| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin 301 Strawberry Hill Avenue, Stamford, CT (203) 358-2200 www.cas-stamford.org |
| August 19, 2011 | Eikev | 20 Av 5771 | | | Friday night Candle lighting | 7:30pm | Mincha | 7:00/7:35pm | Saturday Hashkama | 8:00am | Main Sanctuary | 9:00am | Latest shema | 9:33am | Latest Amidah | 10:41am | | | BabySitting/ Tot Shabbat (Library) | 10:30am | Mini-minyan (Youth Room) | 10:30am | Daf Yomi | 6:20pm | Mincha | 7:10pm | Seudat Shlishit | 7:40pm | Maariv | 8:25pm | Shabbat Ends | 8:30pm | | | | | PEREK on the PATIO with Rabbi Walk 6:10pm on the Patio Strawberry Hill side of CAS
On behalf of my entire family, I want to thank Rabbis Cohen and Walk, the Chevrah Kaddisha of Stamford, and the entire CAS community for their guidance, acts of kindness, and consolation wishes. Thank you for helping us to get through this difficult time.- Jeffrey Cahn
Rabbi Mark Dratch, former Senior Rabbi of Congregation Agudath Sholom, spoke this past Sunday at the Young Israel of Stamford at the Louis Felder Memorial Lecture, which closed out the Stamford Community Kollel program. If you missed the lecture, you can access it by clicking here
SAVE THE DATE RABBI MENACHEM LEIBTAG TO VISIT CAS SEPTEMBER 16-17 SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE His theme: The High Holidays Details to Follow | | | Shabbat Topics & Participants | Torah Readers | Ethan Green, Hyman Schaffer, Yishai Walk, Michael Berg | Usher | Roz Sherman | Rabbi David Walk | The Second of the Haftorot of Comfort | | | | Thanks to this week's sponsors...
| Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | Dr. Jeff and Judy Cahn in gratitude to the CAS community and the Linda Beson Nursing Education Fund. Adrienne and Michael Alexander in honor of Elliot and Coby Sloyer completing their coast to coast bike ride. Yasher Koach!Dorothy and Leon Jaiven in honor of their 62nd wedding anniversary. | Chapel Kiddush by | Larry and Joyce Haber in memory of our parents' yahrzeits, Elias Haber on his 20th yahrzeit, Marion Haber on her 10th yahrzeit, and Max Leventhal on his 11th yahrzeit. | Sanctuary Kiddush by | The Walks in honor of the birth of Raya Leah Weinstein and the departure of Yishai Walk to Hesder Yeshiva in Otniel, Israel. | Seudat Shlishit by | the shul | |
- Lee Rosenwasser on the passing of his mother, Lillian
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- Judy Altman, she is being honored at the Holocaust and Human Rights Education Center's Annual Benefit.
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Daf Yomi | Sunday | 7:45 am | | Mon-Friday | 7:00 am | Shacharit | Sunday | 7:15/8:30 am | | Mon-Friday | 6:30/7:30 am | Mincha | Sun-Thursday | 7:30 pm | | Candles next Friday | 7:20 pm | |
OPEN HOUSE BBQ Tuesday August 30, 2011 6:00-8:00PM Meet our Rabbis, Board Members and congregants. Learn about our new and exciting programs, events, speakers, and Holiday celebrations for the new year! Interested in membership? Contact Dierdre or Cindy in the office. For more information: Click here to learn more and sign up! | | |
Annual Endless Summer Kumsitz Saturday night, September 10, 9 pm featuring Bob Abrams, Jonathan Cahr, Michael Feldstein, Sid Nachman, and Sandy Shapiro home of the Wolfes, 35 Fara Drive, Free! lots of food and drinks, bring a blanket and a chair | | |
The CAS Youth Department & Young Families Group invite you to Welcome Back BBQ Extravaganza!!! THE GREATEST DANCE PARTY EVER A Delicious Outdoor Family BBQ Dinner with ZUMBA by ZAPPY ZEBRA Sunday Sept 11, 4:30 - 6:30 pm And... Holiday Crafts With Your Favorite Shabbat Group Leaders... For more information: Click here to learn more and sign up! | | |
Join us at the Summer of Learning At Congregation Agudath Sholom Classes open to entire community and free of charge. Rabbi Walk's Summer Learning Bible from the Beginning: Sunday morning 9:15 am at CAS Rabbi Walk will be on vacation this week, therefore his classes this week are cancelled. | |
CAS Total Hebrew School Enrollment IS NOW OPEN Open for Fall - For more info, contact Rabbi Daniel Cohen or Cindy Flynn in the office cflynn@cas-stamford.org | |
