| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin | | October 31, 2009 13 Cheshvan 5770 Parshat Lech Lecha | | Friday night Candlelighting 5:36 p.m. Mincha 5:41 p.m. Saturday morning Hashkama 8:00 a.m. Coffee & Commentary with Rabbi David Walk in the Bennett Simcha Room 8:45 a.m. Main Sanctuary 9:00 a.m. Usher: Roz Sherman Musaf: Izzy Lustig Torah Readers: Meir Attar, Daniel Sichel Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Are You an Angel? Latest time to recite Shema 10:00 a.m. Latest time for Amidah 10:53 a.m. Avi Narrow-Tilonsky's Shiur10:30 a.m. "Staying Strong: How the Rambam Encouraged the Community Through His Letters" Tot Shabbat in the Lotstein Library (1-3 years old)10:30 a.m. Mini Minyan in the youth room (4-6 years old)10:30 a.m. Jr. Congregation in the Heyman Chapel (2nd-6th grades)10:30 a.m. Babysitting in Cantor Wollheim's office (ages 0-1)10:30 a.m. Chapel Kiddush (meat) is sponsored by Ana & Albert Lilienfeld in honor of David's birthday, and Elliot Levy in loving memory of his mother, Audrey Levy, on her 3rd yahrtzeit. Sanctuary Kiddush (meat) is sponsored by the CAS Board of Directors in honor of our Bingo volunteers, High Holiday choir and High Holiday ushers. Daf Yomi4:55 p.m. Mincha5:15 p.m. Seudat Shlishit Guest Speaker: Raphaella Segal, Assistant Mayor of Kedumim The View From the Frontline: The Zionist Response. Maariv6:30 p.m. Shabbat ends6:36 p.m.
| Weekday Schedule Daf Yomi Sunday 7:45 a.m. Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. Shacharit Sunday 8:30 a.m. Monday -Friday 6:30/7:30 a.m. Mincha Sunday-Thursday 4:30 p.m. Friday 4:32 p.m. Candlelighting next Friday 4:27 p.m.
| Shabbat Announcements | | Condolences to: ... Howard Rothman on the passing of his beloved mother, Lillian Rothman, of blessed memory.
Around the Shabbat Table Campaign Elevating the People and the World Around You! The Shabbat meal is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen our families, community and connection to G-d. The Around the Shabbat Table Campaign encourages each family to include three elements at their meal: 1. Share a Torah Insight 2. Sing a Jewish Song 3. Refrain from Gossip-Celebrate Positive Speech Suggested Torah topic for your Shabbat table: Often, parents or grandparents find their sacrifices easier to bear when they witness the benefits that their children or grandchildren gain through their efforts. They give but also receive joy (naches) in return. Do you think that you would be able to sacrifice for the benefit of your distant future descendants, whom you may never see? Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages are sponsored by: The Linda Beson Nursing Education Fund.
Missing Tallit Bag - blue velvet with "Tallit" in Hebrew in silver. Inside was a small leather siddur. Tallit bag and siddur missing since the end of Yom Kippur. Please return to the CAS office. If you have a box of siddurim, that we use in houses of shiva, please return it to CAS. Esti's Kosher Catering is now under the supervision of the Vaad of Fairfield County. Visit www.estikoshercatering.com or call Esti Stengel at 914-602-2951.
RIDDLES ARE BACK! This weeks' riddle: Hashem told Avraham "lech l'cho" - go for yourself (for your benefit). Where in the Torah do we find that a similar seemingly extra word "l'cho" is expounded to mean "not for yourself," but rather "if you so desire"? Last week's riddle: What do the following have in common? Adam, Shem, Yisrael/Yaakov, Yosef, Yehuda, Asher, Aharon and Eli?
