| Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin 301 Strawberry Hill Avenue, Stamford, CT (203) 358-2200 www.cas-stamford.org Mikvah 203-964-1928 / Eruv 203-324-3955 |
| November 30, 2013
| Miketz Chanukah Shabbat Mevarchim | 27 Kislev 5774 | | | Friday Candles | 4:08pm | Mincha | 4:13pm | Chapel | 8:00am | No Coffee & Commentary
| Sanctuary
| 9:00am | Shiur
| 10:30am | Tot Shabbat/Mini Minyan/ Jr. Cong/BMC/ Jr. Teen Chat | 10:30am | Code of Jewish Law
| 3:15pm
| Daf Yomi | | Mincha
| 4:05pm | Maariv | 5:03pm | Shabbat Ends | 5:08pm | Chanukah Candles:
3-Friday night before Shabbat Candles 4-Saturday night after havdalah 5-Sunday night|6-Monday night Tues & Wed-Rosh Chodesh Tevet 7-Tuesday night | 8-Wednesday nt To read about the convergence of Chanukah and Thanksgiving, click here, here and here. |
| Father/Son Tefillin Field Trip to Tiferes Stam on Sunday, December 8th from 9 am-2 pm. Please bring money for lunch. There will also be an opportunity to purchase tefillin or other Judaica. If you can drive, please contact Rabbi Cohen. |
Download the Benjamin and Rose Berger Chanukah To-Go ® 5774 here. |
Join us at the Atria, 77 3rd Street, Monday, December 2, 3:45 - 4:15 pm for Chanukah candlelighting. |
New to Stamford and interested in membership? |
Men's Choir Practice, this Sunday,7:45 pm |
Adult Education Meeting, Wednesday, 6:30-7:30 pm |
| | The four cups of wine, the reading of the Megillah and lighting the Chanukah candles signify the three times during the year when we "publicize a miracle." Yet, why, with Chanukah lights alone, are we forbidden from personally benefiting from them as reflected in the words of the prayer Hanerot Hallalu? Unlike Passover and Purim, where the mitzvot are within a home or synagogue, the Chanukah lights must be at the entranceway to a house. The prime purpose is not publicizing within our private community, but to the public. Therefore, we are forbidden from using the lights in order to emphasize our responsibility to find ways during Chanukah to spread this light, not for our own purpose, but for the world. Spreading the holiness is our role and our destiny. Wishing you and your families a Happy Chanukah and Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Daniel Cohen rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org|203-252-8252|Rabbi Cohen's podcasts |
This Chanukah LIVE AT AGUDATH SHOLOM Yeshiva University Maccabeats Saturday Night, November 30 7:30-8:30 pm only $15/adult | $10/ages 3-21 Space is limited!
Prior to the Maccabeats concert, join us for the CAS Intergenerational Community Chanukah Celebration A community Havdalah sing with Rabbi Cohen & Chazzan Bokow Next Saturday, November 30, 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Let's light the fourth candle together! Enjoy latkes, jelly doughnuts, and cider (for children with cancer) in NY & Israel Free event for entire community. Event sponsored by Israel Bonds. Please consider an Israeli Bond as a gift this Chanukah. eMitzvah bonds are available starting at $36. Go to www.israelbonds.com Enhanced by Fannie Stevens in memory of her husband, Daniel | |
To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark. - Victor Hugo, Les Miserables Chanukah Children's Book Drive! What you can give: new or gently used children's books for infants and children through 8th grade. To whom you are giving: pediatric care centers, childcare centers, schools and other programs through Read to Grow, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting early literacy in partnership with the United Way of Coastal Fairfield County. Where to drop off: Lobby of Agudath Sholom (301 Strawberry Hill avenue) When you can drop off: Friday, November 22-Sunday, December 8 Contact Sarah Poland with any questions. Youth Chairs: Kate Rich and Rina Marlowe |
| Mazal Tov to: | - Risa & Jeffrey Goldblum, and grandparents Lorraine & Morton Bauman and Ann & Alex Goldblum on Aaron's Bar Mitzvah
- Lillian & Sandy Shapiro on the upcoming Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Leora, daughter of Yitz and Esty Shapiro
- Rad on his 13 years at CAS!
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Thank You to: | - Israel Bonds for sponsoring Saturday night's Community Chanukah Celebration. Please consider an Israeli Bond as a gift this Chanukah. eMitzvah bonds are available starting at $36.
