We inadvertantly omitted this from the Shabbat announcements. The women's tfilah is meeting this Shabbat, November 14, at 9:45 a.m. in the Social Hall. Shacharit and Musaf: Jodi Baer Hadge Torah Readers: Ziona Doft, Pam Ehrenkranz, Rachel Jubas, Marti Sichel, Janet Welkovich Haftorah: Bracha Moshe |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This week's riddle: This week's Sedra tells us that Sarah lived 127 years. Where else in the Tanach do we find the numbers 127? Thanks to Mr. S for the weekly riddles. Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages are sponsored by: Adrienne & Michael Alexander in memory of Teddy Levine & the Linda Beson Nursing Education Fund. |
Upcoming Youth Program Corrections November 21st- 1st-6th Grade Supermarket Sweep. December 12th- 3rd-6th Grade Boy's Trop Club