NOTE KASHERING ON SUNDAY WILL BE FROM 9:00-10:00 a.m. Only one hour due to the Hollander funeral FOOR FOR THOUGHT Join Andrew Bein at one of our tables during the sanctuary Kiddush as he shares his experience in running in the first Jerusalem marathon SHARE YOUR SEDER EXPERIENCE- If you would like to man our weekly Food for Thought table on Shabbat with your experience to share, Contact the shul office. 358-2200 DONATE A BAG FOR PASSOVER BY THIS SUNDAY! (4/10) We thank Jewish Family Service and Matt Greenberg for facilitating this mitzvah. Rabbi Cohen has Created a New Passover Site with everything you need to get ready for Passover · Post your Pesach questions for the Rabbi · Share Seder Secrets · What are today's four questions? · CAS Pesach schedule and more... go to our website
Yasher koach also to Marti Sichel for her participation in the OU Emerging Communities Fair representing CAS A fabulous new Passover video produced in the home of Marjory and Bob Abrams with the What's up Band and MORE! go to www.http://youtube/ugzCSigEcCc
Congratulations to the three winners of the "Youth Advocacy for Israel" trip to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Conference (AIPAC) in Washington DC ZIV KRAUS, DAVID LILIENFELD, & SARA SCHWARTZ Presentation on Shabbat, April 16th Sponsored by Stephanie and Bob Sherman in memory of Stephanie's mother, Rosalie Sherman STAMFORD OBSERVATORY VISIT-Sun, April 10th at 7:45 p.m. Sanctify the New Moon of Nissan in anticipation of Passover and come to a spectacular viewing just one day before the first quarter moon. Saturn should be well placed too. See a PowerPoint presentation called "The Creator's Creation" FREE! BURNING OF CHAMETZ-Mon, April 18th 10:30 Join in the traditional burning with Rabbi Walk in the CAS parking lot PRE-PASSOVER CHINESE DINNER-Fri, April 15th 7:00 p.m. Come enjoy the annual Chinese dinner. Save a night out before Passover. Cost $15 adults $8 children. RSVP by 4/11 FAMILY COMMUNITY SEDER-Tues, April 19th 8:15 p.m. Join us for a warm and inspiring community "family" seder the second night of Passover. Cost $36 adult/$25 children GUEST SPEAKER-RABBI AARON KINDERLEHRER-April 30th 11:00 a.m. The Rabbi will be speaking at CAS on Shabbat and at YI in the afternoon. He is the Chairman of Yachad and an OU National VP. YOM HA'ZIKARON/YOM HAATZMAUT-Mon, May 9th 7:00 p.m. Celebrate Israel Memorial Day and Independence Day. A special program to mark these important days with a presentation and refreshments. DR. ERICA BROWN-MANGER LECTURE-MIKVAH DEDICATION May 14th 11:00 a.m. Dr. Brown is the scholar in residence at the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington YOM YERUSHALAYIM-Tues, May 31st 7:00 p.m. Come celebrate the City of Jerusalem, her history and our future. A community wide event AIPAC POLICY CONFERENCE-May 22-24th in Washington DC. Join Rabbi Cohen and member s of CAS for three of the most important days affecting Israel's future. Go to to sign up. SAVE THE DATE-Wed, July 13th Trip to the American Jewish Museum in Philadelphia, PA. and the Historic Mikveh Israel Synagogue. Get a guided tour by the Museum and lunch. More info to follow. Contact Shelley Senker at |