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Condolences to: | - Cindy, Daniel, Jonathan, Philip and Arnold Farber on the death of their beloved husband, father, brother and son, Richard
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Shabbat Topics and Participants | Shacharit Chazzan Rafael Bokow
| Musaf Aaron Goldblum
| Ushers | Mitchell Bell, Elisheva Kilner, Joe Zalis | Torah Readers | Aaron Goldblum, Ted Listokin, Ben-Zion Soifer | Sermon | At Your Service Rabbi Daniel Cohen
| Shiur | What is Chanukah? Rabbi David Walk | Code of Jewish Law | Chazzan Rafael Bokow | Daf Yomi | David Bessaleli
| Seudah Shlishit | Cohanim with Dirty Clothes Rabbi David Walk | |
Thanks to this Week's Sponsors...
| Shabbat Shalom Hospital Packages | the Linda Beson Nursing Educational Fund | Chapel Kiddush
| Dr. Alfred & Royce Wolfsohn, on the yahrtzeit of Alfred's father, George Wolfsohn; Toby Schaffer, on the yahrtzeit of her mother, Julia Macy | Sanctuary Kiddush
| Risa & Jeffrey Goldblum, in honor of Aaron's Bar Mitzvah
| Seudah Shlishit
| the shul | |
Daf Yomi | Sunday 7:45 am, Monday-Friday 7:00 am | Shacharit | Sunday 7:15/8:30 am, Monday 6:30/7:30 am, Tues-Wed 6:20/7:30 am, Thurs-Friday 6:30/7:30 am | Mincha/Maariv | Sunday-Thursday 4:15 pm, Friday 4:12 pm
| Late Maariv in Stamford | Sunday-Thursday 9 pm: @ Young Israel, 9:40 @ Yeshiva Bais Binyomin
| Candles Next Friday | 4:07 pm
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Men's Club Roast & Toast of Rabbi Walk Saturday Night, December 21, 7:30 pm MC: Bob Abrams!
- This Saturday, 11/30: Community Chanukah Celebration, 6 -7 pm. Havdalah sing with the Cantor
- This Saturday, 11/30: Maccabeats' Concert, 7:30-8:30 pm
- Sunday, 12/8: Tefillin Field Trip to Tiferes Stam and lunch in Brooklyn, 9 am-2 pm
- Saturday, 12/21: Men's Club Roast & Toast of Rabbi Walk, 7:30 pm
- Wednesday, 12/25: Pacific House Dinner
- Sunday, 1/5: Matan begins; 1/19: Man Up begins
- Shabbat, 1/11: Challenges in Jewish Education Panel
- Friday/Saturday, 1/24-25, B'nai Mitzvah Shabbaton
- Monday, 2/10: B'nai Mitzvah Parent Orientation Meeting, 8- 9 pm
10TH ANNUAL Challenges in Jewish Education Panel: "Day School Affordability: The Challenge...and Practical Solutions." Shabbat, January 11, 2014, immediately after morning services and kiddush, at approximately 12 noon. Featuring: - Rabbi Joshua Lookstein, Head of School at the Westchester Day School in Mamaroneck, NY
- Harry Bloom, Strategy Manager for Financial Sustainability at the Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education (PEJE)
Moderated by Rabbi David Israel, Rabbinic Dean, BCDS
Annual CAS Dinner Dance Sunday evening, March 23, 2014! Guests of Honor: Rachel & Jay Jubas Community Service Award Recipients: Stephanie & Bob Sherman Young Leadership Award Recipients: Meredith & David Cohen Stella Cohen & Rachel Dayan, Dinner Chairpeople Claudia & Howard Rimerman and Diane & Elliot Sloyer, Journal Chairpeople We wish them and their families a hearty Mazal Tov! Please plan to join us as we celebrate our shul and the accomplishments of our honorees. To join the tribute committee or learn more about the dinner, please contact | | |
Volunteers Needed | PARTNERS IN TORAH Looking for a few good men and women to be a mentor for Partners in Torah: http://www.partnersintorah.org/. 30 minutes can change a life. If you are interested in serving as a mentor for Partners in Torah or might consider this wonderful mitzvah, please be in touch with Rabbi Cohen.