Answer: All are found in Hallel. Can you find another name? (Sephardic pronunciation required.) Submitted by Mr. S. Volunteer Recognition Shabbat The Board of Trustees of Agudath Sholom is honoring the following individuals for their dedication to our shul: BINGO VOLUNTEERS Ron Avidan Nahum Daniels Arnie Feintuck Mark Feller Leon Fliegelman Alan Genn Allen Glucksman Gloria Green Leon Jaiven Lois Kolodny Roz Mangot Belle Miller Barbara & Larry Miller Ron Nyman Norm Ostroff Sandy Shapiro Jackie Silver Jodie Simek Debbie Soifer Steve Solomon Rosalie & Gary Stone Howard Weiss Abe Yellen HIGH HOLIDAY CHOIR Bob Abrams Bob Amster Ira Berk Gerald Brodsky Harvey Caney Arnold Cohen Joe Gold Daniel Kraus Ziv Kraus Larry Miller Joe Mittel Bernie Shapiro HIGH HOLIDAY USHERS David Cohen Meg Haron David Jelen Elisheva Kilner Lorraine Kweskin Ana Lilienfeld Susan Mark Jake Meyer Ron Osher Bob Raymond Maria Reicin Ralph Schaeffer David Stein Stanley Warmflash
| UPCOMING CAS EVENTS ¨ DRISHA COMES TO STAMFORD Wendy Amsellem will be teaching an exciting course in Tanach in a five part Wednesday evening series, entitled: THINGS FALL APART. Suggested donation for the series is $50. Visit learn.cas-stamford.org for more information. You may join the series even if you missed the first session. ¨ GUEST SPEAKER-RAPHAELLA SEGAL- Shabbat afternoon, October 31st during Seudat Shlishit - Ms. Segal is the Assistant Mayor for Kedumim in Israel. Join us on Shabbat afternoon to learn about the current state of affairs for Israelis living in the West Bank & get an insider's view of some of the challenges & realities for Jews on the front lines. ¨ BRUNCH FOR NEW AND PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS - Sunday, November 1st, 10:30 a.m. at Rabbi Daniel & Diane Cohen's home. Share in the warmth and vibrancy of the Agudath Sholom community. ¨ SENIOR LUNCH-Wednesday, November 11th, 12:00 noon A wonderful opportunity for local seniors to come together for a delicious meal and interesting lecture. With guest presenter Ana Lilienfeld. "Smart Choices at the Grocery: Are Store Brands Really Good?" RSVP to the shul office. $5/person. ¨ GUEST SPEAKER DAN MARANS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE ZOMET INSTITUTE, Thursday, November 12, 7:30 p.m. Rabbi Marans will speak on "Seltzer, Non-Dairy Creamer and Sound Systems: A Behind the Scenes Look at Halacha and Technology." ¨ BRIG. GEN. EFFIE EITAM will join us for Shabbat, November 13 & 14, through the JNF. ¨ Save the Date-Women's Torah Study with Shani Taragin - Sunday, November 15 At the home of Ana and Albert Lilienfeld. Class to start at 7:00 p.m. Details to follow. Shani Taragin, a renowned Tanach teacher, will give a special class related to Mikvah. Ms. Taragin is a graduate of Nishmat's Keren Ariel Program for certification as a halachic advisor in the area of family purity law and serves on the first women's hotline to deal with issues of Jewish law. Visit learn.cas-stamford.org/events for more information. ¨ 3 RABBIS, 3 PERSEPECTIVES, 1 TORAH-Wednesday, November 18th at 12:00 noon at Temple Sholom, Tuesday, December 15th at CASJoin Rabbi Cohen, Rabbi Mitch Hurvitz & Rabbi Andrew Sklar as they explore the common & diverse perspectives on the three pillars of Judaism-Torah, Prayer & Chesed. ¨ RABBI YEHUDA SARNA, SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE, THANKSGIVING WEEKEND, November 27-28. Rabbi Sarna is the University Chaplain at New York University and will speak on the theme, "Jews Engaging with the Rest of the World." Friday night he will meet with parents of high school students, followed by a meeting with teenagers. Shabbat morning Rabbi Sarna will deliver a brief sermon and then meet with college students. Rabbi Sarna's final presentation will be during seudat shlishit. More information to follow. ¨ AGUDAT SHIR CHOIR CHANUKAH CONCERT, Thursday, December 17, 7:30 p.m. at CAS.
| | | RABBI YEHUDA SARNA SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE AT CAS NOV. 27-28TH FOR A SERIES OF FOUR PRESENTATIONS ON: "JEWS ENGAGING WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD" Rabbi Sarna will be leading interactive discussions with high school & college students and their parents throughout the weekend. On Shabbat morning he will be leading a special Yakar Shabbat service. There will be much more info to follow.
