| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin 301 Strawberry Hill Avenue, Stamford, CT (203) 358-2200 www.cas-stamford.org |
| October 12, 2011 | Sukkot | 15 Tishrei 5772 | | | Wednesday night Candle lighting | 6:02pm | Mincha | 6:07pm | Thursday Chapel | 7:30am | Sanctuary | 8:45am | BabySitting/ Tot Shabbat (Library) | 10:30am | Jr. Congregation (Sukkah) | 10:30am | Mini-minyan (Youth Room) | 10:30am | Daf Yomi | 5:20pm | Mincha | 6:05pm | Candles | 7:01pm | Friday Chapel | 7:30am | Sanctuary | 8:45am | BabySitting/ Tot Shabbat (Library) | 10:30am | Jr. Congregation (Sukkah) | 10:30am | Mini-minyan (Youth Room) | 10:30am | Daf Yomi | 5:20pm | Mincha | 6:05pm | Candles | 5:59pm | Saturday Hashkama | 7:45am | Main Sanctuary | 8:45am | BabySitting/ Tot Shabbat (Library) | 10:30am | Jr. Congregation (Sukkah) | 10:30am | Mini-minyan (Youth Room) | 10:30am | Shiur | 10:30am | Daf Yomi | 5:00pm | Mincha | 5:45pm | Shabbat Ends | 6:57pm | | | | | Chag Sameach/Shabbat Shalom |
Rain in the Sukkah on the First Night - Although during Sukkot one may eat inside in the event of rain, there is an obligation on the first night to do the utmost to make kiddush and eat in the Sukkah. We suggest following the Mishneh Brurah (639:35) that even though there are those who say you should wait until Chatzot (middle of the night), the prevalent custom is to wait one hour after the appropriate time (about 7:02 PM) and then say Kiddush in the sukkah and eat a k'zayit (piece of bread size of an olive), but do not make the blessing of Leishev B'sukkah. Then finish the meal inside. There are opinions about going out later if the rain stops and saying the bracha. Please remember to make an Eruv Tavshilin today.
Agudath Sholom Open Sukkah We are pleased to invite the community to use our Sukkah, 301 Strawberry Hill Ave, for the mitzvah during the holiday. Feel free to bring food and eat in our Sukkah. The hours are every day until 10 PM. Light will be on in the evening. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen at
You received the letter-have you responded? Thanks to those who have responded to our Yom Kippur appeal. Please answer this important CAS fund-raising appeal. THANKS We have improved our website.www.cas-stamford.org, you can: Check all service times, including mincha Sponsor the Annual Simchas Torah Lunch Check the eruv status on-line-Check youth activities & much more
LIVING WATERS 2011-12 Four fun evenings in support of our Mikvah. First evening is Saturday 10/29 at 8pm in the home of Steven & Elise Cohen, 5 Boxwood Drive. Entertainment & refreshments. RSVP to 4evenings4mikvah@gmail.com or call Sharon at 203-569-7588. Space is limited. Info on other evenings and details on how to support our Mikvah visit www.stamfordmikvah.org CAS / P2P ANNUAL FOOD DRIVE Our goal is to supply 300+ bags Pick up a bag & shopping list Return to CAS by October 25 to help P2P www.p2pdarien.org info? Contact Claudia or Herbie Rimerman | | | Sukkot Topics & Participants | Torah Readers | Sukkot Day 1-Daniel Jubas, Meir Attar Sukkot Day 2-Seth Steinmetz, David Cohen Shabbat-Avi Rosenbaum, Hyman Schaffer | Usher (Shabbat) | Roz Sherman | Shiur (Shabbat) | Dr. Hindy Najman: Reishit Darko - Contrasting Wisdom and Torah | | | | Thanks to this week's sponsors...
| Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | the Linda Beson Nursing Education Fund | Chapel Kiddush by | Sponsors urgently needed, please see Irwin | Sanctuary Kiddush by | Sukkot Day 1-Rena & Tzvi Schwartz in honor of the birth of their daughter Jennifer Sarah Sukkot Day 2-Tehilah & Cantor Arik Wollheim in celebration of the birth of their daughter Yehudit Ori | Seudat Shlishit by | the shul | |
- Rita Vogel on the passing of her husband, Charles
- Naomi Rein on the passing of her father, Theodore
- Liz Rosenbaum on the passing of her mother, Sylvia Bernstein
Daf Yomi | Sunday | 7:45 am | | Mon-Wednesday | 7:00 am | Shacharit | Sunday | 7:15/ 8:30 am | | Monday - Wednesday | 6:20/7:30 am | Mincha | Sun-Tuesday Wednesday | 6:00 pm 5:56pm | | Candles Wednesday | 5:51 pm | |
CAS SIMCHAS TORAH LUNCH FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 a celebration for the whole congregation Please be a sponsor of this long-standing CAS tradition Note: All net cash proceeds will benefit the Kosher Food Pantry and extra food will be delivered to a local shelter | EXPERIENCE THE MAGIC OF SUKKOT at the largest Sukkah in Fairfield County (ours!) SUNDAY EVENING, October 16 5 pm - 7:30 pm Dinner at 5:15 pm, Show at 6:15 pm Enjoy a fun-filled evening of mystery with renowned magician Kenny B who has received rave reviews from all across the country. Followed by a delicious family friendly Italian style meat dinner. Vegetarian option available. | |
So many exciting things are happening at the CASYD during Sukkot! Be sure to read carefully - we don't want you to miss any of the fun! Before I tell you about our wonderful programs, I wanted to share a special message with you (for parents and children) to ponder over Sukkot. This message was brought to my attention by Morah Yonah, who who misses all of you. Please watch the two videos (there are two.. look carefully) at http://www.daytodisconnect.com/index.php. This is a VERY powerful video that we all need to seriously think about. Sukkot is a very special time of year, especially Chol Hamoed which was traditionally time, set aside as family time. Sukkot is the perfect time to take these messages to heart. On Thursday, Friday, and Shabbat there will be regular groups (in usual locations) from 10:30 through the end of davening. In groups, our children will learn about the special tefillot of the chag, have the opportunity to make brachot on the Lulav and Etrog as well as have a snack in the shul Sukkah (weather permitting). Of course, we will also have tons of fun games, stories and programs specially designed for the holiday. On Shabbat afternoon, Oct 15th (3:30-5:30) we will be hosting our annual Sukkah Hop; this year with a new and exciting twist. As our kids begin the hop, they will be given a baggy and a Bingo card with different names of Brachot and foods. As they hop from Sukkah to Sukkah they will collect foods of various brachot and at the last stop see if they can make a Bingo. This is an excellent opportunity for our children to learn about or refresh their brachot skills. Our leaders will teach them the brachot and remind them of the laws of brachot. What a great opportunity for fun and education! Sometimes our kids learn most when they don't even know they are learning! There is no charge for this event. A special thank you to all of the families who are opening up their homes and Sukkahs to the community for this special event. Their names are listed below. Hop Schedule: IN ORDER TO SAVE SOME WALKING TIME FOR PARENTS OF THE OLDER 2 GROUPS BELOW, ANY CHILDREN WHO NEED TO BE WALKED TO THE REVONAH AREA FOR THE OLDER HOPS CAN MEET RABBI JEIGER AT THE SHUL SUKKAH AT 3:15 AND HE WILL WALK YOU OVER THERE. 1) Mini Minyan/ Tot Shabbat Sukkah Hop (through grade 1)- led by Parents +Jessica Kfare and Chaya Shochet Meet at the shul Sukkah at 3:30 pm - 301 Strawberry Hill Ave Stops along the hop: a) Seligson - 67 Apple Tree Dr b) Alexander -19 Boxwood Drive c) Cohen - 5 Boxwood Drive d) Sigman - 20 Pine Tree Drive - 5:30 pm 2) Jr. Congregation Hop (grades 2-6)- led by R. Walk & Mark Rocklin Meet at the Attar Home at 3:30 pm - 196 5th Street Stops along the hop: a) Karsch - 60 Urban St. b) Jubas - 27 Urban Street c) R. Cohen - 15 Revonah Circle - parent pick up 5:30 pm 3) Jr. Teen Hop (grades 7-8)- led by R. Jeiger Meet at the corner of Revonah Circle and Revinah Ave. at 3:30 pm Stops along the hop: a) Meyers - 105 East Lane b) Koehler - 286 West Lane c) Israel - 50 Toilsome Brook Road d) Neuhaus - 133 Revonah Ave e) R. Cohen- 15 Revonah Circle - parent pick up 5:30 pm Coming Soon.... - Teen Chol Hamoed Trip to HERSHEY PARK - Monday, Oct 17th, for Grades 9-12. Departing CAS at 8AM, returning 10PM! Click to sign up on the CAS Website before Sukkot and Save!