COMMUNITY HELPERS An important role of the Chesed committee is outreach to the Shul's elderly and homebound, who are often isolated and lack a lifeline to our synagogue. We are asking for volunteers from our congregation willing to reach out to these members to offer an ear, identify areas of need, make a visit, or offer a ride to a doctor's appointment. Even small gestures mean a great deal and do not take much time. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Vivian Weiss at 203-323-0909 or vivianweiss@gmail.com. If you are aware of any elderly or homebound shul members in need of outreach, please notify Rabbi Cohen.
WELCOME TO OUR SYNAGOGUE PROGRAM As you know, every Shabbat we station ushers at the doors in the sanctuary to welcome people, assist them and enhance the dignity of the service. In an effort to create an even warmer environment, we are expanding the usher roles to include a greeter in the lobby from 9-10:30 am. Please join the usher team. We need you and your smile. To find out more and sign up, contact Mitchell Bell. | |
CAS Free Mezuzah Campaign in Fairfield County, CT Bringing Blessings to Jewish Homes | Do you know a neighbor or a friend who lacks a mezuzah? Share this video link: www.congregationagudathsholom.org/mezuzah.html CAS is offering a free mezuzah and home visit to post this sacred scroll at the entrance to all Jewish homes in the area. For more info, contact Rabbi Cohen: rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org |
TEEN ADVOCACY FELLOWSHIPS FOR ISRAEL A SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY Be one of six teens to be selected for a free trip to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Conference, March 2-4, 2014 in Washington DC. The trip will include registration, travel and hotel. Winners will join the Agudath Sholom AIPAC delegation. To be one of the six selected, submit a 500 word essay: "WHY DOES AIPAC NEED YOU?" If you could lobby the members of Congress on Capitol Hill, what would you say? What case would you present about the issues affecting the United States and Israel? Essays will be evaluated by a local and national panel of AIPAC supporters. Submit to Rabbi Cohen by Sunday, December 1, 2014 at rabbicohen@cas-stamford.org Open to 10th-12th graders from CAS. We are grateful to Stephanie and Bob Sherman for sponsoring the fellowships in memory of Stephanie's mother, Rosalie Aberman. If you would like to enable more teens to attend AIPAC Policy Conference through a contribution to our AIPAC Teen Fund, please contact Rabbi Cohen. |
Sundays Bible from the Beginning. 9:15 am-Rabbi David Walk. Mondays Dvar Yom B'Yomo. 12:20 pm (BCDS)-Rabbi David Walk. Beginning Hebrew 7:30 pm- Ben-Zion Soifer. Mishna Brura-Laws of Tefilah. 7:30 pm-Rabbi David Walk. Tuesdays Power of the Prophets. 8:15 am-Rabbi Daniel Cohen. The Depth of Genesis 9:00 am-Rabbi Daniel Cohen. Parsha Perspectives and Paradigms noon-Rabbi Daniel Cohen. Prayer Primer 7:30 pm-Rabbi David Walk. Thursdays Talmud Bavli - Masechet Megilla. 7:30 pm-Rabbi David Walk. *Back to Basics-The Joys of Kosher Living* December 5, 7:30 pm - Rabbi Daniel Cohen. Explore fundamentals of Judaism in an open and warm environment. Whatever your background, you will gain a deeper understanding of the timeless idea and practices within our faith. Topics will Include: Mindful Eating; The Kosher Kitchen; Blessings; Oreos, Gatorade and Keeping Kosher in 2013 Fridays Taste of Torah. 8:15 am-Rabbi Daniel Cohen | | |
CAS Fifth Annual Woman Scholar Program Wednesdays at 7:30 pm A five-part series with Rosh Kehilah DINA NAJMAN Matra d'Atra Kehilat Orach Eliezer Expert in Jewish bioethics and faculty member at SAR Academy Halacha as a Dynamic Process January 15 - 1. Uniting a People in Diversity (Including the Development of Halachic Authority) January 22 - 2. Lifnim M'shurat Hadin - Acting Beyond the Letter of the Law January 29 - 3. Kavod haBriyot - Human Dignity February 5 - 4. Precedent of Women in Halakhic Decision Making February 26 - 5. Halakhic Perspectives on Bioethical Decision Making - Issues in Fertility This expanded series is made possible through the generosity of Barbara & Ron Ashkenas in memory of Edward & Evelyn Weinberger |
Youth | Shabbat Groups Tot Shabbat (Toddlers-Age 3)-Library 10:30 am Mini Minyan (Age 3- Grade 1)-Youth Classroom 10:30 am Jr. Congregation (Grades 2-4)-Chapel 10:30 am B'nai Mitzvah Club (Grades 5-6)-Back of Simcha Room 10:30 am Jr. Teen Chat (Grades 7-8)-Daf Yomi Room 10:30 am
Mazal Tov to Aaron Goldblum on his Bat Mitzvah! This week-Special Chanukah themed groups - donuts for all kids! - Dec 14- B'nai Mitzvah Club Special Night Out - details to follow.