Please note: One morning service on this Shabbat Please join for an Evening of Women's Learning featuring Shani Taragin, Rosh Beit Midrash at Midreshet Lindenbaum, Jerusalem. Sunday Evening, Nov 15th Wine & cheese reception at 6:15 p.m. Lecture at 7:00 p.m. At the home of Ana Lilienfeld 27 Deepwoods Lane, Old Greenwich RSVP by Nov 5th to stamfordmikvah@gmail.com Congregation Agudath Sholom is excited to introduce our new and improved..... LIVING TORAH LIBRARY There are many ways that YOU can get involved in this exciting new program... --Ask us to set you up with a study partner (or bring your own partner) --Learn topic of your choice for men, women and children every Monday night from 7:30-9:00 pm --Donate a sefer from our "wish list" --Sponsor a night of learning *There will be a Minyan for Maariv after learning at 9 pm as well asdrinks and refreshments throughout the evening! *Please contact Rabbi Yehuda Jeiger (rabbijeiger@hotmail.com) for more information and to get involved in this exciting new opportunity! | CAS Adult Education Classes | Visit learn.cas-stamford.org for more information. | Bible from the Beginning - with Rabbi David Walk In this ongoing survey of the Torah, we discuss issues in the Bible, verse by verse. Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
Dvar Yom B'Yomo - with Rabbi David Walk Take an in-depth look at a topical issue each week, either from the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming Jewish Holiday. At BCDS. Monday at 12:30 p.m. Shabbat Halacha for Everyone - with Rabbi Dr. Jeff Cahn Explore fascinating aspects of Shabbat practice and its interface with the modern world. Each week we will delve into a different relevant and interesting aspect of Shabbat observance. No previous background required. This week's topic: "Warming Food on Shabbat" Monday at 7:00 p.m. Judaism 101 - with Bob Abrams Have you ever wondered why we keep Kosher, what's in the boxes ofTefillin, or what the significance of the Tzitzit is? What does Elijah's cup really represent, and why are there three Matzot at the Seder? How about the meanings of the names in the Bible or what all of those fast days really represent? Come and find out. All levels welcome, knowledge of Hebrew not required. Monday at 7:30 p.m. Hebrew Reading Crash Course - with Ben Soifer Learn to read Hebrew in time for Chanukah in seven easy lessons. Monday at 7:30 p.m. Inyana D'Yomo - with Rabbi David Walk Enjoy a small discussion in Hebrew on the weekly Torah portion. Hebrew fluency a must. Monday at 8:00 p.m. The Meaning of Our Prayers - with Bob Abrams We're supposed to pray every day, but how many of us really know what it's all about? Understand the structure of our daily prayers, who wrote them, what they mean, and even their relation to the Temple service. Are you familiar with the references to angels in our morning service? (And do we really have to shuckle when we pray?) Learn about it all. Reading Hebrew is not required. Monday at 8:30 p.m. Power of the Prophets - with Rabbi Daniel Cohen Take a closer look at Jewish history you thought you knew. Explore the life and times of King David through an in-depth study of Samuel II. Tuesday at 8:15 a.m. The Soul of Prayer: Meeting G-d in the Siddur and Your Life - with Rabbi Daniel Cohen An in-depth exploration of many of our familiar prayers. Discover the tools for soulful service of G-d. For women only. Tuesday at 9:15 a.m. Parsha Perspectives & Paradigms - with Rabbi Daniel Cohen Glean relevant life messages from the weekly Torah portion in this upbeat class. Tuesday at 12:00 noon Judaism as a Community - with Rabbi David Walk Exploration of the history of the concept called "Kehilla." How did Jewish communities develop, grow and function? Understand the roles of communal organizations in the shaping of a Jewish society. Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Building a Conscious Community - with Rabbi Daniel Cohen Five week seminar based on the writings of Rabbi Kalomymous Kalman Shapira, the last Rebbe of the Warsaw Ghetto. Self-observation with an eye towards organizing and running a spiritual community. Begins Tuesday, November 3 at 8:30 p.m. Business Ethics Luncheon with Rabbi Daniel Cohen Explore the interface of Business ethics and Jewish law. Call the CAS office for exact location and dates. The 2nd Thursday of every month. Next on November 12 at 12:30 p.m. Talmud Bavli: Masechet Makot - with Rabbi David Walk This class focuses on the tractates which discusses the Jewish legal system. Thursday at 8:30 p.m. The Pre-Shabbos Torah Taste - with Rabbi Daniel Cohen These 30 minute sessions unlock a fresh perspective & fascinating idea from the Torah portion. Friday at 8:15 a.m. | Community Announcements | | ¨ WESTCHESTER FAIRFIELD HEBREW ACADEMY OPEN HOUSE, Sunday, November 1, 11:00 a.m. Come see for yourself! Have the opportunity to hear about the curriculum, hear from past graduates and tour the campus. 