. Arthur Smith and Shirley Zajdel on the birth of a baby boy to Drs. Perry and Siona Smith
- Rabbi Chezy and Sheva Deren on the birth of a baby boy. Mazal tov to the proud grandparents Rabbi Yisroel & Vivi Deren
- Shira & Rolland Mandel on the birth of a baby boy
- Allan Mall on the passing of his wife, Frima
Daf Yomi | Sunday | 7:45 am | | Mon-Friday | 7:00 am | Shacharit | Sunday | 7:15/ 8:30 am | | Monday - Friday | 6:30/7:30 am | Mincha | Sun-Thursday | 5:45pm | | Candles Friday | 5:38 pm | |
SPECIAL THANKS FROM THE YOUTH DEPARTMENT Special thank you some special 8th graders - Elisheva Cohen, Aviva Attar, Carly Jankelovits and Eliana Koehler for making the Sukkah decorating event so wonderful. Thank you for giving of your time on an early Sunday morning. Thanks to all of the children who made our Sukkah so beautiful! Thank you for working so hard on the gorgeous decorations. A super special thank you to Chemda Parhi for using her artistic talents in helping our children decorate our beautiful sukkah. A special thank you to the Greens and Sigmans and all the families who so graciously donated toys to the Youth Department. They have already been put to good use! Thank you to all of the families who hosted our Sukkah Hops: Seligsons, Alexanders, Cohens (Steven and Elise), Sigmans, Meyers', Koehlers, Israels, Neuhaus', Cohens' (Rabbi and Diane), Attars, Karschs, and the Jubas'. A special thanks to the leaders of our Sukkah hop, Rabbi Jeiger, Mark, Rabbi Walk, Morah Chaya and Morah Jessica. Thanks, Yehuda Jeiger CHAG SAMEACH Moadim L'Simcha- Parents and Yeladim: What a special time we are living in! Watching Gilad Shalit come home today was so very special. As Rabbi Parchi mentioned to our students at BCDS, the fact that Hashem arranged for this to occur on Sukkot is no coincidence. Sukkot is all about everyone being together as we join all the Arba minim, regardless of taste or smell! We are so lucky to all be together for the second days of this special Chag. What's even more remarkable is that just a few months ago we sat together at the JCC, after hearing Gilad's father speak, discussed leaving an empty chair at our seders for Gilad; now Baruch Hashem, Gilad doesn't need an empty chair in our Sukkahs! Please make sure your children know what a special time we are living through... Perhaps something that we will never see again. Let us use this added simcha to increase our simcha when we rejoice and celebrate with the Torah this Simchat Torah! We have some very special youth events scheduled to enhance our Simchat Yom Tov. Every child who attends either of the Youth Hakafot will receive a special goodie bag! Youth Hakafot (ages birth-7) will take place between 4-5:30 pm on Thursday afternoon. Hakafot will have some really special highlights... - Jonathan Cahr will lead the festivities with tons of great songs
- Every child will get a flag
- Torah Tours Advisers will join and enhance our celebration
- Every child will get a chance to dance with a real Torah
- The Israeli Girls will join us and play a life sized Chutes and Ladders game- special Sukkot Edition aka. "Lulavs and Sukkah Decorations"... you have to see it to believe it!
- We will have some of your favorite group leaders reading us wonderful Sukkot stories
- A light dinner and desert will be served to all children attending....
- Parents of younger children should stay with their children for this event.
Jr. Congregation Hakafot (grades 2-6) will take place in the shul at the same time as the adult hafakot. Jr. Congregation children will join adult hakafot for one special youth hafaka, led by Mark Rocklin. During the other six hafakot, we will be joined by the Torah Tours leaders for some awesome Ruach that will certainly compete with the adult Ruach. Again, everyone in attendance will receive an awesome goodie bag! We hope to see all of you at one of these amazing events... we have a lot of goodie bags and don't want any leftovers! Shabbat morning we will continue with all of our usual groups, in their usual times and locations. Special in Jr. Cong. This week we are starting our brand new laining program! Each week a different member of Jr. Cong will have the chance to lain from a real Sefer Torah for their Jr. Cong. friends! This week, we kick it off with Ezra Yehuda Najman-Franks, who will be reading from Parshat Beraisheit! What a great start to the new cycle of Torah reading.... If you would like to read, please let us know. There will also be a Teen Minyan this week, with a really special dairy Kiddush that you will love! Teen Minyan will meet in the Bennet Simcha Room. We wish Matt Jelen a hearty Mazal Tov on his Bar Mitzvah and know he will do an amazing job! We are also excited to hear his little brother, PJ, finish up davening for all of us in the main sanctuary. If that wasn't enough, there is also a Jr. Teen Oneg (grades 6-8) on Shabbat afternoon, 4:30-5:30pm at the Katz Family home, 52 Apple Tree Drive Coming REAL Soon.... - Jr. CONG. NIKKUDOT SALE - Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Oct 29th - bring all your nekudot NEXT WEEK.... AWESOME PRIZES!!!! Also, there will be a...