- Dec 14- Teen Minyan
- Jan 4 - BROOKLYN NETS Game - on sale NOW online.
- Jan 12 - Loaves of Love-Girls' Morning Out at Chabad
- Jan 31 - Feb 1- Jr. Cong. Shabbaton- much more info to follow.
If you or your teens have not been receiving the special Teen emails, contact jsperber3@gmail.com. If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday or special accomplishment by sponsoring a special "kiddush" in their honor, contact rabbijeiger@hotmail.com. | |
Matan is a mother-daughter program for Bat Mitzvah-age girls focusing on female role models from the time of the Bible through modern Israel. Michal Smart has, once again, agreed to run the Matan program. This year, it will be run in conjunction with Bi-Cultural Day School. The first five sessions will be held at BCDS and the last five at Agudath Shalom. The sessions will be held on Sunday evenings from 5:30 - 7:00 pm on the following dates: January 5, 12, 19 & 26, February 2, 9 & 16, March 2, 9 & 30, (Makeup date: April 6.) There will be no charge for Agudath members or for BCDS students. For members of the community there will be a $200 charge. To sign up, please click here: Rabbi Cohen will lead three sessions for father and sons centered on B'nai Mitzvah responsibilities to self, family, community and the world. Classes will be held at Agudath Shalom. There is no charge for members. The sessions will be held on Sunday mornings from 9:15 - 10:15 am on the following dates: January 19 & 26, February 2. To sign up, please click here: The Tefillin Field Trip to Tiferes Stam and lunch in Brooklyn will be on Sunday, December 8th from 9 am-2 pm. Please bring money for lunch. There will also be an opportunity to purchase tefillin or other Judaica. If you can drive, please contact Rabbi Cohen. |
We wish the following people a Refuah Sheleima. Please have them in your prayers: If you would like to add a name for this month, click here Tzvia Rivkah Bat Hinda, Yehuda ben Shirley, Natalie Chana Chaya Bat Aviva, Naomi Devorah bat Mindel, Pinchas Shimon ben Klarel, Zahava bat Chaya Sara, Shmuel Lev ben Malka, Geula Tova bat Chana, Rachel bat Malkah, Sarah bat Etta Zisel, Noam Aryeh ben Leia Michal, Dovid Levi ben Gittel, Perel Etka bat Sara, Rachel Yonina bat Leah Raizel, Idan Yarden ben Esther, Geri bat Esther, Devorah bat Chana, Aviva bat Etta, Zev Mordechai ben Chaya Gittel, Refael Ephraim ben Sima, Michal Fraida Chava bat Yita Shandel:Please recite psalm 47 for Marlene Gatz, a BCDS mother battling cancer. The text is here. | Community Announcements | INSTALLATION OF BEIT CHAVERIM SYNAGOGUE OF WESTPORT/NORWALK'S NEW RABBI AND SPIRITUAL LEADER GREG WALL-Saturday night, November 30, 8:30 pm, in the Westport Town Hall Auditorium. Rabbi Wall is a critically acclaimed saxophonist and composer who has appeared on stage around the world, including Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. Rabbi Wall will perform with some of his long-time collaborators from New York's Downtown music scene, including the Ayn Sof Arkestra and Bigger Band, Later Prophets, and Zion80. For tickets, call the Beit Chaverim office at 203-227-3333. THE RACE TO COLLEGE-Monday, December 2 at 5:30 pm. Pre-planning for college for 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th graders and their parents conducted by Claire Friedlander, Jewish Family Service College Consultant at Harry Bennett Branch of Ferguson Library, 115 Vine Road, Stamford. Free and open to the community. For more information, contact Claire Friedlander at clairef@ctjfs.org or call 203-921-4161. SUPER SUNDAY VOLUNTEERS-Super Sunday is coming! Join other CAS volunteers on December 8nd at the JCC in Stamford. Click here for more info or to volunteer. Chaired by Rachel and Doctor Nimrod Dayan. L'CHAIM! YANKEL'S TAVERN: JEW'S, LIQUOR, AND LIFE IN THE KINGDOM OF POLAND-Sunday, December 8, 10:30 am (nosh 10 am) Congregation Agudath Sholom, 301 Strawberry Hill Ave, Stamford. Speaker: Author Glenn