Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin |
Nitzavim | September 24, 2022 | 28 Elul 5782 |
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Friday | Candle Lighting | 6:31 PM | Mincha | 6:36 PM | Shabbat | Shacharit | 7:00 AM/8:00 AM/9:00 AM | Sephardic Minyan | 9:00 AM | Shmuel Class | 9:00 AM | Latest Shema | 9:04 AM | Back to Basics with Bob | 10:00 AM | Latest Shacharit | 10:18 AM | Shiur | 10:30 AM | Daf Yomi | 5:35 PM | Code of Jewish Law | 5:35 PM | Mincha | 6:25 PM | Havdalah | 7:30 PM |
We are looking forward, God willing, to a meaningful and uplifting holiday season. The timing of Parshat Nitzavim is perfect for the eve of Rosh Hashanah. It contains the covenant between God and the Jewish people. Yet, the question arises why the need for a new covenant at this moment in history as the Jews are on the verge of entering Israel? How is it different than the original covenant at Mt. Sinai to which we are bound as a nation? Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik explains that Sinai represents the sanctity of the patriarchs. Through this covenant each member of the Jewish people by birth or choice becomes included in the inherited shared sanctity passed down from generation to generation. The Nitzavim covenant, however, represents a direct agreement between God and each Jew. The terms of the agreement are personal and reciprocal as each Jew is invested with Divine sanctity in return for observance of God's Torah. When we sin, this personal covenant is damaged and must be repaired. Both covenants are essential. One with the nation and one with each of us. As we approach Rosh Hashanah, we are offered an invaluable opportunity for self reflection. It is a unique time to take a closer look at how we can improve our personal bond and covenant with God. Rosh Hashanah is a time to express our gratitude for God's blessings in our lives, our family, friends and community. God willing, we will harness these days of awe for growth and we will share in joyous occasions together in the year ahead. Diane and I wish you and your families a Ketivah VeChatimah Tovah, a sweet, happy and healthy new year and may we all be inscribed in the Book of Life. Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Daniel Cohen
Shabbat Information
- Learn about the Shabbat Torah Reading for Parshat Nitzavim with the insights of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"l - click here
- The Haftarah for Nitzavim is read from (Isaiah 61:10-63:9)
- Haftarah summary by - click here
- Haftarah summary by Haftarah Helper - click here
- Halachic Notes: We do not bless the month of Tishrei - therefore Av HaRachamim is still recited.
- Vehi Noam is not recited due to the upcoming holiday of Rosh Hashanah
- On Sunday morning, in addition to hataras nedarim (annulling vows), we will also convene a beis din at 9:15 AM to accept pruzbal documents, which enable the collections of loans following the shemittah year. To learn more, see here.
Shabbat Updates - Bob Abrams is back this Shabbat for another session of Basics with Bob at 10:00 AM in the old office
- Thank you for being mindful of the ushers closing the door during the Rabbi's sermon
- At the conclusion of Jr Cong, participants will be brought to the sanctuary for Ein Keloheinu
- Parsha Palooza with Noah will take place 20 minutes after the start of Kiddush in the Faye and Ben Manger Beit Midrash
Message from Duvie Shapiro Shalom CAS Congregants from Jerusalem!
I'm really looking forward to joining all of you for the Yomim Noraim this year!
With Hashem's help, we will have a beautiful and uplifting davening together. I'm counting on you to join me as we sing and pray to Hashem to be written in the Book Of Life!
May we all be blessed with a year full of good health, happiness, parnassa beshefa, nachas from our children, and a year of truly getting closer to Hashem! And who knows, maybe next year I'll have the zechus to be the Chazzan for CAS here in Jerusalem.
Shana Tova U'Metukah and a Chasiva VeChasima Tova!
Sincerely, Duvie |
High Holiday Seating Charts If you reserved seats through the Patron program, click here to view the seating charts. |
Rosh Hashanah Updates - There will be Hatarat Nedarim following both Sunday morning minyanim and opportunity for a Przubol on Sunday morning at 9 15 AM
- Sunday Night - Ashkenaz Minyan in Chapel and Sephardic in Manger Beit Midrash
- Tashlich is on Monday afternoon at the Folkinshteyn home
- Need a Shofar Blowing at Home? If you cannot attend shul or make it to one of the neighborhood shofar blowings, please be in touch with Avi Freedberg ( or Ari Goldstein ( who can assist. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen or Rabbi Kurtz as well.