- Special Jr. Cong. and Tot Shabbat Kiddush sponsored by Nimrod and Rachel Dayan in honor of AJ's 3rd Birthday!!
- CRITTER CARAVAN- PARSHAT NOACH - SUNDAY OCT. 30th 10:30 - 12 PM - Meet and learn about tons of cool animals and enjoy special snacks and an art project.
- TEEN MINYAN Nov 5- 9:30 AM - For 7-12 Grades in the social hall - we still need a sponsor for this Kiddush.. please contact Rabbi Jeiger or Josh Munk
- TEEN MINYAN Nov 19- 9:30 AM - For 7-12 Grades in the social hall
Trips Coming Soon.... Jr. TEEN ELECTION DAY PAINTBALLING TRIP!!! Tues. Nov. 8, Grades 6-8 are going to Yankee Paintball in Oxford for a day of crazy fun! We depart CAS at 11AM and return 5PM. Price - CAS Members $45, non-members $55, must pay in advance. Click here to sign up NEW Sr. TEEN PAINTBALLING TRIP!!! Sun Nov. 20, Grades 9-12 are going to Yankee Paintball in Oxford for a day of crazy fun! We depart CAS at 11AM and return 5PM. Price - CAS Members $45, non-members $55, must pay in advance. Click here to sign up If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday or special accomplishment by sponsoring a special "kiddush" in their honor, please email me at rabbijeiger@hotmail.com Please check out our website for much more info on all of our special programs at youth.cas-stamford.org Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom Rabbi Yehuda Jeiger
For all our Youth Department info please visit.. youth.cas-stamford.org | | |
PLEASE JOIN THE ANNUAL CAS HIGH HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE Last year, the Stamford Jewish Community donated 12,000 lbs of food to Person-to-Person for this worthy cause. We collected 300 bags - help us exceed that amount this year as the need is greater. For 20 years, the drive helps the efforts of Person-to-Person, a worthy charity offering financial support, emergency food and clothing assistance, summer programs, and college scholarship aid - all to help families break the cycle of poverty. This year, the need is greater than ever. Pick up a bag and a shopping list in the CAS lobby, fill it with canned goods, pasta, etc. and return to CAS by October 25. Info or questions? Contact CAS Food Drive Chairs Claudia & Herbie Rimerman - 203 - 569 -9625. Interested in contributing to P2P's other worthy programs? Click www.p2pdarien.org to learn more. CAS DECORUM Policy for our kids is easy - "In Shul or In Groups." Please help us maintain decorum by making sure you child is either sitting in synagogue or participating in one of our Youth Groups. During Kiddush, please make sure that your child is enjoying themselves in the Simcha Room or Social Hall - not taking food to the stairways, outside, hallway, Chapel, or Sanctuary. BAT MITZVAH PROGRAM-Matan program by Michal Smart for 6th grade girls begins late October. Contact Dierdre in the office for info. THE AARON & BLANCHE SCHREIBER TORAH TOURS JOINS US FOR SIMCHAS TORAH. Now in its third decade, the program shares the Torah knowledge and enthusiasm of Yeshiva University studentswith Jewish communities throughout the world. Please welcome Stern Juniors- Kira Lustman, Molly Geller, Tova Gelertner and Chana Brawl SAVE THE DATE FOR THE ANNUAL DINNER save the date for the Congregation Agudath Sholom Annual Dinner Dance, Sunday, March 18th. Calling all Pre-Teen, Teens and even a few adults Join the Rabbi's Clean Dream Team to enhance the decor and dignity of our shul on Shabbat morning - For more info or to sign up, email Rabbi Cohen at rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org. HOLD NOVEMBER 20 FOR ANNUAL CANTOR'S CONCERT This year, Cantor Wollheim will host Stephen Glass, music director of Cong. Sha'ar Hashomayim of Montreal, Canada. Details to follow. MEN'S CLUB MEETING on Sunday, Oct 30 at 9:15am The agenda will include planning for the Men's Club Homeless Shelter Xmas Dinner, CPR class update, Minyan seating chairs, Elections, and Planning the Possible - Future event planning. All Men's club members and potential members are invited. | |