Dynner, PhD, Professor at Sarah Lawrence, Scholar of East European Jewry with a focus on the social history of Hasidism and the Haskalah (Jewish Enlightenment.) For information, contact Marcie Schoenfeld at 203-359-9148 or elissa@de-kaplan.com. CAMP YOUNG JUDAEA SPROUT LAKE OPEN HOUSE IN STAMFORD-At the home of the Haron Family, Sunday, December 8, 5 pm. For more information, including the address of the event or to RSVP please contact CYJ Sprout Lake at 917-595-1500 or WEEKLY SHIUR SERIES ON PARSHA AND PARSHANUT: AN ANALYSIS OF BIBLICAL COMMENTARIES IN LIGHT OF THE WEEKLY PARSHA-given by Rabbi Yaakov Blau, Talmud Chair at Ma'ayanot. This series will meet on Tuesdays at 9:45 a.m. beginning December 3rd and continuing through January 7th. For more information or to sponsor a shiur, please contact Pam Ennis at ennisp@maayanot.org or 201-833-4307, ext. 265. MA'AYANOT YESHIVA HIGH SCHOOL'S ANNUAL DAY OF STUDY IN THE LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES-Wednesday, December 25th, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm, at Ma'ayanot (1650 Palisade Avenue, Teaneck). The program will begin with a keynote address by Rabbi Dr. Ephriam Kanarfogel, E. Billi Ivry University Professor of Jewish History, Literature and Law, Yeshiva University, on the topic The Surprising Intellectualism of Medieval Ashkenazic Jewry and its Religious and Societal Roots. The keynote address will be followed by sessions in advanced topics in the liberal arts and sciences taught by members of Ma'ayanot's esteemed faculty. All are welcome. For more information please contact Pam Ennis at 201-833-4307, ext. 265. JHS BOOK TALK: THE IMPOSTER BRIDE, BY NANCY RICHLER -Wednesday, December 18, 10 am. Stamford JCC, Newfield Avenue and Vine Road. Presenter: Judy Katz. A young woman refugee arrives in Montreal in 1945 to marry a man she has never met. For more info, call Marcie Schoenfeld at 203-359-9148. LINKING GENERATIONS OF THE SHOAH-Our 2nd Generation Group began in July 2012. We are a group of approximately fifty members ranging in age from 40 and up and we come from all over CT and Westchester County. Our monthly meetings take place in Westport, CT (usually at the UJA offices) every second Tuesday of the month. Spouses of 2G members as well as 3rd Generation often attend our general meetings. In our first year of existence, we have made great strides. In addition to creating our mission statement, "To honor the spirit and courage of our parents and those who perished or survived and rebuilt their lives. And to remember them and dedicate in their honor good works and healing deeds to benefit and enlighten future generations so the horrors of the Shoah will never be revisited upon humanity" we are also exploring and sharing the unique experiences, awareness, bonds, burdens, and responsibilities that come with being Children of Holocaust survivors. As we journey into our second year together, we realize even more how much great community depends on great conversation and that we are witnesses in ourselves to something far greater than ourselves. Please come and join us. For further contact information call: Ann Cohn at 203-762-0058 (home) or 203-984-6667 (cell) LIFE TRANSITIONS-Wednesdays at 11:30 am. Ongoing support group for the unemployed at the Stamford JFS office, 733 Summer Street, 6th Floor. The focus of the group is to provide a forum to discuss and explore the concerns and issues related to job loss and to find alternative solutions for career satisfaction. The group is a collaborative effort between JFS Counseling and Employment & Training Departments. To register or for more information, please contact Rebekah Kanefsky at 203-921-4161 or email at rkanefsky@ctjfs.org | |
SYLVIA'S CAS Sisterhood Gift Shop Just arrived: Emanuel menorahs and mezuzahs from Israel! Sunday: 9-11 am | Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 12-2 pm |
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