- Neighborhood Shofar Blowings:
- 4 pm: Atria - Rabbi Cohen
- 4:45 pm: 15 Revonah Circle - Rabbi Cohen
- 4:45 pm: 53 Apple Tree Drive - Rabbi Tzvi Bernstein
- 4:45 pm: 176 West Lane - Marc Chavkin
- 4:45 pm: 200 Strawberry Hill - Rabbi Yossi Kamman
- Rosh Hashanah to Go
Men's Mikvah Usage for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur The Armon Hotel is opening up their mikvah for usage for men before the holidays. Hours are as follows: Sunday, September 25th 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM and Tuesday, October 4th 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Please go to the main desk who will arrange for access to the mikvah. |
Selichot during the week - Saturday, Tuesday - Thursday: 10 PM - Maariv and Selichot
- Sunday: 6:15 AM
- Wednesday - Friday: 6:00 AM prior to 6:30 AM minyan
- to Sarah Bierman on the passing of her father, Joe Bierman
- to Larry Hillman on the passing of his father, Bernard K. "Buddy" Hillman
- New members Lisa Pollak & Dovid Green, Cara Hanna, Sarit & Yoni Hormadaly, Susan & George Klein, Jody Farber & Tom Jackson, and Leron & Benjamin Lerner and their families
- to Ari & Andrea Lefkovits for sponsoring the High Holiday tent in memory of Nancy Heffner and Albert Lefkovits
- to Nat Samberg for rolling and preparing the Torahs for the holidays
Shabbat Topics & Participants |
Shmuel Class | Mark Wagshul | Back to the Basics | Bob Abrams | Shiur | Rabbi Josh Rosenfeld | Code of Jewish Law | Rabbi Yossi Kamman | Seudat Shlishit | Rabbi Moshe Kurtz |
Shabbat Senior Challah Deliveries: Kimberly DiBella wishing everyone a Happy New Year |
Rosh Hashanah Senior Challah Deliveries: Nancy & Gadi Mimoun |
Chapel Kiddush: Judy & Jeff Cahn wishing the community a Shana Tova, a year of good health and joyous times |
Sanctuary Kiddush: Beldotti Bakery in appreciation of the support of the Stamford community |
- HIGH HOLIDAYS BAALEI TEFILLAH AT AGUDATH SHOLOM We are looking forward to a very meaningful holiday season. We will be hosting five minyanim on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. There will be a minyan in the Sanctuary, Chapel and Beit Midrash as well as an outdoor Ashkenaz and Sephardic minyan. We have secured Duvie Shapiro as the primary Chazan in the Sanctuary and Ithamar Kashi as the Chazan for the Sephardic Minyan. Rabbi Cohen and Rabbi Kurtz will be speaking at all of the minyanim during the holidays. We are grateful to the following people who will be primary people leading tefillot:
- Gideon Pell, Rabbi Oran Zweiter and Izzy Lustig in the Beit Midrash
- Matt Greenberg, Michael Feldstein and Sam Sroka in the Chapel
- Michael Feldstein and Duvie Shapiro in the Sanctuary
- Menchaem Kirschner in the Ashkenaz Outdoor Tent Minyan
- Itamar Kashi in the Sephardic Outdoor Tent Minyan
- GET TO KNOW OUR GUEST CHAZAN DUVIE SHAPIRO! We are looking forward to hosting Duvie Shapiro on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in the sanctuary. Here is a sampling of some of his tunes for the Yamim Noraim.
- THANK FIRST RESPONDERS ON THE FIRST SHABBAT OF THE YEAR Shabbat, October 1st.Please join us in the main sanctuary to express our gratitude to our First Responders. We will have a brief presentation at 11 AM with a blessing for the next year and a gift of apples and honey.
- NEW TORAH DEDICATION Join us on Sunday, October 23rd at 11:00 AM as we welcome a new Torah to Agudath Sholom. The occasion is an unforgettable opportunity to experience the power of the Torah to bind generations. We will write the last letters of the Torah and celebrate! All ages are welcome and open to the entire community. We are deeply grateful to Debbie and Jimmy Lustig for dedicating the Torah in honor of their granddaughter Sienna's Bat Mitzvah and donating it to Agudath Sholom.