- YOUTH HAKAFOT w/ Jonathan Cahr - Thursday Oct 20th 4-5:30 pm Light dinner will be served to all children attending
- Jr. CONGREGATION HAKAFOT- During adult Hakafot - Thurs, Oct. 20th 7 pm - we will have a special shul youth Hakafa as well- special treats.....
- TEEN MINYAN Oct 22 9:30 AM - For 7-12 Grades in the social hall
- Jr. TEEN ONEG Oct. 22, location TBA
- Jr. CONG. NIKKUDOT SALE - Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Oct 29th - bring all your nekudot!!!!
- CRITTER CARAVAN- PARSHAT NOACH - SUNDAY OCT. 30th 10:30 - 12 PM - Meet and learn about tons of cool animals and enjoy special snacks and project.
- TEEN MINYAN Nov 5 9:30 AM - For 7-12 Grades in the social hall
TEEN MINYAN Nov 19 9:30 AM - For 7-12 Grades in the social hall If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday or special accomplishment by sponsoring a special "kiddush" in their honor, please email me at rabbijeiger@hotmail.com Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom Rabbi Yehuda Jeiger
For all our Youth Department info please visit.. youth.cas-stamford.org | |
CAS Israel Action Project Notice | IAP UPDATE: OPPOSE PALESTINIAN BID at UN! WHY? Severe Implications for Peace Process - Peace Process Should Only be Through Direct Talks, Not Unilateral Actions
- President Obama has Publicly Rejected Unilateral Approach
- Will Not Change Situation on the Ground
- Could Increase Potential for Violence by Raising Unrealistic Expectations of the Palestinians
- Could Embolden Israel's Critics, Legitimize Those Seeking to Isolate Israel, Delegitimize the Jewish State and Encourage Boycotts
- Would Recognize a State That Has No Direct Control Over Its Borders & Does Not Yet Exist
- Would Elevate a Palestinian State's UN and World Status
- Would Offer Symbolic Support for a Palestinian State Along '67 Lines with East Jerusalem as its Capital
- Would Undermine UN Resolutions 242 & 338 and Camp David Accords
- PA President Abbas Stated He Will Never Recognize a Jewish State
- " " " Accepted Partnership with Hamas, a Terrorist Organization
PLEASE SEND THIS MESSAGE TO OUR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS: "I respectfully urge you to speak out in Congress, speeches, and op-eds against Palestinian unilateral statehood efforts at the UN. This poses a direct challenge to US interests and could have severe implications for the peace process." Senator Lieberman: lieberman.senate.gov, Senator Blumenthal: blumenthal.senate.gov, Representative Himes: himes.house.gov {Click on "Email [Congress member]" on the website.} For more information contact Rabbi Daniel Cohen, rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org or Norine Krasnogor, nzk111@yahoo.com | |
PLEASE JOIN THE ANNUAL CAS HIGH HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE Last year, the Stamford Jewish Community donated 12,000 lbs of food to Person-to-Person for this worthy cause. We collected 300 bags - help us exceed that amount this year as the need is greater. For 20 years, the drive helps the efforts of Person-to-Person, a worthy charity offering financial support, emergency food and clothing assistance, summer programs, and college scholarship aid - all to help families break the cycle of poverty. This year, the need is greater than ever. Pick up a bag and a shopping list in the CAS lobby, fill it with canned goods, pasta, etc. and return to CAS by October 25. Info or questions? Contact CAS Food Drive Chairs Claudia & Herbie Rimerman - 203 - 569 -9625. Interested in contributing to P2P's other worthy programs? Click www.p2pdarien.org to learn more. CAS DECORUM Policy for our kids is easy - "In Shul or In Groups." Please help us maintain decorum by making sure you child is either sitting in synagogue or participating in one of our Youth Groups. During Kiddush, please make sure that your child is enjoying themselves in the Simcha Room or Social Hall - not taking food to the stairways, outside, hallway, Chapel, or Sanctuary. BAT MITZVAH PROGRAM-Matan program by Michal Smart for 6th grade girls begins late October. Contact Dierdre in the office for info. SAVE THE DATE FOR THE ANNUAL DINNER save the date for the Congregation