HIGH HOLIDAYS ARE COMING Please watch your mail for a High Holiday Ticket request and Yiskor Book confirmation. Drop them in the office to ensure your seating preferences and to include your entry in our 5772 Yiskor Book. TAKE AN AD IN OUR BULLETIN! Any shul members interested in placing an ad for their business in our Quarterly Bulletin contact Dierdre in the shul office at 203-358-2200 or djacobs@cas-stamford.org SAVE THE DATE FOR THE ANNUAL DINNER save the date for the Congregation Agudath Sholom Annual Dinner Dance, Sunday, March 18th. eBAY We have our eBay "Business" up and running again to help raise money for the shul. Contact Maury Rosenbaum for more info. YOUTH BLAST Although we are in "summer mode" we will still be having a full array of groups this shabbat! Please join us! We are excited to welcome Mark Rocklin to Stamford for Shabbat. Mark will be running Jr. Congregation this shabbat and has a fun filled morning planned for all 2nd-6th graders. Please join him and Shira Wexler in the chapel. Contact Rabbi Yehuda Jeiger, Youth Director. SPECIAL HIGH HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT We are happy to announce that new for this year there will be a third High Holiday service on Rosh Hashanah only. The service with be located in the library and structured as a "Netz Minyan" beginning at 6am with a targeted completion time of 10am. All are welcome. In an effort to gauge interest, please email Elliot Neumann, eneumann11@optonline.net to advise of planned attendance. | |
"FINDING YOUR FOCUS" -- PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS DIAGNOSED WITH ADD/ADHD. Wednesday Afternoons. JFS is offering a new program for children and adolescents. Services include psychiatric evaluation, review of previous evaluations, family assessment, on-going support, and medication management. Treatment by Lee Combrinck-Graham, M.D. and qualifies for insurance reimbursement. For more information, contact Eve Moskowitz, at 203-921-4161 or emoskowitz@ctjfs.org. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUPS - Wednesdays, 4-5 pm. At the Atria in Stamford, 77 Third Street in Stamford. A bi-monthly support group open to those coping with the loss of a loved one. For more information, contact Dr. Mitchell Flaum at 201-921-4161 or email mflaum@ctjfs.org. Fridays,10:30 -11:30 AM. At the Stamford JFS office, 733 Summer Street, 6th Floor. Open to those coping with the loss of a loved one. For more information and to register, contact Eve Moskowitz at 454-4992 ext. 122 or email emoskowitz@ctjfs.org. Vacation in Israel with the Bi-Cultural Day School Family Trip! February 11 - 24, 2012 From Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem, from the Golan Heights to Eilat, all this and more! While the price is right, there is limited space. For more information, please contact Bob Abrams at 203-329-2186, or babrams@bcds.org. 4th Annual JumpStart 5K Run/Walk Family Fun Day - Presented by The Center Women of the Stamford JCC. Monday, September 5, 2011 - Rain or Shine. 9 a.m. Sign-In · 9:30 a.m. Start at the Stamford JCC. All proceeds benefit JumpStart at the JCC, a comprehensive preschool program for children with special needs. Sign up at www.stamfordjcc.org. For more information, contact Nancy Schiffman at 203-487-0941 or nschiffman@stamfordjcc.org 9-11 TENTH YEAR A COMMUNITY GATHERING OF HEALING & HOPE. Sunday, September 11 4 p.m. at Temple Beth El, 350 Roxbury Road, Stamford. Sponsored by the Mayor's Multi-Cultural Council and the Interfaith Council of Southwestern Connecticut. The Stamford faith communities are invited to gather as one on this important 10th-year observance of the terrorist attacks on 9-11. Free, but registration is requested at www.stamford911gathering.eventbrite.com or (203) 322-6901. For more inforamtion, or to join our chorus www.newworldchorus.com/sept11. SAVE THE DATE 35th Anniversary Dinner of Bais Binyomin. Sunday, September 18, 2011, 6:00 p.m. Stamford Plaza Hotel. Guest of Honor Tzvi Bernstein. Community Service Award - Rabbi Yehoshua Belsky. MA'AYANOT YESHIVA HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS INVITES YOU TO JOIN US FOR OUR ANNUAL COMMUNITY YOU IYUN on Sunday September 25th at 9:30 AM, featuring Keynote Speakers Mrs. Shira Schiowitz & Mrs. Tova Sinensky, followed by additional shiurim by members of our distinguished faculty. Additionally, shop at our Pre-Yom Tov Boutique from 11 AM - 3PM. 1650 Palisade Ave, Teaneck. Men & Women welcome. | |
Congregation Agudath Sholom 301 Strawberry Hill Ave, Stamford, CT 06902 Phone:203-358-2200 Fax: 203 358-2323 website: www.cas-stamford.org
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