Friday night Candle lighting 4:39 p.m. Mincha 4:44 p.m. Saturday morning Hashkama 8:00 a.m. Sanctuary9:00 a.m. Coffee & Commentary Rabbi David Walk 8:45 a.m. Torah Readers: Dr. Burt Rubin, Hyman Schaffer, Rabbi Yehuda Tucker Usher: Roz Mangot Musaf: Dotan Herszage Rabbi Daniel Cohen: "The Sinai Experience" The Basics with Bob Abrams 10:00 a.m. Latest time to say Shema 9:39 a.m. Latest time to daven Amidah 10:28 a.m. Teen Minyan 10:00 a.m. Babysitting-Tot Shabbat 10:30 a.m. Mini Minyan-Jr Cong 10:30 a.m. Jr Teen Oneg 3:00 p.m. at the Jelen's home 38 Urban St Mincha 4:25 p.m. Daf Yomi/Seudat Shlishit Rabbi David Walk: "I am the Lord: Basis for Belief" Maariv 5:34 p.m. Shabbat ends 5:39 p.m. WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Daf Yomi Sunday 7:45 a.m. Mon-Fri 7:00 a.m. Shacharit Sunday 7:15/8:30 a.m. Mon-Fri 6:30/7:30 a.m. Mincha Sun-Thurs 4:50 p.m. Candlelighting next Fri 4:47p.m. THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS Sanctuary Kiddush by: Joanne and Glenn Karow in honor of Sammy becoming a Bat Mitzvah Chapel Kiddush by: the Bernstein's in honor of Joseph I. Lieberman, the Senior Senator of the State of CT Seudat Shlishit by: the shul Teen Minyan Kiddush by: the Berk family in honor of Abby's birthday and the Frenkel family in honor of Jared and Andrew's Bar Mitzvah anniversary Shabbat Shalom Hospital Pkg by: the Linda Beson Nursing Educational Fund MAZAL TOV TO Maureen and Jonathan Pollack and big brother, Aryeh, on the birth of a baby girl Joanne and Glenn Karow on Sammy becoming a Bat Mitzvah Carol and Howard Shiffman on the B'not Mitzvah of their grandchildren, Sara and Sydney, children of Debbie and David Shiffman CANTOR ARIK WOLLHEIM WILL BE ARRIVING IN STAMFORD ON JAN. 28TH |