JFS COLLEGE COUNSELING Fall is the time to begin the college admission process. Early consultation for high school juniors and seniors with experienced JFS College Consultant. For fee and info, contact Claire Friedlander, JFS College Consultant at 203-921-4161 X109 or cdfriedlan@aol.com. JFS DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP -- Tuesdays 7:30 -8:30 pm until 11/22. Women seeking support while experiencing divorce meet to discuss stresses with Melanie Rago in the Westport JFS office, 431 Post Road East, Suite 11. $20/person/session. Info? Melanie Rago at 203-454-4992 or mrago24@gmail.com "FINDING YOUR FOCUS" -- PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS DIAGNOSED WITH ADD/ADHD. Wednesday Afternoons. Services include psychiatric evaluation, review of previous evaluations, family assessment, on-going support, and medication management. Treatment by Lee Combrinck-Graham, M.D. and qualifies for insurance reimbursement. Info: Eve Moskowitz at 203-921-4161 or emoskowitz@ctjfs.org. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUPS. Open to those coping with the loss of a loved one.WEDNESDAYS-4 to 5 pm. At the Atria in Stamford, 77 Third Street in Stamford. Bi-monthly support group open to those coping with the loss of a loved one. Info: Dr. Mitchell Flaum at 203-921-4161 or mflaum@ctjfs.org. FRIDAYS -10:30 -11:30 AM. Stamford JFS office, 733 Summer Street, 6th Floor. Info: Eve Moskowitz at 203-921-4161 ext. 122 or emoskowitz@ctjfs.org UJF SUPER SUNDAY - Hold the date! Sunday December 4 NEW! CAFÉ STAM at the JCC The Vaad Hakashrus of Fairfield County is thrilled to announce that Avi Abikzer and Genadeen Caterers opened Cafe Stam (milk/pareve). Please come visit us at CAFE STAM in the JCC for selections. Our phone number is 203-329-6626. ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE'S 2011 DANIEL R. GINSBERG HUMANITARIAN AWARD RECEPTION Wednesday, November 9 BCDS FAMILY TRIP TO ISRAEL-FEBRUARY 11-24, 2012. Contact Bob Abrams at or babrams@bcds.org. 203-329-2186 ext. 1311 SCHOOL OPEN HOUSES JEWISH HIGH SCHOOL OF CONNECTICUT OCTOBER 23, 1-3pm. Info 203-275-8448 or info@jhsct.org or jhsct.org CARMEL ACADEMY - OCTOBER 30 Meet leaders, teachers and tour our classrooms. Lower School/Grade K-3 begins at 11am with free kids activities by PJ Library of Greenwich and JCC Greenwich showing Shalom Sesame. Upper School/Grade 4-8 begins at 2pm. There will be a science demonstration, children are encouraged to attend. Info: Joanne Karow, email Joanne.Karow@carmelacademy.com or 203-983-3503 WESTCHESTER HEBREW HIGH SCHOOL-NOVEMBER 2 For prospective 9th graders and transfer students on Wednesday, November 2nd at 6:30 pm, at WHHS, 856 Orienta Avenue, Mamaroneck, NY 10538. Light dinner served. RSVP: OpenHouse@whhsny.org or 914.698.0806 ext.308. BI -CULTURAL DAY SCHOOL- NOVEMBER 6 Early Childhood and Grades 1 - 8. Be part of our Family and Join our Success! Sunday, November 6. 10:00 a.m. Babysitting Available R.S.V.P. - admissions@bcds.org. For more information, please call Bob Abrams at 203-329-2186 ext. 1311 | |
Congregation Agudath Sholom 301 Strawberry Hill Ave, Stamford, CT 06902 Phone:203-358-2200 Fax: 203 358-2323 website: www.cas-stamford.org
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