270 Lake Avenue, Greenwich, CT. For more info contact Joanne Karow at 203-983-3503 or Joanne.Karow@wfha.org. Now accepting applications for Fall 2010! ¨ Stamford JCC's Jewish Arts & Film Festival of Fairfield County, October 24 - November 8, 2009. From feature films to documentaries, modern dance to classical music, fiction to memoirs, the JCC's annual Jewish Arts & Film Festival of Fairfield County once again brings you an incredible array of performances, exhibits, screenings, talks, and programs with some of the top names in the Jewish world. Some of the events scheduled for this season include an appearance by American-Israeli author, Daniel Gordis, a performance by internationally renowned violinist Giora Schmidt, a dance performance by the Carolyn Dorfman Dance Company, screenings of award winning films from Israel, Argentina, France and the USA, as well as an exhibit of tapestries and art by Israeli artist Moshe Monzon. Visit www.artsandfilmfestival.org for information, or contact Nancy Schiffman at 203-487-0941 or nschiffman@stamfordjcc.org. ¨ BRUNCH AT SWEET ON YOU Sweet on You is offering a prix fix buffet brunch from 9:00 am-12:00 pm - $15 for adults, $8 children under 12. After your workout or swim lesson have a delicious, healthy brunch for an unbeatable price at Sweet on You in the JCC! ¨ JEWISH SUMMER PROGRAMS EXPO, Sunday, November 1, 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at Temple Beth El in Stamford. ¨ Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, "How to Uncover Themes in the Bible," Sunday, November 1, Young Israel of Stamford, light dinner at 6PM, class at 6:30PM, free and open to the entire community. ¨ Teen Book Club, first meeting of the year on Shabbat, November 7th at 4 p.m. at the Young Israel Youth House. We will discuss Sweethearts by Sara Zarr. Please note that the age group of book club is 12 up, and we are reading teen novels. ¨ FAMILY BEIT MIDRASH AT THE YOUNG ISRAEL OF STAMFORD, Sunday, November 8, 6:30 p.m. Leon Gleicher (Esther Rein's father) will share his extraordinary Holocaust story with a presentation of his memoir: "From Prisoner to Partisan, My Holocaust Story." Free and open to the public. ¨ HADASSAH AND SISTERHOOD OF Temple Beth El invite you to hear Maggie Anton, author of Rashi's Daughters. Tuesday, November 10 at 1:30 p.m. at Temple Beth El, Stamford. Contact Hadassah at 914-937-3151 for more information. ¨ Evening of Conversation with Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, Monday, November 16th, 2009 @ 8:00 p.m. at Kingsway Jewish Center, Kings Highway and Nostrand Avenue Brooklyn NY. Gary Weitz and Family invite CAS members to join them, as their guests,in an Evening of Conversation with Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, in memory of their Mother Harriet Weitz z'l. If you are interested in attending, reservations are required. Please contact Gary by email at Jake1317@aol.com Depending on the response Gary will arrange round trip transportation from CAS to Brooklyn. ¨ BI-CULTURAL DAY SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN & PRE-K OPEN HOUSE, Tuesday, November 17, 7:30 p.m. Come and discover the joys and benefits of a Jewish day school education. 2186 High Ridge Road, Stamford. For more info contact the school office at 203-329-2186, office@bcds.org. ¨ Tapestry, a Community Celebration of Jewish Learning,Saturday night, November 21st at the JCC. Join this mega event with over 250 people and choose from over 20 sessions on Talmud, Jewish ethics, philosophy, history, theology, parenting, danceand more. For more information, email Dr. Ilana De Laney at ilana@ujf.org or call 321-1373, ext. 114. ¨ REUNION IN ISRAEL During the February tour to Israel that Mr. S will be leading, there will be a Gala Reunion Dinner in Jerusalem on February 11th at the Jerusalem Plaza Hotel for all friends who will be in Israel at that time. Please send names and addresses to Mr. S at mrs2186@aol.com or to Rabbi David Israel at disrael@bcds.org so that invitations can be sent & places reserved. ¨ Sweet on You is now open for dinner. NEW, Wednesday dinner delivery to Stamford and Greenwich 5:00-6:30, plus special pizza delivery promotion - 2 18" cheese pizzas for $32! Call Sweet on You at 203-321-0066 to place your order. "THE REAL JERUSALEM STREETS" a new photo blog on Jerusalem that comes out every Tuesday. It portrays what really goes on in Jerusalem and is a good educational source for people of all ages. Maybe you've been to Israel many times, or you've never been but want to visit, now you can experience life in Jerusalem - the Real Jerusalem Streets! Go to http://realjerusalemstreets.wordpress.com. | | | | | | |