Agudath Sholom Annual Dinner Dance, Sunday, March 18th. HOLD NOVEMBER 20 FOR ANNUAL CANTOR'S CONCERT This year, Cantor Wollheim will host Stephen Glass, music director of Cong. Sha'ar Hashomayim of Montreal, Canada. Details to follow. OU SAFETY NOTE The upcoming holiday season includes three 3-day periods in which stoves cannot be turned off. If you have a gas stove and leave it on, be aware of the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Based on recent incidents of CO poisoning, the OU advises: make sure your stove is well vented, your CO detector works, call the Fire Department if the alarm goes off, and use electric appliances instead of the gas stove. OUR THOUGHTS and prayers are with the Shalit family and Israel on the joyous news of the impending release of Gilad Shalit. G-d willing, we will see his return home very soon. | |
Young Israel of Stamford invites the entire community to its first annual SIMCHAT BEIT HASHOEVAH Monday night, October 17. Ma'ariv at 7:00 followed by live music featuring BASS DIN, Fairfield County's newest Jewish band. Men and women are invited. Refreshments will be available in the Louis Felder Memorial Sukkah. Contribution of $2 per peson with $10 maximum per family is appreciated. NEW! CAFÉ STAM at the JCC The Vaad Hakashrus of Fairfield County is thrilled to announce that Avi Abikzer and Genadeen Caterers opened Cafe Stam (milk/pareve). Please come visit us at CAFE STAM in the JCC for selections. Our phone number is 203-329-6626. NEW! JFS DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP -- Tuesdays 7:30 -8:30 pm until 11/22. Women seeking support while experiencing divorce meet to discuss stress with Melanie Rago in the Westport JFS office, 431 Post Road East, Suite 11. Fee is $20/person/session. Info: Melanie Rago at 203-454-4992 or mrago24@gmail.com "FINDING YOUR FOCUS" -- PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS DIAGNOSED WITH ADD/ADHD. Wednesday Afternoons. New JFS program. Services include psychiatric evaluation, review of previous evaluations, family assessment, on-going support, and medication management. Treatment is provided by Lee Combrinck-Graham, M.D. and qualifies for insurance reimbursement. Info: Eve Moskowitz, at 203-921-4161 or emoskowitz@ctjfs.org. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUPS WEDNESDAYS-4 -5 pm. At the Atria in Stamford, 77 Third Street A bi-monthly support group open to those coping with the loss of a loved one. For more information, contact Dr. Mitchell Flaum at 203-921-4161 or email mflaum@ctjfs.org. FRIDAYS -10:30 -11:30 am. At the JFS office, 733 Summer Street, 6th Floor. Info: Eve Moskowitz at 921-4161 ext. 122 or email emoskowitz@ctjfs.org ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE'S 2011 DANIEL R. GINSBERG HUMANITARIAN AWARD RECEPTION Wednesday, November 9 BCDS FAMILY TRIP TO ISRAEL-FEBRUARY 11-24, 2012. Contact Bob Abrams at or babrams@bcds.org. 203-329-2186 ext. 1311 SCHOOL OPEN HOUSES JEWISH HIGH SCHOOL OF CONNECTICUT OCTOBER 23, 1-3pm. Info 203-275-8448 or info@jhsct.org or jhsct.org CARMEL ACADEMY - OCTOBER 30 Meet leaders, teachers and tour our classrooms. Lower School/Grade K-3 begins at 11am with free kids activities by PJ Library of Greenwich and JCC Greenwich showing Shalom Sesame. Upper School/Grade 4-8 begins at 2pm. There will be a science demonstration, children are encouraged to attend. Info: Joanne Karow, email Joanne.Karow@carmelacademy.com or 203-983-3503 WESTCHESTER HEBREW HIGH SCHOOL-NOVEMBER 2 For prospective 9th graders and transfer students on Wednesday, November 2nd at 6:30 pm, at WHHS, 856 Orienta Avenue, Mamaroneck, NY 10538. Light dinner served. RSVP: OpenHouse@whhsny.org or 914.698.0806 ext.308. BI -CULTURAL DAY SCHOOL- NOVEMBER 6 Early Childhood and Grades 1 - 8. Be part of our Family and Join our Success! Sunday, November 6. 10:00 a.m. Babysitting Available R.S.V.P. - admissions@bcds.org. For more information, please call Bob Abrams at 203-329-2186 ext. 1311 | |
Congregation Agudath Sholom 301 Strawberry Hill Ave, Stamford, CT 06902 Phone:203-358-2200 Fax: 203 358-2323 website: www.cas-stamford.org
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