- MAKING MITZVAH MOMENTS FOR JFS We are redoubling our efforts this season and beyond to support the Schoke JFS Kosher Food Pantry. Beyond the annual high holiday drive (info in days ahead) join Giving Thursdays at CAS. Drop off food on Thursdays (pick up an extra item when shopping for Shabbat) and we will deliver to the food pantry on Fridays. Items needed are Olive Oil/Vegetable Oil, Canned Tuna/Salmon in Water, Boxed Milk, Oat and Almond Milk, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Jarred Tomato Sauce and also consider purchasing items at Virtual Grocery Store - Elayne and James Schoke Jewish Family Service ( Thank you in advance!
- JOIN OUR NEW INITIATIVE SENIOR AMBASSADORS Senior Ambassadors to ensure that as a community we elevate our commitment to the older members of our shul. Responsibilities of Senior Ambassadors are the following:
- Active Member of Healing Visits
- Kiddush Assistance and Partner with Youth Kiddush Ambassadors
- Support Senior Events (Holiday, Educational, Social)
- Eyes and Ears for Our Clergy
- Erev Shabbat Shalom Calls
If you would like to join the team, please email Rabbi Cohen in the weeks ahead.
Millstone Scholars Program Begins at the end of October Registration is open until Oct. 15th. For more information, visit |
Shacharit | Shacharit: Sunday 7:15 AM/8:30 AM, Monday-Tuesday 6:00 AM/8:15 AM/8:45 AM, Wednesday-Friday 6:30 AM/7:30 AM | Mincha | Mincha: Sunday 6:33 PM, Monday-Tuesday 6:25 PM, Wednesday 6:20 PM, Thursday 6:30 PM, Friday 6:24 PM | Candles Friday | 6:19 PM | Sunday | Erev Rosh Hashana | Monday | Rosh Hashana I | Tuesday | Rosh Hashana II | Wednesday | Tzom Gedaliah |
Join one of our CAS classes. |
We Wish A Speedy Recovery To |
- Carmiya Chaya Hadas bat Tziporah Miriam
- Dov ben Pnina
- Eliezer ben Chana
- Emunah Malka bat Fayga Bryna
| - Freidel bat Esther
- Mordechi Dov ben Yospa Yehudit Danya
- Nechama Miriam bat Devorah
- Perel bat Chava
| - Udel bat Valentina Vitza
- Yaakov Meir ben Ahuva
- Yehudit bat Chaya Rochel
- Yoseph ben Mina Elka
- JEWISH STAMFORD Looking to promote a local program? Sell an item? Offer a service? Join Jewish Stamford, a Facebook group where more than 950 individuals find out about what's happening in the Stamford Jewish community. To join, please visit
- SCHOKE JFS IS HERE TO SUPPORT YOU - LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR ONGOING SUPPORT GROUPS Schoke Jewish Family Service offers a wide range of support groups to meet the various needs of the community and to help families and individuals with the transitions and challenges of life. Currently, all support groups meet on Zoom. The Divorce Support Group - Mondays, 1:00 PM; Bereavement Support Group - Thursdays, 7:30 PM; Caregiver Support Groups - Every other Sunday, 11:15 AM and every other Wednesday, 7:30 PM; COVID Support - Thursdays, 4:00 PM, 1st and 3rd Thursdays; Brain Fitness Group - Mondays, 10:30 AM and Wednesdays, 10:30 AM; Healing Chair Yoga - Class schedule to be announced on the website. To join the support groups, please fill out the form at: or contact Brooke Davidson, Director of Clinical and Family Life Services at or 203-921-4161.
- JOIN UJF'S CARDOZO SOCIETY FOR A "HAPPY HOUR & NETWORKING MEET UP FOR LEGAL PROFESSIONALS." Thursday September 29th. Enjoy networking, light fare, and drinks in the tent at 613 (108 Prospect St, Stamford). 6:30pm to 8:30pm, $36 per person (includes one raffle ticket!), sign up at, or contact Sharon Franklin at Co-chairs: Ben Folkinshteyn, Howland Gordon, Rob Hoff, and Cathy Satz.